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The atomic force microscope (AFM) has become integrated into standard characterisation procedures in many different areas of research. Nonetheless, typical imaging rates of commercial microscopes are still very slow, much to the frustration of the user. Developments in instrumentation for “high‐speed AFM” (HSAFM) have been ongoing since the 1990s, and now nanometer resolution imaging at video rate is readily achievable. Despite thorough investigation of samples of a biological nature, use of HSAFM instruments to image samples of interest to materials scientists, or to carry out AFM lithography, has been minimal. This review gives a summary of different approaches to and advances in the development of high‐speed AFMs, highlights important discoveries made with new instruments, and briefly discusses new possibilities for HSAFM in materials science.  相似文献   

Studies on human norovirus are severely hampered by the absence of a cell culture system until the discovery of murine norovirus (MNV). The cell membrane domains called lipid rafts have been defined as a port of entry for viruses. This study is conducted to investigate murine norovirus binding on the mouse leukemic monocyte macrophage cell line. Lipid raft related structures are extracted from cells by detergent treatment resulting detergent‐resistant membrane (DRMs) domains. The real‐time polymerase chain reaction technique is performed to detect the viral genome, thereby the MNV binding on the DRMs. The interactions between MNV and DRMs are investigated by high‐speed atomic force microscopy (HS‐AFM) combined with surface‐enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS). The inoculation of the virus onto cells results in the aggregations of detergent‐resistant membrane domains significantly. The characteristic Raman band of MNV is found in inoculated samples. To be sure that these results are originated from specific interactions between DRM and MNV, methyl‐β‐cyclo‐dextrin (MβCD) is applied to disrupt lipid rafts. The MNV binding on DRMs is precluded by the MβCD treatment. The cholesterols chains are defined as a key factor in the interactions between norovirus and DRMs. The authors conclude that the MNV binding involves the presence of DRMs and cholesterol dependent.  相似文献   

Rational control of molecular ordering on surfaces and interfaces is vital in supramolecular chemistry and nanoscience. Here, a systematic scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) study for controlling the self‐assembly behavior of alkoxylated benzene (B‐OCn) molecules on a HOPG surface is presented. Three different phases have been observed and, of great importance, they can transform to each other by modifying the solute concentration. Further studies, particularly in situ diluting and concentrating experiments, demonstrate that the transitions among the three phases are highly controllable and reversible, and are driven thermodynamically. In addition, it is found that concentration‐controlled reversible phase transitions are general for different chain lengths of B‐OCn molecules. Such controllable and reversible phase transitions may have potential applications in the building of desirable functional organic thin films and provide a new understanding in thermodynamically driven self‐assembly of organic molecules on surfaces and interfaces.  相似文献   

The filtration capacity of fibrous media for airborne particles is restricted by their thick diameter, low porosity, and limited frontal area. The ability to solve this problem would have broad technological implications for various air filtration applications; despite many past efforts, it remains a great challenge to achieve. Herein, a facile and scalable strategy to fabricate the ripple‐like polyamide‐6 nanofiber/nets (PA‐6 NF/N) air filter via combining electrospinning/netting technique with receiving substrate design is demonstrated. This proposed approach allows the scaffold filaments to orderly embed into 2D PA‐6 nanonets layer with Steiner‐tree structures and nanoscale diameter of ≈20 nm, resulting in the ripple‐like membrane with extremely small pore size, highly porous structure, and hugely extended frontal surface, by facilely adjusting its pleat span and pleat pitch. These unique structural advantages enable the ripple‐like PA‐6 NF/N filter to filtrate the ultrafine particles with high removal efficiency of 99.996%, low air resistance of 95 Pa, and robust quality factor of >0.11 Pa?1; using its superlight weight of 0.9 g m?2 and physical sieving manner. This approach has the potentialities to give rise to a novel generation of filter media displaying enhanced filtration capacity for various applications thanks to their nanoscale features and designed macrostructures.  相似文献   

This study reports on “phase” transitions of Xe condensates in on‐surface confinements induced by temperature changes and local probe excitation. The pores of a metal‐organic network occupied with 1 up to 9 Xe atoms are investigated in their propensity to undergo “condensed solid” to “confined fluid” transitions. Different transition temperatures are identified, which depend on the number of Xe atoms in the condensate and relate to the stability of the Xe clustering in the condensed “phase.” This work reveals the feature‐rich behavior of transitions of confined planar condensates, which provide a showcase toward future “phase‐transition” storage media patterned by self‐assembly. This work is also of fundamental interest as it paves the way to real space investigations of reversible solid to fluid transitions of magic cluster condensates in an array of extremely well‐defined quantum confinements.  相似文献   

Droplets containing ternary mixtures can spontaneously phase‐separate into high‐order structures upon a change in composition, which provides an alternative strategy to form multiphase droplets. However, existing strategies always involve nonaqueous solvents that limit the potential applications of the resulting multiple droplets, such as encapsulation of biomolecules. Here, a robust approach to achieve high‐order emulsion drops with an all‐aqueous nature from two aqueous phases by osmosis‐induced phase separation on a microfluidic platform is presented. This technique is enabled by the existence of an interface of the two aqueous phases and phase separation caused by an osmolality difference between the two phases. The complexity of emulsion drops induced by phase separation could be controlled by varying the initial concentration of solutes and is systematically illustrated in a state diagram. In particular, this technique is utilized to successfully achieve high‐order all‐aqueous droplets in a different aqueous two‐phase system. The proposed method is simple since it only requires two initial aqueous solutions for generating multilayered, organic‐solvent‐free all‐aqueous emulsion drops, and thus these multiphase emulsion drops can be further tailored to serve as highly biocompatible material templates.  相似文献   

Inspired by its high‐active and open layered framework for fast Li+ extraction/insertion reactions, layered Ni‐rich oxide is proposed as an outstanding Na‐intercalated cathode for high‐performance sodium‐ion batteries. An O3‐type Na0.75Ni0.82Co0.12Mn0.06O2 is achieved through a facile electrochemical ion‐exchange strategy in which Li+ ions are first extracted from the LiNi0.82Co0.12Mn0.06O2 cathode and Na+ ions are then inserted into a layered oxide framework. Furthermore, the reaction mechanism of layered Ni‐rich oxide during Na+ extraction/insertion is investigated in detail by combining ex situ X‐ray diffraction, X‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and electron energy loss spectroscopy. As an excellent cathode for Na‐ion batteries, O3‐type Na0.75Ni0.82Co0.12Mn0.06O2 delivers a high reversible capacity of 171 mAh g?1 and a remarkably stable discharge voltage of 2.8 V during long‐term cycling. In addition, the fast Na+ transport in the cathode enables high rate capability with 89 mAh g?1 at 9 C. The as‐prepared Ni‐rich oxide cathode is expected to significantly break through the limited performance of current sodium‐ion batteries.  相似文献   

Mechanical biomarkers associated with cytoskeletal structures have been reported as powerful label‐free cell state identifiers. In order to measure cell mechanical properties, traditional biophysical (e.g., atomic force microscopy, micropipette aspiration, optical stretchers) and microfluidic approaches were mainly employed; however, they critically suffer from low‐throughput, low‐sensitivity, and/or time‐consuming and labor‐intensive processes, not allowing techniques to be practically used for cell biology research applications. Here, a novel inertial microfluidic cell stretcher (iMCS) capable of characterizing large populations of single‐cell deformability near real‐time is presented. The platform inertially controls cell positions in microchannels and deforms cells upon collision at a T‐junction with large strain. The cell elongation motions are recorded, and thousands of cell deformability information is visualized near real‐time similar to traditional flow cytometry. With a full automation, the entire cell mechanotyping process runs without any human intervention, realizing a user friendly and robust operation. Through iMCS, distinct cell stiffness changes in breast cancer progression and epithelial mesenchymal transition are reported, and the use of the platform for rapid cancer drug discovery is shown as well. The platform returns large populations of single‐cell quantitative mechanical properties (e.g., shear modulus) on‐the‐fly with high statistical significances, enabling actual usages in clinical and biophysical studies.  相似文献   

A fundamental understanding of the interplay between the microscopic structure and macroscopic optoelectronic properties of organic‐inorganic hybrid perovskite materials is essential to design new materials and improve device performance. However, how exactly the organic cations affect the structural phase transition and optoelectronic properties of the materials is not well understood. Here, real‐time, in situ temperature‐dependent neutron/X‐ray diffraction and photoluminescence (PL) measurements reveal a transformation of the organic cation CH3NH3 + from order to disorder with increasing temperature in CH3NH3PbBr3 perovskites. The molecular‐level order‐to‐disorder transformation of CH3NH3 + not only leads to an anomalous increase in PL intensity, but also results in a multidomain to single‐domain structural transition. This discovery establishes the important role that organic cation ordering has in dictating structural order and anomalous optoelectronic phenomenon in hybrid perovskites.  相似文献   

The synthesis and characterization of novel DNA structures based on tetraplex cytosine (C) arrangements, known as i‐motifs or i‐tetraplexes, is reported. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) investigation shows that long C‐strands in mild acidic conditions form compact spherically shaped nanostructures. The DNA nanospheres are characterized by a typical uniform shape and narrow height distribution. Electrostatic force microscopy (EFM) measurements performed on the i‐motif spheres clearly show their electrical polarizability. Further investigations by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) at ultrahigh vacuum reveals that the structures exhibit an average voltage gap of 1.9 eV, which is narrower than the voltage gap previously measured for poly(dG)–poly(dC) molecules in similar conditions.  相似文献   

Advancements in three‐dimensional (3D) printing technology have the potential to transform the manufacture of customized optical elements, which today relies heavily on time‐consuming and costly polishing and grinding processes. However the inherent speed‐accuracy trade‐off seriously constrains the practical applications of 3D‐printing technology in the optical realm. In addressing this issue, here, a new method featuring a significantly faster fabrication speed, at 24.54 mm3 h?1, without compromising the fabrication accuracy required to 3D‐print customized optical components is reported. A high‐speed 3D‐printing process with subvoxel‐scale precision (sub 5 µm) and deep subwavelength (sub 7 nm) surface roughness by employing the projection micro‐stereolithography process and the synergistic effects from grayscale photopolymerization and the meniscus equilibrium post‐curing methods is demonstrated. Fabricating a customized aspheric lens 5 mm in height and 3 mm in diameter is accomplished in four hours. The 3D‐printed singlet aspheric lens demonstrates a maximal imaging resolution of 373.2 lp mm?1 with low field distortion less than 0.13% across a 2 mm field of view. This lens is attached onto a cell phone camera and the colorful fine details of a sunset moth's wing and the spot on a weevil's elytra are captured. This work demonstrates the potential of this method to rapidly prototype optical components or systems based on 3D printing.  相似文献   

In this paper, an innovative approach to high‐temperature testing of subsize Charpy V notched specimens is introduced. The design concept is to heat the specimen on the specimen piece supports up to the moment of impact by flowing AC electric current through it. This approach allows a very accurate centring of the specimen with respect to the anvils and the control of their temperature up to the moment of impact. The temperature profile measured by using the in‐situ heating device on ferritic steel specimen over the notch temperature range of 400°C < T < 750°C is presented. The impact energy was measured at different temperatures going through the eutectoid phase transformation of the ferritic steel specimens, with different carbon composition, to investigate the validity of the instrumented in‐situ heating method. The method is particularly appropriate to estimate the ductile brittle transition that occurs at high temperature in some metallic alloy systems. Also, its wide range of specimen heating rate provides new research tools for studying, for example, the intermediate temperature embrittlement of metals and alloys.  相似文献   

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