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Previous work within self-determination theory has shown that experimentally framing a learning activity in terms of extrinsic rather than intrinsic goals results in poorer conceptual learning and performance, presumably because extrinsic goal framing detracts attention from the learning activity and is less directly satisfying of basic psychological needs. According to the match perspective, experimental extrinsic, compared to intrinsic, goal framing should enhance learning and performance for learners who personally hold a stronger extrinsic than intrinsic goal orientation, as these learners' personally held goals match with the situationally induced goals. An experimental field study among 5th-6th grade children shows that extrinsic goal framing resulted in poorer autonomous motivation, conceptual (but not rote) learning, and persistence compared to intrinsic goal framing, irrespective of participants' personal intrinsic versus extrinsic goal orientations and their spontaneous perception of the learning activity as serving an intrinsic or an extrinsic goal. The authors conclude that teachers can best promote intrinsic goals, even when facing students who personally hold a stronger extrinsic than intrinsic goal orientation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Two hundred thirty-two manager–subordinate dyads provided data on the effort expended toward the development of leader–member exchange (LMX) relationships, how such effort related to expectations about relationship quality, and intentions to exert future effort toward relationship development. For both managers and subordinates, higher quality LMX relationships were reported and expectations were met when the other member of the dyad put forth effort into relationship development. One's own higher effort coupled with lower effort by the other was associated with a lower quality LMX relationship. Examination of the 4 dimensions of LMX (R. C. Liden & J. M. Maslyn, 1998) revealed unique effects depending on the dimension considered. In addition, LMX and relationship tenure interacted, showing that future effort toward relationship development was greatest when individuals had been in higher quality relationships for longer periods of time. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

We compared the benefits of repeated testing and repeated study on cued recall of unfamiliar face–name pairs in healthy middle-aged and older adults. We extended Karpicke and Roediger's (2008) paradigm to compare the effects of repeated study versus repeated testing after each face–name pair was correctly recalled once. The results from Experiment 1, which provided no feedback during the acquisition phase, yielded a crossover interaction: Middle-aged adults showed the expected benefit of repeated testing, whereas older adults produced a benefit of repeated study. When participants were given feedback in Experiment 2, both middle-aged and older adults benefited from repeated testing. We suggest that for face–name pairs, feedback may be particularly important for individuals who have relatively poor memory to produce benefits from repeated testing. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Comments on the meta-analytic review by E. L. Deci et al (see record 1999-01567-001) concerning the effects of extrinsic rewards on intrinsic motivation. Meta-analyses indicated that rewards increase perceived self-determination and that rewards' effects on intrinsic motivation depend on the performance requirement. Reward for meeting vague performance standards reduced the subsequent choice to carry out the task and did not affect self-reported interest. Reward for meeting absolute performance standards did not affect free choice but increased self-reported interest. Reward for exceeding others increased both free choice and self-reported interest. Applied studies commonly found positive or null relationships between reward and intrinsic motivation. The findings suggest that reward procedures requiring ill-defined or minimal performance convey task triviality, thereby decreasing intrinsic motivation. Reward procedures requiring specific high task performance convey a task's personal or social significance, increasing intrinsic motivation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Students and instructors from 24 classrooms across 8 departments at a major university were observed in this study to (a) assess for sex differences in faculty–student interactions and in students' perceptions of their college classroom environment, (b) compare student perceptions of their college classroom interaction patterns with observed faculty–student interactions, and (c) assess a variety of demographic characteristics together to determine their singular and/or interactive effects on faculty–student interaction patterns and student perceptions. Male and female students did not differ in their classroom participation or perceptions, and instructors did not interact differently with the male and female students. Student perceptions strongly correlated with their own behaviors and with instructor behaviors. Classroom interactions and student perceptions varied on the basis of different demographic characteristics including instructor sex, class size, instructor monitoring of gender–race equity in the classroom, gender relevance of the course, and the sex ratio of the class. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In the present study, the authors empirically investigated a multidimensional conceptualization of acculturation using the Bicultural Involvement Questionnaire–Short Version (BIQ-S; J. Szapocznik, W. M. Kurtines, & T. Fernandez, 1980). Baseline data from four prevention trials, representing a total of 893 adolescent and 880 guardian participants of Hispanic descent, were used to examine the factor structure of BIQ-S scores. Results of exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses supported a four-factor solution. The factors were labeled as follows: (a) Comfort With Use of Spanish Language, (b) Comfort With Use of English Language, (c) Enjoyment of Hispanic Cultural Activities, and (d) Enjoyment of American Cultural Activities. The findings support an expansion of the theoretical conceptualization of biculturalism and suggest that within both the heritage and the receiving cultures, comfort with language and enjoyment of other cultural components represent different factors. Measurement invariance analyses revealed stability of the factor structure, as well as some measurement differences, between adolescents and their guardians. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Tang  Yuchao  Xiao  Bin  Chen  Jianhui  Liu  Fu  Du  Wan  Guo  Jing  Liu  Yanjie  Liu  Yi 《Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A》2023,54(2):450-472
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A - Niobium–silicon (Nb–Si)-based superalloys have attracted attention as potential super high-temperatures materials for hot-end components of...  相似文献   

The validity of the abuse–dependence distinction within alcohol use disorders (AUDs) has been increasingly questioned on psychometric and conceptual grounds. Two types of findings are often cited as support for the validity of this distinction: (a) Dependence is more persistent than abuse, and (b) dependence is more highly comorbid with other Axis I and Axis II disorders than is abuse. Using data from the National Epidemiologic Survey of Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC), we examined the extent to which the current diagnostic algorithm (3 of 7 dependence criteria for a diagnosis of dependence; 1 of 4 abuse criteria for a diagnosis of abuse if dependence criteria are not met) produces this pattern of findings independent of item set. Analyses in which all 330 permutations of the 11 AUD criteria were partitioned into a 4-item abuse set and a 7-item dependence set were conducted to examine the relevance of the criteria sets to estimates of persistence and comorbidity independent of criteria. Regardless of the criteria used, the dependence set (i.e., 3/7 criteria) always and substantially outperformed the abuse set (1/4) with respect to both persistence and comorbidity. These data indicate that chronicity and comorbidity are flawed indicators for the abuse–dependence distinction (and likely other conditions in which hierarchical decision rules are used). In addition, our analyses show that the current set of criteria defining alcohol dependence and abuse are not optimal. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Chong  Gao  Li-Bin  Niu  Lan  Ma  Haoxuan  Huang  Jun  Ma  Yu-Jiao  An  Yu-Yang  Hu 《Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics》2022,60(9-10):556-566
Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics - Al–Si alloy powder was prepared by the gas atomization method, followed by the production of the Al–50 wt.% Si alloy used in electronic packaging...  相似文献   

The circulation rate of steel is known to play a vital role in the superlative performance of the Ruhrstahl–Heraeus (RH) degasser. Numerous experiments were conducted on a physical model for the RH degassing process, which was established at IEHK, RWTH-Aachen University. The model was developed with a scale ratio of 1:3 to study the RH process. This study is conducted to show the effects of operational and nonoperational parameters on the circulation rate of liquid water in the model. The effects of lift gas flow rate, submerged depth of snorkels, water level in vessel, etc. on the circulation rate are studied. The mixing characteristics are studied with the help of current conductivity experiments for different lift gas flow rates and water levels in the vacuum vessel. Finally, the relationship between dimensionless numbers is derived with the help of the experimental data obtained from the cold model.  相似文献   

This study examined organizational levers that impact work–family experiences, participant health, and subsequent turnover. Using a sample of 179 women returning to full-time work 4 months after childbirth, we examined the associations of 3 job resources (job security, skill discretion, and schedule control) with work-to-family enrichment and the associations of 2 job demands (psychological requirements and nonstandard work schedules) with work-to-family conflict. Further, we considered subsequent impact of work-to-family conflict and enrichment on women's health (physical and mental health) 8 months after women returned to work and the impact of health on voluntary turnover 12 months after women returned to work. Having a nonstandard work schedule was directly and positively related to conflict, whereas schedule control buffered the effect of psychological requirements on conflict. Skill discretion and job security, both job resources, directly and positively related to enrichment. Work-to-family conflict was negatively related to both physical and mental health, but work-to-family enrichment positively predicted only physical health. Physical health and mental health both negatively influenced turnover. We discuss implications and opportunities for future research. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Steel produced in an electric arc furnace (EAF) contains a high amount of Cu that causes a surface-cracking phenomenon called surface hot shortness. Ni reduces the risk for surface hot shortness, and this work focuses on investigating the following two phenomena caused by Ni during oxidation at 1150 °C for Fe–Cu–Ni alloys: (1) the decrease in oxidation rate and (2) the formation of a wavy liquid-Cu/oxide and of liquid-Cu/γ-iron (γFe) interfaces, which promote Cu occlusion into the scale. Thermogravimetry, scanning electron microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy-energy dispersive spectroscopy techniques were applied. A numerical model also was developed to explain the experimental results. High Ni contents cause higher liquid-Cu/γFe interface nickel concentrations and more potential for an interface breakdown. The decrease in oxidation rate by adding nickel can be explained qualitatively by the decrease in Fe cation transport through the wüstite layer.  相似文献   

Problems in applying the Daubert (1993) test to social science evidence are discussed, and new issues are raised. In particular, the difference between the legal treatment of clinical evidence, as opposed to actuarial evidence, is discussed. The changing nature of science and the effect of societal norms on evidence requirements are noted. Questions are raised about the definition of the scientific method, and an alternative to the traditional scientific treatment of data is offered and discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In the present work, the effects of pressure on the wear resistance characteristics, mechanical properties and the microstructures of Al–Si piston alloys that have variable Magnesium (Mg) content are studied. The paper begins with an explanation of the desirable properties of eutectic Al–Si alloys and why these chemical and mechanical properties are desirable in the fabrication of light weight machine components. The methods for further strengthening the alloys using alloying elements such as Ni, Cu and Mg, and applying heat treatment are also discussed. The paper also emphasises on the addition of Magnesium, and compares the traditional gravity die casting with a novel hybrid technology known as squeeze casting. In the results and discussion section, the microstructure properties of the Al–Si both as-cast and after heat treatment conditions are discussed. The mechanical and wear properties as well as the implications of pressure on the alloys are also discussed in details. SEM analyses of wear surface and fracture behavior on the as cast Al–Si alloys and after heat treatment, reveal that squeeze pressure increases fracture ductility as well as resistance to wear; more so upon heat treatment. It is also determined that the hardness and UTS values increases with increase in Magnesium content and reaches the maximum values when Mg content is at 1 % of the alloy’s composition.  相似文献   

Steel produced in an electric arc furnace (EAF) contains a high amount of Cu that causes a surface-cracking phenomenon called surface hot shortness. Ni reduces the risk for surface hot shortness, and this work focuses on investigating the following two phenomena caused by Ni during oxidation at 1150 °C for Fe–Cu–Ni alloys: (1) the decrease in oxidation rate and (2) the formation of a wavy liquid-Cu/oxide and of liquid-Cu/γ-iron (γFe) interfaces, which promote Cu occlusion into the scale. Thermogravimetry, scanning electron microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy-energy dispersive spectroscopy techniques were applied. A numerical model also was developed to explain the experimental results. High Ni contents cause higher liquid-Cu/γFe interface nickel concentrations and more potential for an interface breakdown. The decrease in oxidation rate by adding nickel can be explained qualitatively by the decrease in Fe cation transport through the wüstite layer.  相似文献   

The effect of cobalt on the oxidation resistance of (Nd0.85Dy0.15)16.4(Fe0.89Co0.11)74.4Ti1.3B7.9 and (Pr0.56Dy0.39Sm0.05)14.5(Fe0.75Co0.25)78.8B6.7 alloys has been studied. The storage of magnet blanks made from these alloy in air for 200 h does not affect the magnetic properties of the sintered magnets owing to the presence of the phases (Pr, Dy)(Fe, Co)2, (Pr, Dy)(Fe, Co)2B2, (Pr, Dy)(Fe, Co)4B, (Pr, Dy)(Fe, Co)3B2, and (Pr, Dy)(Fe, Co)3, which are resistant to oxidation and ensure liquid-phase sintering of magnets. After 200-h exposure to air, oxidation of the blanks takes place, the rate of which decreases by more than two times at the expense of an increase in the cobalt content in the alloy.  相似文献   

Titanium having high demand in aircraft industries because of its mechanical properties like high strength to weight ratio, high temperature performance and it’s resistant to corrosion. Therefore, Titanium and its alloys are used in airplane and engine applications. One of the major usages of alloy in the aircraft industries are Titanium alloy. By using Powder Metallurgy, the powder materials are compacted and sintered in the furnace to achieve high densities for the further process of the samples. In this paper reviews the various research investigations of Titanium and its alloy (Ti–% Al–% V–% X alloy), to optimize the microstructure and mechanical properties by various sintering methods like Conventional, Spark plasma and Microwave sintering techniques. From this the major advantages in the Spark plasma sintering tend to reduce the sintering time with high temperatures, achieving higher densities and improved microstructures tends to improve the mechanical properties of the material.  相似文献   

Objective: This article examines the impact of a universal social–emotional learning program, the Fast Track PATHS (Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies) curriculum and teacher consultation, embedded within the Fast Track selective prevention model. Method: The longitudinal analysis involved 2,937 children of multiple ethnicities who remained in the same intervention or control schools for Grades 1, 2, and 3. The study involved a clustered randomized controlled trial involving sets of schools randomized within 3 U.S. locations. Measures assessed teacher and peer reports of aggression, hyperactive–disruptive behaviors, and social competence. Beginning in first grade and through 3 successive years, teachers received training and support and implemented the PATHS curriculum in their classrooms. Results: The study examined the main effects of intervention as well as how outcomes were affected by characteristics of the child (baseline level of problem behavior, gender) and by the school environment (student poverty). Modest positive effects of sustained program exposure included reduced aggression and increased prosocial behavior (according to both teacher and peer report) and improved academic engagement (according to teacher report). Peer report effects were moderated by gender, with significant effects only for boys. Most intervention effects were moderated by school environment, with effects stronger in less disadvantaged schools, and effects on aggression were larger in students who showed higher baseline levels of aggression. Conclusions: A major implication of the findings is that well-implemented multiyear social–emotional learning programs can have significant and meaningful preventive effects on the population-level rates of aggression, social competence, and academic engagement in the elementary school years. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The Screening Version of the Psychopathy Checklist—Revised (PCL:SV; S. D. Hart, D. N. Cox, & R. D. Hare, 1995) was developed to complement the Psychopathy Checklist—Revised (PCL-R; R. D. Hare. 1991), and for use outside forensic settings. The PCL:SV takes less time to administer and requires less collateral information than the PCL-R. An item response theory approach was adopted to determine similarities in the structural properties of the 2 instruments and whether the PCL:SV could be regarded as a short form of the PCL-R. Eight of the 12 items in the PCL:SV were strongly parallel to their equivalent PCL-R items. Of the 4 items PCL:SV items which differed from their equivalent PCL-R items, all 4 were found to be equal or superior to their equivalent PCL-R item in terms of discrimination. The analyses confirmed previous results that the interpersonal and affective features of psychopathy have higher thresholds than do the impulsive and antisocial behavioral features; individuals have to be at a higher level of the psychopathic trait before the interpersonal and affective features become evident. The PCL:SV is an effective short form of the PCL-R. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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