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三维编织复合材料渐进损伤模拟及强度预测   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
采用考虑纤维束相互挤压的纤维束截面八边形单胞模型, 引入周期性边界条件, 对三维编织复合材料的渐进损伤过程进行数值模拟, 并预测了材料的拉伸强度。通过在应变能密度函数中引入损伤状态变量, 建立了含损伤材料的刚度矩阵, 运用基于不同失效模式下损伤状态变量的刚度渐进折减法表征材料积分点损伤, 通过数值结果与试验结果的对比, 分析了Hashin和Tsai-Wu两种准则作为判定纤维束起始损伤的适用性。分析表明: 基于引入不同失效模式的Tsai-Wu准则的数值模拟和试验结果吻合良好; Hashin准则不适合作为编织纤维束的损伤判据; 不同编织角材料的失效机制不同。   相似文献   

根据树脂传递模塑(RTM)成型的缎纹机织复合材料T型接头的结构特征和纤维布局特点, 基于ANSYS有限元数值分析平台, 建立符合其真实结构的几何模型和有限元分析模型。基于渐进失效强度预测方法的基本思想, 使用有限元计算软件ANSYS的参数化设计语言(APDL)开发相应的程序, 实现改进形式的Hashin失效准则。采用合适的最终失效评价方法, 建立二维机织结构复合材料T型接头受弯曲载荷时的渐进失效预测方法, 能够有效地模拟从初始加载到最终失效过程中机织复合材料T型接头结构的力学响应及损伤的萌生与发展, 并预测结构的静强度。   相似文献   

针对中国民机采用T800级复合材料这一新材料体系而基础数据匮乏的现状,采用渐进损伤分析(PDA)替代试验以显著降低研究周期和成本。综合渐进损伤方法和工程算法各自的优点,提出以渐进损伤分析替代应力集中减缓因子(SCRFs)测定试验,进而建立强度包线,并进行多钉连接强度预测的数值策略。为验证该数值策略的可行性,针对典型铺层应力集中减缓因子,测定试样,并开展渐进损伤分析,获得了试验件强度预测值来计算应力集中减缓因子,采用旁路载荷修正的强度包线法,绘制了典型铺层复合材料多钉连接旁路载荷修正强度包线,预测多钉连接的失效载荷,并与试验结果进行对比。结果表明:采用该数值策略预测的强度包线、多钉连接的失效载荷和失效模式均与试验结果吻合良好,证明了该数值策略的可行性。  相似文献   

本文首先以斜接角度、搭接长度以及搭接厚度为参数分别建立了复合材料单边斜接接头和双边斜接接头在拉伸载荷下的参数化有限元模型,采用abaqus软件中UMAT子程序功能编写了材料损伤本构模型,并利用cohesive单元模拟胶接界面损伤。通过渐进损伤分析,模拟出斜接接头的三种破坏模式,最终得到了各参数变化对斜接接头拉伸强度的影响,其中母板最终破坏模式对应最大拉伸强度,并对单边斜接接头和双边斜接接头结果进行了对比分析,得出双边斜接接头强度大于单边斜接接头强度的结论。  相似文献   

建立了一个同时考虑复合材料非线性力学响应、应变率效应和损伤累积导致材料属性退化的弹塑性三维损伤本构模型。采用改进的塑性力学模型表征材料在动态荷载下的非线性力学行为。为准确预测复合材料在动态荷载下的弹塑性力学响应,引入了率相关放大系数对准静态下的塑性强化函数进行修正。采用“断裂带模型”对已开发的本构模型软化段进行规则化,以减轻有限元分析结果的网格敏感性。采用分区反抛物线插值法对基体损伤初始断裂面角度及纤维扭结/劈裂平面角度进行求解。开发包含数值积分算法的用户材料自定义子程序VUMAT,并嵌于有限元程序ABAQUS V6.14中,对力学行为展现显著非线性力学效应和应变率效应的IM7/8552碳纤维/环氧树脂复合材料层合板进行了渐进失效分析,验证本文提出的材料本构模型的有效性。结果显示,预测结果与已报道的试验结果吻合良好,表明已建立的率相关三维弹塑性损伤本构模型能准确预测此类复合材料层合板的在动态荷载下的力学行为,为复合材料构件及其结构设计提供了一种有效的分析方法。  相似文献   

螺栓连接是先进复合材料结构的薄弱环节.因此,螺栓连接力学性能显著的不确定性不仅阻碍了先进复合材料的高效应用,且给整体结构的安全性和可靠性带来威胁.为定量评估碳纤维增强树脂(CFRP)复合材料螺栓连接失效载荷的不确定性,将数值的渐进损伤模型和区间分析方法结合,提出了一种高效、准确的分析方法.采用该方法预测了典型T800碳...  相似文献   

湿热环境对碳纤维增强树脂(CFRP)复合材料-铝合金螺栓连接结构失效的显著影响给整体结构带来了安全隐患。为准确评估湿热环境对混合螺栓连接静力失效的影响,基于复合材料渐进损伤模型及金属韧性断裂准则,建立了考虑湿热效应的复合材料-金属螺栓连接静力失效预测模型。采用该模型预测了CFRP复合材料-铝合金单钉双剪连接结构在23℃干态、70℃平衡吸湿状态下的静强度和失效模式,与试验结果吻合良好,验证了模型的有效性。在此基础上,进一步揭示了不同湿热工况对CFRP复合材料-铝合金单钉双剪、多钉双剪连接结构静力拉伸失效的影响规律。结果表明:相比于23℃干态条件,23℃平衡吸湿条件、70℃干态条件和70℃平衡吸湿条件下CFRP复合材料-铝合金单钉双剪连接结构的失效载荷分别下降了4.5%、7.2%和13.9%;高温是导致湿热环境中CFRP复合材料层板损伤区域增大的主要因素;随着螺栓数目的增加,70℃平衡吸湿状态时连接结构静强度相比于23℃干态的下降幅度逐渐降低。   相似文献   

针对中国缺少T800级复合材料螺栓连接设计参数的问题,发展一种综合连续损伤力学(CDM)和工程算法的单剪连接强度估算策略,以替代试验,降低研究周期和成本。在该强度估算策略中,首先建立试件的CDM有限元模型,通过数值模拟得到单剪螺栓连接的设计参数,包括单剪挤压强度修正系数、无缺口层合板拉伸强度和应力集中减缓因子等。随后根据上述参数,建立工程算法,估算复合材料单剪螺栓连接的最终挤压强度。结果表明:通过该策略得到的T800级复合材料螺栓连接设计参数和强度估算结果与试验结果有较好的一致性,说明该强度估算策略的可行性。   相似文献   

对激光选区熔化成形(SLM)铝合金板与碳纤维增强树脂基(CFRP)复合材料层合板两列四排沉头螺栓单剪连接件在拉伸载荷作用下进行了数值分析和试验研究。基于渐进损伤法的三维有限元模型准确地预测了连接件材料损伤萌生和演变,对比试验和三维有限元所得钉载比例、极限载荷及失效模式,可以发现,通过拟合SLM铝合金板断裂应变和应力三轴度曲线,编写UMAT子程序引入韧性准则和Hashin失效准则的三维有限元模型预测的连接件失效载荷与试验值误差仅为1.9%,且失效模式均为净截面拉断,两者吻合,此方法可以满足工程精度要求。利用经过验证的数值模型,分别预测了SLM铝合金板和CFRP层合板损伤演变过程,并分析了SLM铝合金板刚度对连接结构失效模式的影响,当SLM铝合金板厚度增大到4mm时,连接结构失效模式由SLM铝合金板净截面拉断转移到CFRP层合板上。  相似文献   

以三维渐进损伤理论为基础,采用ANSYS的二次开发语言,建立了复合材料层合板螺栓连接模型,在拉伸栽荷下对含孔复合材料板进行数值失效模拟计算.分析各铺层的失效过程和失效形式特点,得到层合板的初始失效栽荷和最终失效栽荷,为复合材料含孔板强化结构的研究提供一定参考.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development of a generalized model of continuum damage mechanics for fatigue fracture. With the introduction of a new damage effect tensor, the necessary constitutive equations of elasticity and plasticity coupled with damage are for the first instance derived. This is followed by the formulations of fatigue damage dissipative potential function and a fatigue damage criterion which are required for the development of a fatigue damage evolution equation. The fatigue evolution model is based on the hypothesis that the overall fatigue damage is induced by the summation of elastic and plastic damages.The validity of the damage model proposed is verified by comparing the predicted and measured number of cycles to failure for ten tensile specimens each applied with different load ranges and excellent agreement has been achieved.University of Science and Technology of China  相似文献   

A three-dimensional progressive damage model was developed to simulate the damage accumulation and predict the residual strength and final failure mode of bolted composite joints under in-plane tensile loading. The parametric study included stress analysis, failure analysis and material property degradation. Stress analysis of the three-dimensional geometry was performed numerically using the finite element code ANSYS with special attention given to the detailed modelling of the area around the bolt in order to account for all damage modes. Failure analysis and degradation of material properties were implemented using a set of stress-based Hashin-type failure criteria and a set of appropriate degradation rules, respectively. In order to validate the finite element model, a comparison of stress distributions with results from analytical models found in the literature was carried out and good agreement was obtained. A parametric study was performed to examine the effect of bolt position and friction upon damage accumulation and residual strength.  相似文献   

It is pivotal to predict the multiaxial vibration fatigue life during mechanical structural dynamics design. An algorithm of the finite element method implementation for multiaxial high cycle fatigue life evaluation is proposed, on the basis of elastic evolution model of continuum damage mechanics. By considering structural dynamic characteristics, namely, resonant frequencies and mode shapes, this algorithm includes a modal analysis and harmonic analysis, which makes this different from existing fatigue life prediction methods. A 10% decrease in the resonant frequency is regarded as the failure criterion. A critical damage value was obtained, which indicates mesocrack initiation fulfilment. To validate the effectiveness of the algorithm, auto‐phase sine resonance track‐and‐dwell experiments were conducted on notched cantilever beams made of Ti‐6Al‐4V alloy. The life predictions are conservative and in good agreements with the experimental results, which are mainly distributed within a scatter band of 2. This investigation could provide technical support for structural dynamics design and the analysis of reusable spacecraft.  相似文献   

A material model including the failure behaviour is derived for a thin unidirectional (UD) composite ply. The model is derived within a thermodynamic framework and the failure behaviour is modelled using continuum damage mechanics. The following features describe the model: (i) The ply is assumed to be in a plane state of stress. (ii) Three damage variables associated with the stress in the fibre-, transverse and shear directions, respectively, are used. (iii) The plastic behaviour of the matrix material is modelled. (iv) The difference in the material response in tensile and compressive loading is modelled. (v) Rate dependent behavior of plasticity and damage (i.e. strength) is modelled.  相似文献   

Ductile specimens always exhibit an inclined fracture surface with an angle relative to the loading axis. This paper reports a numerical study on the cup-cone fracture mode in round bar tensile tests and the slant fracture in plane-strain specimens based on continuum damage mechanics. A combined implicit-explicit numerical scheme is first developed within ABAQUS through user defined material subroutines, in which the implicit solver: Standard, and the explicit solver: Explicit, are sequentially used to predict one single damage/fracture process. It is demonstrated that this numerical approach is able to significantly reduce computational cost for the simulation of fracture tests under quasi-static or low-rate loading. Comparison with various tensile tests on 2024-T351 aluminum alloy is made showing good correlations in terms of the load-displacement response and the fracture patterns. However, some differences exist in the prediction of the critical displacement to fracture.  相似文献   

An experimental test series of mechanically fastened bolted joints with countersunk head in quasi-isotropic carbon/epoxy composite laminates under quasi-static and dynamic loads with velocities up to 10 m/s has been conducted in order to investigate potential strain rate effects on the failure behaviour. The test campaign covered bolt pull-through tests, single lap shear tests with one and two bolts and coach peel tests. Identical test equipment has been used for the whole range of test velocities to avoid influences of different test machines. No rate sensitivity occurred for most test configurations. Only the single lap shear tests with two bolts showed a change of failure mode at the highest test velocity enabling higher energy absorption.  相似文献   

In this paper, the methods of photo-orthotropic elasticity are applied to the study of bolted joints in composites. The photoelastic models are E-glass fibre-reinforced epoxy strips loaded through a cylindrical pin, simulating bolt loading without lateral pressure. A special loading arrangement is devised so that the photoelastic response around the hole is not obscured. Quasi-isotropic and unidirectionally-reinforced specimens are tested, with ratios of end distance to hole diameter varying from 2 to 6. Photoelastic isochromatic fringe patterns are presented along with the shear stress distribution for the quasi-isotropic models.  相似文献   

A new approach is developed to implement the cohesive zone concept for the simulation of delamination in fibre composites or crack growth in adhesive joints in tension or shear mode of fracture. The model adopts a bilinear damage evolution law, and uses critical energy release rate as the energy required for generating fully damaged unit area. Multi-axial-stress criterion is used to govern the damage initiation so that the model is able to show the hydrostatic stress effect on the damage development. The damage material model is implemented in a finite element model consisting of continuum solid elements to mimic the damage development. The validity of the model was firstly examined by simulating delamination growth in pre-cracked coupon specimens of fibre composites: the double-cantilever beam test, the end-notched flexure test and the end-loaded split test, with either stable or unstable crack growth. The model was then used to simulate damage initiation in a composite specimen for delamination without a starting defect (or a pre-crack). The results were compared with those from the same finite element model (FEM) but based on a traditional damage initiation criterion and those from the experimental studies, for the physical locations of the delamination initiation and the final crack size developed. The paper also presents a parametric study that investigates the influence of material strength on the damage initiation for delamination.  相似文献   

This paper presents the development of an analytical model for replicating the through-thickness stiffness of single-bolt, single-lap composite joints subjected to secondary bending. The model is an extension of a spring-based method, where bolts and laminates are represented by a series of springs and masses. The model accounts for extension of the bolt, the stiffness of the clamped region of the joint due to bolt torque, as well as the flexural stiffness and anticlastic curvature within the laminates. In order capture bolt extension and the stiffness of the clamped region, a closed form approach is used. An approximation approach is used to model flexural stiffness and anticlastic curvature within the laminates. The method is validated against detailed three-dimensional finite element models of bolted composite plates and good agreement was obtained. The method is subsequently employed to calibrate the through-thickness stiffness of single-bolt, single-lap joints in highly-efficient numerical models.  相似文献   

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