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We review the use of transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to provide a quantitative measurement of both vacancy and interstitial clusters in ion-implanted silicon. Interstitials agglomerate into rod-like defects on 131I) planes, and the evaporation of these defects can be directly correlated to the diffusion enhancements observed during annealing of ion-damaged silicon. Vacancy clusters are easily detected in TEM once they have been labelled using a Au-diffusion technique. The combination of the two approaches provides a quantitative test for models of implantation and annealing in silicon. Detailed models for point defect behaviour, which include Ostwald-ripening and the surface recombination velocity, reproduce all of the crucial features of the observed defect annealing.  相似文献   

Isochronal annealing with zero and reverse bias applied to Schottky diodes was used to monitor the evolution of hydrogen interaction with point defects observed in hydrogen-implanted p-type silicon, i.e., divacancy (VV), carbon–oxygen interstitial pair (CiOi) and two levels at Ev+0.28 and Ev+0.50 eV. The VV and CiOi are passivated by hydrogen liberated from hydrogen-containing defects during annealing in the temperature range 90–150°C and reappear upon annealing above 180°C under reverse bias due to hydrogen liberation and its field drift. Two levels at Ev+0.50 and Ev+0.28 eV are ascribed to irradiation-induced and hydrogen-related defects, respectively.  相似文献   

赵艳  陆建  倪晓武 《激光技术》2010,34(1):91-94
为了分析材料表面缺陷对声表面波传播的影响,以弹性动力学理论为基础,采用有限元方法数值模拟了声表面波沿金属表面传播及其与表面缺陷的相互作用。通过数值模拟弹性声表面波与不同深度、不同宽度的表面缺陷相互作用过程,得到了声表面波经不同表面缺陷后的反射和透射表面波波形,并对波形进行快速傅里叶变换分析。结果表明,弹性声表面波与表面缺陷相互作用后,产生反射Rayleigh波和透射Rayleigh波;随着表面缺陷深度和宽度的增加,Rayleigh波反射率相应增加,而透射率相应减小。  相似文献   

Virions of vaccinia and orf viruses were examined by ultrahigh-resolution scanning electron microscopy using a non-coating method. Intracellular mature particles of vaccinia virus appeared to be covered with a net and ultrastructurally their surface consists of many fine ridges and globules, while the surfaces of orf virus mature particles recovered from infected cells consist of spirally running protrusions. The ridge-like structures of vaccinia virus were presumed to correspond to surface tubules shown by negative staining of this virus, while the spiral protrusions of orf virus were presumed to correspond to spiral threads having a criss-cross appearance by the same staining. Using scanning electron microscopy in which the samples were prepared by the conventional method, we observed: (i) many virions, i.e. one or two hundreds, or occasionally more reaching about one thousand particles, of the IHD strain of vaccinia virus, (ii) many or a moderate number of virions, i.e. about one hundred or fewer particles, of the 58 strain of cowpox virus and (iii) rather few virions, i.e. several tens or fewer particles, of the Iwate strain of orf virus on the free surface of each cell infected with these viruses. It must be noted that the number of virions detected considerably differed in respective cells examined. Virus budding was frequently observed at the cell surface of monolayer cells infected with vaccinia virus but it was never detected with cowpox or orf virus, indicating a difference in the mechanism of virus release between vaccinia and the other two viruses. When whole cells infected with vaccinia virus were examined by a combination of high-voltage and scanning electron microscopies, virions on the cell surface and those inside the cells were clearly differentiated. All virions on the cell surface had an envelope, and some of the envelopes had a slack and/or one or more bulges.  相似文献   

The influence of sinks associated with structural defects is analyzed qualitatively based on the model of P diffusion in Si by the dual pair mechanism. It is demonstrated that the allowance made for sinks of self-interstitials leads to the retardation of the enhanced P diffusion for the low-content region in the tail of the concentration profile. The influence of sinks is most pronounced if the position of their peak concentration is in the region of the peak of generation of self-interstitials inside the diffusion layer. From a comparison of the result of calculations with the experimental data, the parameters of the capture of self-interstitials by structural defects, which are introduced by the P diffusion and implantation of electrically inactive Ge and N impurities, are determined.  相似文献   

Photoelectric spectroscopy applied to the barriers between a semiconductor on a metal and an electrolyte is used to study the formation of defects in the near-contact region of GaAs and Si as a result of Pd deposition onto the surface. It is shown that a layer that arises as a result of the chemical interaction between Pd and a semiconductor at 100°C, containing defects with deep levels, extends to ~0.4 μm deep in GaAs and ~1 μm in Si. If one or several strained layers of InGaAs quantum wells are incorporated into the near-contact GaAs region, the defects do virtually not penetrate deeper than the first quantum well. This circumstance makes it possible to reduce the depth of the defect-containing layer; however, the volume concentration of the defects in this layer increases appreciably in this case.  相似文献   

报道了用MOCVD方法制备的硅基ZnO薄膜中的中性施主-价带D0h发光.ZnO/p-Si结构经空气中700 ℃退火1h,然后进行X射线衍射(XRD)、光致发光(PL)谱和I-V特性测量.实验得到不同载气流量制备的样品都具有整流特性.深能级瞬态谱(DLTS)测量探测到各样品中存在两个施主深能级E1和E2.相应的室温PL谱测量显示样品近带边发射包含不同的发光线.利用高斯拟合方法,样品S2a的PL谱分解为三条发光线b,c和d,其中发光线b可归结为ZnO中的激子发射;DLTS测量得到的施主能级E1与发光线c和d的局域态电离能Ed相关,为D0h中心.此外,实验揭示E2能级的相对隙态密度与PL谱的发光强度成反比,表明深能级E2具有复合中心性质.  相似文献   

报道了用MOCVD方法制备的硅基ZnO薄膜中的中性施主-价带D0h发光.ZnO/p-Si结构经空气中700 ℃退火1h,然后进行X射线衍射(XRD)、光致发光(PL)谱和I-V特性测量.实验得到不同载气流量制备的样品都具有整流特性.深能级瞬态谱(DLTS)测量探测到各样品中存在两个施主深能级E1和E2.相应的室温PL谱测量显示样品近带边发射包含不同的发光线.利用高斯拟合方法,样品S2a的PL谱分解为三条发光线b,c和d,其中发光线b可归结为ZnO中的激子发射;DLTS测量得到的施主能级E1与发光线c和d的局域态电离能Ed相关,为D0h中心.此外,实验揭示E2能级的相对隙态密度与PL谱的发光强度成反比,表明深能级E2具有复合中心性质.  相似文献   

A systematic first-principles pseudo-potential study of the stability of tetrahedral Frenkel pairs generated in the vicinity of the silicon Si(001)-(2×1) surface is reported. The defect formation energies and associated structures are discussed. We demonstrate that vacancies that are generated close to the surface are subject to annihilation processes either through recombination of the Frenkel pairs or through surface amorphization. On the other hand, interstitials that are positioned on the subsurface exhibit specific behaviors compared to those located deeper inside the bulk Si. Calculations indicate that the tetrahedral interstitial is unstable when located close to the surface and it relaxes to form a split-110 (dumbbell) configuration. In deeper layers, the tetrahedral interstitial remains rarely stable; it relaxes to hexagonal or to fourfold-coordinated configurations. The defect formation energies are given as a function of surface–vacancy and interstitial–vacancy distances. Results indicate that the formation energy is considerably reduced as the interstitial approaches the surface.  相似文献   

The dynamics of hydrogen capture and release from trapping centers in 6H-SiC after plasma hydrogenation and annealing was investigated by low-temperature photoluminescence (PL). Indications of competing processes of hydrogen capture by different trapping centers were observed. Passivation of Al acceptors with hydrogen is the dominating process during plasma hydrogenation or plasma etching. Irreversible release of hydrogen from Al-trapping centers and additional trapping of hydrogen by Si vacancy (VSi) to form a VSi+H complex occurred during annealing at temperatures above 300°C. It is suggested that the VSi+H complex may be playing an important role in keeping hydrogen in SiC after higher temperature treatment.  相似文献   

We propose new techniques of electron irradiation for studying the kinetics of simple point defects and their agglomeration, by making the most use of the intrinsic function of an ultrahigh-voltage scanning transmission electron microscope. The methods enable us to realize a very high defect production rate at a localized area and create a spot or band-shape source of point defects. The present methods were applied to an attempt to detect the point defects flowing out of a very localized area, examining the growth and shrinkage of pre-introduced interstitial clusters. At low temperatures where vacancies are immobile, outflow of the interstitials was observed. In contrast, at an elevated temperature where vacancies are mobile, outflow of the vacancies seemed to play a dominant role in the apparent secondary defect reactions. A possible explanation to aid understanding of the present results is proposed.  相似文献   

After drive-in of arsenic-implanted emitter structures dislocations are found at the edge of the masking window and in the unimplanted surrounding regions while the implanted areas are defect-free. These dislocations originate from a defect structure which exists temporarily in the emitters during drive-in heat treatment. The dislocations are attracted to the window edge and are pushed into the surrounding region by mechanical stresses which have their origin in the intrinsic stress of the masking layer. No penetration of dislocations outside the implanted area is observed when the implantation is done through a thin oxide film. A mechanical stress analysis of film edge induced stresses can account for the observed defect patterns.  相似文献   

For slow recombination waves in Si:Zn, stationary intensity profiles along the specimen are measured with an SEM operated in the voltage-contrast mode. The main findings are as follows: (i) The intensity falls from a maximum with increasing distance from the cathode, where a stationary high-field domain is located, and almost vanishes far short of the anode. (ii) The intensity grows with specimen voltage. (iii) The voltage-contrast image for the highest specimen voltage displays oscillatory potential variation over the stationary high-field domain, indicating the stratification of electric field.  相似文献   

The temperature behavior of the high-frequency conductivity of surface electron channels in Schottky diodes based on high-resistivity p-type Si containing near-surface, oxidation-induced stacking faults is studied. It is shown that the reversible temperature-induced changes in the surface band bending and the work function of Si have a stepwise character in the temperature range 80–300 K. It is concluded that the surface concentration of free electrons increases during cooling from 180 to 80 K at temperatures which are characteristic of the ordering of water dipoles. These effects are associated with structuring of the water adsorbed on the Si-SiO2 interface and with the ordered orientation of the water dipoles on the surface in response to the loss of their rotational mobility. Fiz. Tekh. Poluprovodn. 32, 82–88 (January 1998)  相似文献   

Reactions of gases with an atomically clean silicon surface were examined by ultrahigh-vacuum reflection electron microscopy. The initial stages of interaction of oxygen with the Si(111) surface were studied in the temperature range from 500 to 900°C. Motion of monatomic steps to the upper terraces during etching by oxygen at high temperatures was visualized. The conditions for the formation of surface vacancies were determined. The dependence of the step velocity on the width of adjacent terraces was measured. Oscillations of the intensity of the electron beam reflected specularly from the Si surface were observed during the etching of silicon by molecular oxygen, which proceeded by a two-dimensional-island mechanism. The activation energy for the diffusion of surface vacancies, which are formed owing to the interaction of oxygen with silicon, was estimated to be 1.35±0.15 eV.  相似文献   

High temperature in-situ Hall effect measurements in CdTe single crystals grown by different techniques at 500–1,200 K under well-defined Cd and Te vapor pressure were made. It was established that native point defects (PD) Cd i 2+ and V Te 2+ are dominant at T>770 K in Cd-rich CdTe. Their formation enthalpies were determined (ΔH VTe 2+ =1.3 eV; ΔH Cdi 2+ =2.5 eV). It was shown that V Te 2+ dominate at low temperatures and Cd i 2+ begin to prevail at T>930 K. In Te-saturated CdTe at heating up to ~800 K, the hole density was Te vapor pressure independent. At higher temperatures (HT), the conductivity changed to intrinsic type, turning then into n-type. The results were explained in the framework of Kröger’s quasichemical formalism assuming the presence of an electrically active foreign point defect, the oxygen acceptor. The PD structure modeling demonstrated satisfactory agreement with experimental results both for temperature and component vapor pressure dependencies.  相似文献   

TFT LCD常见点缺陷的检测与修复   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
TFT—LCD在制程中会产生亮点、暗点、闪点、碎亮点等常见点缺陷。说明了检测点缺陷的装置、方法和过程。采用ITO隔离、激光炸射等方法对点缺陷进行修复或者淡化,其中ITO隔离法修复或淡化效果显著。修复成功率从45%提升到80%。  相似文献   

The generation and voltage dependence of a stationary high-field domain in Si : Zn about the excitation threshold of slow recombination waves are investigated by scanning electron microscopy. It is found that the domain arises at the cathode when the electric field in the specimen is about 10 V/cm. The field inside the domain and at its boundary (103 V/cm) considerably exceeds the average specimen field. The field in the domain linearly increases with dc specimen voltage but stays within the same order of magnitude. The domain linearly grows to approximately 100 m with increasing dc specimen voltage. Domain generation is found to occur in passing from a linear to a sublinear portion of the specimen current–voltage characteristic.  相似文献   

A model of electrically active and neutral native point defects in SnO2 is developed. Thermodynamic analysis of the equilibrium of the native point defects makes it possible to construct the phase diagram of lead dioxide. The contradiction between n-type monopolar conductivity and the two-sided homogeneity region of the SnO2 phase is resolved. Fiz. Tekh. Poluprovodn. 32, 1158–1160 (October 1998)  相似文献   

The interaction of atomic hydrogen with defects in boron-implanted MOS structures under the influence of RF plasma is studied using the method of thermally stimulated charge release. The observed variation of defect parameters suggests that plasma radiation and hydrogen-defect reaction, supported by enhanced wafer temperature, cause the reconstruction of defect structure. It is found that when atomic hydrogen reacts with a defect of the proper structure the temperature of the passivation process can be decreased.  相似文献   

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