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《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2021,46(61):31400-31427
Addition of reactive or inert substances is one of the most effective and practical ways to control soot formation in combustion of hydrocarbon fuels. In this paper, the research progress on the effects of hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and water vapor addition on soot formation in hydrocarbon flames in the last few decades is systematically summarized. The summary shows that the number of studies on the effects of these three common diluents has increased dramatically in the last five years. Although the overall effects of all these three common diluents suppress soot formation, there is inconsistency with regard to the role of their chemical effects. The chemical effect of hydrogen (CE-H2) mainly acts on the soot nucleation process, followed by the soot surface growth and finally the soot oxidation process. CE-H2 seems significantly affected by the fuel type, oxygen concentration, and the ambient pressure. The chemical effect of carbon dioxide (CE-CO2) affects soot formation indirectly mainly through the reaction CO + OH ↔ CO2 + H. Some studies believe that CE-CO2 suppresses soot production by increasing the hydroxyl radical (OH) concentration, while other studies believe that it is primarily attributed to the decrease of the hydrogen radical (H) concentration. The reaction H2O + H ↔ H2 + OH plays a vital role in the chemical effect of water vapor (CE-H2O) addition on inhibiting soot formation. Most studies support the view that the chemical effect of water vapor mainly increases the OH concentration and suppresses soot formation by weakening the soot nucleation process. Moreover, we believe that reaction H2O + O ↔ OH + OH and phenylacetylene also play an essential effect on the CE-H2O. 相似文献
《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2023,48(23):8707-8715
The effects of H2 addition on soot formation are investigated in counterflow diffusion n-heptane flames. Three effects including chemical, thermal, and dilution are fully isolated and characterized by additions of H2, He, and Ar. Soot volume fractions are measured using LE-calibrated LII technique, and flame temperatures are measured using OH-TLAF method along with a thermocouple. Numerical simulations are conducted with a detailed mechanism with soot model. The simulated soot volume fractions and flame temperatures are in good agreement with experimental data. The experimental results show that H2 addition can greatly reduce the soot formation. It is also found that the chemical and dilution effects suppress soot formation, while the thermal effect with increasing flame temperature promotes soot formation. Kinetic analysis suggests that HACA growth rate could be the dominant factor that controls the final soot formation through the three effects due to H2 addition. 相似文献
A detailed numerical study was conducted to investigate the effects of hydrogen and helium addition to fuel on soot formation in atmospheric axisymmetric coflow laminar methane/air diffusion flame. Detailed gas-phase chemistry and thermal and transport properties were employed in the numerical calculations. Soot was modeled using a PAH based inception model and the HACA mechanism for surface growth and oxidation. Numerical results were compared with available experimental data. Both experimental and numerical results show that helium addition is more effective than hydrogen addition in reducing soot loading in the methane/air diffusion flame. These results are different from the previous investigations in ethylene/air diffusion flames. Hydrogen chemically enhances soot formation when added to methane. The different chemical effects of hydrogen addition to ethylene and methane on soot formation are explained in terms of the different effects of hydrogen addition on propargyl, benzene, and pyrene formation low in the flames. 相似文献
《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2019,44(26):13964-13973
Hydrocarbon exhaust emissions are mainly recognized as a consequent of carbon-based fuel combustion in compression ignition (CI) engines. Alternative fuels can be coupled with hydrocarbon fuels to control the pollutant emissions and improve the engine performance. In this study, different parameters that influence the engine performance and emissions are illustrated with more details. This numerical work was carried out on a dual-fuel CI engine to study its performance and emission characteristics at different hydrogen energy ratios. The simulation model was run with diesel as injected fuel and hydrogen, along with air, as inducted fuel. Three-dimensional CFD software for numerical simulations was implemented to simulate the direct-injection CI engine. A reduced-reaction mechanism for n-heptane was considered in this work instead of diesel. The Hiroyasu-Nagel model was presented to examine the rate of soot formation inside the cylinder. This work investigates the effect of hydrogen variation on output efficiency, ignition delay, and emissions. More hydrogen present inside the engine cylinder led to lower soot emissions, higher thermal efficiency, and higher NOx emissions. Ignition timing delayed as the hydrogen rate increased, due to a delay in OH radical formation. Strategies such as an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) method and diesel injection timing were considered as well, due to their potential effects on the engine outputs. The relationship among the engine outputs and the operation conditions were also considered. 相似文献
Seul-Hyun ParkKi-Man Lee Cheol-Hong Hwang 《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2011,36(15):9304-9311
In an effort to elucidate the influence of hydrogen addition on soot formation and oxidation, a series of numerical investigations was performed for fuel rich laminar C2H2/air premixed flat flames using a modified CHEMKIN-II PREMIX code with a detailed soot chemistry mechanism. To clarify the influence of hydrogen addition, the hydrogen content (in volume %) in the fuel mixture was gradually increased from 10 to 50%. The hydrogen addition was found to slow the oxidation of C2H2 near the burner surface. The lowered rate of C2H2 oxidation coupled with lower C2H2 concentration near the burner surface impedes the formation of benzene. However, the formation of benzene was enhanced with the hydrogen addition as the height above burner (HAB) was increased. This was due to the increased reverse rate of the H abstraction reaction that prevents the radical formation process. Through the identical mechanism, the hydrogen addition slows further growth of benzene to larger polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), eventually lowering the rate of particle inception. Numerical results also indicated that reductions in the soot emissions were mainly attributed to a significant reduction in the mass growth of soot particles. The abundance of hydrogen in the flames deactivated the surface site of soot particles covered with C-H bonds, lowering the surface growth rate (which leads to reductions in the mass growth of soot particles). 相似文献
《Applied Thermal Engineering》2014,62(2):303-312
Particulate emission is one of the most deleterious pollutants generated by Diesel fuel combustion. The ability to predict soot formation is one of the key elements needed to optimize the engine performance and minimize soot emissions. This paper reports work on developing, a phenomenological soot model to better model the physical and chemical processes of soot formation in Diesel fuel combustion. This hybrid model features that the effect of turbulence on the chemical reaction rate was considered in soot oxidation. Soot formation and oxidation processes were modeled with the application of a hybrid method involving particle turbulent transport controlled rate and soot oxidation rate. Compared with the original soot model, the in-cylinder pressures, heat release rate and soot emissions predicted by this hybrid model agreed better with the experimental results. The verified hybrid model was used to investigate the effect of injection timing on engine performance. The results show that the new soot model predicted reasonable soot spatial profiles within the combustion chamber. The high temperature gas zone in cylinder for hybrid model case is distributed broadly soot and NOx emission dependence on the start-of-injection (SOI) timing. Retarded SOI timing increased the portion of diffusion combustion and the soot concentration increased significantly with retarding of the fuel injection timing. The predicted distributions of soot concentration and particle mass provide some new insights on the soot formation and oxidation processes in direct injection (DI) engines. The hybrid phenomenological soot model shows greater potential for enhancing understanding of combustion and soot formation processes in DI diesel engines. 相似文献
《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2022,47(78):33498-33516
Ammonia is considered one of the most competitive fuels due to its carbon neutrality. The chemical effects of NH3 are distinguished by kinetic analysis via adding NH3 as reactive NH3 and fictitious inert NH3. The flame temperature and the mole fraction profiles affected by the chemical effects of NH3 addition for important species and soot are analyzed, with special emphasis on soot and its important precursor polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The results illustrate that NH3 addition inhibits the production of A1-A4. The chemical effects of ammonia decrease the hydrogen abstraction–C2H2–addition (HACA) surface growth rate and PAH condensation rate, which further reduces soot volume fraction and average particle diameter D63. The ammonia decomposition pathways interact with ethylene decomposition pathways via the four reactions: NH3 + C2H5 = C2H6 + NH2, HCN + C2H5 = C2H6 + CN, NH2 + C2H4 = C2H3 + NH3, and CH2CH2NH2 = C2H4 + NH2. The dilution and thermal effects of NH3 are dominant effects on soot reduction, while the chemical effects further inhibit soot formation. 相似文献
The effects of adding water vapor to the air stream on flame properties and soot volume fraction were investigated numerically in a laminar coflow ethylene/air diffusion flame at atmospheric pressure by solving the fully elliptic conservation equations and using a detailed C2 reaction mechanism including PAH up to pyrene and detailed thermal and transport properties. Thermal radiation was calculated using the discrete-ordinates method and a statistical narrow-band correlated-k based wide band model for the absorption coefficients of CO2 and H2O. Soot formation was modeled using a PAH based inception model and the HACA mechanism for surface growth and oxidation. Addition of water vapor significantly reduces radiation heat loss from the flame primarily through reduced soot loading and flame temperature. The added water vapor affects soot formation and flame properties through not only dilution and thermal effects, but also through chemical effect. The chemical effect is as significant as the dilution and thermal effects. The primary pathway for the chemical effect of water vapor is the reverse reaction of OH + H2 ↔ H + H2O. Our numerical results confirm that the reduced H radical concentration leads to lower PAH concentrations and consequently lower soot inception rates. In contrast, the radiation effect due to the added water vapor was found to have a minor influence on both flame structure and soot formation in the laminar diffusion flame investigated. 相似文献
用光导纤维多色法对柴油机燃烧室内火焰温度与碳粒生成的研究 总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4
本文介绍了作者研制的分叉光导纤维4色法测量装置和采用它对直喷式4135型柴油机燃烧室内火焰温度和碳烟浓度测量的结果。以双色法为基础的4色法,通过数学方法可优化试验结果,减小测量误差。测量结果表明:在燃烧过程中,碳粒生成时间落后于温度上升时间,持续高温产生碳粒高浓度,后燃烧使碳粒浓度增加。随着负荷的增加,燃烧火焰温度及碳粒浓度增加,它们持续的时间也延长。燃烧终了破粒浓度和排气烟度增大。在喷注区会产生很高的碳粒质量浓度值,稀混合气区火焰温度上升较早。过后燃烧或供油提前角减小,使燃烧终了碳粒浓度增大。 相似文献
The effects of hydrogen addition on NO formation in fuel-rich, burner-stabilized methane, ethane and propane flames are reported. Profiles of temperature and NO mole fraction were obtained using spontaneous Raman scattering and laser-induced fluorescence (LIF), respectively. Experiments were performed at equivalent ratio of 1.3, with 0 and 0.2 mole fraction of hydrogen in the fuel; and the mass flux through the burner was varied for each mixture. The addition of hydrogen only modestly affects the flame temperature and NO mole fraction. For the vast majority of the flames studied, the temperature and NO decrease by less than 40 K and 20% (relative), respectively, upon hydrogen addition. The decrease in NO fraction is more distinct in methane and propane flames, and more modest for ethane. The comparison of the experimental data obtained for a given fuel in near-adiabatic CnH2n+2/H2/O2/N2 and burner-stabilized CnH2n+2/Air flames shows that the NO mole fraction at a given mass flux is practically independent of the composition of the oxidizer. Comparison of the experimental profiles with the predictions of one-dimensional flame calculations with detailed chemical mechanisms indicates that the decrease in the Fenimore NO formation with hydrogen addition arises from the concomitant decrease in CH fraction. Analysis of the computational results suggests that the reaction NCN + H → CH + N2 returns a considerable fraction of NCN back to N2. 相似文献
本文在高原环境(81kpa)下,对4100QBZL柴油机燃用不同配比生物柴油混合燃料后NOx与碳烟的排放进行了试验研究。试验结果表明:与柴油相比,纯生物柴油的NOx排放上升了0%~0.22%,而掺混比为30%以内的混合燃料的NOx排放则下降了2.9%~4.5%;碳烟的排放明显降低,且随掺混比的增加而降低,纯生物柴油的碳烟排放下降了33%~53%,掺混比为30%以内的混合燃料的碳烟排放下降了10%~31%。综合考虑,燃用掺混比为30%以内的生物柴油混合燃料,能同时有效地降低NOx与碳烟的排放。 相似文献
《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2021,46(70):34958-34969
Natural gas with H2 is widely used for lean-burn combustion, which leads to NOx emission as the main problem for it. For decreasing NOx emission and increasing thermal efficiency, the investigation on seeking the influence of H2 fractions on the mixture of CH4 and CO2 was conducted. Firstly, the ignition timing was decided through thermal efficiency and brake mean effective pressure (BMEP) for CH4 only. Then, combustion characteristics of CH4, CH4+CO2 and CH4+CO2+H2 were compared with volume percentage of H2 changing from 5% to 30%. Finally, the H2 injection strategy was checked between closed and open valve injections. Among these discussions, thermal efficiency, power output, BMEP and fuel consumption were evaluated. Results show that CO2 addition decreases power output and BMEP, leading to much more fuel consumption and lower thermal efficiency. When H2 is added, at the rich mixture conditions (λ<1.0), power output and thermal efficiency decrease sharply as the mixture is enriched. However, at the lean-burn conditions (λ>1.0), the decrease in flow rate of lower heating value (LHV) and increase in power output finally result in the higher efficiency with H2 addition. Moreover, when λ>1.0, both low fuel consumption and high efficiency can be obtained with H2 addition to achieve the high BMEP. Furthermore, the open valve injection could obtain higher thermal efficiency, power output and BMEP with lower fuel consumption, suggesting that the H2 injection strategy should be well controlled with the ignition timing. 相似文献
A mathematical model of a free piston linear engine is established. The motion characteristics as well as the natural frequency map of the free piston are established. Then, its motion characteristics are successfully explained from the oscillation point. The full simulation model is built up in Matlab/Simulink for a better understanding of its motion features. The results show that the free piston system is a forced vibration system with variable damping coefficient and stiffness. Its steady-state response of periodical excitation is convergent which means that the system is stable under the periodical combustion. Furthermore, it has some unique features which are different from those of traditional Internal Combustion (IC) engines. 相似文献
《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2023,48(48):18498-18513
Aiming to further improve the thermal efficiency and reduce NOx emissions in the stoichiometric hydrogen-enriched natural gas (NG) engine, a detailed 3-D simulation model of stoichiometric operation heavy-duty NG engine is built based on the actual boundary conditions from high load bench test. The superimposed methods for knock regulation, combustion and emission control, including Miller valve timing, hydrogen volume fraction and EGR rate were proposed and investigated comprehensively. It reveals that the typically bimodal characteristic of heat release rate (HRR) curve is caused by knock, which seriously restricts the performance improvement of stoichiometric NG engine under high load condition. To predict and control the occurrence of the second peak of HHR accurately, a new parameter BI is defined. Moreover, the Miller timing with 20°CA of the intake valve late closing shows better combustion performance within the knock limit, accompanied by a slight increase in NOx emissions. Additionally, the 5% hydrogen blend, coupled with the Miller cycle, can further enhance the indicated thermal efficiency (ITE) of the NG engine due to the stronger effects on acceleration of laminar flame propagation velocity than the promotion of end-gas auto-ignition. Besides, the great potential of EGR rate for balancing NOx and ITE is also confirmed in the heavy-duty hydrogen-enriched NG engine adopting Miller cycle. Compared to the original indexes, combing with the regulation strategies of intake valve late closing (20°CA), hydrogen addition (5%) and EGR (17%) are proved to increase the indicated thermal efficiency by 1.89% and reduce NOx emissions by 11.47% within the knock limit. 相似文献
《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2020,45(17):10602-10612
Owing to high specific energy and low emissions production, hydrogen is a desirable alternative fuel. The combustion and emission performance can be improved by hydrogen addition injected in-cylinder, intake manifold and aspirated with air. However, engine loads and hydrogen-air ration have a significant effect on the performance, combustion and emission of the diesel-hydrogen (high speed direct injection) HSDI engine. In this paper, the CFD method is used to calculate the combustion process of a diesel-hydrogen dual HSDI engine working at constant speed of 4000 rpm, at different hydrogen added from intake port (hydrogen volume fraction of 0%–10%) and five engine loads (equivalent to 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100% of its maximum output power), respectively. The modelling results showed that the in-cylinder pressure and temperature under low engine load were more affected by hydrogen addition. With increasing hydrogen volume fraction, the indicated expansion work and in-cylinder peak pressure increased, and combustion duration decreased due to faster fuel-air mixing and spray flame speed. 相似文献
Chenheng Yuan Cuijie Han Yang Liu Yituan He Yiming Shao Xiaochun Jian 《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2018,43(29):13583-13593
The free-piston engine (FPE) is a new crankless engine, which operates with variable compression ratio, flexible fuel applicability and low pollution potential. A numerical model which couples with dynamic, combustion and gas exchange was established and verified by experiment to simulate the effects of different hydrogen addition on the combustion and emission of a diesel FPE. Results indicate that a small amount of hydrogen addition has a little effect on the combustion process of the FPE. However, when the ratio of hydrogen addition (RH2) is more than 0.1, the RH2 gives a positive effect on the peak in-cylinder gas pressure, temperature, and nitric oxide emission of the FPE, while soot emission decreases with the increase of hydrogen addition. Moreover, the larger RH2 induces a longer ignition delay, shorter rapid combustion period, weaker post-combustion effect, greater heat release rate, and earlier peak heat release rate for the FPE. Nevertheless, the released heat in rapid combustion period is significantly enhanced by the increase of RH2. 相似文献