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The paper revisits the way transient trapping is introduced in the literature based on the Sofronis and McMeeking model (Sofronis and McMeeking, 1989) [1] of hydrogen transport. It is shown that the direct use of the improved formulation made by Krom et al. (1999) [2] for transient trapping may lead to non-physical results of hydrogen concentration in case of an insulated system. The use of McNabb and Foster trapping kinetic equation is more relevant, and its ability to model both trap creation and kinetic trapping is investigated on a Small Scale Yielding configuration for the sake of comparison with a reference case from the literature. A parametric study is conducted, exhibiting differences with literature, and emphasizes on the significant effect of trapping kinetics on the hydrogen distribution.  相似文献   

Computational techniques and tools have been developed to understand hydrogen embrittlement and hydrogen induced intergranular cracking based on grain boundary (GB) engineering with the help of computational materials engineering. This study can help to optimize GB misorientation configurations by identifying the cases that would improve the material properties increasing resistance to hydrogen embrittlement. In order to understand and optimize, it is important to understand the influence of misorientation angle on the atomic clustered hydrogen distribution under the impact of dilatational stress distributions. In this study, a number of bi-crystal models with tilt grain boundary (TGB) misorientation angles (θ) ranging between 0°≤ θ ≤ 90° were developed, with rotation performed about the [001] axis, using numerical microstructural finite element analysis. Subsequently, local stress and strain concentrations generated along the TGB (due to the difference in individual neighbouring crystals elastic anisotropy response as functions of misorientation angles) were evaluated when bi-crystals were subjected to overall uniform applied traction. Finally, the hydrogen distribution and segregations as a function of misorientation angles were studied. In real nickel, as opposed to the numerical model, geometrically necessary dislocations are generated due to GB misorientation. The generated dislocation motion along TGBs in response to dilatational mismatch varies depending on the misorientation angles. These generated dislocation motions affect the stress, strain and hydrogen distribution. Hydrogen segregates along these dislocations acting as traps and since the dislocation distribution varies depending on misorientation angles the hydrogen traps are also influenced by misorientation angles. From the results of numerical modelling it has been observed that the local stress, strain and hydrogen distributions are inhomogeneous, affected by the misorientation angles, orientations of neighbouring crystal and boundary conditions. In real material, as opposed to the numerical model, the clustered atomic hydrogens are segregated in traps near to the TGB due to the influence of dislocations developed under the effects of applied mechanical stress. The numerical model predicts maximum hydrogen concentrations are accumulated on the TGB with misorientation angles ranging between 15°< θ < 45°. This investigation reinforces the importance of GB engineering for designing and optimizing these materials to decrease hydrogen segregation arising from TGB misorientation angles.  相似文献   

We introduced a coupled peridynamic hydrogen diffusion and fracture model to solve the hydrogen embrittlement fracture of low alloy steel AISI 4340. In this model, the influence of temperature on hydrogen diffusion coefficient is considered, and a new peridynamic constitutive analysis method is used to simulate the crack propagation of hydrogen embrittlement. We verified the model in 3D using the experimental test of the hydrogen embrittlement cracking process of AISI 4340 steel in 0.1 N H2SO4 solution from the literature. Considering different ambient temperatures, it is found that the crack propagation is highly similar to the experimental results. Based on the numerical analysis of peridynamics, the model can numerically simulate the hydrogen embrittlement fracture of AISI 4340 steel, and obtain a visual demonstration of the entire process of hydrogen atom diffusion and crack growth.  相似文献   

Repurposing existing natural gas pipelines for hydrogen transport has attracted wide interests. However, the corrosion defect present on these aged pipelines can affect hydrogen (H) atom accumulation, potentially causing hydrogen embrittlement. In this work, a finite element-based model was developed by coupling solid mechanics and H atom diffusion to investigate the distribution of H atoms at a corrosion defect on a steel pipe segment under applied longitudinal tensile strains. The applied strain causes local stress (both Mises stress and hydrostatic stress) and strain concentrations at the corrosion defect, affecting the H atom diffusion and distribution. In the absence of the tensile strain, the H atoms, once entering the interior of pipe, diffuse uniformly into the pipe body along the radial direction driven by a concentration gradient. When a strain is applied on the pipe, the H atom diffusion is driven by hydrostatic stress. The maximum H atom concentration exceeds the initial concentration of H atoms entering the steel pipe, indicating the H atom accumulation at the corrosion defect. The applied tensile strain also affects the location where the H atoms accumulate. For both internal and external corrosion defects, more H atoms will be concentrated at the defect center when the defect length reduces and the depth increases.  相似文献   

In this paper, two steels with different morphology of inclusions are studied. Scanning electron microscopy, finite element calculations, and electrochemical hydrogen permeation tests were conducted. Furthermore, in-situ observations of hydrogen de-trapping from the surface of steels were achieved using a hydrogen charging device and optical microscope. Results show that stripe-shaped complex inclusions exhibit a higher level of residual stress, especially at the boundary of oxide components. The hydrogen molecule is also prone to emerge at the oxide composition and intensifies the risks of cracking. In contrast, the residual stress levels around spherical inclusions are comparatively lower due to discrete sites of stress concentration. Thus, the effect of dispersed tiny dioxide sphere inclusions can help relieve the local hydrogen pressure and promote the resistance against hydrogen-induced cracking.  相似文献   

Constant displacement loading tests using wedge opening loading specimens were carried out in aqueous hydrogen sulfide solution containing sodium chloride to investigate the susceptibility of stress corrosion cracking (SCC) of FV520B precipitation hardening martensitic stainless steel. Results of the SCC tests indicated that the stress corrosion critical stress intensity factor (KISCC) dramatically decreased in the corrosion medium investigated and decreased with the increasing of H2S concentration. Microstructures of fracture surfaces were analyzed using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) with an energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). The fracture surface was typical of sulfide stress corrosion fracture. In addition, large amount of intermittent arc-crack on the side surfaces around the tip of main crack formed even no main crack propagated.A sequentially coupling finite element analysis (FEA) program was utilized to simulate the stress field and calculate the diffused hydrogen concentration distribution of specimen exposed to the corrosion medium investigated. The FEA results indicated that corrosion pit affected the stress and diffusion hydrogen distribution around the corrosion pit where large stress gradients formed. Side surface cracks initiated from those corrosion pits and propagated under the synergy of stress and hydrogen. The effect of the corrosion pit on hydrostatic stress distribution was limited in superficial zone near the side surface, thus side surface cracks propagated along the hoop direction rather than along the direction of specimen thickness. Based on the morphology observation and FEA results, it can be concluded that the SCC mechanism of FV520B steel was hydrogen embrittlement mainly and combination of anodic dissolution. Simultaneously, corrosion pitting was the precondition of side surface crack formation while the stress induced hydrogen diffusion was the dominant factor.  相似文献   

In this study, the number and size distribution of vanadium precipitates and their effects on hydrogen trapping efficiency and hydrogen-induced cracking (HIC) susceptibility were investigated in X80 pipeline steel. The results showed that as the vanadium content increased, the number of nanoscale vanadium precipitates clearly increased. Furthermore, the amount of hydrogen atoms trapped by vanadium precipitates gradually increased and the hydrogen diffusion coefficient decreased from 4.74 × 10?6 cm2 s?1 in the vanadium-free V0 steel to 8.48 × 10?7 cm2 s?1 in the V4 steel with 0.16% V, according to hydrogen permeation results. It also reduced the possibility of hydrogen atoms diffusing into the sites of harmful defects such as large-size oxides and elongated MnS inclusions, where cracks were caused more easily. In addition, the V3 steel with 0.12% V, containing the largest number of vanadium carbide particles of less than 60 nm, had the lowest HIC susceptibility.  相似文献   

In a previous study [1], a resolution scheme called Generalized Oriani's Approximation (GOA) was proposed to solve a transient transport and trapping problem in the Abaqus Finite Element software. This proposition was motivated by the convergence of the Finite Element problem linked to the estimation of several functions during the computation (and especially the dudt one). In this study, the GOA is shown to be able to provide an accurate estimation of the trapped concentration in transient trapping processes as soon as the time increment is small enough for two configurations: hydrogen in metals and water in polymers. An estimation of the induced error is given. The GOA approach is illustrated on a simple configuration with various trapping parameters. Last, the ability of Abaqus to converge while modeling a transient trapping and transport problem is analyzed considering several dudt: it is shown especially that its estimation based on the GOA allows the solver to efficiently converge toward the solution.  相似文献   

Investigation on hydrogen induced cracking behaviors of Ni-base alloy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hydrogen embrittlement of a Ni-base alloy at room temperature was investigated by slow strain rate tensile test (SSRT) under precharging or dynamic charging conditions. It was found that hydrogen embrittlement susceptibility of this alloy increased with increasing charging current density in both charging conditions. In-situ observation of hydrogen induced cracking revealed that surface crack initiation at both grain boundaries and slip bands, which should be attributed to decomposition of hydride phase during aging at room temperature. SSRT result exhibited that hydrogen diffusion in the alloy could be facilitated by deformation and as a result induced transgranular fracture of the sample. Both hydrogen induced cracking and the interaction between hydrogen and deformation played combined roles on hydrogen embrittlement of this alloy.  相似文献   

The mechanism of hydrogen-restrained crack propagation and practical application of thermohydrogen treatment in a TiAl-based alloy was investigated in this study. Hydrogenated and unhydrogenated alloys were subjected to high-temperature compression test, with a temperature range 1050–1200 °C and strain rate range 0.001–1 s−1. The results showed that crack propagation was restrained due to hydrogen addition. The main mechanism of hydrogen-restrained crack propagation of such alloy was revealed that hydrogen-promoted lamella bending and hydrogen-decreased Young's modulus induced inter-lamellar cracks transforming into trans-lamellar cracks, decreasing cracks in the hydrogenated alloy. Additionally, hydrogen-induced mechanical twinning in γ-phase lamellae partly restrained inter-lamellar crack propagation. In the two-step forging process, the optimum forging parameters were determined. It was found that hydrogen could effectively restrain crack propagation during the two-step forging process. Hydrogen refined grains of the forged billets, which improved toughness of such billets. The hydrogen content of the forged hydrogenated billets could be decreased to a desired value, and the phase composition and content were basically identical to those of the initial unhydrogenated alloy.  相似文献   

An elaborate numerical model with progressive damage and failure and fluid-structure coupling was developed to study the crack propagations of tubes under hydrogen static and detonation loads. The numerical model was verified with experiment in terms of crack behaviors and fracture patterns. The tube responses, crack propagations, pressure histories, crack lengths and speeds as well as the energy storages were obtained and analyzed in detailed. It was found the static load case has higher stored energy inside the tube, which causes the larger crack length and speed, as well as the severer bending deformation of tube. The forward crack first run faster under detonation load, but it will be caught up by the backward crack in the late period. The crack growths are incremental under both types of loads. However, the crack growth under detonation load has certain regular patterns, where the oscillating crack speed has a dominant frequency that can be calculated by the proposed formula. Moreover, the quantitative relationship between detonation load speed and the incremental crack growth length was revealed, which is fundamentally and practically useful.  相似文献   

Under the tensile loading, the damage of metals in the corrosive medium is the most destructive and harmful. In this study, the stress corrosion cracking behavior of H-charged high-strength steel in 3.5 wt% NaCl solution after electropulsing treatment was investigated. The experimental results from elongation, yield strength, fracture morphology, and polarization curves all demonstrate the positive effect of the pulsed processing, as it reduced the susceptibility of steel to stress corrosion cracking by removing hydrogen by electropulsing. The reduction in hydrogen content of the pulsed high–strength steels was attributed to electromigration and increased system free energy, which drove the hydrogen atoms in the steel to de–trap and reduced the susceptibility to stress corrosion cracking.  相似文献   

Hydrogen embrittlement (HE) together with the hydrogen transport behavior in hydrogen-charged type 304 stainless steel was investigated by combined tension and outgassing experiments. The hydrogen release rate and HE of hydrogen-charged 304 specimens increase with the hydrogen pressure for hydrogen-charging (or hydrogen content) and almost no HE is observed below the hydrogen content of 8.5 mass ppm. Baking at 433 K for 48 h can eliminate HE of the hydrogen-charged 304 specimen, while removing the surface layer will restore HE, which indicates that hydrogen in the surface layer plays the primary role in HE. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and scanning tunnel microscopy (STM) observations show that particles attributed to the strain-induced α′ martensite formation break away from the matrix and the small holes form during deformation on the specimen surface. With increasing strain, the connection among small holes along {111} slip planes of austenite will cause crack initiation on the surface, and then the hydrogen induced crack propagates from the surface to interior.  相似文献   

In order to simulate hydrogen charging and discharging cycles of mechanically loaded structures, an analytical solution for the differential equation of trapping kinetics is proposed, as a generalization of the Oriani's equilibrium relationship.This solution has been implemented in the Abaqus finite element software, and validated by comparison with the one-dimensional kinetic MRE Hydrogen Isotope Inventory Processes Code (HIIPC). Last, the results of an application on a 3D structure are presented.  相似文献   

Hydrogen embrittlement is commonly considered as a typical failure mechanism for low-alloy ferritic steel under high pressure hydrogen environment. Currently, the hydrogen enhanced localized plasticity theory has been largely recognized for studying the hydrogen embrittlement mechanism by introducing the localized plastic flow and the hydrogen induced strain concept. However, the hydrogen induced strain and the plastic strain are often solved respectively in this theory, which may weaken the effect of hydrogen on the plastic deformation. The purpose of this paper is to propose a modified theoretical model from the microstructural level by emphasizing the coupling mechanism between the hydrogen diffusion and the plastic deformation at large strain, where the hydrogen induced strain is superimposed on the equivalent plastic strain instead of on the strain components. Fully implicit backward Euler algorithm by finite element analysis (FEA) under the corotational configuration is used to implement the proposed model, where the hydrogen induced strain is involved in the stress return process within each iteration, indicating a more direct interaction between them than existing works. FEA by using finite element software ABAQUS-UMAT subroutine is performed for the smooth tensile specimen and the notch specimen respectively under slow tensile strain rate loading and different hydrogen pressure. Developed direct coupling model is expected to further gain insight into the hydrogen embrittlement effect on the plastic deformation, especially at the trapping sites.  相似文献   

Hydrogen activation, storage properties and associated crystal structures of Ti1-xScxMn1.6V0.4 (x = 0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25) alloys are investigated by hydrogenation and XRD. The unit-cells of alloys and hydrides expand with Sc content and hydrogen concentration. Minor addition of Sc significantly improves hydrogen activation and storage properties. The plateau pressure decreases, whereas the sloping factor and relative partial molar enthalpy for hydrogenation increase with Sc content. The activation properties strongly depend on the particle sizes. The bulk samples can easily be activated by implementing a hydrogen-induced cracking mechanism, which avoids removal of protective oxide films and compensates the lack of metallic B-metal in catalysis of hydrogen dissociation. Samples with smaller particle sizes are difficult to activate. The unusual particle size effect is interpreted by activation kinetics, and attributed to the high oxygen binding ability of B-metals and their contribution to the surface oxide films.  相似文献   

Hydrogen induced cracking (HIC) susceptibility of the welded X100 pipeline steel was evaluated in NACE “A” solution at room temperature according to the NACE TM0284-2011 standard. Both the kinetic parameters of the permeability (JL), the apparent diffusivity (Dapp) and the concentration of reversible and irreversible hydrogen in the base metal and welded joint of X100 pipeline steel were quantitatively investigated by hydrogen permeation test. The results showed that the welded joint with an inhomogeneous microstructure had a higher trap density and more susceptible to HIC due to two orders of magnitude larger in the concentration of irreversible hydrogen than that of base metal, though all presenting poor HIC resistance for both base metal and the welded joint. The HIC cracks initiated from the inclusions enriching in Al, Ca, Si, Mn. The cracks are primarily transgranular, accompanying with limited intergranular ones.  相似文献   

Hydrogen Induced Cracking (HIC) in carbon steels is a well-studied mechanism, where diffusing hydrogen atoms accumulates at the steel imperfections/laminations to create gaseous hydrogen with very high pressure, leading to initiation and growth of internal cavities, so-called HIC. Measurements of relevant fracture toughness properties of non-HIC resistant steels in hydrogen environment is critical to predict and assess the initiation and growth of HIC. The present work attempts to quantify the effect of hydrogen on the fracture toughness properties (KQ and CTOD) of an API X42 pipeline steel under simulated H2S in-service conditions. The fracture toughness properties are measured in TL and SL directions: perpendicular and parallel to the pipeline wall thickness, respectively, following ASTM E1820, standard. Since the X42 is a non-HIC resistant steel, the measurement of the fracture toughness properties in the SL direction is more relevant in terms of HIC initiation and growth than fracture toughness properties in the TL direction. Indeed, parallel to the thickness of the pipeline wall, X42 steel shows microstructural features prone to HIC formation and growth. Steady state H2S in-service conditions were simulated by charging the specimen for 48 h using a special electrolytic solution and then tested (ex-situ) to evaluate the fracture toughness properties. The steady state H2S environment was obtained by measuring the Hydrogen Concentration (CH) in the bulk of the specimen, using Thermal desorption Spectroscopy at three levels of CH. It was observed that the KQ was not affected in the SL direction, while it was reduced in the TL direction for 1.5 ppmw of CH. The CTOD showed mixed results in the TL direction while it was significantly reduced in the SL direction reaching a saturation at 1 ppmw of CH. Besides, microstructural analyses showed that the presence of inclusions coalescence in form of dimples promote the early failure, which is more pronounced in the hydrogen environment especially at higher levels of CH.  相似文献   

The dynamic analysis and the active vibration control of piezoelectric laminated beams under thermal load are presented. The beam is modeled using two noded finite elements with four mechanical and a variable number of electric potential degrees of freedom at each node. In the thickness direction, the thermal and the electric fields are approximated as piecewise linear across an arbitrary number of sublayers in a layer. Cubic Hermite interpolation is used for the deflection and electric potentials at the sublayers and linear interpolation is used for the axial displacement and the shear rotation. The thermal field is computed using a consistent six-noded thermal finite element with a quadratic interpolation along longitudinal direction and a linear interpolation along thickness direction. The temperature distribution and undamped natural frequencies are obtained for composite and sandwich beam under cantilever and clamped-clamped boundary conditions and compared with 2D-FE Abaqus results. The finite element equations derived are converted into modal model to represent them in the state space form. This model is then reduced using Hankel norm for designing the LQG controller. Optimal control technique is used to control the vibration of the beam. The designed LQG controller controls the tip deflection of composite and sandwich cantilever beams and midpoint deflection of clamped-clamped beams.  相似文献   

With a validated fluid-structure-fracture coupling approach, this paper studied the dynamic response and crack propagation of pre-flawed square tube under internal hydrogen-oxygen detonation. Fracture of tube was judged by a bivariate failure criterion derived from the underlying failure mechanism at high strain rate conditions. A programed burn approach based on the CJ theory was applied to simulate gaseous detonation. The coupling between detonation wave and tube was realized by penalty contact algorithm with an improved contact stiffness calculation formula. It was demonstrated that the peak pressure at tube edge is 29% higher than that at the middle of tube face. The dominant crack driving force comes from the specific vibration and deformation modes of square tube, where the deformed round section of tube corresponds to the maximum stress wave that travels behind the flexural waves on the tube. Above mechanism makes the backward cracks branch or turn before the forward cracks and the speeds of front and back branch cracks comparable to each other, which is opposite or different from the cases of round tubes. The crack behaviors with different initial flaw locations and detonation pressures were summarized and identified in detail. The forward crack speed can be up to 900 m/s, while the backward crack speeds are generally 65%–85% of above and the branch cracks run at about 100 m/s. In addition, the crack speed has a certain increase immediately after crack branching or turning. Among the three initial flaw location cases, the tube with initial flaw at the middle of face is most resistant to crack propagation under internal detonations.  相似文献   

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