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Environmental benefits are one of the main motivations encouraging the use of natural gas as fuel for internal combustion engines. In addition to the better impact on pollution, natural gas is available in many areas. In this context, the present work investigates the effect of hydrogen addition to natural gas in dual fuel mode, on combustion characteristics improvement, in relation with engine performance. Various hydrogen fractions (10, 20 and 30 by v%) are examined. Results showed that natural gas enrichment with hydrogen leads in general to an improved gaseous fuel combustion, which corresponds to an enhanced heat release rate during gaseous fuel premixed phase, resulting in an increase in the in-cylinder peak pressure, especially at high engine load (4.1 bar at 70% load). The highest cumulative and rate of heat release correspond to 10% Hydrogen addition. The combustion duration of gaseous fuel combustion phase is reduced for all hydrogen blends. Moreover, this technique resulted in better combustion stability. For all hydrogen test blends, COVIMEP does not exceed 10%. However, no major effect on combustion noise was noticed and the ignition delay was not affected significantly. Regarding performance, an important improvement in energy conversion was obtained with almost all hydrogen blends as a result of improved gaseous fuel combustion. A maximum thermal efficiency of 32.5%, almost similar to the one under diesel operation, and a minimum fuel consumption of 236 g/kWh, are achieved with 10% hydrogen enrichment at 70% engine load.  相似文献   

The free-piston engine (FPE) is a new crankless engine, which operates with variable compression ratio, flexible fuel applicability and low pollution potential. A numerical model which couples with dynamic, combustion and gas exchange was established and verified by experiment to simulate the effects of different hydrogen addition on the combustion and emission of a diesel FPE. Results indicate that a small amount of hydrogen addition has a little effect on the combustion process of the FPE. However, when the ratio of hydrogen addition (RH2) is more than 0.1, the RH2 gives a positive effect on the peak in-cylinder gas pressure, temperature, and nitric oxide emission of the FPE, while soot emission decreases with the increase of hydrogen addition. Moreover, the larger RH2 induces a longer ignition delay, shorter rapid combustion period, weaker post-combustion effect, greater heat release rate, and earlier peak heat release rate for the FPE. Nevertheless, the released heat in rapid combustion period is significantly enhanced by the increase of RH2.  相似文献   

The study of potentially high rated alternative fuel (Methanol) for the IC engines is an exciting topic in the recent research advancement. However, the study of combination of methanol and hydrogen is considered to address both economic and environmental needs. Hydrogen with best combustion characteristics will compensate for the drawbacks of methanol as a fuel. In the present investigation hydrogen enrichment to methanol has shown a significant enhancement in performance and combustion; the overall emission has reduced substantially. The experiments for a different set of trials, including hydrogen enrichment ranging between 5% and 20% with 2.5% increment, the engine is operated with wide-open throttle (WOT) condition for different speeds. The increase in enrichment of hydrogen has shown a rise in BTE, BP, and a reduced BSEC value. The percentage increase in BTE is between 20 and 30%, and an increase in hydrogen beyond 12.5% would affect the volumetric efficiency, and thus performance declines after that. The exhaust emissions have a huge impact on hydrogen enrichment; CO, HC, and CO2 emission are reduced by 30–40%; however, an increase in cylinder temperature due to rapid combustion slightly increases the NOx emission. Thus hydrogen enriched methanol operating at higher compression ratio can improve the overall engine characteristics significantly.  相似文献   

Biogas valorization as fuel for internal combustion engines is one of the alternative fuels, which could be an interesting way to cope the fossil fuel depletion and the current environmental degradation. In this circumstance, an experimental investigation is achieved on a single cylinder DI diesel engine running under dual fuel mode with a focus on the improvement of biogas/diesel fuel combustion by hydrogen enrichment. In the present investigation, the mixture of biogas, containing 70% CH4 and 30% CO2, is blended with the desired amount of H2 (up to 10, 15 and 20% by volume) by using MTI 200 analytical instrument gas chromatograph, which flow thereafter towards the engine intake manifold and mix with the intake air. Depending on engine load conditions, the volumetric composition of the inducted gaseous fraction is 20–50% biogas, 2–10% H2 and 45–78% air. Near the end of the compression stroke, a small amount of diesel pilot fuel is injected to initiate the combustion of the gas–air mixture. Firstly, the engine was tested on conventional diesel mode (baseline case) and then under dual fuel mode using the biogas. Consequently, hydrogen has partially enriched the biogas. Combustion characteristics, performance parameters and pollutant emissions were investigated in-depth and compared. The results have shown that biogas enriched with 20% H2 leads to 20% decrease of methane content in the overall exhaust emissions, associated with an improvement in engine performance. The emission levels of unburned hydrocarbon (UHC) and carbon monoxide (CO) are decreased up to 25% and 30% respectively. When the equivalence ratio is increased, a supplement decrease in UHC and CO emissions is achieved up to 28% and 30% respectively when loading the engine at 60%.  相似文献   

Internal combustion engines continue to dominate in many fields like transportation, agriculture and power generation. Among the various alternative fuels, hydrogen is a long-term renewable and less polluting fuel (Produced from renewable energy sources). In the present experimental investigation, the performance and emission characteristics were studied on a direct injection diesel engine in dual fuel mode with hydrogen inducted along with air adopting carburetion, timed port and manifold injection techniques. Results showed that in timed port injection, the specific energy consumption reduces by 15% and smoke level by 18%. The brake thermal efficiency and NOX increases by 17% and 34% respectively compared to baseline diesel. The variation in performance between port and manifold injection is not significant. The unburnt hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide emissions are lesser in port injection. The oxides of nitrogen are higher in hydrogen operation (both port and manifold injection) compared to diesel engine. In order to reduce the NOX emissions, a selective catalytic converter was used in hydrogen port fuel injection. The NOX emission reduced upto a maximum of 74% for ANR (ratio of flow rate of ammonia to the flow rate of NO) of 1.1 with a marginal reduction in efficiency. Selective catalytic reduction technique has been found to be effective in reducing the NOX emission from hydrogen fueled diesel engines.  相似文献   

Biofuels extracted from non-edible oil is sustainable and can be used as an alternative fuel for internal combustion engines. This study presents the performance, emission and combustion characteristic analysis by using simarouba oil (obtained from Simarouba seed) as an alternative fuel along with hydrogen and exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) in a compression ignition (CI) engine operating on dual fuel mode. Simarouba biofuel blend (B20) was prepared on volumetric basis by mixing simarouba oil and diesel in the proportion of 20% and 80% (v/v), respectively. Hydrogen gas was introduced at the flow rate of 2.67 kg/min, and EGR concentration was maintained at 30% of total air introduction. Performance, combustion and emission characteristics analysis were examined with biodiesel (B20), biodiesel with hydrogen substitution and biodiesel, hydrogen with EGR and were compared with neat diesel operation. Results indicate that BTE of the engine operating with biodiesel B20 was decreased when compared to neat diesel operation. However, introducing hydrogen along with B20 blend into the combustion chamber shows a slight increase in the BTE by 1%. NOx emission was increased to 18.13% with the introduction of hydrogen than that of base fuel (diesel) operation. With the introduction of EGR, there is a significant reduction in NOx emission due to decrease in in-cylinder temperature by 19.07%. A significant reduction in CO, CO2, and smoke emissions were also noted with the introduction of both hydrogen and EGR. The ignition delay and combustion duration were increased with the introduction of hydrogen, EGR with biodiesel than neat diesel operation. Hence, the proposed biodiesel B20 with H2 and EGR combination can be applied as an alternative fuel in CI engines.  相似文献   

The paper discusses the effect of blending hydrogen with diesel in different proportions on combustion and emissions. A comparative study was carried out to analyze the effect of direct injection of hydrogen into the combustion chamber with that of induction through the inlet manifold for dual fueling. Percentage of hydrogen substitution varied from 20% to 80%, simultaneously reducing the diesel percentages. CFD analysis of dual fuel combustion and emissions were carried out for both the said methods using the CFD software FLUENT, meshing the combustion chamber was carried out using GAMBIT. The standard combustion and emission models were used in the analysis. In the second part of the paper, the effect of angle of injection in both the methods of hydrogen admission, on performance, combustion and emissions were analyzed. The experimental results were compared with that of simulated values and a good agreement between them was noticed.  相似文献   

This paper describes an experimental study concerning the feasibility of using bio-oil namely turpentine obtained from the resin of pine tree. The emission and performance characteristics of a D.I. diesel engine were studied through dual fuel (DF) mode. Turpentine was inducted as a primary fuel through induction manifold and diesel was admitted into the engine through conventional fueling device as an igniter. The result showed that except volumetric efficiency, all other performance and emission parameters are better than those of diesel fuel with in 75% load. The toxic gases like CO, UBHC are slightly higher than that of the diesel baseline (DBL). Around 40–45% smoke reduction is obtained with DF mode. The pollutant Nox is found to be equal to that of DBL except at full load. This study has proved that approximately 75% diesel replacement with turpentine is possible by DF mode with little engine modification.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study was to examine impact of hydrogen addition to the compression ignition engine fueled with either rapeseed methyl ester (RME) or 7% RME blended diesel fuel (RME7) on combustion phases and ignition delay as well as smoke and exhaust toxic emissions. Literature review shows in general, hydrogen in those cases is used in small amounts below lower flammability limits. Novelty of this work is in applying hydrogen at amounts up to 44% by energy as secondary fuel to the compression ignition engine. Results from experiments show that increase of hydrogen into the engine makes ignition delay shortened that also affects main combustion phase. In all tests the trends of exhaust HC and CO toxic emissions vs. hydrogen addition were negative. The trend of smokiness decreased steadily with increase of hydrogen. Amounts of hydrogen addition by energy share were limited to nearly 35% due to combustion knock occurring at nominal load.  相似文献   

Energy is an essential prerequisite for economical and social growth of any country. Skyrocketing of petroleum fuel cost s in present day has led to growing interest in alternative fuels like CNG, LPG, Producer gas, Biogas in order to provide suitable substitute to diesel for a compression ignition engine. This paper discusses some experimental investigations on dual fuel operation of a 4 cylinder (turbocharged and intercooled) 62.5 kW gen-set diesel engine with hydrogen, producer gas (PG) and mixture of producer gas and hydrogen as secondary fuels. Results on brake thermal efficiency and emissions, namely, un-burnt hydrocarbon (HC), carbon monoxide (CO), and NOx are presented here. The paper also contains vital information relating to the performances of an engine at a wide range of load conditions with different gaseous fuel substitutions. When only hydrogen is used as secondary fuel, maximum increase in the brake thermal efficiency is 7% which is obtained with 20% of secondary fuel. When only producer gas is used as secondary fuel, maximum decrease in the brake thermal efficiency of 8% is obtained with 30% of secondary fuel. Compared to the neat diesel operation, proportion of un-burnt HC and CO increases, while, emission of NOx reduces in all Cases. On the other hand, when 40% of mixture of producer gas and hydrogen is used (in the ratio (60:40) as secondary fuel, brake thermal efficiency reduces marginally by 3%. Further, shortcoming of low efficiency at lower load condition in a dual fuel operation is removed when a mixture of hydrogen and producer gas is used as the secondary fuel at higher than 13% load condition. Based on the performance studied, a mixture of producer gas and hydrogen in the proportion of 60:40 may be used as a supplementary fuel for diesel conservation.  相似文献   

The influence of hydrogen enrichment on the dieselengine fueled with diesel and palm biodiesel blend (P20) is investigated in this study. The hydrogen is injected into the intake manifold at different flow rates of 7 lpm and 10 lpm for each loading condition of 30%, 60%, 80%, 90%, and 100%, respectively. Hydrogen enrichment improves the BTE and BSEC due to its high calorific value and decreases emissions like HC, CO, and CO2 due to its carbon-free structure. However, due to a rise in EGT, NOx emission has increased. With the addition of hydrogen, combustion properties such as in-cylinder pressure (ICP), heat release rate (HRR), and ignition delay (ID) improve while the combustion duration (CD) drops. Compared to P20 fuel,P20 + 10H2 has a 28% increase in BTE and a 20% decrease in BSEC at 90% load. Similarly, HC, CO, and CO2 emissions decrease by 16%, 35%, and 12%, while NOx emission increases by 13% compared to P20. At full load, P20 + 10H2increasesin-cylinder pressureand heat release ratebyupto 1–5%, while CD decreases by 12.5% compared to the P20 blend.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of hydrogen addition on RCCI combustion of an engine running on landfill gas and diesel oil. A single cylinder heavy– duty diesel engine is set in operation at 9.4 bar IMEP. A certain amount of diesel fuel per cycle is fed into the engine and hydrogen is added to landfill gas while keeping fixed fuel energy content. The developed simulation results confirm that hydrogen addition which is the most environmental friendly fuel causes the fuel consumption per any cycle to reduce. Also, the peak pressure is increased while the engine load is reduced up to 4%. Landfill gas which is enriched with hydrogen improves the rate of methane dissociation and reduces the combustion duration at the same time the engine operation would not be exposed to diesel knock. Moreover, hydrogen addition to landfill gas would reduce engine emissions considerably.  相似文献   

Ammonia is a good hydrogen carrier and can be well combined with hydrogen for combustion. The combustion performance of the mixtures of ammonia and hydrogen in a medium-speed marine diesel engine was investigated theoretically. The HCCI combustion mode was selected for reducing thermal-NOx production. The start fire characteristic of the NH3–H2 mixtures was studied under different equivalence ratio, hydrogen-doped ratio, and intake air temperature and pressure. Then, the combustion performance of the NH3–H2 mixtures (doping 30% hydrogen) was analyzed at a typical operation condition of engine. The addition hydrogen improved the laminar flame velocity of ammonia, and affected the NOx emission. For the medium-speed marine engine fueled with NH3–H2, reducing combustion temperature, introducing EGR and combining with post-treatment technology would be a feasible scheme to reduce NOx emission.  相似文献   

Variable stroke (or compression ratio) has been expected as a potential technology for optimizing engine combustion all the time. The free piston motion of linear engines introduced by its unconstrained dynamics is well suited for this expectation. This paper introduces a numerical analysis to explore the effects of variable stroke operation on the combustion and heat release of a linear hydrogen engine (LHE). A system model which couples zero-dimensional dynamics, multi-dimensional combustion, and one-dimensional gas exchange is established and verified experimentally to predict the combustion of the LHE, and then a series of simulations are performed over a range of motion stroke from 62 mm to 72 mm in 2 mm interval to evaluate its effect on LHE combustion. Results indicates that short stroke operation of the LHE shows obvious advantages in thermal efficiency and high peak combustion pressure, although the completion level of hydrogen combustion is slightly poor. Fast combustion, large heat release, and low level of post-combustion effect can be obtained by neither lengthening nor shortening from the certain stroke length of 68 mm, while serious NO emission is indicated. Long-stroke operation makes the LHE clean, although it induces slow engine speed, low thermal efficiency and output power.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effect of various hydrogen ratios in HCNG (hydrogen enriched compressed natural gas) fuels on combustion and emission characteristics of a turbocharged spark ignition natural gas engine at idling conditions. The experiments were taken at hydrogen fractions of 0%, 30%, 55% and 75% by volume and were conducted under various operating conditions including different excess air ratio λ and spark timing θig. It is found that under various λ and θig, the addition of hydrogen can significantly reduce CH4 emission and CO emission, although NOx emission increased with the hydrogen addition, it was relatively low at idle conditions compared to other emissions. Meanwhile the addition of hydrogen can significantly reduce COVimep (coefficient of variation of the indicated mean effective pressure), extend the lean burn limit, decrease the combustion duration, achieve higher thermal efficiency and reduce fuel consumption.  相似文献   

Fuel injection pressure and injection timing are two extensive injection parameters that affect engine performance, combustion, and emissions. This study aims to improve the performance, combustion, and emissions characteristics of a diesel engine by using karanja biodiesel with a flow rate of 10 L per minute (lpm) of enriched hydrogen. In addition, the research mainly focused on the use of biodiesel with hydrogen as an alternative to diesel fuel, which is in rapidly declining demand. The experiments were carried out at a constant speed of 1500 rpm on a single-cylinder, four-stroke, direct injection diesel engine. The experiments are carried out with variable fuel injection pressure of 220, 240, and 260 bar, and injection timings of 21, 23, and 25 °CA before top dead center (bTDC). Results show that karanja biodiesel with enriched hydrogen (KB20H10) increases BTE by 4% than diesel fuel at 240 bar injection pressure and 23° CA bTDC injection timing. For blend KB20H10, the emissions of UHC, CO, and smoke opacity are 33%, 16%, and 28.7% lower than for diesel. On the other hand NOx emissions, rises by 10.3%. The optimal injection parameters for blend KB20H10 were found to be 240 bar injection pressure and 23 °CA bTDC injection timing based on the significant improvement in performance, combustion, and reduction in exhaust emissions.  相似文献   

The main aim of the present work is to investigate the influence of hydrogen injection timing and injection duration on the combustion and emissions of a CI engine functioning on dual fuel (DF) mode by employing diesel/dairy scum oil methyl ester (DiSOME)/Waste frying oil methyl ester (WFOME) - producer gas (PG) combination. Hydrogen flow rate was maintained constant (8 lpm) and injected in air-producer gas (PG) mixture an inlet manifold using a gas injector. In this current work, injection timing was varied from TDC to 15 deg., aTDC in steps of 5. Similarly, injection duration was adopted from 30 deg., CA to 90 deg., CA and differed in steps of 30. From the outcome of work, it is noticed that the best possible injection timing and injection duration were found to be 10 deg., aTDC and 60 deg., CA respectively. Results showed that, at optimum injection parameters, diesel-PG combination with hydrogen resulted in augmented BTE by 6.7% and 12.4%, decreased smoke by 26.04% and 36.4%, decreased HC by 16.6% and 22.4%, decreased CO by 23.5% and 29.6% and increased NOx by 12.4% and 22.1%, compared to DiSOME and WFOME supported DF operation. Investigation with DiSOME-hydrogen enriched PG combustion showed satisfactory operation.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new kind of injection mode, split hydrogen direct injection, was presented for a dual fuel SI engine. Six different first injection proportions (IP1) and five different second injection timings were applied at the condition of excess air ratio of 1, first injection timing of 300°CA BTDC, low speed, low load conditions and the Minimum spark advance for Best Torque (MBT) on a dual fuel SI engine with hydrogen direct injection (HDI) plus port fuel injection (PFI). The result showed that, split hydrogen direct injection can achieve a higher brake thermal efficiency and lower emissions compared with single HDI. In comparison with single HDI, the split hydrogen direct injection can form a controlled stratified condition of hydrogen which could make the combustion more complete and faster. By adding an early spray to form a more homogeneous mixture, the split hydrogen direct injection not only can help to form a flame kernel to make the combustion stable, but also can speed up the combustion rate through the whole combustion process, which can improve the brake thermal efficiency. By split hydrogen direct injection, the torque reaches the highest when the first injection proportion is 33%, which improves by 1.13% on average than that of single HDI. With the delay of second injection timing, the torque increases first and then decreases. With the increase of first injection proportion, the best second injection timing is advanced. Furthermore, by forming a more homogeneous mixture, the split hydrogen direct injection can reduce the quenching distance to reduce the HC emission and reduce the maximum temperature to reduce the NOX. The split hydrogen direct injection can reduce the HC emission by 35.8%, the NOX emissions by 7.3% than that of single HDI.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the emissions of the unburned gaseous fuels of a heavy-duty diesel engine converted to operate under natural gas (NG)-diesel and hydrogen (H2)-diesel dual fuel combustion mode. The detailed effects of the addition of H2, NG, engine load, and engine speed on the exhaust emissions of the unburned H2, methane (CH4), and carbon monoxide (CO) were experimentally investigated. The combustion efficiencies of CH4 and H2 supplemented were also examined and compared.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effect of high hydrogen volumetric ratio of 55% on performance and emission characteristics in a turbocharged lean burn natural gas engine. The experimental data was conducted under various operating conditions including different spark timing, excess air ratio (lambda), and manifold pressure. It is found that the addition of hydrogen at a high volumetric ratio could significantly extend the lean burn limit, improve the engine lean burn ability, decrease burn duration, and yield higher thermal efficiency. The CO, CH4 emissions were reduced and NOx emission could be kept an acceptable low level with high hydrogen content under lean burn conditions when ignition timing were optimized.  相似文献   

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