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The Advanced Vehicle Testing Activity (AVTA), part of the U.S. Department of Energy's FreedomCAR and Vehicle Technologies Program, has conducted testing of advanced technology vehicles since August 1995 in support of the AVTA goal to provide benchmark data for technology modeling, and vehicle development programs. The AVTA has tested full size electric vehicles, urban electric vehicles, neighborhood electric vehicles, and hydrogen internal combustion engine powered vehicles. Currently, the AVTA is conducting baseline performance, battery benchmark and fleet tests of hybrid electric vehicles (HEV) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV). Testing has included all HEVs produced by major automotive manufacturers and spans over 2.5 million test miles. Testing is currently incorporating PHEVs from four different vehicle converters. The results of all testing are posted on the AVTA web page maintained by the Idaho National Laboratory.  相似文献   

Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) capable of drawing tractive energy from the electric grid represent an energy efficient alternative to conventional vehicles. After several thousand charge depleting cycles, PHEV traction batteries can be subject to energy and power degradation which has the potential to affect vehicle performance and efficiency. This study seeks to understand the effect of battery degradation and the need for battery replacement in PHEVs through the experimental measurement of lithium ion battery lifetime under PHEV-type driving and charging conditions. The dynamic characteristics of the battery performance over its lifetime are then input into a vehicle performance and fuel consumption simulation to understand these effects as a function of battery degradation state, and as a function of vehicle control strategy. The results of this study show that active management of PHEV battery degradation by the vehicle control system can improve PHEV performance and fuel consumption relative to a more passive baseline. Simulation of the performance of the PHEV throughout its battery lifetime shows that battery replacement will be neither economically incentivized nor necessary to maintain performance in PHEVs. These results have important implications for techno-economic evaluations of PHEVs which have treated battery replacement and its costs with inconsistency.  相似文献   

This article addresses the issue of the diffusion of hydrogen cars in the market, particularly the competition with electric cars for the replacement of conventional vehicles. Using the multi-technological competition model developed by Le Bas and Baron-Sylvester’s (Diffusion technologique non binaire et schéma épidémiologique. Une reconsidération. Economie Appliquée 1995; tome XLVIII(3):71–101), it is shown that the early deployment of plug-in hybrid vehicles—the only electric technology which can compete with fuel cell cars in the multipurpose vehicle field—risks closing the market for hydrogen in the future. Moreover, the advent of the hydrogen vehicle depends on the rapid advancements in fuel cell technologies, as well as on the existence of an infrastructure with a sufficient coverage.  相似文献   

A prediction-based power management strategy is proposed for fuel cell/battery plug-in hybrid vehicles with the goal of improving overall system operating efficiency. The main feature of the proposed strategy is that, if the total amount of energy required to complete a particular drive cycle can be reliably predicted, then the energy stored in the onboard electrical storage system can be depleted in an optimal manner that permits the fuel cell to operate in its most efficient regime. The strategy has been implemented in a vehicle power-train simulator called LFM which was developed in MATLAB/SIMULINK software and its effectiveness was evaluated by comparing it with a conventional control strategy. The proposed strategy is shown to provide significant improvement in average fuel cell system efficiency while reducing hydrogen consumption. It has been demonstrated with the LFM simulation that the prediction-based power management strategy can maintain a stable power request to the fuel cell thereby improving fuel cell durability, and that the battery is depleted to the desired state-of-charge at the end of the drive cycle. A sensitivity analysis has also been conducted to study the effects of inaccurate predictions of the remaining portion of the drive cycle on hydrogen consumption and the final battery state-of-charge. Finally, the advantages of the proposed control strategy over the conventional strategy have been validated through implementation in the University of Delaware's fuel cell hybrid bus with operational data acquired from onboard sensors.  相似文献   

Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs) and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEVs) have gained attention due to the growing concern about air quality in large urban centers. Barriers such as high purchase price and the lack of a supply infrastructure delay the mass adoption of these vehicles. The current work uses the Advanced Vehicle Simulator (ADVISOR) to analyze the influence of the degree of hybridization (DOH) on the performance and total cost of an FCEV (Hyundai Nexo 2019 model). The costs and fuel economy results of the different configurations (different DOH) are compared to those of the original vehicle. The configuration with the highest degree of hybridization (DOH = 61.2%) showed an 8.3% increase in fuel economy and a total cost reduction of 13.2% compared to the original vehicle. In addition, the best vehicle configuration results are compared to a same-segment gasoline-internal combustion engine vehicle and the original Hyundai Nexo in different cost scenarios.  相似文献   

We combine a detailed battery model with a simple vehicle model to examine the battery size and capacity usage of a LixC6/Liy+0.16Mn1.84O4 cell (with a normal and artificially flat equilibrium potential) and a Li4+3xTi5O12/LiyFePO4 cell. The features of cell chemistry we are concerned with are the magnitude and shape of the cell equilibrium potential and internal resistance. Our key findings include that a battery for a hybrid electric vehicle application has a capacity usage from 15 to 25% (for a minimum separator area size), and as one moves from a HEV battery to a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle battery there is a change in the slope of the separator area vs. equivalent-electric range curve due to the shape of the pulse-power capability. We also find that defining the resistance using the HPPC protocol has limitations because in general the pulse resistance depends on the applied current and pulse duration. Our detailed, combined model also shows that the benefits of a flat-potential system may be limited because of the relative positions of a flat and sloped equilibrium potential, and the lack of a driving force for the relaxation of solid-phase concentration gradients throughout the electrode. That latter effect is shown to be more significant for electrodes with a non-uniform current distribution.  相似文献   

We develop a simplified model to examine the effect of the shape and magnitude of the battery pulse-power capability on capacity usage and battery size. The simplified model expresses the capacity usage and a dimensionless battery area in terms of a dimensionless energy-to-power ratio and a parameter that characterizes the shape of the pulse-power capability. We also present dimensional results that show how the capacity usage depends on the equivalent-electric range and separator area, and how the battery area depends on the equivalent-electric range. Key results include the presence of a Langmuir-like relationship between the capacity usage and the dimensionless energy-to-power ratio, and a linear relationship between the dimensionless energy-to-power ratio and a dimensionless area, with a slope and offset that depend on the shape of the pulse-power capability. We also found that a flat pulse-power capability curve increases capacity usage and decreases battery size, and that two important parameters for battery design are (U − Vmin)Vmin/R, which reflects the maximum power capability, and QV〉, which reflects the battery energy. The results and analysis contained herein are used to help interpret the results from a combined battery and vehicle model, presented in a companion paper.  相似文献   

Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) consume both gasoline and grid electricity. The corresponding temporal energy consumption and emission trends are valuable to investigate in order to fully understand the environmental benefits. The 24-h energy consumption and emission profile depends on different vehicle designs, driving, and charging scenarios. This study assesses the potential energy impact of PHEVs by considering different charging scenarios defined by different charging power levels, locations, and charging time. The region selected for the study is the South Coast Air Basin of California. Driving behaviors are derived from the National Household Travel Survey 2009 (NHTS 2009) and vehicle parameters are based on realistic assumptions consistent with projected vehicle deployments. Results show that the reduction in petroleum consumption is significant compared to standard gasoline vehicles and the ability to operate on electricity alone is crucial to cold start emission reduction. The benefit of higher power charging on petroleum consumption is small. Delayed and average charging are better than immediate charging for home, and non-home charging increases peak grid loads.  相似文献   

In the last 20 years, the transportation sector has enabled the technology to evolve in its direction with both environmental and energy efficiency in the use of electric and fuel cell vehicles. The two important components of these vehicles are the batteries and electric motors. The batteries are produced within a certain life cycle, and unfortunately it is not possible to use them without conversion/recycling. In this study, the crucial importance of battery recycling/reusing is underliying and last researches will be given about battery recycling, above next ten years. Recommendations and future forseen advices will be presented about the current state of battery recycling technology, how recycling systems exist in different batteries, and the future of battery recycling standart. As a result, battery recycling and reusing for fuel cell and electric vehicles is considered to be an important keypoint in terms of both envirenmontial, economical and technologial menner for the transportation sector in the next decades.  相似文献   

Based on increasing component efficiencies and the ongoing drivetrain electrification the influence of the auxiliary load raises. Up to now, the effect of the additional energy consumption of auxiliary loads, such as the HVAC system, is often not investigated in detail. To close this gap for various fuel cell based drivetrains this paper applies a novel approach of Hollweck [1] and analyzes the holistic energy demand under realistic boundary conditions with a validated total vehicle simulation model. Thereby the drivetrains of a midsized fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV), fuel cell plug-in electric vehicle (FC-PHEV) as well as the fuel cell range-extended electric vehicle (FC-REEV) are considered. In a first step, the novel approach, which regards the influence of the user behavior, the vehicle properties, the climate boundaries and the starting conditions is introduced. In a second step, the total vehicle simulation model consisting of the vehicle architecture, the drivetrain topology with its electrical and mechanical components, the thermal management of the drivetrain and the thermal management of the vehicle cabin is explained, verified and parameterized. In a final step, the seasonal and yearly energy demand for different driving profiles (urban, rural and motorway) and German weather conditions as well as the influence of colder winter conditions is analyzed. The detected varying auxiliary loads' influence on the different fuel cell based drivetrains is shown and discussed. Thereby, one of the results is that the auxiliary loads’ impact on FCEVs is moderate, while the impact on FC-PHEVs and FC-REEVs - driven in battery - mode is significant. Especially in cold winter conditions this effect is substantial.  相似文献   

A huge inrush of PHEVs is envisioned in the future. There is a growing risk that, this proliferation in the number of PHEVs will trigger extreme surges in demand while charging them during rush hours. To mitigate this impact, a smart charging station is proposed in which the charging of the PHEVs is controlled in such a way that the impact of charging during peak load period is not felt on the grid. The power needed to charge the plug in hybrids comes from grid-connected photovoltaic generation or the utility or both. The three way interaction between the PV, PHEVs and the grid ensures optimal usage of available power, charging time and grid stability. The system designed to achieve the desired objective consists of a photovoltaic system, DC/DC boost converter, DC/AC bi-directional converter and DC/DC buck converter. The output of DC/DC boost converter and input of DC/AC bi-directional converter share a common DC link. A unique control strategy based on DC link voltage sensing is proposed for the above system for efficient transfer of energy.  相似文献   

There is currently intensive public discussion of fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEV) and other electric powertrains, such as battery electric vehicles (BEV), plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV) and hybridized combustion engine vehicles (HEV). In this context, the German government has set the target of one million electric vehicles on the road by 2020, and six million by 2030 [1]. The goal of this paper is to identify the possible market share of electric vehicles in the German new car fleet in three scenarios in the timeframe from 2010 to 2030. The VECTOR21 vehicle technology scenario model is used to model the fleet in three scenarios. In the reference scenario with business-as-usual parameters, 189,000 electric vehicles will be sold in Germany by 2020. Scenario two with purchase price incentives from 5000 EUR, high oil prices, and low prices for hydrogen and electricity will result in 727,000 vehicles. In the last scenario with substantial OEM mark-up reductions and external conditions as in the business-as-usual scenario, 3.28 million vehicles will be sold.  相似文献   

Aiming to address the hydrogen economy and system efficiency of a fuel cell hybrid electric vehicle, this paper proposes comparison research of battery size optimization and an energy management strategy. One approach is based on a bi-loop dynamic programming strategy, which selects the optimal one by initializing the battery parameters in the outer loop and performs energy distribution in the inner loop. The other approach is a framework based on convex programming, which can simultaneously design energy management strategies and optimize battery size. In the dynamic programming algorithm, the influence of the different discrete steps of state variables on the results is analysed, and a discrete step that can guarantee the accuracy of the algorithm and reduce computational time is selected. The results based on the above two algorithms and considering the transient response limitations of the fuel cell are analysed as well. Finally, two driving cycles are chosen to verify and compare the performance of the proposed methodology. Simulation results show that the dynamic programming-based energy management strategy and battery size provide more accurate results, and the transient response of the fuel cell has little effect on the optimization results of the battery size and energy management strategies.  相似文献   

An optimal design of a three-component hybrid fuel cell electric vehicle comprised of fuel cells, battery, and supercapacitors is presented. First, the benefits of using this hybrid combination are analyzed, and then the article describes an active power-flow control strategy from each energy source based on optimal control theory to meet the demand of different vehicle loads while optimizing total energy cost, battery life and other possible objectives at the same time. A cost function that minimizes the square error between the desired variable settings and the current sensed values is developed. A gain sequence developed compels the choice of power drawn from all devices to follow an optimal path, which makes trade-offs among different targets and minimizes the total energy spent. A new method is introduced to make the global optimization into a real-time based control. A model is also presented to simulate the individual energy storage systems and compare this invention to existing control strategies, the simulation results show that the total energy spent is well saved over the long driving cycles, also the fuel cell and batteries are kept operating in a healthy way.  相似文献   

Advanced vehicles and alternative fuels could play an important role in reducing oil use and changing the economy structure. We developed the Costs for Advanced Vehicles and Energy (CAVE) model to investigate a vehicle portfolio scenario in California during 2010-2030. Then we employed a computable general equilibrium model to estimate macroeconomic impacts of the advanced vehicle scenario on the economy of California. Results indicate that, due to slow fleet turnover, conventional vehicles are expected to continue to dominate the on-road fleet and gasoline is the major transportation fuel over the next two decades. However, alternative fuels could play an increasingly important role in gasoline displacement. Advanced vehicle costs are expected to decrease dramatically with production volume and technological progress; e.g., incremental costs for fuel cell vehicles and hydrogen could break even with gasoline savings in 2028. Overall, the vehicle portfolio scenario is estimated to have a slightly negative influence on California's economy, because advanced vehicles are very costly and, therefore, the resulting gasoline savings generally cannot offset the high incremental expenditure on vehicles and alternative fuels. Sensitivity analysis shows that an increase in gasoline price or a drop in alternative fuel prices could offset a portion of the negative impact.  相似文献   

A commercially available ‘pure’ lead-acid battery electric scooter (GoPed) was converted to a hydrogen fuel cell battery hybrid scooter (HFCHS) in views of investigating the effect of hybridisation on driving duty cycles, range, performance, recharging times, well-to-wheel CO2 footprint and overall running costs. The HFCHS with plug-in features consisted mainly of a 500 W hydrogen PEM Fuel Cell stack connected to four 12 V 9 Ah lead-acid batteries and two hydrogen metal-hydride canisters supplying pure hydrogen (99.999%) and also acting as heat sink (due to endothermic hydrogen desorption process). In this study, the HFCHS urban driving cycle was compared with that of a conventional petrol and ‘pure’ battery electric scooter. The energy consumed by the HFCHS was 0.11 kWh/km, with an associated running cost of £0.01/km, a well-to-wheel CO2 of 9.37 g CO2/km and a maximum range of 15 miles. It was shown that the HFCHS gave better energy efficiencies and speeds compared to battery and petrol powered GoPed scooters alone.  相似文献   

In the United States, road infrastructure funding is declining due to an increase in fuel efficiency and the non-adjustment of fuel taxes to inflation. Legislation to tax plug-in vehicles has been proposed or implemented in several states. Those propositions are contrary to policies to promote fuel efficient vehicles. This paper assesses (1) the magnitude of the decline in federal fuel tax revenue caused by plug-in vehicles and (2) quantifies the revenue that could be generated from a federal plug-in vehicle registration fee. We find that the contribution of plug-in vehicles to the decline of the federal fuel tax revenue is at most 1.6% and the majority of the shortfall can be attributed to the non-adjustment of the fuel tax rate and the increase in vehicle fuel efficiency by 2040. An additional tax of $50–$200 per plug-in vehicle per year in the reference case would generate $188–$745 million in 2040 which represents an increase of 1.69–6.71% in federal fuel tax revenue compared to no tax. The lesson for policy makers is that plug-in vehicles do not contribute significantly to the funding shortfall in the short- and medium-run and a supplemental tax would generate a small percentage of additional revenue.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a novel fuzzy controller based on an adaptive membership function for optimum power management of a fuel cell hybrid electric vehicle (FCHEV). In the first phase, an electric powertrain model of the FCHEV is derived and a fuzzy controller is proposed. Then, the fuzzy controller is optimized using a genetic algorithm. The optimization process is accomplished through simulation for a given driving cycle. Since, however, the optimized result may vary according to the applied driving cycle for optimization, it is impossible for one optimized result to cover various driving cycles. In the second phase, an adaptive membership function based on a stochastic approach is proposed to guarantee optimum performance from the presented fuzzy controller, even though the driving cycle changes. This controller is referred to as the ‘Stochastic fuzzy controller’ (SFC) in this study. The SFC employs a stochastic approach where membership functions can be transformed statistically using a probability evaluated from driving pattern recognition. Then, driving cycle analysis is performed through off-line simulation and hardware in a loop simulation (HILS) test for four driving cycles. Finally, the SFC shows the best performance in terms of minimum fuel consumption and state-of-charge (SoC) maintenance.  相似文献   

Electric vehicles (EVs) are considered a promising alternative to conventional vehicles (CVs) to alleviate the oil crisis and reduce urban air pollution and carbon emissions. Consumers usually focus on the tangible cost when choosing an EV or CV but overlook the time cost for restricting purchase or driving and the environmental cost from gas emissions, falling to have a comprehensive understanding of the economic competitiveness of CVs and EVs. In this study, a life cycle cost model for vehicles is conducted to express traffic and environmental policies in monetary terms, which are called intangible cost and external cost, respectively. Battery electric vehicles (BEVs), fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs), and CVs are compared in four first-tier, four new first-tier, and 4 s-tier and below cities in China. The comparison shows that BEVs and FCEVs in most cities are incomparable with CVs in terms of tangible cost. However, the prominent traffic and environmental policies in first-tier cities, especially in Beijing and Shanghai, greatly increase the intangible and external costs of CVs, making consumers more inclined to purchase BEVs and FCEVs. The main policy benefits of BEVs and FCEVs come from three aspects: government subsidies, purchase and driving restrictions, and environmental taxes. With the predictable reduction in government subsidies, traffic and environmental policies present important factors influencing the competitiveness of BEVs and FCEVs. In first-tier cities, BEVs and FCEVs already have a competitive foundation for large-scale promotion. In new first-tier and second-tier and below cities, stricter traffic and environmental policies need to be formulated to offset the negative impact of the reduction in government subsidies on the competitiveness of BEVs and FCEVs. Additionally, a sensitivity analysis reveals that increasing the mileage and reducing fuel prices can significantly improve the competitiveness of BEVs and FCEVs, respectively.  相似文献   

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