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2004年对中国日化企业来说是不平凡的一年——日化原材料价格飙升,物流成本不断加码,外资品牌展开全方位攻势,市场竞争已经白热化。2005年日化市场的竞争还会加剧,众多日化企业借助中央电视台等强势媒体进行品牌传播,实现了品牌不断增值,已在竞争中占据优势地位。但更多的日化企业,尤其是广东地区的日化企业却仍然面临着品牌困境。如何突破品牌重围、打造领导品牌等问题是以广东日化为代表的本土日化企业亟待解决的问题。中央电视台于3月在广州举行了以“品牌-中国之路”为主题的2005中国本土日化品牌论坛。在本次论坛上,许多嘉宾就如何塑造强势日化品牌进行了充分的交流与探讨。本刊现刊发由央视提供的论坛现场报道。  相似文献   

董昱 《中国橡胶》2015,(7):28-29
<正>2015年2月,受国际原油价格上涨、东南亚天然橡胶主产国因季节和天气因素供应量减少、泰国政府出台天然橡胶收储政策以及国内春节期间橡胶制品企业开工率下降、需求减少、库存持续增加等多重因素影响,天然橡胶价格略有回落。据中国物流信息中心市场监测,2月份天然橡胶价格环比下降0.2%,降幅较上月收窄0.03个百分点,同比(下同)下降19.69%。  相似文献   

赵金榜 《中国涂料》2007,22(11):12-13
采用重量包装计量已不符合国际通用做法,而采用体积计量在发达国家和跨国公司已成惯例。中国已加入世界贸易组织,中国涂料行业若要同国际接轨,采用体积包装计量是大势所趋。本文旨在抛砖引玉,希望引起行业的重视,以期尽早与国际接轨。  相似文献   

杨胜敏 《中国橡胶》2004,20(23):32-32
中国标准化组织和美国实验与材料协会(ASTM)前不久签署一项谅解备忘录。按备忘录协议内容中国标准化管理部门可派代表加入美国ASTM;美国ASTM将邀请中方派实习生到其总部学习其标准制定程序,双方共同组织标准化培训;美国ASTM将一年一度的标准,完整地提供给中国标准化部门,  相似文献   

Three kinds of memory help herbivores track changes in the environment. The first is the collective memory of the species with genetic instructions that have been shaped by the environment through millennia. This includes skin and gut defense systems. Auditory and visual stimuli and sensations of pain impinge upon the skin defense system that evolved in response to predation. The taste of food and the sensations of nausea and satiety are an integral part of the gut defense system that evolved in response to toxins and nutrients in plants. The second kind of memory in social mammals is represented by the mother, a source of transgenerational knowledge, who increases efficiency and reduces risk of learning about foods and environments. The third kind of memory is acquired by individual experience. Postingestive feedback from nutrients and toxins enables individuals to experience the consequences of food ingestion and to adjust food preference and selection commensurate with a food's utility. The three memories interact, each linking the past to the present, and collectively shape the present and future of every individual. Thus, the dynamics of foraging involves appreciating the uniqueness of individuals and subgroups of animals, each with their own genetic and behavioral history, and recognizing that foraging behaviors may not be stable, optimal, or even predictable in the conventional sense.  相似文献   

Amylase-resistant starch (RS) represents a substrate for the bacterial flora of the colon, and the question arises as whether RS shares with soluble fibers common mechanisms for their lipid-lowering effects. It is uncertain whether a cholesterol-lowering effect depends basically on an enhanced rate of steroid excretion or whether colonic fermentations also play a role in this effect. In the present study, the effect of RS (25% raw potato starch), of a steroid sequestrant (0.8% cholestyramine), or both were compared on bile acid excretion and lipid metabolism in rats fed semipurified diets. RS diets led to a marked rise in cecal size and the cecal pool of short-chain fatty acids (SCFA), as well as SCFA absorption; cholestyramine did not noticeably affect cecal fermentation. Whereas cholestyramine was particularly effective at enhancing bile acid excretion, RS was more effective in lowering plasma cholesterol (−32%) and triglycerides (−29%). The activity of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase was increased fivefold by cholestyramine and twofold by RS. This induction in rats fed RS diets was concomittant to a depressed fatty acid synthase activity. In rats fed the RS diet, there was a lower concentration of cholesterol in all lipoprotein fractions, especially the (d=1.040−1.080) fraction high-density lipoprotein (HDL1), while those fed cholestyramine had only a significant reduction of HDL1 cholesterol. In contrast to cholestyramine, RS also depressed the concentration of triglycerides in the triglyceride-rich lipoprotein fraction. There was no noticeable synergy between the effects of RS and cholestyramine when both were present in the diet. This suggests that the cholesterol-lowering effect of RS is not limited to its capacity to enhance bile acids excretion. The difference between RS and cholestyramine could relate to the capacity of fermentation end-products to counteract the upregulation of cholesterol and bile acid biosynthesis. Thus, in the absence of fermentation in the large intestine, a high rate of bile acids excretion is not always sufficient to elicit a cholesterol-lowering effect.  相似文献   

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