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Cao L  Pan G  de Jong J  Woodward S  Meng H 《Applied optics》2008,47(25):4501-4508
To apply digital holography to the measurement of three-dimensional dense particle fields in large facilities, we have developed a hybrid digital holographic particle-imaging system. The technique combines the advantages of off-axis (side) scattering in suppressing speckle noise and on-axis (in-line) recording in lowering the digital sensor resolution requirement. A camera lens is attached to the digital sensor to compensate for the weak object wave from side scattering over a large recording distance. A simple numerical reconstruction algorithm is developed for holograms recorded with a lens without requiring complex and impractical mathematical corrections. We analyze the effect of image sensor resolution and off-axis angle on system performance and quantify the particle positioning accuracy of the system. The holographic system is successfully applied to the study of inertial particle clustering in isotropic turbulence.  相似文献   

Characterisation of small and large-scale vortices in turbulent flows demands a system with high spatial resolution. The measurement of high spatial resolution, three-dimensional vector displacements in fluid mechanics using holography, is usually hampered by aberration. Aberration poses some problems in particle image identification due to low fidelity of real image reconstruction. Phase mismatch between the recording and the reconstruction waves was identified as the main source of aberration in this study. This paper demonstrates how aberration compensation can be achieved by cross-correlating the complex amplitude of an aberrated reconstructed object with the phase conjugate of a known reference object in the plane of the hologram (frequency space). Results favourably show significant increase in Strehl ratio and suppression of background noise that are more pronounced for particle images of 10 and 5 microns. It is clear from the work conducted that wavefront aberration measurement and compensation of holographic microscopic objects are now possible with the use of a variant digital holographic microscope.  相似文献   

《Applied optics》1985,24(23):4085

Menzies RT  Tratt DM 《Applied optics》1994,33(24):5698-5711
An airborne CO(2) coherent lidar has been developed and flown on over 30 flights of the NASA DC-8 research aircraft to obtain aerosol and cloud backscatter and extinction data at a wavelength near 9μm. Designed to operate in either zenith- or nadir-directed modes, the lidar can be used to measure vertical profiles of backscatter throughout the vertical extent of the troposphere and the lower stratosphere. Backscatter measurements in absolute units are obtained through a hard-target calibration methodology. The use of coherent detection results in high sensitivity and narrow field of view, the latter property greatly reducing multiple-scattering effects. Aerosol backscatter profile intercomparisons with other airborne and ground-based CO(2) lidars were conducted during instrument checkout flights over the NASA Ames Research Center before extended depolyment over the Pacific Ocean. Selected results from data taken during the flights over the Pacific Ocean are presented, emphasizing intercom arisons with backscatter profile data obtained at 1.06 μm with a NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Nd:YAG lidar on the same flights.  相似文献   

Point-source digital in-line holographic microscopy with numerical reconstruction is ideally suited for quantitative phase measurements to determine optical path lengths and to extract changes in refractive index within accuracy close to 0.001 on the submicrometer length scale. This is demonstrated with simulated holograms and with detailed measurements on a number of different micrometer-sized samples such as suspended drops, optical fibers, as well as organisms of biological interest such as E. coli bacteria, HeLa cells, and fibroblast cells.  相似文献   

In-line digital holography based on two-intensity measurements [Zhang Opt. Lett. 29, 1787 (2004)], is modified by introducing a pi shifting in the reference phase. Such an improvement avoids the assumption that the object beam must be much weaker than the reference beam in strength and results in a simplified experimental implementation. Computer simulations and optical experiments are carried out to validate the method, which we refer to as position-phase-shifting digital holography.  相似文献   

A new digital holographic polariscope is developed for measuring isochromatic and isopachic fringe systems of stress-induced birefringent and non-birefringent materials. Our experimental results show that conventional circular polariscope could not record isopachic fringes for stress-induced non-birefringent material whereas the proposed digital holographic microscope clearly records such fringes. Detailed theoretical and experimental analysis is reported.  相似文献   

In-line digital holographic interferometry   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
An optical system based on in-line digital holography for the evaluation of deformations is described. In-line holograms are recorded on a CCD chip. The problem of overlapping twin images typical for the in-line arrangement is solved by digital reconstruction and filtering of the unwanted wave fronts. Two separate interferograms of an object under test in its undeformed and deformed states are recorded each on a CCD chip. The phases of the two wave fronts are obtained from the complex amplitudes of the digital reconstructed wave fronts, and the deformation is calculated from the phase differences. Experimental results are presented.  相似文献   

High-speed digital holographic interferometry for vibration measurement   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Pedrini G  Osten W  Gusev ME 《Applied optics》2006,45(15):3456-3462
A system based on digital holographic interferometry for the measurement of vibrations is presented. A high-power continuous laser (10 W) and a high-speed CCD camera are used. Hundreds of holograms of an object that has been subjected to dynamic deformation are recorded. The acquisition speed and the time of exposure of the detector are determined by the vibration frequency. Two methods are presented for triggering the camera in order to acquire at a given phase of the vibration. The phase of the wavefront is calculated from the recorded holograms by use of a two-dimensional digital Fourier-transform method. The deformation of the object is obtained from the phase. By combination of the deformations recorded at different times it is possible to reconstruct the vibration of the object.  相似文献   

Digital in-line holographic microscopy (DIHM) using point sources has been shown to be a versatile technique, especially for three-dimensional tracking of particles or microorganisms. However, the spherical source wave is altered when measurements are performed through layers with different refractive indices, such as water cuvettes. The situations where a layer of medium with a refractive index different than that of the predominant surrounding propagation medium (usually air) is situated behind or in front of the plane to be reconstructed are analyzed in detail, and a general approach for reconstruction under such circumstances is developed. The proposed refractive index correction is tested experimentally and compared to conventional reconstruction algorithms. Using 3D traces of swimming algal spores, the influence on the velocity calculation is also shown.  相似文献   

In-line holographic particle image velocimetry for turbulent flows   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Scherer JO  Bernal LP 《Applied optics》1997,36(35):9309-9318
A holographic system has been developed to measure the velocity field in three-dimensional flow regions. The system records the position of small tracer particles on two in-line holograms of the flow obtained simultaneously. Two exposures are recorded on each hologram. The flow velocity is derived from the displacement of the particles between exposures. A general design procedure is described for selecting the particle diameter and the concentration on the basis of the configuration of the flow facility and the resolution characteristics of the holographic imaging system. The system was implemented in a 2 ft x 2 ft (1 ft = 30.48 cm) water channel to measure the velocity field in a turbulent free-surface jet. The spatial resolution of the system is 1 mm, and the field of view is 100 mm, approximately. Measurements performed with this system are compared with results reported in the literature and are found to be in good agreement.  相似文献   

A large solid angle, high counting rate detection system for p, d t identification and energy measurement in the range of 15 to 65 MeV has been developed. The detector consists of two position-sensitive delay-line multiwire chambers, a thin plastic scintillator ΔE, and two large area NaI E detectors. Measurements of energy spectra of protons from 12C(n, p) are presented.  相似文献   

Singh DK  Panigrahi PK 《Applied optics》2012,51(17):3874-3887
The 3D distribution of a particle field by digital holography is obtained by 3D numerical reconstruction of a 2D hologram. The proper identification of particles from the background during numerical reconstruction influences the overall effectiveness of the technique. The selection of a suitable threshold value to segment particles from the background of reconstructed images during 3D holographic reconstruction process is a critical issue, which influences the accuracy of particle size and number density of reconstructed particles. The object particle field parameters, such as depth of sample volume and density of object particles, influence the optimal threshold value. The present study proposes a novel technique for the determination of the optimal threshold value of a reconstructed image. The effectiveness of the proposed technique is demonstrated using both simulated and experimental data. The proposed technique is robust to variation in optical properties of particle and background, depth of sample volume, and number density of object particle field. The particle diameter obtained from the proposed threshold technique is within 5% of that obtained from the particle size analyzer. There is a maximum ten times increase in reconstruction effectiveness by using the proposed automatic threshold technique in comparison with the fixed manual threshold technique.  相似文献   

Hahn J  Kim H  Choi K  Lee B 《Applied optics》2006,45(5):915-924
A novel implementation of a real-time digital holographic system with a genetic feedback tuning loop is proposed. The proposed genetic feedback tuning loop is effective in encoding optimal phase holograms on a liquid-crystal spatial light modulator in the system. Optimal calibration of the liquid-crystal spatial light modulator can be achieved via the genetic feedback tuning loop, and the optimal phase hologram can then overcome the aberration of the internal optics of the system.  相似文献   

Pedrini G  Tiziani HJ 《Applied optics》2002,41(22):4489-4496
An optical system based on short-coherence digital holography suitable for three-dimensional (3D) microscopic investigations is described. The light source is a short-coherence laser, and the holograms are recorded on a CCD sensor. The interference (hologram) occurs only when the path lengths of the reference and the object beam are matched within the coherence length of the laser. The image of the part of the sample that matches the reference beam is reconstructed by numerical evaluation of the hologram. The advantages of the method are high numerical aperture (this means high spatial resolution), detection of the 3D shape, and a lensless imaging system. Experimental results are presented.  相似文献   

A parameter-optimized off-axis setup for digital holographic microscopy is presented for simultaneous, high-resolution, full-field quantitative amplitude and quantitative phase-contrast microscopy and the detection of changes in optical path length in transparent objects, such as undyed living cells. Numerical reconstruction with the described nondiffractive reconstruction method, which suppresses the zero order and the twin image, requires a mathematical model of the phase-difference distribution between the object wave and the reference wave in the hologram plane. Therefore an automated algorithm is explained that determines the parameters of the mathematical model by carrying out the discrete Fresnel transform. Furthermore the relationship between the axial position of the object and the reconstruction distance, which is required for optimization of the lateral resolution of the holographic images, is derived. The lateral and the axial resolutions of the system are discussed and quantified by application to technical objects and to living cells.  相似文献   

Microscopy by holographic means is attractive because it permits true three-dimensional (3D) visualization and 3D display of the objects. We investigate the necessary condition on the object size and spatial bandwidth for complete 3D microscopic imaging with phase-shifting digital holography with various common arrangements. The cases for which a Fresnel holographic arrangement is sufficient and those for which object magnification is necessary are defined. Limitations set by digital sensors are analyzed in the Wigner domain. The trade-offs between the various holographic arrangements in terms of conditions on the object size and bandwidth, recording conditions required for complete representation, and complexity are discussed.  相似文献   

Spuler SM  Fugal J 《Applied optics》2011,50(10):1405-1412
We discuss the design and performance of an airborne (underwing) in-line digital holographic imaging system developed for characterizing atmospheric cloud water droplets and ice particles in situ. The airborne environment constrained the design space to the simple optical layout that in-line non-beam-splitting holography affords. The desired measurement required the largest possible sample volume in which the smallest desired particle size (~5 μm) could still be resolved, and consequently the magnification requirement was driven by the pixel size of the camera and this particle size. The resulting design was a seven-element, double-telecentric, high-precision optical imaging system used to relay and magnify a hologram onto a CCD surface. The system was designed to preserve performance and high resolution over a wide temperature range. Details of the optical design and construction are given. Experimental results demonstrate that the system is capable of recording holograms that can be reconstructed with resolution of better than 6.5 μm within a 15 cm(3) sample volume.  相似文献   

Asundi A  Singh VR 《Applied optics》2006,45(11):2391-2395
Time-averaged in-line digital holography is applied for vibration analysis. In particular, by use of a double-exposure approach, simultaneous determination of vibration mode shape and mean static state deformation during a vibration cycle are obtained. The subtraction of two numerically reconstructed digital holograms recorded at the same resonant frequency but with a small difference in amplitude shows the mixing of Bessel-type time-averaged fringes owing to vibration and of the double-exposure fringes owing to differences in the mean deformation of the object. It is shown that separation of these fringe patterns can be readily accomplished numerically. An experimental demonstration of this effect by use of in-line digital holography for relatively small membranes is demonstrated.  相似文献   

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