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A simple model is presented which allows accurate prediction of bias margins of gap-tolerant half-disk propagation tracks for bubble domains. After this is verified by comparison with experimental margin data, an "isomargin" plot is derived to show how the margin varies as a function ofWandG, whereWis the minimum linewidth andGis the inter-bar gap. The bias margin is shown to decrease along a fairly straight line which goes to zero whenW + Gequals the runout diameter, i.e., whenW+G approx 1.5 W_{s}, where Wsis the bubble stripwidth or average bubble diameter. This agrees with experiment, and means that the minimum resolvable feature for half-disk type patterns must be less than0.75W_{s}, and probably will not be much larger than0.5W_{s}to0.6W_{s}. It is concluded that, if made with perfect Permalloy, T-bars and half-disks should propagate isolated bubbles equally well. The advantages of half-disks over T-bars are 1) the fatal bar-crossing problem of T-bars with multiple bubbles is avoided, 2) the minimum propagation field is lower than for T-bars, and 3) half-disks seem more tolerant of "bad" (e.g., high-coercivity) Permalloy. Also tabulated are the effects on margins of variations in the device parameters of a representative design, as might be encountered in a fabrication process with finite tolerances. A brief discussion of stop-start margins is given in conclusion.  相似文献   

Device design and margins are given for bubble wall state coding in a field access Permalloy device. The wall states chosen to be the binary states are the S = 1 state and the S = ½, both of which have unsaturated capping layers. The 2.7 μm epitaxial (epi) garnet (YSmGdCaGe) is grown on top of a thin (0.2 μm) epi garnet (YNd GdCaGe) layer which has in-plane magnetization and is called a boot. The S = 1 state has 15 percent current margin and 20° phase margin: the S= ½ state has 45 percent current margin and 35° phase margin. The read-write bias margin is 18 Oe and is limited by the deflectometer detector.  相似文献   

Bubble propagation on several field access structures is studied with an optoelectrical method. Measurements were performed with a 40-Oe, 10-kHz rotating field on closed-loop shift registers that were fabricated on Bi-substituted garnet films having either 7 μm or 2.7 μm bubbles. The effect of increasing the interelement gap for several nonsymmetrical structures is discussed.  相似文献   

The static and dynamic properties of bubbles can be conveniently observed by using a mirror overlay between a drive structure and a thin ferro-garnet film. This method was applied to studies of bubble propagation in T-bar, T-X and chevron permalloy drive structures. The results of the study lead to the conclusion that a parameter a should be introduced for estimating the nonuniformity of bubble propagation. This parameter is found by photometric measurements of light intensity variations along the bubble propagation path over the structure period λ and by subsequent calculations.  相似文献   

The operation of a bubble-domain straight-line propagation circuit has been simulated successfully. This simulation has been achieved by our approximating the motion of an s = 0 frozen-azimuth bubble placed under a drive fieldH_{Z}(X, Y, T)= -H_{p} cdot cos [2pi(X/R_{X} - n(T)/4)] cdot exp [-(Y/R_{Y})^{2}]. The simulation has been generated from a previously developed numerical scheme to simulate the motion of a bubble, whose domain shape and magnetization structure along its domain wall were variable. The drive field has been modeled after a dual conductor-sheet, current-access propagation structure, which has a bit period RXand a transverse width on the order of2R_{Y}. The entire field contour has been advanced stepwise in the positiveXdirection by an increase of the integern(T), which represents the drive-phase number. The bubble motion has been observed during the first six drive phases to produce operating margin diagrams for drive frequencies of 250 KHz, 796 KHz and 1 MHz. The method of calculation and the results of the simulation are given.  相似文献   

The effect of a small dc in-plane field on the start-stop operation of field access bubble devices has been studied. Experimental results show that the bias margin in this mode is very sensitive to the magnitude of the field and its orientation relative to the start-stop direction of the drive field. In a T-I circuit a complete margin loss was observed for an in-plane field of 3 Oe oriented antiparallel to the start-stop direction. For parallel orientations of the in-plane field the start-stop margin improved and approached that of the continuous propagation margin at an in-plane field of approximately 6 Oe. Dependence of the start-stop margin on the orientation of the start-stop direction relative to the pattern was also observed. Measurements of the bubble collapse field at various points in the pattern show a very strong dependence on the in-plane field and the permalloy geometry. The collapse-field results and magnetostatic energy considerations which take into account local field variations and bubble-bubble interactions provide a basis for understanding the experimentally observed start-stop margins. These results show that a small tilt (2 to 3°) should be introduced in the bias field to overcome normal alignment tolerances and ensure that a favorable in-plane field is always present. This assures reliable start-stop operation.  相似文献   

Approximation formulae were derived to manually calculate bubble domain runout diameter d2and bias magnetic field H2. A comparison of d2and H2calculated by these formulae with Thiele's results shows that the approximation formulae are accurate to within 3 percent.  相似文献   

Combination of finite and boundary elements for magnetic field analysis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A procedure is proposed which utilizes combined Finite Elements Method and Boundary Elements Method for magnetic field analysis. Given a region constituted by sub-regions, some of which require a dense discretization, the field analysis is carried out by using the Finite Elements Method, and the Boundary Elements Method is used for the other sub-regions which require a large discretization. The procedure is applied for studying the magnetic field due to a coil and the obtained results are compared with the values given by formulas known in the scientific literature[5].  相似文献   

In magnetic bubble memory packages having a bias field HBsupplied by a Ba-ferrite permanent magnet structure, the magnitude of HBmay be appreciably altered after setting by transient exposure to externally applied magnetic fields Hextas much as 10 times smaller than the field used in setting HB. We examine this effect for a particular magnet design having a permalloy yoke, a gap of 0.270 inches, and a saturation fieldH_{sat} simeq 240Oe. We find that the magnitude of the effect depends upon the ratioH_{B}/H_{sat}and upon the procedure used in setting HB. After setting toH_{B} = 200Oe from saturation with a demagnetizing fieldH_{ext} = -1400Oe, a remagnetizing fieldH_{ext} simeq 1800Oe is required to increase HBby 1%. On the other hand, after setting toH_{B} = 100Oe withH_{ext} = -2300Oe, a remagnetizing fieldH_{ext} simeq 400Oe is sufficient to increase HBby 1%. Setting by demagnetizing from saturation yields superior stability to setting by magnetizing from the demagnetized state, and stability of the set magnet may be further improved by demagnetizing with a ringing (alternating) field. This behavior is explained with a simple model and its importance for magnet design is discussed.  相似文献   

By generalizing the stability treatment of Thiele to include the presence of a permalloy pattern, a magnetostatic energy model for describing field access devices is derived. The general implications of the model with regard to minimum drive fields and propagation margins are discussed and calculated magnetostatic energy profiles for noninteracting chevrons are presented. The question of when the permalloy elements begin to interact is examined to provide justification for treating the permalloy elements independently. Finally, a magnetoresistance model for detector analysis is proposed which may be incorporated easily into the existing modeling framework. The paper concludes by suggesting further areas of application and by discussing areas which need further improvement.  相似文献   

It is experimentally shown that an external magnetic field applied to a bubble boiling region improves wetting of the surface heating the boiling liquid.Translated from Inzhenerno-Fizicheskii Zhurnal, Vol. 46, No. 5, pp. 720–723, May, 1984.  相似文献   

Scaling of magnetic bubble devices to smaller bubble sizes and higher density is considered. Drive field requirements, materials requirements, fabrication requirements, current requirements, and detector signal-to-noise ratio are all calculated as a function of bubble size and related to practical limits imposed by bubble materials, fabrication techniques, and electromigration limits. It is concluded that "conventional" bubble devices using Permalloy bars can be made practical with 1-μm bubble domains (storage densitysim6 times 10^{6}bits/cm2). Although it may be possible to extend these Permalloy bar devices to even smaller bubbles, it seems more likely that other bubble devices such as contiguous disk devices or bubble lattice devices will in fact be used for densities greater than 6 × 106bits/cm2.  相似文献   

Two types of magnetic bubble generators suitable for a field-access bubble memory have been tested at 1.00 kHz bit rate at in-plane rotating fields above 15 Oe. The bias field margins of the generators at 30 Oe rotating field are equal to or greater than those of loop propagation. Both designs are based on the principle of stretching and cutting seed bubbles circulating around a Permalloy disk. Functions of stretching, cutting and transferring in the generator sequence are accomplished either with Permalloy elements or pulsed current conductors. The operating conditions of the generators in terms of current pulse amplitudes, widths and phase angles are presented. Among the two designs, namely Permalloy-stretch and conductor-stretch generators, the latter has a wider phase-angle margin.  相似文献   

Allowing for the magnetic noise damping effect, characteristic changes in the noise spectrum between 1.5-100 kHz are investigated as a function of magnetizing frequency, and corresponding damping-corrected power spectra are outlined. A Systematic comparison is carried out between high-frequency noise characteristics and properties of a low-alloy steel sheet quality, the dependence found being more or less fortuitous.  相似文献   

A beam of fully polarized cold neutrons was transported through a zero magnetic field region of 70 m length without loss of polarization. The purpose of this exercise was twofold: firstly, to demonstrate that the new zero-field neutron spin-echo method will work also for very long neutron flight paths; secondly, to prove in the most direct way that the neutron free-flight region of the ILL neutron-antineutron oscillation experiment was indeed sufficiently field-free (“quasifree condition”) by using the neutrons themselves as a magnetometer. To this purpose the residual magnetic field integrals in the long “zero-field” region were measured with a conventional neutron spin-echo method. The overall spin precession angle of the neutrons during their flight through the long zero-field region was found to be less than 2°.  相似文献   

A high-resolution, ultrasonic (12–89 MHz) acoustic impedance technique has been used to investigate the order parameter collective modes in superfluid3He-B over a pressure range of 0–15 bar and in magnetic fields up to 180 mT. In agreement with earlier experiments, theJ=2 real squashing mode has been observed to split into five components in small magnetic fields. However, contrary to earlier theoretical estimates, the Zeeman shifts have been found to become extremely nonlinear as the magnetic field is increased. The extent of this nonlinearity is largest at low pressures and at temperatures close toT c. In comparison with recent theoretical work, the nonlinear Zeeman shifts may be explained as a result of two effects. First, there is a significant distortion of the B-phase energy gap in large magnetic fields. Second, there is an important coupling between the sameJ zsubstates of the differentJ modes. In this sense the nonlinear evolution of the real squashing mode constitutes the observation of the Paschen-Back effect in3He-B. A comparison of the observed Zeeman shifts with theoretical expressions has yielded information about particle-particle and particle-hole interaction effects in the superfluid. In the limitT 0 and above a threshold field, the real squashing mode has been found to possess additional structure. TheJ z=0 substate has been observed to split into a doublet. The separation between the two components of the doublet is of the order of 100–200 kHz and remains independent of the magnetic field. The origin of the doublet may be understood in terms of a recent theory which postulates a texture-dependent collective mode frequency. Further, at extremely small fields the effects due to dispersion of the real squashing modes have been found to be important. The magnitude of the dispersion-induced mode splitting in zero field is found to be consistent with theoretical predictions. TheJ=2 squashing mode has also been studied in the presence of a magnetic field. TheJ z=0 state of the squashing mode is observed to shift to lower temperatures in a magnetic field. An additional field dependence of the observed acoustic impedance is interpreted as the evolution of theJ z=–1, –2 states, but appears to be inconsistent with theoretical predictions.  相似文献   

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