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EPCS-6000是广州致远电子有限公司采用Samsung公司ARM920T系列的S3C2440A为CPU,采用标准3.5寸工控板结构设计而成的。其资源丰富、接口齐全(自带7路RS232串口)、功耗低、可靠性高,预装正版Microsoft Windows CE5.0操作系统,提供所有功能部件的软件包,可以通过本地(SD卡或U盘)或者Internet远程升级Windows CE操作系统。EPCS-6000工控主板可在-40~+85℃宽温度范围内稳定工作,满足工业级产品的各种应用需求,在工业控制、现场通信、智能仪表、远程监控等各种领域得到广泛应用。  相似文献   

EPCS-8200是广州致远电子有限公司开发的基于XS-cale处理器,支持高分辨率显示的工控机主板。该主板具有高分辨率的显示、较强的多媒体功能、低功耗、高可靠性等特点,预装正版Microsoft Windows CE5.0或MontaVistaLinux嵌入式操作系统,并提供所有板载外设驱动库。EPCS-8200带有专用的显卡芯片,支持的分辨率可达1024×768,在多媒体处理能力方面比较有优势;另外,还带有Video视频接口(支持PAL制式视频输入)和5个串口。可以在工业温度范围内稳定工作,特别适合工业控制、视频监视、远程监控、现场通信等领域的应用。产品可靠性◆工业级环境温度:-40~+85℃;◆ESD(静电放电)保护:IEC61000-4-2Level4(接触放电8kV,空气放电15kV);◆Electrical fast transient/burst i mmunity(EFT快速群脉冲)保护:IEC61000-4-4Level4;◆电源端口:4kV、5/100kHz群脉冲保护;◆Vibration Amplitudes(振动)保护:IEC60068-2-6(4.5mm、30Hz、10min)集成可...  相似文献   

工业控制是嵌入式系统重要的应用领域.本文介绍了一种基于ARM9插卡式的嵌入式工控机系统的设计,内容涉及工控机的硬件结构、各部分组成及实现原理,系统采用Linux操作系统作为软件管理平台,并对Linux操作系统实时性进行了研究.研究该系统的目的是利用成本低,通用性强,工作稳定,界面友好的32位嵌入式工控机取代工业PC机在工业控制现场的应用.  相似文献   

2009年1月20日,研华Mini—ITX机箱ARK-6000系列嵌入式工控机喜获2008中国工控及自动化年度评选及中国自动化网年度评选双项创新产品奖。其配置前置式输入输出I/O接口、强大的单机嵌入式应用、独特的工业设计、高效的散热解决方案。  相似文献   

嵌入式系统无疑是当前最热门最有发展前途的IT应用技术之一。其应用领域日益亲民,特别是随着消费家电的智能化,嵌入式更显重要。如手机、PDA、电子字典、可视电话、VCD/DVD/MP3 Player、数字相机(DC)、数字摄像机(DV)、U-Disk、机顶盒(Set Top Box)、高清电视(HDTV)、游戏机、智能玩具、交换机、路由器、数控设备或仪表、汽车电子、家电控制系统、医疗仪器、航天航空  相似文献   

深圳华北工控有限公司近日发布EPIC规格的主板——NORC0—3850,作为下一代中型尺寸嵌入式单板电脑的代表,其标准尺寸为4.5″×6.5″,通过在板卡上预留接口,实现对PC/104+的全面支持。  相似文献   

本设计为国家"863"项目"无线射频关键技术研究与开发"的子课题"双频RFID读写器设计".文中介绍了子课题中嵌入式平台的硬件设计;给出了PC/104接口信号的详细说明,并对串口复用进行了解释;给出了USB接口及CF卡接口的具体电路图,并作了分析说明.  相似文献   

当前工控机和嵌入式系统的最新发展情况 新汉—林宪明:IPC产业在历经超过10年的好光景后,现在逐渐可以感受到市场日趋饱和的压力。未来发展的潜力在于"新IPC的觉醒"。  相似文献   

<正>随着嵌入式行业的发展,嵌入式产品的功能越来越复杂,从最初的SCU(Single Chip Mi-crocomputer,只含CPU,无RAM、ROM)、MCU(Micro Controller Unit)到现在广泛应用的SoC  相似文献   

面对工控行业的低功耗趋势,研华推出了紧凑、低功耗、功能强大的Mini-ITX嵌入式工控机ARK-6320—6M01E。ARK-6320—6M01采用了双核IntelAtomTMD510处理器,工作静音,并可在恶劣环境中稳定运行。它具有很强的扩展能力,是热门的多合一嵌入式工控机,适合于工业自动化、KIOSK/POS.数字标牌(DSA)以及其他嵌入式应用。  相似文献   

<正> EPCS-8200是广州致远电子有限公司开发的基于XScale 处理器的支持高分辨率显示的工控机主板。该主板具有支持高分辨率显示、多媒体功能强、低功耗、可靠性高等特点,预装正版 Microsoft Windows CE 5.0或MontaVista Linux 嵌入式操作系统并提供所有板载外设驱动库。  相似文献   

The Fault-tolerant Systems Research Group of the Technical University of Valencia has developed the distributed industrial control system (DICOS) system. This paper describes DICOS nodes. The architecture of DICOS nodes and the error detection mechanisms used are presented. These mechanisms are based on the internal capabilities of the 16-bit microcontroller used and control flow checking and deadlines control with the aid of a second 8-bit microcontroller. Experimental results about the effectiveness of those mechanisms are shown in this paper.  相似文献   

Search-based software testing promises the ability to generate and evaluate large numbers of test cases at minimal cost. From an industrial perspective, this could enable an increase in product quality without a matching increase in the time and effort required to do so.Search-based software testing, however, is a set of quite complex techniques and approaches that do not immediately translate into a process for use with most companies.For example, even if engineers receive the proper education and training in these new approaches, it can be hard to develop a general fitness function that covers all contingencies. Furthermore, in industrial practice, the knowledge and experience of domain specialists are often key for effective testing and thus for the overall quality of the final software system. But it is not clear how such domain expertise can be utilized in a search-based system.This paper presents an interactive search-based software testing (ISBST) system designed to operate in an industrial setting and with the explicit aim of requiring only limited expertise in software testing. It uses SBST to search for test cases for an industrial software module, while also allowing domain specialists to use their experience and intuition to interactively guide the search.In addition to presenting the system, this paper reports on an evaluation of the system in a company developing a framework for embedded software controllers. A sequence of workshops provided regular feedback and validation for the design and improvement of the ISBST system. Once developed, the ISBST system was evaluated by four electrical and system engineers from the company (the ‘domain specialists’ in this context) used the system to develop test cases for a commonly used controller module. As well as evaluating the utility of the ISBST system, the study generated interaction data that were used in subsequent laboratory experimentation to validate the underlying search-based algorithm in the presence of realistic, but repeatable, interactions.The results validate the importance that automated software testing tools in general, and search-based tools, in particular, can leverage input from domain specialists while generating tests. Furthermore, the evaluation highlighted benefits of using such an approach to explore areas that the current testing practices do not cover or cover insufficiently.  相似文献   

Sen RN  Yeow PH 《Applied ergonomics》2003,34(5):453-463
A case study to illustrate the cost effectiveness of ergonomic redesign of electronic motherboard was presented. The factory was running at a loss due to the high costs of rejects and poor quality and productivity. Subjective assessments and direct observations were made on the factory. Investigation revealed that due to motherboard design errors, the machine had difficulty in placing integrated circuits onto the pads, the operators had much difficulty in manual soldering certain components and much unproductive manual cleaning (MC) was required. Consequently, there were high rejects and occupational health and safety (OHS) problems, such as, boredom and work discomfort. Also, much labour and machine costs were spent on repairs. The motherboard was redesigned to correct the design errors, to allow more components to be machine soldered and to reduce MC. This eliminated rejects, reduced repairs, saved US dollars 581495/year and improved operators' OHS. The customer also saved US dollars 142105/year on loss of business.  相似文献   

不同型号手机的主板图像具有多分辨率的成像模式,使缺陷元件是多尺度的。常规缺陷检测方法主要有图像融合方法和提取统计模型的方法,但这些方法的鲁棒性仍需要提高。针对该问题,提出了一种自动检测网络模型,即RetinaNet目标检测器。首先使用特征金字塔网络(FPN)提取缺陷元件的多尺度特征分类和位置,然后引入MobileNetV2以压缩和加速RetinaNet模型,最后使用焦点损失解决类不平衡和难以检测样本对损失贡献程度的问题。实验结果表明, RetinaNet能有效地检测不同尺度的缺陷元件,具有很高的检测精度;与其他目标检测器相比,RetinaNet实现了超过95%的平均精度(mAP)。这些结果表明了本文所提模型的有效性。  相似文献   

基于嵌入式Linux的工业温度监控系统的设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
给出了arm内核处理器与以太网控制芯片RTL8019AS及DS1820温度传感器接口电路,以及基于嵌入式Linux操作系统的软件设计过程,从而实现嵌入式系统利用Internet技术实现工业温度监控设备的低成本网络互联,信息的沟通,并且用户可通过网络实现远程监控和维护,这种方案在工业控制领域具有很好的前景.  相似文献   

为提高CPCI计算机设备的可靠性,准确地定位故障,减少设备的维修时间,在原计算机主板的基础上,提出了基于CPCI总线及LPC总线的故障检测卡。以故障检测和定位为目标,兼顾设备的扩展性和易用性,建立以CPLD为控制芯片,采用VHDL硬件描述语言,实现对计算机主板进行故障检测和定位的功能卡。详细介绍了BIT(built in test)卡的原理和软、硬件设计,并给出了仿真结果。仿真实验结果表明,整个设计安全可靠,移植性好,可为计算机的主板设计提供参考。  相似文献   

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