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This paper describes a novel method of robust (insensitive to system parameter variations and load current changes) and fast digital control for an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) with a three-phase PWM inverter. The purpose of this paper is to propose a method by which characteristics better than those by conventional methods are obtained using an algorithm simpler than that of conventional methods. The experiments show that the purpose is achieved and the proposed method offers a total harmonic distortion of 0.6% of the output voltage waveform at a full nonlinear load. The analysis shows that the stability of the method is sufficient. Three features of the method are: (a) a capacitor current observer for stabilization and a disturbance observer for robustness are used to compensate the time lag by the computation and the disturbances, in a minor loop of the capacitor current through an inductor-capacitor filter of the inverter; (b) new models of the inverter and the disturbances are established to simplify these observers; and (c) the output voltage control loop can be designed easily and exactly because the minor loop realizes a rapid and robust control of the current  相似文献   

This paper presents the development of digital signal processor (DSP) based switch-mode rectifier (SMR) with robust varying-band hysteresis current-controlled (HCC) pulse width modulated (PWM) schemes. First, a robust fixed-frequency HCC PWM control scheme is developed. Through robust harmonic spectrum shaping, the constant frequency control performance is insensitive to the changes of system parameters and operating condition, and the low frequency harmonics possess smaller magnitudes. Next, the robust HCC PWM schemes of SMR with linearly and randomly varying hysteresis bands are proposed. The harmonic spectra of the SMR are shaped to be uniformly distributed. As to the output voltage regulation control, the dynamic plant model is first estimated. Then accordingly, the controller is quantitatively designed to meet the prescribed control requirements. Significant power quality improvement in line drawn current for the SMR is achieved by using the developed HCC PWM schemes.  相似文献   

A novel approach to filter design for a closed-loop, pulse-width-modulated (PWM) DC-AC inverter system driving an RL load is investigated. The system has a rectangular hysteresis in the forward path and it is closed by current feedback. When it is excited by a sinusoidal input reference, it provides square pulses that produce a nearly sinusoidal current in the load. Using a describing function technique, design equations for the filter are derived. The data needed for the filter evaluation are the amplitude of current ripple and the frequency of square pulses delivered by the power bridge. System simulation and experimental results show that the design of the filter can be based on the method proposed and that the filter can provide a significant reduction of current ripple, or otherwise a significant reduction of switching frequency  相似文献   

The three major approaches for current-regulated inverters are ramp comparison, hysteresis control, and predictive current control. From these three, predictive current control offers the potential for achieving more precise current control with minimum distortion and harmonic noise. But, the predictive method is difficult to implement and needs more computational burden. The traditional predictive current controller has a poor performance under component parameter variations, and is less robust to filters inductance mismatch. A robust predictive current control strategy was proposed and studied. Both simulations and experimental results show that the proposed method is much more robust to parameter mismatch than the traditional one.  相似文献   

实时可靠的三维定位能力是自主车实现越野自主导航的前提.提出了一种基于全状态空间扩展卡尔曼滤波的GPS/INS融合算法.在考虑传感器误差源的基础上建立了系统观测方程.以连续状态空间为基础并加以离散化后建立了系统状态方程.最后由扩展卡尔曼滤波器实现了系统状态的可靠估计.该算法可以放松以往对INS误差精确建模的要求,并能有效地应对由路面剧烈颠簸导致的INS短时失效和由遮挡等原因导致的GPS失效.实验结果表明该GPS/INS融合定位系统是可靠和成功的.  相似文献   

A novel soft-switched PWM inverter for AC motor drives   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A novel soft-switched inverter topology is derived from the passively clamped quasi-resonant link (PCQRL) circuit. By introducing magnetic coupling between the two resonant inductors, the number of auxiliary switches can be reduced from two to one, and only a single magnetic core is required for the resonant DC link. An analysis of this novel PCQRL topology with coupled inductors is presented to reveal the various soft-switching characteristics. In comparison with the conventional passively clamped, continuously resonant DC link inverter, this soft-switched inverter can reduce voltage stresses from more than 2 per unit (pu) to 1.1-1.3 pu. It can also provide soft-switched pulse-width modulated (PWM) operation. Simulations and experiments are performed to backup the analysis  相似文献   

This paper describes the closed-loop control of a single-phase pulsewidth modulated (PWM) inverter using the generalized predictive control (GPC) algorithm. This approach determines the desired switching signals by minimizing a cost function that reduces the tracking error and the control signals. Experimental results have demonstrated that the prototype system performs well  相似文献   

A new active common-mode EMI filter for PWM inverter   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This paper presents a new active common-mode electromagnetic interference (EMI) filter for the pulse-width modulation (PWM) inverter application. The proposed filter is based on the current sensing and compensation circuit and it utilizes a fast transistor amplifier for the current compensation. The amplifier utilizes an isolated low-voltage DC power supply for its biasing and it is possible to construct the active filter independent of the source voltage of the equipment. Thus the proposed active filter can be used in any application regardless of its working voltage. The effectiveness of the proposed circuit has been verified by experimental results.  相似文献   

A novel DC-DC power converter for variable-speed AC power drives using the zero-voltage switching technique is described. This converter combines the advantages of soft commutated inverters and those of conventional pulsewidth modulated (PWM) inverters. In the proposed scheme, the soft commutation reduces the constraints on the switches, and the PWM enables simple and efficient regulation of the power flow. Furthermore, the zero-voltage switching technique makes operation safe, and the switching of bipolar transistors at 20 kHz is easily achieved without compromising the efficiency of the system  相似文献   

PWM technique for power MOSFET inverter   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A sinusoidal PWM (pulsewidth-modulated) inverter suitable for use with power MOSFETs is described. The output waveforms in the proposed PWM inverter are investigated both theoretically and experimentally. A modulating signal for the three-phase PWM inverter is obtained by adding the harmonic components of integer multiples of three to the three-phase sine waves. By using the proposed modulating signal, the amplitude of the fundamental component is increased about 15% more than that of a conventional sine-wave inverter and the commutation number of the inverter is decreased to two-thirds of a conventional one  相似文献   

The voltage modulation factor of the magnetic flux control pulse-width modulation (PWM) method is discussed. The modulation factor is derived from a theoretical study on the flux locus produced from the inverter output voltage. The derivation is based on the fact that the fundamental component of the inverter output voltage is proportional to the radius of the flux locus. It is shown theoretically that the voltage modulation factor is expressed by the content of a zero vector in one cycle of the selected PWM pattern of the space vector expression. The modulation factor of the magnetic flux control PWM method is calculated. The modulation factor can be varied from zero to 12/π2. The output voltage of the magnetic flux control PWM method can be controlled by the modulation factor linearly from zero up to overmodulation. The simulation and experimental results are also shown  相似文献   

Hysteresis current controllers having fixed bands are used in inverters of high-performance AC drives. The switching frequency of such controllers varies over the fundamental period of the modulating signal. The maximum switching frequency (MSF) of these controllers is high. To limit the MSF within the limit of inverter switches, fixed carrier lockouts are usually incorporated. The incorporation of carrier lockouts causes current distortion, and load currents do not confine within the predetermined band. In this paper, two new controllers are proposed. One is a mixed-mode controller of sinusoidal band added to a fixed band, and the other is an equidistant-band current controller, performances of the proposed controllers are compared with the performances of the conventional fixed-band and sinusoidal-band controllers  相似文献   

A PWM pulse pattern optimization method using pulse frequency modulation (PFM) is described. In conventional PWMs the pulse frequency is kept constant. In the proposed PFM, however, the pulse frequency is adjusted. The PFM technique is intended to not only reduce the magnetic acoustic noises of driven motors but also to improve the performance of sinusoidal inverters. The PWM pulse patterns are basically controlled so that the time-integral function of the voltage vectors in the space vector notation may draw a circular locus. In addition to this, the pulse frequency, of PWM is also controlled so that the performance index (PI), which represents the degree of achieved objectives, may be minimized. Two PIs, one for minimizing the distortion of output currents and the other for minimizing the torque pulsation of driven motors, are employed. The method is implemented using a single-chip microprocessor, and the experimental results demonstrate its validity  相似文献   

A current source PWM inverter with actively commutated SCRs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Conventional SCR based current source inverters suffer from poor waveform quality due to six step switching. Pulse width modulated current source inverters typically require gate turn off devices with reverse voltage blocking capability which have limited their application. In this paper, a new pulse width modulated current source inverter topology using one gate turn off switch and six SCRs is presented. The converter uses active commutation to realize pulse width modulation in a conventional SCR based current source inverter. Modulation techniques for the proposed inverter, simulation and experimental results are described in the paper. This topology is suitable for high performance, high power applications  相似文献   

An adaptive hysteresis-band control method where the band is modulated with the system parameters to maintain the modulation frequency to be nearly constant is described. Although the technique is applicable to general AC motor drives and other types of load, an interior permanent magnet (IPM) synchronous machine load is considered. Systematic analytical expressions of the hysteresis band are derived as functions of system parameters. An IPM machine drive system with a voltage-fed current-controlled PWM (pulse width modulation) inverter has been computer simulated to study the performance of the proposed method  相似文献   

This paper presents a new quasi-resonant DC-link (QRDCL) inverter. Only one switching device is used to create zero voltage instants under all load conditions. The maximum voltage across the inverter devices is maintained at around (1.01-1.1) times the input source voltage. The circuit has the flexibility of selecting switching instants of the resonant link in synchronism with any PWM technique. Control technique does not require the help of inverter switches to create the zero voltage instants in the DC-link, and voltage and current sensors are eliminated from the control circuit. In this paper, the principle of operation and detailed analysis of the proposed QRDCL inverter are presented and design considerations for achieving soft switching are obtained. Detailed PSPICE simulation studies are carried out to study the feasibility of the proposed topology under various load conditions. The experimental results of the proposed QRDCL PWM inverter feeding a three phase induction motor are given.  相似文献   

A zero tracking error control scheme for three-phase CVCF PWM inverters is proposed. The proposed scheme uses repetitive controller (RC) to force output line voltages to track a sinusoidal reference signal with zero error. Minimised voltage distortion and a fast response are obtained. The validity of the proposed scheme has been verified by simulations  相似文献   

New inverter output filter topology for PWM motor drives   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
This paper presents a new inverter output filter topology for pulse width modulation (PWM) motor drives. It is shown that the proposed filter effectively reduces high frequency harmonics which can cause serious damage to the motor bearings and insulation. The proposed filter is comprised of a conventional resistance, inductance, capacitance (RLC) network cascaded with an LC trap filter. The LC trap, tuned to the inverter switching frequency, is very effective in reducing the switching harmonics. By using this new topology the need for high damping resistance and low RLC cut-off frequency is eliminated. This reduces the phase shift in the current regulation loop and increases the filter efficiency. Experimental verification of the filter topology is provided with a 180 V inverter and a 25 hp permanent magnet synchronous motor. Space-vector predictive current regulation is implemented as an inner-loop current regulator for the outer-loop speed control using a digital signal processor. The effectiveness of the filter at different motor speeds is presented  相似文献   

In this paper, a zero-phase odd-harmonic repetitive control scheme is proposed for pulse-width modulation inverters. The proposed repetitive controller combines an odd-harmonic periodic generator with a noncasual zero-phase compensation filter. It occupies less data memory than a conventional repetitive controller does. Moreover, it offers faster convergence of the tracking error, and yields very low total harmonics distortion (THD) and low tracking error. Analysis and design of the proposed system are presented. Experimental results with the proposed repetitive controller are presented to validate the approach. The phenomena of even-harmonic residues in the proposed control system is discussed and experimentally demonstrated.  相似文献   

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