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马卫 《中州建设》2012,(9):69-70
拥挤的路终于让人们不能容忍——一条慢慢悠悠的老牛,拉着辆破车,载着两桶发臭的潲水,悠悠晃晃地在都市间穿行。  相似文献   

初探现代建筑室内设计中的极少主义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
谢珂 《安徽建筑》2006,13(6):29-30
极少主义摒弃粗放和奢华的修饰以及琐碎功能,强调简洁通畅来疏导世俗生活,观照人文层面,其简约自然的生活样式如同清新的海风吹入室内设计领域。极少主义室内设计,就是要用最少的物质环境,留出最多的心灵空间,它在越来越多的都市人心中获得认可,在越来越拥挤的城市角落中生根、发芽。  相似文献   

陶渊明的这一首归园田居古诗恰当地归纳出业主和设计师的心情和想法。喧闹繁华的都市里,钢筋混凝土的高楼,灰蒙蒙的天空,拥挤的车流,快节奏的工作生活,这就是现代都市人的生存空间。如何构造一个能让现代都市人释放心灵的舒适空间,成为设计师创作的首要考虑。  相似文献   

“都市厨房”是为新城公共配套设施和公共绿地提供另类的规划及建筑设计的可能性和方法论. 过去曾有过城市客厅和城市家具的说法,城市客厅是正式和静态的交往空间,而厨房带给人们的是另类的生活体验:是食物从“生”到“熟”的劳动生产空间,从“无”到“有”的创意过程,也是劳动人们互动互助和自娱自乐的非正式的交往空间.因而,我们认为公共空间完全可以是生产与休闲、生产与消费、创作与共享等活动交织起来的非正式且要“拥挤互动”的地方.库哈斯说过“拥挤文化”在这里则被深化为“持续的拥挤文化”.  相似文献   

正"都市厨房"是为新城公共配套设施和公共绿地提供另类的规划及建筑设计的可能性和方法论。过去曾有过城市客厅和城市家具的说法,城市客厅是正式和静态的交往空间,而厨房带给人们的是另类的生活体验:是食物从"生"到"熟"的劳动生产空间,从"无"到"有"的创意过程,也是劳动人们互动互助和自娱自乐的非正式的交往空间。因而,我们认为公共空间完全可以是生产与休闲、生产与消费、创作与共享等活动交织起来的非正式且要"拥挤互动"的地方。库哈斯说过"拥挤文化"在这里则被深化为"持续的拥挤文化"。  相似文献   

虽然纽约人口密度高,但历任市政府非常注重城市绿色公共空间的发展,其都市公园的文明与经济效益引起了国际社会的关注。记者日前前往纽约中央公园,采访了市政府公园管理处的负责人和中央公园的领导。  相似文献   

“热闹”空间 ——深圳福田影剧院设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“热闹”空间是人的空间,“热闹”空间也是都市的空间。深圳福田影剧院的设计正是试图通过定义具有这样特质的空间,使建筑扮演更为积极的角色,对丰富城市文化作出贡献。“热闹”空间是戏剧空间的原型,它展示中国都市生学的户外传统。  相似文献   

前言 珠江三角洲,一个昔日的鱼米之乡,经历了“大跃进式”的超高速度发展,成为世界上人口和产业密度最高的都市群,出产着全世界一半以上的日常用品。都市化发展使得数以千万计的流动性人口拥挤在繁忙的都市群落中。城市居住俨然成为纯粹功能性消费和市场价值的演算,以致建筑设计成了强大资本运作的附庸。  相似文献   

随着城市的发展,城郊结合部的村庄不断被“吃掉”,由于事先没有规划或者种种原因规划没能实施,这些村庄没能被城市“消化掉”,形成了“都市里的村庄”,它几乎成了断头路,城市道路“瓶颈”,街道狭窄,住宅拥挤,人员复杂、流动人口多、卫生状况差、治安情况差、文化设施贫乏、基础设施不配套、土地利用率低,绿地少,居住环境差的代名词,给村民、城市和政府带来了许多问题。都市里的村庄有两类,一类是现有的都市里的村庄,一类是在规划建成区内即将成为都市里的村庄的村庄,前一种的规划是改建规划,后一种的规划是新建规划。都市里…  相似文献   

城市的兴衰枯荣不仅是持续的历史 过程,也蕴含着人居环境发展的客观规律。 本文以重庆都市人居环境为研究对象,梳理 从巴国文明至今的历史演进脉络;基于历史人 口变化和当代空间增长分析,提出都市人居 环境演进的波动规律:空间增长与衰退现象 交替出现;通过数据结果分析比对,提出当前 重庆都市空间发展存在着一定的衰退风险。 基于波动规律认知,提出转变城市发展观、 精明增长、完善公共服务设施、维护生态安 全四项城市规划策略,以期实现人居环境科 学历史视角对城市发展的正向影响。  相似文献   

任何建筑形式的产生,总是与建筑功能的需要密切相关,同时也依赖于当时的建筑技术才能予以实现。侗族鼓楼是侗族文化的重要象征,也是中国传统民族建筑的典型代表。因缺乏翔实文字记载及实物遗存佐证,侗族鼓楼的源流及演变众说纷纭。与其他建筑一样,侗族鼓楼也经历了从简单到复杂的漫长过程。在发展演变的过程中,建筑技术起到了重要的作用。为此,本文从建筑技术的视角,对侗族鼓楼的产生、发展及演变进行梳理和探究。  相似文献   

<正>Many people like to travel by plane.But not many people know the history of planes well.The first plane flew for the first time in 1903.The flight lasted for a very short time.In the1910s,people used many planes in wars.Some planes could fly as high as 7,000 meters then.And people never stopped making better planes.In the 1980s,some planes could fly three times faster than sound.Now,we have very large and safe planes.The largest plane can carry more than 800 people.  相似文献   

For domiciled individuals, homeless people provide a disturbing reminder that all is not right with the world. Reactions to seeing homeless people frequently encompass repulsion, discomfort, sympathy and sometimes futility. This paper considers domiciled constructions of homeless people drawn from interviews with 16 participants recruited in the central business district of a New Zealand city. It documents how, when trying to make sense of this complex social problem, domiciled people draw on shared characterizations of homeless people. The concept of "social distance" is used to interrogate the shifting and sometimes incongruous reactions evident in participant accounts. "Social distancing" is conceptualised as a dynamic communal practice existing in interactions between human beings and reflected in the ways that domiciled people talk about their experiences with homeless individuals.  相似文献   

养老既是家庭的义务,也是社会的服务,亦是政府的职责.随着我国老龄化社会进程加快,在自有住房拥有率较高,小型化家庭赡养能力减弱,而社会养老机构供给不足的情况下,传统的家庭养老已变成社区居家养老.为实现山地城市社区居家养老,需要配套构建相关基础服务设施.文章在分析老年人居家养老的心理行为特点的基础上,提出社区应建设的养老基础设施类型,论述配套建设方法策略.  相似文献   

Modelling people behaviour during emergencies has become an essential issue in attempting to increase safety aspects in buildings. This paper evaluates people’s choice behaviour for evacuation of tall buildings. A Stated Preference (SP) questionnaire was designed to understand underlying factors behind people behaviour and predict the likelihood of selecting evacuation lifts as opposed to stairs. Various scenarios including six different navigational cases, three levels for the density of people on stairs, three different number of people in the lift lobby and three vertical positions for refuge floors were administrated to 566 participants. A mixed logit model approach was then used to investigate how those factors influence the occupant’s decision-making as well as to capture the heterogeneity of different preferences among people. Traditionally, lifts were not allowed to be used in case of emergency, but the results indicate that people would tend to choose evacuation lifts in situations when they are suggested as the main exit option, and situations when stairs are overcrowded. Thus, if people are navigated by dynamic signs to use evacuation lifts, the percentage of lift users could go approximately from 70% to 80% for refuge floors between 15 and 55, respectively. In contrast, in situations when people have to make a decision between using lifts or stairs to evacuate, stairwells with fewer people as well as overcrowded refuge floors could lead to a decision in favour of stairs. This study represents the first SP experiment combining people decisions, pre-event opinions and beliefs related to evacuation lifts and stairs to understand their route choices for evacuation from tall buildings. The findings of this study can be used in the development of behavioural models for evacuation simulations of tall buildings.  相似文献   

This paper is the third in a series of four that collectively provide a substantial body of knowledge on the egress capabilities of people with disabilities. It presents the results of an experimental program to determine the ability of disabled people to negotiate doors with closing forces that range from 20 N to 70 N. The results indicate that many disabled people find it impossible to negotiate doors, even at relatively low closing forces, and that the time it takes disabled people to negotiate doors can vary considerably. The results of this study are presented for the use of those involved in the difficult task of characterizing building occupancies with respect to their egress capabilities.  相似文献   

城市广场存在的目的是服务于民,设计时会重点考虑如何吸引尽可能多的人群来使用。座椅作为城市广场的主要休憩设施,其合理的设置是吸引人群使用广场的关键所在,文章初步探讨广场座椅布置的主要影响因素。  相似文献   

陈小杰 《住宅科技》2012,32(9):20-23
由于旧住房适老设施的缺乏,随着人口老龄化日益加剧,旧住房适老性改造的需求越来越迫切。文章针对老年人居住现状进行了调研,针对老年人的需求,提出了旧住房适老性改造的主要内容,并根据改造的难易程度,提出了分阶段实施适老性改造的建议。已有的工程案例表明,本文提出的建议符合实际情况,对今后旧住房适老性改造有较好的指导意义。  相似文献   

郑月玲 《中外建筑》2010,(6):124-127
残疾人就业展能中心是以智障人士为主要服务对象的残疾人职业康复训练基地和支援型服务基地,主要是为有劳动能力和就业愿望的残疾人士提供康复训练、职业康复、技能培训、职业评估、就业辅导等一系列训练和服务,使残疾人士能够在德、智、体、能多方面得到发展,提升其就业能力及适应社会的能力。  相似文献   

谢浩 《城乡建设》2011,(4):31-32,4,5
马丘比丘宣言指出:"我们深信人的相互作用和交往是城市存在的基本依据,城市规划与住房设计必须反映这一现实"。居住区是人们长期聚居的生活空间,和谐、融洽的邻里关系和社区氛围来源于人与人的交往。在进行居住小区规划时,要把交往行为和居民活动特征作为规划的主要任务之一,为居民交往创造良好的空间场所和环境气氛。  相似文献   

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