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A GIS-based method has been applied for the determination of soil erosion and sediment yield in a small watershed in Mun River
basin, Thailand. The method involves spatial disintegration of the catchment into homogenous grid cells to capture the catchment
heterogeneity. The gross soil erosion in each cell was calculated using Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) by carefully determining
its various parameters. The concept of sediment delivery ratio is used to route surface erosion from each of the discritized
cells to the catchment outlet. The process of sediment delivery from grid cells to the catchment outlet is represented by
the topographical characteristics of the cells. The effect of DEM resolution on sediment yield is analyzed using two different
resolutions of DEM. The spatial discretization of the catchment and derivation of the physical parameters related to erosion
in the cell are performed through GIS techniques. 相似文献
In the present study the SHETRAN river basin modelling system was used in conjunction with Geographic Information System (GIS) to estimate potential erosion and deposition rates within the catchment and the concentrations of sediment in a flow at the catchment outlet on the example of the 114.31 km2 mountainous torrential Lukovska River catchment in Serbia. The streams in the Lukovska River catchment are short, steep and often produce hazardous torrential floods as a consequence of strong rainfall of short duration. The soil erosion and sediment discharge were analysed in view of the catchment response to physical characteristics of the catchment. Considering that the most of total annual sediment discharge in watersheds of torrential character is achieved during storm events, the SHETRAN modelling system was calibrated on the example of a storm event in 1986 and validated for three other storm events in 1974, 1976 and 1979. The simulated results of discharges and sediment concentrations at the catchment outlet for both calibration and validation events were compared with the observed data and found to be reasonable. The changes of erosion and deposition rates within the catchment and in the course of time were estimated for the calibration event in 1986. The simulated erosion rates were within the range of 1 to 10.5 t/ha and corresponded to the observed rates of erosion in Europe during extreme rain events. The presented methodology is useful in identifying the erosion vulnerable regions in a catchment where erosion control measures should be implemented. 相似文献
The objective of this study is to develop a soil erosion and sediment yield model based on the kinematic wave approximation
using the finite element method, remote sensing and geographical information system (GIS) for calculating the soil erosion
and sediment yield in a watershed. Detachment of soil particles by overland flow occurs when the shear stress at the surface
overcomes the gravitational forces and cohesive forces on the particles. Deposition occurs when the sediment load is greater
than the transport capacity. Beasley et al.’s (Trans ASAE 23:938–944, 1980) transport equations for laminar and turbulent flow conditions are used to calculate the transport capacity. The model is
capable of handling distributed information about land use, slope, soil and Manning’s roughness. The model is applied to the
Catsop watershed in the Netherlands and the Harsul watershed in India. Remotely sensed data has been used to extract land
use/land cover map of the Harsul watershed, and other thematic maps are generated using the GIS. The simulated results for
both calibration and validation events are compared with the observed data for the watersheds and found to be reasonable.
Statistical evaluation of model performance has been carried out. Further, a sensitivity analysis has also been carried out
to study the effect of variation in model parameter values on computed volume of sediment, peak sediment and the time to peak
sediment. Sensitivity analysis has also been carried out for grid size variation and time step variation of the Catsop watershed.
The proposed model is useful in predicting the hydrographs and sedigraphs in the agricultural watersheds. 相似文献
Estimation of Soil Erosion for a Himalayan Watershed Using GIS Technique 总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12
The fragile ecosystem of the Himalayas has been an increasing cause of concern to environmentalists and water resources planners. The steep slopes in the Himalayas along with depletedforest cover, as well as high seismicity have been major factors in soil erosion and sedimentation in river reaches. Prediction ofsoil erosion is a necessity if adequate provision is to be madein the design of conservation structures to offset the ill effects of sedimentation during their lifetime.In the present study, two different soil erosion models, i.e. theMorgan model and Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) model, have been used to estimate soil erosion from a Himalayan watershed.Parameters required for both models were generated using remotesensing and ancillary data in GIS mode. The soil erosion estimated by Morgan model is in the order of 2200 t km-2 yr-1 and is within the limits reported for this region.The soil erosion estimated by USLE gives a higher rate. Therefore, for the present study the Morgan model gives, for area located in hilly terrain, fairly good results. 相似文献
侵蚀产沙模型研究进展和GIS应用 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
近年来随着地理信息系统 (GIS)技术的发展 ,侵蚀产沙模型与GIS的结合成为必然 ;作者阐述了近年来国际上流行的基于GIS的侵蚀产沙模型 :RUSLE、WEPP、ANSWERS等模型的主要内容、特点及适用范围 ,并对我国以陡坡为代表基于GIS的侵蚀产沙模型进行了介绍和评述 ;提出了目前侵蚀产沙模拟研究中存在的主要问题 ,并对基于GIS的侵蚀产沙模型的研究工作进行了展望。能反映侵蚀产沙时空过程的、基于GIS的分布式侵蚀产沙模型成为研究的重点 相似文献
Soil Erosion Assessment in a Hilly Catchment of North Eastern India Using USLE, GIS and Remote Sensing 总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8
In the present study, soil erosion assessment of Dikrong river basin of Arunachal Pradesh (India) was carried out. The river basin was divided into 200 × 200 m grid cells. The Arc Info 7.2 GIS software and RS (ERDAS IMAGINE 8.4 image processing software) provided spatial input data and the USLE was used to predict the spatial distribution of the average annual soil loss on grid basis. The average rainfall erositivity factor (R) for Dikrong river basin was found to be 1,894.6 MJ mm ha−1 h−1 year−1. The soil erodibility factor (K) with a magnitude of 0.055 t ha h ha−1 MJ−1 mm−1 is the highest, with 0.039 t ha h ha−1 MJ−1 mm−1 is the least for the watershed. The highest and lowest value of slope length factor (LS) is 53.5 and 5.39 respectively for the watershed. The highest and lowest values of crop management factor (C) were found out to be 0.004 and 1.0 respectively for the watershed. The highest and lowest value of conservation factor (P) were found to be 1 and 0.28 respectively for the watershed. The average annual soil loss of the Dikrong river basin is 51 t ha−1 year−1. About 25.61% of the watershed area is found out to be under slight erosion class. Areas covered by moderate, high, very high, severe and very severe erosion potential zones are 26.51%, 17.87%, 13.74%, 2.39% and 13.88% respectively. Therefore, these areas need immediate attention from soil conservation point of view. 相似文献
基于遥感和GIS的流域社会经济数据空间化方法研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
人口和社会经济数据及其空间分布,在资源、环境及自然灾害评估中的重要性已被广泛认知。把遥感和GIS技术相结合,是探讨解决社会经济统计数据空间化的重要思路。以东江流域为例,以多期人口、GDP、土地利用数据为基础,建立东江流域人口与土地利用、GDP和土地利用的多元线性回归模型;以土地利用数据和100 m×100 m网格数据为基础,构建东江流域人口和GDP空间分布约束力指标图层;然后结合统计模型和面积内插,实现了东江流域2009年人口、GDP统计数据的空间化。在县域空间尺度上对模拟结果进行了验证,与同尺度研究工作进行了对比,结果显示模拟得到的人口和GDP空间分布数据,与同尺度的研究工作处于同一精度或者略高的精度水平,表明该方法是一种进行流域社会经济数据空间化处理的有效方法。 相似文献
径流侵蚀功率理论在不同尺度坡面侵蚀产沙中的应用 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
基于次暴雨洪水过程中径流深、洪峰流量模数2个的重要水文特征参数,提出了用以描述坡面次暴雨水蚀动力的径流侵蚀功率的概念,并以岔巴沟流域团山沟不同空间尺度径流场历年实测次暴雨径流泥沙资料为基础,分析了径流侵蚀功率与坡面径流场次暴雨侵蚀模数之间的相关性,提出了适用于坡面次暴雨侵蚀产沙计算的基于径流侵蚀功率的坡面次暴雨水沙响应关系.研究结果表明:径流侵蚀功率与坡面次暴雨侵蚀模数之间存在极显著的幂函数相关关系,径流侵蚀功率可以较好地表征坡面次暴雨水力侵蚀动力.本研究成果可为黄土高原坡面次暴雨侵蚀产沙模型侵蚀动力因子的确定提供参考. 相似文献
False Colour Composites (FCC's) of IRS-1A LISS-II sensor pertaining to the dates 9th April 1989 and 7th December 1989 are
used to delineate the pre-monsoon and post-monsoon surface waterlogged areas in a region around Habibpur sub-distributary
bounded by Vaishali branch canal and Gandak river in North Bihar, India for the year 1989 using visual interpretation technique.
Also, digital data of IRS-1C LISS-III sensor pertaining to the dates 7th December 1998 and 6th April 1999 are analyzed in
a digital image processing software – ERDAS Imagine 8.3.1, to delineate the pre-monsoon and post-monsoon surface waterlogged
areas for the year 1998–1999. Further, for the study area, the waterlogging conditions are delineated for the year 1991–1992
using the groundwater flow modeling software package, MODFLOW. The results obtained using satellite remote sensing data and
groundwater flow modeling are integrated in a GIS environment in ERDAS Imagine for assessment of the waterlogging areas. 相似文献
Multi-Criteria Decision Making Approach for Watershed Prioritization Using Analytic Hierarchy Process Technique and GIS 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
V. M. Chowdary D. Chakraborthy A. Jeyaram Y. V. N. Krishna Murthy J. R. Sharma V. K. Dadhwal 《Water Resources Management》2013,27(10):3555-3571
Watershed prioritization based on the natural resources and physical processes involves locating critical areas of erosion, which produce maximum sediment yield to take up conservation activities on priority basis. The present study was taken up with a specific objective of prioritization of micro-watersheds using Multi-Criteria Decision Approach – Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) based SYI model (AHPSYI) under GIS environment for a case study area of Mayurakshi watershed in India. This method basically uses information of Potential Erosion Index (PEI) and Sediment Delivery Ratio (SDR), indicative of transport capacity. In the present study, sediment delivery factors viz., topography, vegetation cover, proximity to water courses and soil were translated into GIS layers and integrated using Boolean conditions to create a data layer of spatially distributed SDIs’ across the watershed. For assessment of PEI, important watershed parameters viz., land use/land cover, soil, slope, and drainage density maps were integrated in the GIS environment using Weighted Linear Combination method (WLC) by assigning weights to themes and ranks to features of individual theme using AHP technique. A comparison between AHPSYI based sub watershed prioritization map with that of prioritization map based on the observed sediment yield data revealed that about 78 % of the area showed concurrence. Thus, it can be inferred that the watershed prioritization based on only thematic layers can be dependable to maximum extent. Subsequently, proposed approach was adopted for prioritization of the study area at micro watershed scale, where area under high and very high categories together constitutes around 33 % of the study area. Around 100 micro-watersheds out of 276 watersheds are under moderate to very high category respectively, signifying the need for watershed management. 相似文献
通过对花瓶沟水库泥沙淤积观测资料分析,阐述了花瓶沟流域产沙量与降雨因素关系及水库淤积特点,提出了山区水土保持综合治理思路及花瓶沟水库控制运用要求。 相似文献
Runoff and Sediment Yield Modelling for a Treated Hilly Watershed in Eastern Himalaya Using the Water Erosion Prediction Project Model 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
R. K. Singh R. K. Panda K. K. Satapathy S. V. Ngachan 《Water Resources Management》2012,26(3):643-665
The Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) watershed model was calibrated and validated for a hilly watershed treated with
graded bunding and water-harvesting tank in high rainfall condition of eastern Himalayan range in India. The performance of
the model for the treated watershed was unacceptable with percent deviation of −45.81 and −38.35 respectively for runoff and
sediment yield simulations when calibrated parameter values for the nearby untreated watershed were used. This was possibly
due to differences in soil properties and average land slope. When soil parameters were calibrated for the treated watershed,
the model performance improved remarkably. During calibration, the model simulated surface runoff and sediment yield with
percent deviations equal to +6.24 and +9.02, and Nash–Sutcliffe simulation coefficients equal to 0.85 and 0.81, respectively.
During validation period, the model simulated runoff and sediment yield with percent deviations equal to +8.56 and +9.36,
and Nash–Sutcliffe simulation coefficients equal to 0.81 and 0.80, respectively. The model tended to slightly under-predict
runoff and sediment yield of higher magnitudes. The model performance was quite sensitive to soil parameters namely, rill
erodibility, interrill erodibility, hydraulic conductivity, critical shear stress and Manning’s roughness coefficient with
varying levels. The WEPP model picked up the hydrology associated with bund and water-harvesting tank, and simulated runoff
and sediment yield well with overall deviations within ±10% and Nash–Sutcliffe simulation coefficients >0.80. Simulation results
indicate that in high slope and high rainfall conditions of eastern Himalayan region of India where vegetative measures are
not adequate to restrict soil loss within the permissible limit, the WEPP model can be applied to formulate structure-based
management strategies to control soil loss and to develop water resources. 相似文献
以辽河中下游有关水文站年系列资料为基础,运用泥沙收支平衡法,研究辽河中下游泥沙时空分布,结果表明:巨流河至六间房河段为辽河中下游强烈沉积区。运用统计学方法,研究巨流河-六间房河段泥沙沉积量与上游不同水沙来源区水沙量相关关系。分析结果表明:辽河下游巨流河-六间房河段沉积量与辽河支流柳河产沙区产沙量具有较好的相关关系,柳河产沙量的变化对辽河下游河道泥沙沉积量的变化起着主要的控制作用,且柳河汛期单位来水来沙量较全年单位来水来沙量对辽河下游沉积量的贡献率更大。因此,为缓解辽河下游河道沉积问题,柳河水土流失的治理亟待加强。 相似文献
三峡水库泥沙淤积预估 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
在三峡工程可行性论证阶段,利用泥沙数学模型对三峡水库各种蓄水方案库区泥沙冲淤变化进行了预估。本文根据大量计算成果对三峡水库不同蓄水位方案的库区泥沙淤积量、淤积沿程分布、排沙率、保留库容、洪水位抬高等主要问题进行了论述,并分析了水库运用过程中泥沙冲淤变化特点。 相似文献
全国水土流失遥感成果与水保生态建设发展战略 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
环境与发展是当今国际社会关注的热点问题。为了用科学数据客观地反映全国水土流失状况,为国民经济和社会发展服务,为国家宏观决策服务,上个世纪的80年代末和90年代末,我国先后开展了两次土壤侵蚀遥感普查工作,两次工作都是由水利部 相似文献
小流域产流产沙动力学模型 总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15
按自然水系划分单元,每一单元又被概化为“一本打开的书”概化后的单元又区分为几个微地貌区。各单元水沙过程演算至流域出口迭加得流域产流产沙过程。此法一方面解决了降雨,侵蚀和下垫面的不均匀性,另一方面又解决了水沙的演算问题。坡面和沟道水流用运动波方程描述并用四点隐式差分格式求其数值解。根据水流作功和能量平衡原理推导出各微地貌区上的土侵蚀量计算公式,建立起具有物理过程基础的小流域产流产沙模型。 相似文献
Reservoirs are the key infrastructure for the socio-economic development of a country. The reservoirs are proven to be a remedial solution of highly erratic spatial and temporal availability of water. The growth in population and consequent developmental activities within a catchment area has shown to aggravate the problem of sedimentation which comprised of erosion, sediment transport and its deposition in these reservoirs. Among all above mentioned, reservoir sediment deposition is most important as it reduces its useful life and impairs the purposes of these vast water resource. The sediment yield has been considered as comprehensive index for assessing sustainability of such resources. The present study investigates the suitability of Pacific Southwest Inter-Agency Committee (PSIAC) model in determining the sediment yield rate for a drainage basin considering nine basin factors in geographical information system (GIS) environment. For the analysis, a large river basin at the foothill of Himalayas in India has been considered as case study. It was realized that the GIS approach made large basin characteristic sampling very easy and efficient for this hilly basin. A regression equation between specific sediment yield and effective model factors was established based on geomorphic features for this basin. It was observed that most of the basin area is falling under moderate to high sediment yielding potential zone, leading to high sediment yield. 相似文献