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Assessed the effect of a program that consisted of increased enforcement of the seat belt legislation and publication of this enforcement. It was predicted that during the program, there would be increases in seat belt usage and subjective probability of being apprehended in the experimental city, whereas there would be no changes in these variables in the control city. Seat belt usage (N?=?23,910) and telephone (N?=?1,738) surveys were conducted before, during, 1 mo after, and 6 mo after the program in both cities. In the experimental city, observed belt usage increased from 58 to 80% during the program, dropping to 70% 6 mo after the program. In the control city, an increase in subjective probability was observed, but there was no increase in belt usage noted. The role of subjective probability as a mediator of the effect of enforcement on driver behavior is discussed. (17 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Evaluated the effect of selective traffic enforcement programs (STEPs) on seat belt use (SBU) and motor vehicle accident insurance casualties in Canada, where SBU is legislated in certain provinces. To examine whether SBU 2 yrs after an STEP would be above the pre-STEP level and whether the increase in SBU induced by an STEP would result in a reduction of accident casualties, a series of 6 SBU surveys (totaling 32,660 observations of drivers) was conducted in an area where 3 STEPs were implemented during a 12-mo period and in a control community. Archival data were used to examine the impact of the STEPs on accident casualties. Findings show that SBU 2 yrs after an initial STEP was significantly above baseline usage and that of the control community. Subsequent STEPs significantly increased SBU from 66 to 84%, and driver casualties declined by 14% subsequent to the STEPs. (12 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Two cases of traumatic internal carotid artery occlusion probably related to the seat belt shoulder strap are reported. Case 1. A 20-year-old woman was driving and was struck on the right front side of her car by another car. There were neither bruises, abrasions on her neck, nor weakness in her extremities. About 4 hours later, she developed left hemiplegia, and CT scan taken on the following day revealed low density areas in the capsulostriatal area on the right. The right carotid angiography revealed occlusion of the internal carotid artery about 3 cm distal to the bifurcation. Case 2. A 43-year-old man was driving and was struck on the front of his car by a hard iron railing. He sustained a sternum fracture, but there was no disturbance of consciousness or paresis of the extremities. His neck was unremarkable externally. About 50 days later, he developed left hemiplegia. CT scan and MRI revealed a massive infarction in the distribution of the right middle cerebral artery territories. The carotid angiography revealed occlusion of the right internal carotid artery about 3 cm distal to the bifurcation. In each cases, the driver was wearing a three-point shoulder seatbelt when the car was struck on the front or on the right front. Previous experimental studies have revealed in these situations the neck is flexed right anteriorly, and then quickly overextended left posteriorly. The overextension of the neck probably injured the intima of the internal carotid artery ipsilateral to the shoulder fixed in the seatbelt, resulting in the subsequent occlusion by a thrombus.  相似文献   

PJ Cohen 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,337(2):127; author reply 128-127; author reply 129

Thematic hostility and guilt responses were investigated as a function of hostile cues and self-reported drive, guilt, and conflict over hostility. From a pool of 181 college males, extreme groups of 20 each were selected on each of the self-report measures. It was found that: (a) self-reported hostility across levels of guilt was directly related to TAT hostility on pictures of low relevance for hostility only; (b) TAT hostility across pictures was directly related to self-reported hostility when guilt was low and inversely when guilt was high; (c) TAT hostility was inversely, and TAT guilt directly, related to self-reported guilt; and (d) there was no evidence that conflict produces a simultaneous increase in drive related responses to cues of low relevance and decrease in drive related responses to cues of high relevance. (19 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The light-induced phase-resetting response of the locomotor activity rhythm in the field mouse Mus booduga was studied at two phases of the circadian cycle known to respond to light stimuli of 15 min duration and 1000 lux intensity with maximum advance (at circadian time 20 [CT20]) and maximum delay phase-shifts (at CT15). The phase-shifts evoked by natural daylight stimuli of various illuminations ranging between 0.001 lux and 10,000 lux and lasting 15 min were estimated. The results clearly demonstrate that the relationship between the phase-shifts and the intensities of light stimuli is nonlinear. Furthermore, a single light stimulus of 0.001 lux, or 0.1 lux intensity for a duration of 15 min, administered at CT20, evoked unequivocal responses; phase delays were observed instead of phase advances. The critical intensities needed for light stimuli of 15 min duration to induce saturating response were calculated and were found to be about 100 lux for CT20 and about 500 lux for CT15. These results suggest that a greater intensity of light is required at the phase CT15 to induce a saturating phase shift than is required at a later phase of the circadian cycle (CT20).  相似文献   

Examined differences between jurisdictions with seat belt use laws and jurisdictions without such laws in the relative importance of factors that influence reported seat belt use. 2,047 Canadians, aged 16 yrs and older, were interviewed personally about their attitudes toward and use of seat belts. Multiple regression analyses performed separately for Ss in the 2 types of jurisdiction revealed that, for both groups, the major predictors of reported seat belt use (past and intended) were attitudes toward seat belt use, normative pressure from friends and family to wear belts, and favorability toward seat belt use laws. Up to 53% of the variance in reported seat belt use was accounted for by these factors and the presence of a seat belt law. Implications for public education programs to promote seat belt use are discussed. (18 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The moment of the conduction block was determined in the 10th sympathetic ganglion of the frog with the help of electrophysiological control of the total synaptic activity. After supravital staining with methylene blue the morphology of the synaptic pericellular apparatus was studied. It has been shown that most of synapses are in the intermediate phase (after Majorov) and have swollen, loosing their dye synaptic bouttons against the background of non-stained bodies of nerve cells. A supposition is made that due to the presence of single synapses with less pronounced changes under complete block of conducting it can not be excluded that the block may develop in the transition of the synapse from the phase of stained pericellular apparatus into an intermediate phase.  相似文献   

The following results were obtained in an analysis of the road accidents which occurred in Vienna and its environs over the past ten years with a fatal outcome for the involved pedestrians: 39.3% of the pedestrains who died in an accident had a blood alcohol concentration of at least 0.8%, the average amounting to 2.15%. As many as 60.2% of the male victims were alcoholized, whereas only 7.6% of the women were alcoholized. The female victims were mostly elderly, 86% being older than 60 years, whereas many of the male victims were middle-aged. These middle-aged male pedestrians were frequently drunk; among the men aged between 40 and 49 the rate of alcoholization soared to 88%. The peak time of fatal traffic accidents involving alcoholized pedestrians lies in the hours before midnight. The number of pensioners among the sober victims is raised in comparison with the population rate, whilst an unexpectedly high percentage of unskilled workers found in the alcoholized group. In 7.6% of the alcoholized victime the autopsy revealed cirrhosis of the liver; 27.1% had fatty degeneration of the liver. Nearly as many female pedestrians met with a fatal road accident as males within the city boundaries. Accordingly, the percentage of alcoholized victims in the city (31.7%) is low compared with the rural areas, where about 60% of the victims had a blood alcohol concentration of at least 0.8%.  相似文献   

The term "seat belt syndrome" has been used to describe injuries to the abdominal viscera caused by seat belts during car accidents. These injuries are usually sustained as a result of the rapid deceleration that occurs in front-end collisions, with the consequent compression of the abdominal viscera. The spectrum of injuries includes intestinal perforation or stenosis, mesenteric disruption, and lumbar fracture-dislocation. We present an uncommon case of obstructive herniation in a 2-year-old girl which we believe was due to improper use of a seat belt.  相似文献   

Various versions of legitimacy theory predict that a duty and obligation to obey legitimate authorities generally trumps people’s personal moral and religious values. However, most research has assumed rather than measured the degree to which people have a moral or religious stake in the situations studied. This study tested compliance with and reactions to legitimate authorities in the context of a natural experiment that tracked public opinion before and after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in a case that challenged states’ rights to legalize physician-assisted suicide. Results indicated that citizens’ degree of moral conviction about the issue of physician-assisted suicide predicted post-ruling perceptions of outcome fairness, decision acceptance, and changes in perceptions of the Court’s legitimacy from pre- to post-ruling. Other results revealed that the effects of religious conviction independently predicted outcome fairness and decision acceptance but not perceptions of post-ruling legitimacy. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

目的 探讨交通事故伤的特点与救治对策,以提高救治水平.方法 采用自行设计调查表对356例交通事故伤患者进行问卷调查,分析创伤的特点.结果 356例中男多于女,以青壮年居多,双休日发生率高,夜间多于日间,多发性损伤多见.抢救成功333例.占伤者总数93.4%,死亡23例,占伤者总数6.6%.结论 交通事故伤多为多发伤,病情复杂而严重,要求分析全面,观察仔细,急救技术熟练,动作迅速,保持呼吸道通畅及积极抗体克是最基础和重要的措施.对脑干损伤、血气胸、肝脾破裂的患者行急诊手术止血是降低死亡率的主要措施.  相似文献   

Estimates of the effectiveness of seat belts, when used, in reducing motor vehicle occupant deaths vary widely. A recently publicized claim by one analyst that seat belts reduce vehicle occupant deaths 70-80 per cent is based on studies found to contain fundamental systematic error. Deaths occur only 50 per cent less often to belted compared to nonbelted vehicle occupants in crashes, according to previously unanalyzed data from three U.S. states during recent years. New belt systems would be about 60 per cent effective with 100 per cent use. But surveys of observed belt use in 1975 U.S. cars indicate that two-thirds of drivers were not using belts. Prospects for widespread adoption and enforcement of belt use laws in the U.S. are not encouraging. Substantial reductions in fatal and other injuries would result from the adoption of requirements mandating automatic (passive) protection for front seat occupants in crashes with forward decelerations.  相似文献   

Spiritual struggle appeared consistently to predict poor health outcomes, including mortality. Despite surging interest in the health benefits of religion and spirituality, the health hassle of existential conflicts and proinflammatory cytokines as a potential physiological mechanism has been overlooked. Based on psychological and theological assumptions, we argue for the universal nature of spiritual struggle, a crisis-related existential conflict, and for investigating its physiological influence as essential to understanding human nature. Increased levels of inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin-6 (IL-6) have been linked with adverse health outcomes and negative emotions. This study thus examined spiritual struggle related to plasma IL-6 in 235 adult patients undergoing cardiac surgery, along with positive religious coping, general coping, and optimism, controlling for standardized clinical medical indicators. Multiple regression analysis, following a preplanned sequence, showed that spiritual struggle (p = .011), behavioral coping (p = .013) were positively associated with excess plasma IL-6, controlling for medical correlates (e.g., left ventricular ejection fraction). We conclude that spiritual struggle, indicating the crisis in an existential relation, and behavioral coping strategies are associated with elevated pre-operative plasma IL-6. The interdisciplinary implications are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Seat belts have proved to be life saving for drivers and passengers involved in motor-car collisions. The number of severe head, face and trunk injuries has been significantly reduced. However, the wearing of belts has been responsible for an increased incidence of bowel rupture, in itself a potentially lethal injury if not diagnosed and treated early. There is still much to be done in improving seat belt design.  相似文献   

The study was based on data concerning persons treated at Odense University Hospital as a result of road traffic accidents in the period 1980-92. Incidence rates of road traffic accident injuries were calculated on the basis of the population in Odense municipality. The study group included persons older or even 65 years of age, while persons younger than 65 years of age were used as a reference group.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The accident rate might be influenced by intrinsic characteristics of the workers, by risks inherent in the work environment, or a combination of these factors. As increased weight may be associated with sleep disturbances and fatigue, a high body mass index (BMI) might be an independent risk factor for accidents in industrial workers. METHODS: 3801 men were examined and followed up for two years for the occurrence of accidents. The objective environmental conditions were recorded and translated into a single score of ergonomic stress levels. Height and weight were recorded, as were possible confounding factors including measures of fatigue, type A personality, total night time sleep, job satisfaction, somatic complaints, smoking, and education levels. RESULTS: Both BMI and ergonomic stress levels independently predicted involvement in accidents (two or more) with those in the highest BMI quartile who worked in an environment with high ergonomic stress levels having a 4-6 times increased risk of accidents compared with those in the lowest BMI quartile who worked in an environment with low ergonomic stress levels (95% confidence interval (95% CI) 2.4-9.0, P < 0.001). Although increasing somatic complaints and a low educational level also were predictors of accidents, they did not mediate the effect of the BMI on the accident rate. Increasing age, less smoking, and decreased sleep hours were significantly associated with an increased BMI, but the association of BMI and involvement in accidents also could not be explained by those factors or the other confounders. CONCLUSIONS: BMI independently influences the accident rate. Further studies warranted to confirm these findings and to explore mechanisms supporting biological plausibility.  相似文献   

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