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Dynamic Sampling and Rendering of Algebraic Point Set Surfaces   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Algebraic Point Set Surfaces (APSS) define a smooth surface from a set of points using local moving least‐squares (MLS) fitting of algebraic spheres. In this paper we first revisit the spherical fitting problem and provide a new, more generic solution that includes intuitive parameters for curvature control of the fitted spheres. As a second contribution we present a novel real‐time rendering system of such surfaces using a dynamic up‐sampling strategy combined with a conventional splatting algorithm for high quality rendering. Our approach also includes a new view dependent geometric error tailored to efficient and adaptive up‐sampling of the surface. One of the key features of our system is its high degree of flexibility that enables us to achieve high performance even for highly dynamic data or complex models by exploiting temporal coherence at the primitive level. We also address the issue of efficient spatial search data structures with respect to construction, access and GPU friendliness. Finally, we present an efficient parallel GPU implementation of the algorithms and search structures.  相似文献   

Point Set Surfaces define smooth surfaces from regular samples based on weighted averaging of the points. Because weighting is done based on a spatial scale parameter, point set surfaces apply basically only to regular samples. We suggest to attach individual weight functions to each sample rather than to the location in space. This extends Point Set Surfaces to irregular settings, including anisotropic sampling adjusting to the principal curvatures of the surface. In particular, we describe how to represent surfaces with ellipsoidal weight functions per sample. Details of deriving such a representation from typical inputs and computing points on the surface are discussed.  相似文献   

利用调和映射的平面和球面中值性质,提出了确定点模型曲面参数化映射中有关权因子的两种新方法,设计了能够达到内在变形较小的相应参数化方法,并将参数化方法应用于点模型曲面上的纹理映射.实验和统计结果表明,文中方法是比较有效的点模型曲面的参数化方法.  相似文献   

We propose a novel method for smoothing partition of unity (PU) implicit surfaces consisting of sets of non-conforming linear functions with spherical supports. We derive new discrete differential operators and Laplacian smoothing using a spherical covering of PU as a grid-like data structure. These new differential operators are applied to the smoothing of PU implicit surfaces. First, Laplacian smoothing is performed for the vector field defined by the gradient of the PU implicit surface, which is then updated to reflect the smoothing of the gradient field. This process achieves a method for noise robust surface reconstruction from scattered points.  相似文献   

Level Set Equations on Surfaces via the Closest Point Method   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Level set methods have been used in a great number of applications in ?2 and ?3 and it is natural to consider extending some of these methods to problems defined on surfaces embedded in ?3 or higher dimensions. In this paper we consider the treatment of level set equations on surfaces via a recent technique for solving partial differential equations (PDEs) on surfaces, the Closest Point Method (Ruuth and Merriman, J. Comput. Phys. 227(3):1943–1961, [2008]). Our main modification is to introduce a Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory (WENO) interpolation step into the Closest Point Method. This, in combination with standard WENO for Hamilton–Jacobi equations, gives high-order results (up to fifth-order) on a variety of smooth test problems including passive transport, normal flow and redistancing. The algorithms we propose are straightforward modifications of standard codes, are carried out in the embedding space in a well-defined band around the surface and retain the robustness of the level set method with respect to the self-intersection of interfaces. Numerous examples are provided to illustrate the flexibility of the method with respect to geometry.  相似文献   

Feature Preserving Point Set Surfaces based on Non-Linear Kernel Regression   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Moving least squares (MLS) is a very attractive tool to design effective meshless surface representations. However, as long as approximations are performed in a least square sense, the resulting definitions remain sensitive to outliers, and smooth-out small or sharp features. In this paper, we address these major issues, and present a novel point based surface definition combining the simplicity of implicit MLS surfaces [ SOS04 , Kol05 ] with the strength of robust statistics. To reach this new definition, we review MLS surfaces in terms of local kernel regression, opening the doors to a vast and well established literature from which we utilize robust kernel regression. Our novel representation can handle sparse sampling, generates a continuous surface better preserving fine details, and can naturally handle any kind of sharp features with controllable sharpness. Finally, it combines ease of implementation with performance competing with other non-robust approaches.  相似文献   

用分片代数曲面构造管道曲面的过渡曲面   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
借助围绕一个顶点处代数曲面的光滑拼接条件,提出并研究了用分片代数曲面构造三通管道的过渡曲面问题。首先对空间区域进行适当的剖分以确定分片代数曲面的定义区域。然后,通过求解一个线性方程组来构造出光滑拼接的分片代数曲面,同时还了在代数曲面片的B-B表示下,Bezier纵标对过渡曲面的形状的局部控制问题。结果表明,用分片代数曲面构造过渡曲面不仅可以降低曲面的次数,而且更有利于曲面形状的控制。  相似文献   

《Graphical Models》2001,63(4):212-227
Given several algebraic surfaces and corresponding auxiliary planes, a scheme for constructing a piecewise algebraic surface to blend the given surfaces is presented along the intersection curves of the given surfaces and their corresponding auxiliary planes. The algorithm starts with the suitable partition of the 3D space into tetrahedrons or prisms in which the algebraic surface patches are defined. Then a smooth piecewise algebraic surface of low degree is constructed which meets the initial surfaces with a certain order of geometric continuity. Examples are provided to demonstrate the detailed construction process and to compare our method with previous approaches. The results show some advantages of the new blending method.  相似文献   

多色点集划分研究如何将含有不同颜色点的平面划分为各个区域,每个区域中只包含一种颜色的点。这是计算几何中的一种组合优化问题。但是现有的多边形划分方式性能较差。为此,提出用直线来划分平面。针对平面上多色点集的直线划分,将其离散化,证明其可以被非确定性图灵机在多项式时间内判定。并将Max2SAT问题在多项式时间内归约到组合优化问题,证明多色点集直线划分为NP难,从而证明其是NP完全的。利用最优化版本的特有性质,运用贪心方法构造出多项式时间的近似算法,并L归约到Setcover问题,以此证明算法的近似比为O( lgn)。  相似文献   

文章在虚共享存储并行系统上建立了矩阵分割的多重结构,提出了一个基于此结构上的矩阵分割算法,能有效避免多处理机间的访存冲突问题,并基本实现分配的负载平衡。文章中所建立的这种多重结构,通用性较强,如用于矩阵乘和矩阵求逆操作。另外还给出了能嵌入矩阵操作之前的程序流程图,并给出了实验数据。  相似文献   

针对代数曲面拼接中存在直接通过符号计算方法得到的拼接曲面有时不能满足实际拼接需求的问题,提出2种对二次曲面的拼接曲面进行调整的方法:1)计算拼接曲面之前,在构造的方程中加入参数,然后利用结式能够对含有参数的代数方程进行消元的性质得到带有参数的过渡曲面,调整参数的值改变从一个曲面过渡到另一个曲面的速度使得曲面形状改变;2)在计算出结式后,通过增加补偿参数或函数使得曲面的形状改变.文中还从理论上分析并证明了这2种方法可以保持原来拼接曲面光滑连续性的阶数.实验结果表明,文中方法具有很强的通用性且易于实现.  相似文献   

提出一种用分片代数曲面构造三角曲面片的方法,利用具有公共边的2个三角形区域的4个顶点的函数值以及公共边2个端点的外法向量来构造一个二次曲面V(g)和一个截面V(h),其交V(g,h)即为2个三角曲面片的公共边界曲线.对每个已确定了边界条件的三角片内部进一步划分成3部分,每部分各自定义一个三次代数曲面.这3个三次代数曲面不仅在其交线处光滑拼接,而且分别沿三角形的边界与V(g)光滑拼接,从而构成一个具有GC1连续性的分片代数曲面.对于只属于一个三角片的边界留有一个自由度,可对曲面形状加以控制.  相似文献   

Recognising Algebraic Surfaces from Two Outlines   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Photographic outlines of 3 dimensional solids are robust and rich in information useful for surface reconstruction. This paper studies algebraic surfaces viewed from 2 cameras with known intrinsic and extrinsic parameters. It has been known for some time that for a degree d=2 (quadric) algebraic surface there is a 1-parameter family of surfaces that reproduce the outlines. When the algebraic surface has degree d>2, we prove a new result: that with known camera geometry it is possible to completely reconstruct an algebraic surface from 2 outlines i.e. the coefficients of its defining polynomial can be determined in a known coordinate frame. The proof exploits the existence of frontier points, which are calculable from the outlines. Examples and experiments are presented to demonstrate the theory and possible applications.
Simon CollingsEmail:

提出了一种曲率自适应的壳空间剖分隐式曲面三角形化新方法.新方法首先采用粒子系统对隐式曲面进行采样,通过高斯曲率约束粒子的生成,使生成的网格模型在曲率大的区域具有较多的小三角形,在曲率小的区域具有较少的大三角形,从而使网格模型更好地逼近隐式曲面.新方法在每个采样粒子处沿曲面法线正负方向延伸适当距离得到两个附加点,对所有附加点进行四面体化形成对隐式曲面逼近的壳空间四面体网格,在每个壳空间四面体中抽取三角形,所有抽取的三角形拼合得到隐式曲面的三角网格表示.与以往方法相比,新的三角网格化方法更具有鲁棒性,可一次性获得高质量的三角形网格.最后给出了对常用隐式曲面进行三角化的实例比较,显示了新方法的有效性.  相似文献   

Multiresolution for Algebraic Curves and Surfaces using Wavelets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper describes a multiresolution method for implicit curves and surfaces. The method is based on wavelets, and is able to simplify the topology. The implicit curves and surfaces are defined as the zero-valued piece-wise algebraic isosurface of a tensor-product uniform cubic B-spline. A wavelet multiresolution method that deals with uniform cubic B-splines on bounded domains is proposed. In order to handle arbitrary domains the proposed algorithm dynamically adds appropriate control points and deletes them in the synthesis phase.  相似文献   

We propose an algorithm for interactive ray‐casting of algebraic surfaces of high degree. A key point of our approach is a polynomial form adapted to the view frustum. This so called frustum form yields simple expressions for the Bernstein form of the ray equations, which can be computed efficiently using matrix products and pre‐computed quantities. Numerical root‐finding is performed using B‐spline and Bézier techniques, and we compare the performances of recent and classical algorithms. Furthermore, we propose a simple and fairly efficient anti‐aliasing scheme, based on a combination of screen space and object space techniques. We show how our algorithms can be implemented on streaming architectures with single precision, and demonstrate interactive frame‐rates for degrees up to 16.  相似文献   

Stable Algebraic Surfaces for 3D Object Representation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Linear fitting techniques by implicit algebraic models usually suffer from global stability problems. Ridge regression regularization can be used to improve the stability of algebraic surface fits. In this paper a Euclidean Invariant 3D ridge regression matrix is developed and applied to a particular linear algebraic surface fitting method. Utilization of such a regularization in fitting process makes it possible to globally stabilize 3D object fits with surfaces of any degree. Robustness to noise and moderate levels of occlusion has also been enhanced significantly. Experimental results are presented to verify the improvements in global stability and robustness of the resulting fits.
Mustafa Unel (Corresponding author)Email:

传统的粗糙集理论主要是针对单层次决策表的属性约简和决策规则获取研究.然而,现实中树型结构的属性值分类是普遍存在的.针对条件属性具有属性值分类的情况,结合全子树泛化模式,提出一种多层次粗糙集模型,分析决策表在不同层次泛化空间下相关性质.结合基于正区域的属性约简理论,提出属性值泛化约简概念讨论二者之间的关系,同时证明求解泛化约简是一个NP Hard问题.为此,提出一种基于正区域的的启发式泛化约简算法,该算法采用自顶向下逐步细化搜索策略,能够在保持原始决策表正区域不改变的前提下,将决策表所有属性值泛化到最佳层次.理论分析和仿真实验表明,泛化约简方法能提高知识发现的层次和泛化能力.  相似文献   

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