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For the gradual introduction of hydrogen in the energy market, the study of the properties of mixtures of hydrogen with typical components of natural gas (NG) and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) is of great importance. This work aims to provide accurate experimental (p, ρ, T) data for three hydrogen-propane mixtures with nominal compositions (amount of substance, mol/mol) of (0.95H2 + 0.05C3H8), (0.90H2 + 0.10C3H8), and (0.83H2 + 0.17C3H8), at temperatures of 250, 275, 300, 325, 350, and 375 K, and pressures up to 20 MPa. A single-sinker densimeter was used to determine the density of the mixtures. Experimental density data were compared to the densities calculated from two reference equations of state: the GERG-2008 and the AGA8-DC92. Relative deviations from the GERG-2008 EoS are systematically larger than those from the AGA8-DC92. They are within the ±0.5% band for the mixture with 5% of propane, but deviations are higher than 0.5% for the mixtures with 10% and 17% of propane, especially at low temperatures and high pressures. Finally, the sets of new experimental data have been processed by the application of two different statistical equations of state: the virial equation of state, through the second and third virial coefficients, B(T, x) and C(T, x), and the PC-SAFT equation of state.  相似文献   

The explosion process of multi-component gas mixture is extremely complex and may cause serious disaster effects. The safety issue concerning explosion of multi-component gas mixture is urgent to be investigated on account of its wide range of applications. In current work, series of experiments were performed in a 20 L spherical explosion vessel at initial conditions of 1 atm and 293 K, involving methane–hydrogen/air mixtures. The proportion of hydrogen in fuels varied from 0% to 100%. It was observed that peak temperature is always behind the peak pressure in arrival time whatever the fuel equivalence is. Experimental values of peak overpressure are lower than adiabatic ones due to heat loss. It was also founded that the hydrogen addition can raise explosion pressure and temperature in experiment but slightly decrease that in adiabatic condition, and both the increase in experiment and the decrease in adiabatic show a linear correlation versus the proportion of hydrogen. Hence the deviation between the experimental results and the adiabatic results decreases as the hydrogen proportion rises. Moreover, the positive effect of hydrogen addition on (dp/dt)max is very slight at low hydrogen proportion, while the effect becomes much more pronounced at higher hydrogen contents, showing an exponential growth. For each fuel composition throughout all experiments, the peak overpressure, peak temperature and (dp/dt)max concerning fuel equivalence ratios of 0.6, 1 and 1.5 follow a same rule: Ф = 1 is the highest, followed by Ф = 1.5 and Ф = 0.6. Finally, the MIEs of gaseous methane–hydrogen/air mixtures at a fuel equivalence ratio of 1.5 were measured as a function of hydrogen proportion. It shows a sharp decrease as the fraction of hydrogen in fuel rises, from 118 mJ for methane–air to 0.12 mJ for hydrogen–air. It is also observed that the MIE of multi-component gas mixtures can be approximately figured as the linear weighted sum of the MIE of each component; the weighting factor is respectively the volume fraction of each component. This can be considered as a universal method to obtain the MIE for a specific multi-component gas.  相似文献   

Flammability limits of hydrogen-enriched natural gas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper reports both the lower and upper flammability limits of hydrogen-enriched natural gas with hydrogen fractions of 20%, 40%, 60% and 80% respectively as well as these of natural gas and hydrogen, measured by using a constant volume combustion chamber together with a high-speed schlieren photographic system. Based on investigating pressure rise history inside the combustion chamber as well as flame photos, the effect of hydrogen enrichment on the flammability characteristics is discussed. Our experimental results show that the flammability limits of methane-hydrogen mixtures can be used for hydrogen-enriched natural gas as long as their hydrogen fractions are the same. In this paper, the flammability data of methane-hydrogen mixtures available in the literature are reviewed. Correlations for both the lower and upper flammability limits of methane-hydrogen mixtures are summarized.  相似文献   

An experimental and numerical study on the combined effect of N2/CO2 dilution and hydrogen addition on the laminar burning velocity (LBV) of methane-oxygen mixtures was conducted. The experiments were performed at atmospheric conditions using the heat flux method for effective equivalence ratios (ϕF) varying from 0.7 to 1.3. The results show that the hydrogen addition causes an increase in LBV for all the mixture conditions. The variation in LBV based on hydrogen addition parameter (RH) for all N2 dilution conditions were following a linearly increasing trend. The strong effect of hydrogen addition on LBV is observed at lean and rich mixtures compared to that at near stoichiometric mixture conditions. The experimental results show that the percentage variation in LBV with RH at rich mixture is more substantial at 75% N2 dilution compared to that at 65% N2 dilution.  相似文献   

In the wake of the devastating consequences of climate change, many countries are searching for alternative renewable energy. Hydrogen, the most abundant element on earth, is an alternative clean and non-toxic energy source. Palladium-based membranes and their alloys are categorized as inorganic metallic membranes with the highest selectivity and permeation rate for hydrogen production. Pd-based membranes have great potential for resolving environmental concerns and adverse side effects of greenhouse gases resulting from industrial processes. This paper analyses Pd-based membranes and their industrial applications while focusing on natural gas and methane as non-renewable feedstocks for hydrogen production. Steam reforming of natural gas and methane, partial oxidation reaction, auto thermal reforming, dry reforming, and gas to liquid process are among the processes that take place in a Pd-based membrane reactor and are discussed in this paper. Finally, all the ongoing research and development on both laboratory and industrial scales are reviewed.  相似文献   

Sonochemistry is considered as one of the cleaner pathways for hydrogen production. The present paper investigates the potential of this technique based upon mass, mass to energy and energy conversion metrics, using modelling and experimental approaches. Four scenarios are examined assuming four saturating gases, namely O2, air, N2 and Ar, four acoustic frequencies, i.e., 20, 210, 326 and 488 kHz, and considering common acoustic intensities then common net electric power. The study revealed that Ar is the best fitting saturating gas for the sonochemical production of hydrogen. With a common acoustic intensity of 0.48 W/cm2, an optimum ratio of H2 molar yield to acoustic energy intensity is retrieved at 210 kHz, while with a common net electric power of 87 W, the highest ratio of hydrogen yield to electric energy was observed at 20 kHz. Results were interpreted based upon emitter surface, energy conversion and distinction of calorimetric and cavitational energies.  相似文献   

Ni-based (over MgO and Al2O3) and noble metal-based (Pd and Pt over Al2O3) catalysts were prepared by wet impregnation method and thereafter impregnated in microreactors. The catalytic activity was measured at several temperatures, atmospheric pressure and different steam to carbon, S/C, ratios. These conditions were the same for conventional, fixed bed reactor system, and microreactors. Weight hourly space velocity, WHSV, was maintained equal in order to compare the activity results from both reaction systems. For microreactor systems, similar activities of Ni-based catalyst were measured in the steam methane reforming (SMR) activity tests, but not in the case of natural gas steam reforming tests. When noble metal-based catalysts were used in the conventional reaction system no significant activity was measured but all catalysts showed some activity when they were tested in the microreactor systems. The analysis by SEM and TEM revealed a carbon-free surface for Ni-based catalyst as well as carbon filaments growth in case of noble metal-based catalysts.  相似文献   

This paper describes an experimental investigation of heat transfer inside a CFR spark ignition engine operated at a constant engine speed of 600 rpm. The heat flux is directly measured under motored and fired conditions with a commercially available thermopile sensor. The heat transfer during hydrogen and methane combustion is compared examining the effects of the compression ratio, ignition timing and mixture richness. Less cyclic and spatial variation in the heat flux traces are observed when burning hydrogen, which can be correlated to the faster burn rate. The peak heat flux increases with the compression ratio, but the total cycle heat loss can decrease due to less heat transfer at the end of the expansion stroke. An advanced spark timing and increased mixture richness cause an increased and advanced peak in the heat flux trace. Hydrogen combustion gives a heat flux peak which is three times as high as the one of methane for the same engine power output.  相似文献   

A bench-scale annular microchannel reactor (AMR) prototype with microchannel width of 0.3 mm and total catalyst length of 9.53 × 10−2 m active for the endothermic steam reforming of methane is presented. Experimental results at a steam to methane feed molar ratio of 3.3:1, reactor temperature of 1023 K, and pressure of 11 bar confirm catalyst power densities upwards of 1380 W per cm3 of catalyst at hydrogen yields >98% of thermodynamic equilibrium. A two-dimensional steady-state computational fluid dynamic model of the AMR prototype was validated using experimental data and subsequently employed to identify suitable operating conditions for an envisioned mass-production AMR design with 0.3 mm annular channel width and a single catalyst length of 254 mm. Thermal efficiencies, defined based upon methane and product hydrogen higher heating values (HHVs), of 72.7–57.7% were obtained from simulations for methane capacities of 0.5–2S LPM (space velocities of 195,000–782,000 h−1) at hydrogen yields corresponding to 99%–75% of equilibrium values. Under these conditions, analysis of local composition, temperature and pressure indicated that catalyst deactivation via coke formation or Nickel oxidation is not thermodynamically favorable. Lastly, initial analysis of an envisioned 10 kW autothermal reformer combining 19 parallel AMRs within a single methane-air combustion chamber, based upon existing manufacturing capabilities within Power & Energy, Inc., is presented.  相似文献   

Methane occurrence is a common concern in hydrogen producing reactors. This study presents the analysis of the microbial community structure during the application of operational strategies to decrease methane production, in three different up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket hydrogen-producing reactors. Cloning and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis approach were used to establish the presence of homoacetogens, methanogens and hydrogen producers. The results showed that homoacetogenic organisms related to Blautia hydrogenotrophica and Oscillibacter valericigenes, and the hydrogen producer Enterobacter aerogenes where favored during pH decreasing strategies (5.6 to 4.5). The increment of the organic loading rate from 20 to 30 g chemical oxygen demand/L-d, selected hydrogen producers similar to Clostridium tyrobutyricum, Citrobacter freundii and E. aerogenes; further increments caused inhibition of hydrogen production due to the high undissociated acids concentration. Methane production was inhibited completely only when the biomass of the reactor was heat treated for a second time, this strategy selected hydrogen producers capable to sporulate, but homoacetogens were also favored. In all reactors the methanogenic activity was attributed to hydrogenotrophs related to the genera Methanobrevibacter and Methanobacterium.  相似文献   

In this work, governing equations for heat conduction with finite speed of heat propagation are derived directly from classical thermodynamics. For a one-dimensional flow of heat, the developed governing equation is linear and of parabolic type. In a three dimensional case, the system of nonlinear equations is formulated.Analytical solutions of the equations for one-dimensional flow of heat are obtained, and their analysis shows characteristic features of heat propagation with finite speed, being fully consistent with classical thermodynamics.  相似文献   

This study employed the concept of heat recovery to design a set of reformer to facilitate the methane dry reforming (MDR), through which syngas (H2+CO) could be generated. The MDR involves an endothermic reaction and thus additional energy is required to sustain it. According to the concept of industrial heat recovery, the energy required to facilitate the MDR was recovered from waste heat. In addition, after the reforming reaction, the waste heat inside the reformer was used for internal heat recovery to preheat the reactants (CO2+CH4) to reduce the amount of energy required for the reforming reaction. Regarding the parameter settings in the experiments, the CH4 feed flow rate was set at 1–2.5 NL/min and the mole ratio for CO2/CH4 was set at 0.43–1.22. Subsequently, an oven was used to simulate a heat recovery environment to facilitate the dry reforming experiment. The experimental results indicated that an increase in oven temperature could increase the reforming reaction temperature and elevate the energy for the reformer. H2 and CO production could increase when the reformer gained more energy. The high-temperature gas generated from the reforming reaction was applied to facilitate internal heat recovery of reformer and preheat the reactants; thus, the efficiency of reforming and CO2 conversion were evidently elevated. The theoretical equilibrium analysis indicated that the thermal efficiency of reforming increased with the increase of CO2/CH4 molar ratio. While, the thermal efficiency of reforming by experiments decreased with the increase of the CH4 feed rate, but increased with the increase of CO2/CH4. In summary, the experimental results revealed that the overall H2 was 0.017–0.019 mol/min. In addition, the reforming efficiency was 8.76%–78.08%, the CO2 conversion was 53.92%–96.43%, and the maximum thermal efficiency of reforming was 102.3%.  相似文献   

This work presents an experimental study describing a six-cylinder spark ignition engine running with a lean equivalence ratio, high compression ratio, ignition delay and used in a cogeneration system (heat and electricity production). Three types of fuels; natural gas, pure methane and methane/hydrogen blend (85% CH4 and 15% H2 by volume), were used for comparison purposes. Each fuel has been investigated at 1500 rpm and for various engine loads fixed by electrical power output conditions. CO, CO2, HC, and NOx emissions values, and exhaust gas temperature were measured. The effect of fuel composition on engine characteristics has been studied. The results show, that the hydrogen addition increased HC emissions (around 18%), as well as performance, whilst it reduced NOx (around 31%), exhaust gas temperature, CO and CO2.  相似文献   

吸附效应是热物性实验中普遍存在的一种现象。探讨了圆柱定程干涉法气相声速测量实验中存在的两类吸附效应,并分别分析了其行成原因;归纳了低压区气相声速实验中异丁烷吸附及解吸效应产生的压力变化规律;建立了低压区吸附效应对气相声速测量影响的模型,分析了吸附效应对异丁烷气相声速测量的影响。结果表明,当吸附与解吸引起的压力变化小于10Pa时,声速的相对变化小于1×10-5。接近饱和蒸气压时,吸附会导致共鸣腔壳体壁面形成一层薄液膜,壳体声导纳增加,频率半宽急剧增大,而气相声速测量值呈现较大的负偏差。  相似文献   

Activated carbon fiber was chosen as an efficient gas (ammonia, methane, hydrogen) sorption material to design a gas storage system. To increase gas sorption capacity a complex compound (activated carbon fiber+chemicalsfiber+chemicals) was applied. The application of a heat pipe in gas accumulator enables one to control the temperature of sorbent bed and provide optimum operational conditions.  相似文献   

Although many detailed chemical reaction mechanisms, skeletal mechanisms and reduced mechanisms are available in the literature to modeling the natural gas, they are computational expensive, required high power computing especially for three dimensional complex geometries with intense meshes. For example, though the DRM19 reduced mechanism does not include NO and NO2 species, it includes 19 species and 84 reactions. On the other hand, Eddy Dissipation combustion model in which the overall rate of reaction is mainly controlled by turbulent mixing can be utilized as a practical approach for fast burning and fast reaction fuels such as natural gas. Unlike fossil fuels, hydrogen is a renewable energy and quite clean in terms of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide emissions. However, numerical and experimental studies on hydrogen combustion in burners are very restricted. In this study, the combustion of natural gas in an industrial low swirl burner–boiler system has been experimentally investigated. The results obtained from the experimental setup have been utilized as boundary conditions for CFD simulations. With the use of Eddy Dissipation method, methane-air-2-step reaction mechanism is used for modeling of natural gas as methane gas and the reaction mechanism has been modified for natural gas considering the natural gas properties to reveal the similarities and differences of both fuels in modeling. In addition, the combustion performances of natural gas with the use of full and periodic models, which are geometric models of the burner–boiler pair, are compared. Moreover, in order to reveal the effect of the hydrogen-enriched natural gas and pure hydrogen on the performance of low swirl burner–boiler considering the combustion emissions, four various gas contents (thermal load ratio: 75%NG + 25%H2, 50%NG + 50%H2, 25%NG + 75%H2, 100%H2) at the same thermal load have been investigated. The turbulent flames of the industrial low swirl burner have been studied numerically using ANSYS Fluent 16.0 for the solution of governing equations. The results obtained in this study show that with the utilizing Eddy Dissipation method, natural gas can be modeled as methane gas with well-known methane-air-2step reaction mechanism or as natural gas with modified methane-air-2step reaction mechanism with approximate results. Additionally, the use of periodic boundary condition, which enables studying with 1/4 of geometric model, gives satisfactory results with less number of meshes when compared to the full model. Furthermore, in the case of using hydrogen-enriched natural gas or pure hydrogen instead of natural gas as the fuel, the combustion emissions of the burner–boiler such as CO and CO2 are remarkably decreasing compared to the natural gas. However, the NOx emissions are significantly increasing especially due to thermal NO.  相似文献   

Coke oven gas (COG) is an important energy resource that rich in hydrogen and methane, which is conventionally used for industrial heating but is embarking on high-quality utilization routes to produce bulk energy and materials. Previous work emphasized the comparison of COG utilization with external competitors but has limited understanding of the internal competitiveness of different COG utilization routes, making it impossible to scientifically guide the high-quality utilization of COG. This study proposed a technology-environment-economy assessment framework to compare the competitiveness of six high-quality COG utilization routes called COG to electricity (COGTE), COG to methanol (COGTM), COG to hydrogen (COGTH), COG to synthetic natural gas (COGTSNG), COG to synthetic ammonia (COGTSA), and COG to olefins (COGTO). The framework employed the life cycle assessment method based on an economic functional unit to calculated individual indicators and used the entropy weight method to integrate these indicators to a comprehensive score. The results show that energy consumption, water consumption, and carbon emission are critical defects of COGTSNG, COGTM, and COGTE, respectively. Net present value rate, internal rate of return, and dynamic payback period are common but differentiated disadvantages of the five COG utilization routes other than COGTO with the current market price, which are the main factors of their weaker comprehensive competitiveness. COGTO is expected to be the most promising high-quality COG utilization route thanks to its excellent competitiveness, handsome market demand, and special policy preferences. In addition to COGTM, any of the other five COG utilization routes are likely to be most competitive when raw material and product prices fluctuate by 25%, which suggests that the investment should be tailored to local specific prices, demand, and policies.  相似文献   

In this study, coke oven gas (COG), a by-product of coke manufacture with a high volumetric percentage of H2 and CH4, has been identified as auxiliary support and promising energy source in stationary internal combustion engines. Engine performance (power and thermal efficiency) and emissions (NOx, CO, CO2 and unburned hydrocarbons) of COG, pure H2 and pure CH4 have been studied on a Volkswagen Polo 1.4 L port-fuel injection spark ignition engine. Experiments have been done at optimal spark advance and wide open throttle, at different speeds (2000–5000 rpm) and various air-fuel ratios (λ) between 1 and 2. The obtained data revealed that COG combines the advantages of pure H2 and pure CH4, widening the λ range of operation from 1 to 2, with very good performance and emissions results comparable to pure gases. Furthermore, it should be highlighted that this approach facilitates the recovery of an industrial waste gas.  相似文献   

With hydrogen being promoted as a promising energy vector for a decarbonized world, low-carbon hydrogen production methods are of interest to replace the current Steam-Methane-Reforming production of “grey” hydrogen. While existing studies focus on the life-cycle-assessment of green hydrogen produced by water electrolysis, an alternative, which has attracted growing interest due to a much lower energy intensity (10–30 kWh/kgH2 < 50–60 kWh/kgH2), is turquoise hydrogen produced by the pyrolysis of methane. Specifically, this study conducts a life-cycle-assessment on hydrogen produced by the pyrolysis of methane via thermal-plasma. A sensitivity analysis is also conducted on the environmental-metric time-horizon and on the methane emissions rates. Results show that the carbon-intensity of hydrogen produced using this novel method is 88.3–90.8% lower than that of grey hydrogen. Furthermore, using renewable-natural-gas with a feedstock percentage as low as 8–18% leads to a negative hydrogen carbon-intensity (reaching ?4.09 to ?10.40 kgCO2e/kgH2 at 100% renewable natural gas), the lowest compared to grey, blue, and green hydrogen, making turquoise hydrogen a game-changer for the energy transition.  相似文献   

生物燃料作为化石燃料的替代物越来越受到人们的重视,脂肪酸甲酯(fatty acid methyl ester,FAMEs)是生物燃料的重要组成成分.利用布里渊散射法,分别沿0.1、1.0、3.0、5.0、7.0和10.0 MPa 6条等压线,在293.15?373.15 K温度,测量了碳酸二甲酯的液相音速.为方便工程应...  相似文献   

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