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The bphACB genes responsible for the initial oxidation of the aromatic ring of biphenyl/polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) to meta-cleavage product in Rhodococcus sp. RHA1 have been characterized. We cloned the 6.1 kb EcoRI fragment containing another extradiol dioxygenase gene (etbC) which was induced during the growth on ethylbenzene. The bphD, bphE and bphF encoding 2-hydroxy-6-oxo-6-phenylhexa-2,4-dienoate (HOPD) hydrolase, 2-hydroxypenta-2,4-dienoate hydratase and 4-hydroxy-2-oxovalerate aldolase, respectively, were found downstream of etbC. The deduced amino acid (aa) sequence of RHA1 bphD and bphE had 27-33% and 32-38% identity, respectively, with those of the corresponding genes in Pseudomonas. BphE and BphF are closely related to the corresponding homoprotocatechuate meta-cleavage pathway enzymes of Escherichia coli C. The bphD and bphF were expressed in E. coli and the BphD activity was detected. The etbCphDEF genes were transcribed in biphenyl and ethylbenzene growing cells. Pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) analysis indicated that RHA1 contains three large linear plasmids. Southern blot analysis indicated that the meta-cleavage pathway for biphenyl/PCB catabolism in RHA1 is directed by the 390 kb plasmid borne bphDEF genes located separately from bphACB gene cluster on the 1100 kb plasmid.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Although it is generally recognized that poverty and depression can coexist among single parents receiving social assistance, there is insufficient research on this topic. The goals of this study therefore were to investigate the prevalence, correlates and health care expenditures associated with depression among sole-support parents receiving social assistance. METHODS: Sole-support parents who had applied for social assistance in 2 regions of southwestern Ontario were included in the study. Depression was diagnosed with the 1994 University of Michigan Composite International Diagnostic Interview short forms. RESULTS: The 12-month prevalence rate of depressive disorder among the parents interviewed was 45.4% (345/760). A total of 247 (32.5%) had major depressive disorder alone, 19 (2.5%) had dysthymia, and 79 (10.4%) had both major depressive disorder and dysthymia ("double depression"). Those with major depressive disorder, particularly double depression, had significantly higher rates of coexisting psychiatric disorder than those without depressive disorders. Parents with depression reported higher rates of developmental delay and behaviour problems in their children than parents without depression. Expenditures for health care services were higher for parents with depression and for their children than for parents without depressive disorder and their children. INTERPRETATION: Single parents receiving social assistance have high rates of depression. Such parents with depression also have higher rates of other psychiatric disorders and higher expenditures for health care services, and their children have higher rates of developmental delay and behaviour problems.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The present study explored the frequency and pattern of functional motor problems of a group of Parkinson patients, as a first step towards developing a rational approach to rehabilitation intervention addressing the primary symptoms of the disease. METHOD: Sixty patients, consisting of 40% women and 60% men with a mean age of 63.5 years and of which 88% were taking L-dopa, underwent a number of standardized clinical tests including part III of the UPDRS. They were also interviewed about the frequency of motor problems occurring at home. RESULTS: Loss of trunk rotation as expressed in rolling in supine and reduced arm swing were the most frequently registered motor disorders (73%, 75%). Freezing at the start of, or during, walking was not observed during clinical testing but was frequently claimed to occur at home (48%, 23%). A broad spectrum of deficits regarding gait, posture, transfers and distal motor problems formed a cluster, which was strongly correlated with bradykinesia (p < 0.001). Principal component analysis identified four distinct problem areas: (1) axial motor performance; (2) akinetic gait problems; (3) rigidity; and (4) tremor. CONCLUSIONS: Parkinson patients, particularly in the later stages of the disease, presented with significant levels of functional disability which was mainly linked with the underlying impairment of bradykinesia.  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetics of diclofenac, which is definitely subject to enterohepatic circulation in rats, was evaluated. The pharmacokinetic model for enterohepatic circulation was constructed in the Laplace-transformed domain by means of the transfer function method of the signal flow. The transformed equations were simultaneously fitted to the time courses of plasma concentration averaged over two groups of rats [i.e. one with an intact enterohepatic circulation and the other without an enterohepatic circulation by means of the bile duct cannula (double-lines fitting)]. The transformed equations were also fitted to each plasma time course in the individual rat (single-line fitting). It was demonstrated that the estimated pharmacokinetic parameters by the single-line fitting almost coincided with those by the double-lines fitting. The local moments for a single pass through enterohepatic circulation were also calculated from the time courses of both the plasma concentration and the amount excreted into the bile. In the nonanesthetized group, the recirculation ratio (Fc) and the mean recirculation time (tc) of diclofenac were estimated to be 21.1% and 4.5 hr, respectively. The absorption ratio (Fa) and the mean absorption time (ta) from the intestinal tract were 52.2% and 4.29 hr, respectively. The experiments using bile duct cannulation revealed that the total amounts excreted into the bile were 14.4% in the anesthetized group and 40.4% in the nonanesthetized group of rats, and that diclofenac was excreted 95% as the glucuronide form and 5% as the intact form in both groups.  相似文献   

Rats were tested in an instrumental lever pressing procedure, in which a computer program recorded detailed parameters of responding such as response initiation and duration. Initially, rats with ventrolateral striatal dopamine depletions and control rats were tested on days 3-5 after surgery. Dopamine depletions produced by local injections of 6-hydroxydopamine substantially reduced the number of lever presses emitted. Dopamine depleted animals showed significant increases in average response initiation times, average length of fast initiation times, average length of pauses and total pause time. The distribution of initiation times was altered so that DA depleted rats showed significant reductions in the relative number of very high rate responses and also showed increases in the relative number of pauses. On day 7 after surgery, dopamine-depleted rats received one of three drug treatments: injections of ascorbate vehicle, injections of 20.0 mg/kg L-DOPA, and injections of 40.0 mg/kg L-DOPA. Injections of 40.0 mg/kg L-DOPA led to some improvement in several parameters of instrumental responding. Compared to the previous baseline day, the group that received 40.0 mg/kg L-DOPA showed a significant increase in number of responses on the drug treatment day, and also showed significant decreases in average response initiation time and total pause time. The group that received 40.0 mg/kg L-DOPA also showed significant increases in number of responses (expressed as a percent of the previous day) when compared to the control group that received injections of ascorbate vehicle. These results indicate that L-DOPA can partially reverse the skilled motor deficits produced by ventrolateral striatal dopamine depletions, and suggest that this test may be useful for the assessment of antiparkinsonian drugs.  相似文献   

In a population survey of 162 rural and 152 urban subjects aged 26-65 years at Moradabad, the findings are compared with existing data on Indian immigrants to Britain and United States. In comparison with rural subjects, urban subjects had a higher prevalence of coronary artery disease (8.6 vs. 3.0%) and diabetes (7.9 vs 2.5%), higher blood pressures, total and low density lipoprotein cholesterol, triglycerides and postprandial 2-h blood glucose and plasma insulin similar to observations made in UK in immigrants compared to Europeans. Fasting plasma insulin and high density lipoprotein cholesterol levels in urban subjects were comparable with rural subjects. Mean body weights were significantly higher in urban women, but not in men, than in rural subjects. However the body mass index (22.9 +/- 4.2 vs. 21.6 +/- 2.4 kg/m2) and waist-hip girth ratio (0.89 +/- 0.10 vs. 0.86 +/- 0.07) were significantly higher in urban men compared to rural men without such differences in women. Underlying these differences in risk factors, urban subjects had three times better socioeconomic status than rural subjects and were eating higher total and saturated fat, cholesterol and refined carbohydrates and lower total and complex carbohydrates compared to rural men and women. Energy expenditure during routine and spare time physical activity was significantly higher in rural compared to urban subjects. Those patients who had risk factors, showed lesser physical activity and had greater adverse factors in the diet compared to subjects without risk factors. Body mass index and waist-hip girth ratio in patients with risk factors were significantly higher than in subjects without risk factors. The findings suggest that decreased consumption of total and saturated fat and increased physical activity may be useful for prevention of coronary artery disease among urbans as well as in immigrants.  相似文献   

A new method is presented that permits a rapid and accurate in vivo evaluation of biofilm formation on surface-modified silicone rubber voice prostheses. The method is based on partial modification of a Groningen button voice prosthesis by exposing half of the prosthesis to an argon plasma. This results in one side of the prosthesis becoming hydrophilic while leaving the unmodified side hydrophobic as a control. Modified prostheses were placed in patients for an evaluation period of approximately 4 weeks. Despite making the silicone rubber surface hydrophilic, biofilm formation was stimulated when compared to unmodified, hydrophobic silicone rubber. Findings show that biofilm formation on voice prostheses is influenced by hydrophobicity of a silicone rubber surface. The method of partial surface modification used was seen to be suitable for demonstrating such influences regardless of nutrition and other variations in the patient's lifestyle. Microbiological analysis of the biofilms on both sides of the prosthesis valve did not show any changes in microbial composition, with Candida albicans, streptococci and staphylococci being the most commonly isolated strains.  相似文献   

We imaged the horizontal semicircular canal (HSCC) crista and cupula of toadfish, Opsanus tau, by using a) confocal light microscopy of isolated vital HSCC; b) serial sections of fixed, trichrome-stained HSCC; and c) scanning electron microscopy of fixed HSCCs. HSCC were dissections which included an ampulla and an attached canal tube (long and slender canal portion), and, in some cases, a small portion of the utricular wall. Cupulae were seen as multipartite mucus connective tissue shells rising from the crista and extending toward the ampullary roof. They were composed of several refractile bands traversing the cupulae perpendicular to longitudinal fibers extending from the cupular base to its apex. Alcian green-stained cupulae showed an asymmetric alcianphilic, dark, X-shaped structure, indicating that the pillar is rich in mucin and carbohydrate, an interpretation supported by images of trichrome-stained sections. The cupular antrum is devoid of prominent refractile fibers. No tubes or channels were observed in the cupula or antrum of vital preparations. Cupular shell fibers cover the surface of the crista, are roughly parallel, and are associated with a translucent material having a refractive index greater than the surrounding endolymph. Stereocilia were thin, 100-microm-long structures, with little longitudinal curvature, which end with no end bulb. No strands extend from stereocilia to the roof or other portions of the cupular antrum. Gross movements of stereocilia were not seen in mechanically quiescent preparations. Within the cupular antrum, stereocilia were parallel to connective tissue fibers, all embedded in an isotropic gel. This fiber-reinforced gel and cupular matrix are sensitive to N-acetlyneuraminidase and beta-N-acetyl glucosaminidase, and minimally sensitive to beta-N-acetyl hexosaminidase. Connective tissue fibers may serve to stiffen the gel, whose matrix would restrict lateral motion of embedded fibers and stereocilia thereby providing mechanical support for stereocilia.  相似文献   

A new method for evaluation of the capacity of mononuclear phagocytes to inhibit intracellular microorganisms is described. The system provides a means for assessing this effect of macrophages without concern for multiplication of extracellular organisms, effect of antibiotics, and the potential observer bias which may result from visual evaluation. It involves measurement of amount of [6-3H]UdR incorporated by Toxoplasma gondii. Differences between uptake of [6-3H]UdR by infected and uninfected macrophages can be augmented by cytosine arabinoside as this agent inhibits macrophage DNA synthesis but does not substantially alter DNA synthesis by the test organism, T. gondii.  相似文献   

By placing the earth electrode between the site of the stimulus and the site of derivation, peripheral motor latency to the external anal sphincter can be determined and thus central motor conduction time (CMCT) can be calculated. In 18 volunteers we found a total motor conduction time of 19.4 msec (S.D. 1.71) after stimulation of the motor cortex and recording above the external anal sphincter. Latency was 5.6 msec (S.D. 0.66) when stimulated above L1 and pudendal latency (MEPuL) after stimulation above S3 was 2.5 msec (S.D. 0.32). CMCT to L1 (TMCT minus MCT to L1) was 13.8 msec (S.D. 1.13) and to S3 (TMCT minus MEPuL) it was 16.9 msec (S.D. 1.67). This method allows us to locate spinal dysfunction more precisely and also improves diagnosis of a possible neuropathy of the pudendal nerve.  相似文献   

The authors developed a new three-dimensional reconstruction method called "See-Through View (STV)" using a spiral CT in evaluating of cerebral arteriovenous malformation (AVM). Spiral CT was performed in eight patients with AVM. STV was obtained by reconstructing with a voxel transmission projection using a double threshold method. In all eight patients, STV images enable us to depict the nidus of AVM from all angles by see-throughing skull bone, evaluating the relationship of the vascular lesions adjacent to other cerebrovascular or skeletal structures. In conclusion, STV will provide us further spatial recognition, and will be greatly helpful for surgical planning.  相似文献   

This study investigated the influence of brain docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) deficiency on simple and complex olfactory-based learning and memory in 2nd generation (F2) adult male rats. Rats raised and maintained on either an n-3-adequate or an n-3-deficient diet were tested for acquisition of an olfactory learning set and an olfactory memory task, and for motivation to obtain a water reward. Despite a 76% decrease in brain DHA, n-3-deficient rats were able to acquire most simple 2-odor discrimination tasks but were deficient in the acquisition of a 20-problem olfactory learning set. This deficit could not be attributed to changes in sensory capacity but, instead, appeared to represent a deficit in higher order learning. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In the smelting of copper and copper/nickel concentrates, the role of silica flux is to aid in the removal of iron by forming a slag phase. Alternatively, the role of flux may be regarded as a means of controlling the formation of magnetite, which can severely hinder the operation of a furnace. To adequately control the magnetite level, the flux must react rapidly with all of the FeO within the bath. In the present study, a rapid method for silica flux evaluation that can be used directly in the smelter has been developed. Samples of flux are mixed with iron sulfide and magnetite and then smelted at a temperature of 1250 °C. Argon was swept over the reaction mixture and analyzed continuously for sulfur dioxide. The sulfur dioxide concentration with time was found to contain two peaks, the first one being independent of the flux content of the sample. A flux quality parameter has been defined as the height-to-time ratio of the second peak. The value of this parameter for pure silica is 5100 ppm/min. The effects of silica content, silica particle size, and silicate mineralogy were investigated. It was found that a limiting flux quality is achieved for particle sizes less than 0.1 mm in diameter and that fluxes containing feldspar are generally of a poorer quality. The relative importance of free silica and melting point was also studied using synthetic flux mixtures, with free silica displaying the strongest effect.  相似文献   

Measurement of the ability of mice to balance on a rotating rod or cone is often used as a measure of impaired motor function. In most of these procedures the mice must be trained prior to the test. In the new screen test described in this paper, untrained mice are used in a 60 sec test which measures the ability of mice to either climb to the top of or cling to the bottom of a horizontal screen. The ED50 values obtained for failure to reach the top of the horizontal screen are similar to those obtained with the rotarod; the values for falling from the screen are somewhat higher. With both of the horizontal screen measures there were fewer control failures than in the rotarod procedure.  相似文献   

用冷冻干燥法合成了包覆型粉体,与传统方法相比,无需以纳米或微米级核颗粒为前提,过程简单,成本低。以偏钨酸铵和硫酸铝为原料,经喷雾预冻、真空冷冻干燥获得W/Al混合盐冻干前驱体,分段还原得到纳米Al2O3包覆W的复合粉体。采用XRD、IR、SEM等测试技术分析了样品的物相组成、结构、形貌,探讨了包覆结构的形成机理。结果表明:合成的包覆粉体是由40nm左右Al2O3颗粒均匀的包覆在1μm左右W颗粒表面。包覆结构的形成过程分为三个阶段:W晶粒的形核生长,非晶铝氧化合物包覆层的形成,Al2O3的非均匀形核生长。  相似文献   

The purpose of the current experiment was to develop fast and accurate assays for measuring glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and effective renal plasma flow (ERPF). An enzymatic method was developed for the determination of inulin, and a colorimetric method was developed for determination of p-aminohippurate (PAH) in the plasma and urine of rats. These assays are easily automated and do not require the use of radioisotopes or corrosive chemicals. Glomerular filtration rate was measured by the clearance of inulin, and effective renal plasma flow was measured by the clearance of PAH. Blood pressure, heart rate, and renal function (urine volume, electrolytes, GFR, and ERPF) were measured in conscious rats for 1.5 h prior to drug treatment and for 3 h after treatment. Baseline renal function was compared to historical data. Acute changes in GFR and ERPF following administration of the vasoconstrictor peptide endothelin-1 (ET-1) were accurately measured with results similar to those obtained with older methodologies. These new methods offer many advantages over previously described methods by eliminating the use of radioisotopes and harsh chemicals. In addition, these methods can be used with an automated instrument with high accuracy and precision. Therefore, these new methods can be used to accurately determine GFR and ERPF and are sensitive enough to detect acute changes in GFR and ERPF in conscious animals.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate a new quantitative electrophysiologic method and instrumentation for assessing the regenerative process in peripheral nerve injuries. The method was based on spectrum analysis of myoelectric signals. Myoelectric data were obtained longitudinally from affected muscles of the upper limb in patients with traumatic brachial plexus injuries, and quantitatively subjected to on-line analysis. Bipolar surface recordings were made during voluntarily mediated motor unit activity at both a low level of activity (nonfatiguing state) and a maximal level (fatiguing state). The results over time for the low-level activity have shown a significant increase in mean frequency of the myoelectric signal in some muscles, a significant decrease in other muscles, and no change in still other muscles. A significant increase in amplitude was observed in every instance. During the maximal level of activity there was a reduction in mean frequency and the amount of reduction was shown to increase over time. The results are useful in indicating the occurrence of peripheral sprouting, axonal regrowth, of central reorganization, and in indicating improved metabolic activity in a muscle. It is concluded that the method is reliable in the study of the regenerative process.  相似文献   

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