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在全球自然资源不断减少以及城市不断扩张的背景下,全球生态环境威胁日益增大,绿道作为一种具有重要景观生态学意义的、可以协调人与土地关系的规划手段,在近年来逐渐受到重视。理解绿道知识,对于风景园林设计师有重要的意义。本文是对国际绿道研究专家杰克·艾亨教授关于绿道规划思想的一篇总结,文章介绍了绿道的定义、本质以及绿道规划的几...  相似文献   

罗培蒂  冉茂梅 《四川建筑》2012,32(3):22-23,26
至19世纪绿道产生以来,经过一百多年的发展,绿道已经成为一种全球化的运动。北美、欧洲及部分亚洲地区绿道已经发展到比较成熟的阶段。我国引入绿道的时间较晚,但是发展迅速。文中对国内外绿道发展的综述研究,主要介绍了绿道的定义、绿道的发展历程、绿道在美国、欧洲等发达地区和国家的发展情况、绿道在中国的发展情况,最后简单总结了绿道在我国发展的条件和方式。  相似文献   

在生态文明建设的宏观形势下,绿道规划建设在如火如荼地开展,绿道建设已然成为中国生态规划的重要手段。文章首先解释了绿道与绿道慢行系统的相关概念,然后结合国内外优秀案例的经验,以及对广元绿道慢行系统的规划实践分析,从多个角度对广元市进行剖析,并对广元市的绿道慢行系统规划提出展望。  相似文献   

青山湖绿道二期作为典型的风景型绿道,规划设计初始,就从山水空间营造、绿道的联系与辐射带动作用、绿道复合游径构建、现状地形地貌及植被的利用,以及本土文化的传承创新等方面进行了综合考虑,以期彰显绿道更好的风景性。青山湖绿道二期的建设是对风景型绿道规划设计研究的一次探索与实践。  相似文献   

在规划绿道之前,设计师需要从优秀的规划师前辈学习成功经验并吸取失败的教训,并需要制定明确的策略、采取适宜的手法,思考联系人与绿色空间的创新方法。绿道通过演绎重要文化特征、保护和改善生态功能以及为社区居民提供休闲娱乐,来体现场所的本质。回顾早期绿道规划者的一些重要经验,概述绿道规划的4个关键策略原则,强调新荚格兰绿道网络规划中提出的多功能规划方法,着眼于一些在美圈逐渐发展成熟的创新型绿道。一个稳固的绿道是多用途的,使人愉悦并结合生态功能。  相似文献   

绿道是当今风景园林师处理大尺度环境、社会及经济综合问题的有效手段.中国绿道的建设发展已渡过了最初的启蒙时代,正准备高速向前发展.中国绿道在经历短期膨胀式的发展模式后,显露出一些问题和不足,如何实现从“数量绿道”向“质量绿道”成功转变是目前中国绿道发展的迫切问题.该文及时分析目前我国绿道建设的特点和不足,总结经验并提出从“数量绿道”向“质量绿道”转变的改进意见,对于中国马上到来的下一轮绿道建设具有一定的指导性和战略意义.  相似文献   

从绿道的多种功能入手,分析了绿道功能开发的前景,提出了绿道功能开发的思路,认为绿道功能开发应注重绿道两侧纵深区域的发展,促进绿道从线性建设走向面状发展;关注绿道与城市经济社会和空间格局的统筹发展,以生态保育为前提,倡导主题性、特色化设计,注重与城乡经济社会发展相结合,真正与城市生活、经济活动和生态环境融为一体。最后,结合广东省绿道网的规划建设情况,探讨了广东省绿道网综合功能开发的策略。  相似文献   

常健  刘杰 《中外建筑》2011,(6):93-95
城市绿道在当今城市发展中为改善绿色空间环境增添了更多可能,并对生态环境保护起到了重要作用。但不同地区需要建立适合各自城市风貌特色的绿道网络。本文针对绿道的不同分类特点,分析了目前武汉城市绿地系统的不足,为武汉市未来建设城市绿道提出了规划建议。  相似文献   

马克思主义哲学是当前我国新时代,以及科学发展的客观要求,对社会发展具有及其重要的意义。本文详细论述了马克思主义哲学的发展新境界的科学内涵,并对马克思主义哲学在我国社会主义建设中的科学意义进行了分析说明。  相似文献   

广东绿道的发展阶段特征及运行机制探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴志才  袁奇峰 《规划师》2015,(4):105-109
广东绿道经历了20年的探索,基本形成了覆盖全省的多层次绿道网络体系。但随着绿道后建设时期的到来,绿道的长效运行机制尚未真正形成,这已经影响到绿道效益的有效发挥。研究通过对广东绿道发展历程中的自发主动探索、政策推动建设和完善运营管理3个阶段及其发展特征的梳理,从动力分析、逻辑分析两方面探讨了以绿道使用者需求为导向的3种不同类型绿道的运行机制,以期为其他地区绿道运行机制的探讨提供参考。  相似文献   

通过对绿道发展历史的研究,可以看出绿道内涵的拓展和功能的多样性对其蓬勃发展的重要性。对广东绿道兴起原因的深入分析,揭示出广东绿道具有“多目标,多功能和多样性”的三个特点。这三个特点使得广东绿道的功能和形式都多姿多彩,从而受到社会各界的欢迎。最后,文章通过对绿道给城市发展理念,宜居建设和生态保护带来的变化来分析绿道创新对广东城市发展的重要意义。  相似文献   

The evolution of Greenways in China   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
This paper focuses on the evolution of Greenway planning and implementation in China, and provides a historical context to the Greenway concept. It was found that:
(1) Although the concept of Greenway was an adaptation from the Western World, the Chinese have a history of more than 2000 years of Greenway planning and implementation. Chinese Greenways have been called various names and were planned for various reasons.
(2) The long history of Greenway planning and implementation in China was mainly a “top-down” approach, which, while very effective under a centralized administrative system, often lacked a scientific basis and significant public participation.
(3) The functions of the Greenways were mainly protection and productive, with little concern for human uses such recreational uses of cycling and hiking.
Greenways in China are discussed chronologically and in three categories:
(1) Riparian Greenways run along rivers, streams and water channels. The history of these Greenways dates more than 2000 years, since a time when trees were grown along canals and city moats. They have in modern times evolved into a network of drainage channels.
(2) Greenways along transportation corridors. These Greenways run parallel to state and provincial highways, railroads, country roads and urban streets and evolved from tree plantings along highways. Used exclusively by emperors, the green corridor networks have been systematically planned and constructed at a national scale and directly organized by the central government.
(3) Greenways along farmland for wind protection. These plantings evolved from individual segments of windbreak rows to a network of protective windbreaks and the large, regional scale “Green Great Wall” project running along the northern edge of China.
As Greenways have evolved in China, they reflect changes in ideology, utilization and scale; from protection of production or beautification to ecological and multiple uses, and from small-scale fragments to a systematic regional and national network. The occurrence of disasters, the involvement of state leaders and the influence of science played an important role in the evolution of Greenways in China.The paper also argues that:
• the traditional top-down approach in Greenway planning and implement should be integrated with scientifically based methods;
• recreational uses should be considered and integrated into existing and planned Greenways;
• the recently invoked “city beautiful”, or cosmetic approach to Greenway planning and implementation should be stopped; and
• Greenways should be planned as an critical strategic element of ecological infrastructure at both the regional and urban scale during current rapid and extensive urbanization occurring in China.
Keywords: Greenway; Landscape history; China; Shelterbelt forest  相似文献   

美国城市公园和开放空间发展策略及其对我国的借鉴   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
任晋锋 《中国园林》2003,19(11):46-49
通过对当今美国城市公园和开放空间发展现状问题,以及正在实施中的发展策略的研究和介绍,主要阐述了当前美国在发展城市公园和开放空间中,在土地利用、开发管理模式以及公园规划设计和维护方面的一些方法,以期对我国公园和开放空间的发展,有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

经过两年多的建设,总长度超过2000km的珠江三角洲绿道网巳实现金面建成,成为广东省实现区域协作、建没宜居城乡的重要物质载体。在对绿道网综合功能内涵进行深入理解的菸础上,结合珠三角综合利用现状的全面摸底,从生态保育、与市民生活相互依存、与城市发展紧密关联、借助广泛的公众参与等方面,探索多样化的绿道网综合功能开发实现方式,以期为今后绿道网工作的持续优化提供建议。  相似文献   

绿道作为维护生态过程和生态系统完整性,发挥生态系统服务价值的土地网络系统,可以成为国家和地方战略,提供整合自然保护、文化与自然遗产保护、乡土遗产保护和旅游与休闲产业发展机会。以北京大学景观设计学研究院1998年以来完成的研究成果为例,阐述建立国家绿道系统——国家生态基础设施、京杭大运河国家生态与遗产廊道的构想,以中山市、杭州市、合肥市和北京市为例阐述连接城乡的绿道网络的规划与实施途径。  相似文献   

夏兵  何昉  锁秀 《风景园林》2012,(3):87-90
随着珠三角绿道全面完善,广东省绿道网推广建没,绿道开始进入百姓日常生活,并期望深入挖掘绿道的多功能。提出使用需求决定绿道多功能开发方向,现阶段绿道多功能开发应嘲绕满足都市慢生活开展。绿道网的多功能开发就是要尽可能使绿道的绿色开敞空间满足都市人们慢生活的吃、住、行、玩、乐等等方方面面的需求。绿道要成为公众日常生活的一种方式,需实现绿道的网络化、生活化、关爱细致化、文化遗存保护化以及空间扩展化。在多功能的绿道管理上应重点关注法律法规、安全、后期维护以及绿道文化培育等4个方面。  相似文献   

The use of the concept of greenway can be identified in Portugal throughout the 20th century as a planning and design tool. Several examples, such as the ‘Improvement Plans for Lisbon’ by Ressano Garcia (1901), the continuum naturale concept [Cabral, F.C., 1980. O Continuum Naturale e a Conservação da Natureza. Conservação da Natureza. Serviço de Estudos do Ambiente, Lisbon; Andresen, T., 2001. Francisco Caldeira Cabral. Landscape Design Trust, Surrey, UK, 213 pp.], the Green Plan for Lisbon [Telles, G.R., et al., 1997. Plano Verde de Lisboa. Ed. Colibri, Lisboa, 197 pp.], deal with the subjects of implementing vegetation corridors, pedestrian networks and landscape quality. These examples establish Portuguese planning and design tradition within the international greenway movement first identified by Fabos [Fabos, J.Gy., 1991. From Park to Greenways into the 21st Century. In: Proceedings from Selected Educational Sessions, ASLA Annual Meeting, Kansas City, Missouri]. Though several projects have been developed at the planning level, there is a need to analyze the applicability of such a concept at the regional, municipal and local level. We must consider the characteristics of Portugal's cultural landscape, recognition by other professions dealing with planning and involvement by politicians. By analyzing five case studies, this paper shows the significance of the greenway as a planning and design strategy, which coincides, with the current objectives of political and planning authorities at the municipal level. It also proves that it is possible to reconcile political objectives and urban development while safeguarding landscape quality and providing new opportunities for public recreation and education. Greenway planning and design is now undoubtedly a subject of growing significance in Portugal.  相似文献   

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