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One legislative policy option for controlling postacute care costs is for Medicare to make a "bundled" payment to hospitals to cover episode costs: acute plus postacute care costs. But a bundled payment might not match the costs of treatment as well as payment now does under Medicare's prospective payment system (PPS). Simulating hospital margins with and without postacute care costs, this paper finds that risks to the typical hospital would not increase under postacute care bundling. A central characteristic of a bundled payment is that it would cover multiple providers. From this characteristic comes bundled payment's major strength: cost containment.  相似文献   

The author examines workable approaches and benefits of using strategic planning to prepare for future postacute care.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This study investigates the levels of participation and the relative association of economic and noneconomic factors on primary care physician participation in the Medicare program. METHODS: Demographic information, participation in Medicare, and attitudes toward both the Medicare program and Medicare patients were collected in a written survey mailed to half the primary care physicians in Iowa. Ordinary least squares and logistic regression analyses were conducted to determine factors associated with the percentage of Medicare patients in a practice and the acceptance of all new Medicare patients, respectively. RESULTS: Two thirds of physicians were accepting all new Medicare patients, whereas 16% were accepting no new Medicare patients. Factors associated with having a higher percentage of Medicare patients in a practice were as follows: (1) a larger proportion of Medicare recipients in the county, (2) practice as a general internal medicine physician, (3) more years in practice at the current location, (4) greater enjoyment treating elderly patients, (5) less concern about having too many Medicare patients, and (6) a stronger belief that the Medicare program respects their professional judgment. Physicians less concerned about having too many Medicare patients in their practice and physicians in counties with a higher percentage of Medicare patients were significantly more likely to accept all new Medicare patients. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that as Medicare reforms are discussed, careful consideration of the impact of these reforms on noneconomic issues is important to ensure adequate physician participation and access for elderly patients through the Medicare program.  相似文献   

The results of a four year demonstration project of preventive services for Medicare managed care enrollees suggest that health promotion programs can impact health behaviors and outcomes. The study provided selected preventive services to 1,800 Medicare enrollees in a managed care environment. Participants were randomly assigned to control and experimental groups with the experimental group receiving an intervention service package and the control group usual care. The results included enhanced health behavior practices, lower depression, and higher immunization rates among those individuals in the experimental group. This study suggests that selected preventive services can be provided in a managed care environment to Medicare enrollees with likely positive health status and utilization outcomes.  相似文献   

The Medicare program is in precarious financial condition because of underfunding and structural defects in the way it pays providers of medical care. Given the prevailing anti-tax sentiment, the more promising route for attaining Medicare fiscal solvency would seem to lie on the expenditure side of the equation. This paper proposes a managed care model for reform that relies on an efficient and already-tested form of competitive bidding for the provision of medical care. It concludes with a discussion of short-run, intermediate-run, and long-run budgetary and tax implications for the Medicare program.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to characterize quality of care problems among Medicare and Medicaid inpatients in New York State. The patients selected for this study comprised 1991 and 1992 Medicare and all 1992 Medicaid inpatients in whom quality of care problems with actual or potential adverse effects were found. The patients in this study were drawn from public, proprietary, voluntary and teaching hospitals. A total of 1000 quality of care problems with either actual or potential adverse effects were found in 706 Medicare patients. Two hundred and seventy-five (275) quality of care problems with actual or potential adverse effects were found in 154 Medicaid patients. Premature death occurred in 53 (7.4%) of the 706 Medicare and in 42 (27.2%) of the 154 Medicaid patients. Treatment problems and monitoring failures accounted for the majority of quality of care problems with actual or potential adverse effects for both Medicare (63.0%) and Medicaid (75.7%) patients. Among Medicare patients, the treatment of infections and antibiotic use, fluid and electrolyte management, and inappropriate drug use were among the leading causes of quality of care problems. Attending physicians were associated with the majority of Medicare quality of care problems while house staff and attending physicians were associated with the majority of those among Medicaid patients. The results of this study indicate that there are several leading causes of quality of care problems among Medicare and Medicaid patients. Treatment problems and monitoring failures together comprise the majority of such problems. Among Medicare patients, it was found that most quality of care problems were associated with the treatment of infections and antibiotic use, fluid and electrolyte management, and inappropriate drug use. Most quality of care problems among Medicaid patients were associated with these categories as well as with labor and delivery problems, and poor discharge planning. The results of this study reflect the peer-review process in which providers are given an opportunity to respond to physician-reviewer decisions about the presence of actual or potential adverse effects. Such a process, which permits the presentation of additional data and information by providers, produces fewer final adverse outcome determinations than a process uniquely based on chart review. The quality of care problems observed in this study are amenable to focused educational interventions. Such remedial interventions could yield significant improvements in the quality of care for all patients.  相似文献   

To better understand how elderly people with long-term care needs might be affected by Medicare's greater reliance on risk plans, we examine Medicare spending for this population using data from the Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey. Medicare spending for elderly people with functional limitations is substantially greater than for other beneficiaries, but highly variable. Medicare spends more, however, for community residents with moderate to severe functional limitations than for nursing home residents with similar degrees of limitation. These results raise concerns about the incentives of Medicare risk plans in caring for enrollees with long-term care needs.  相似文献   

Purines of ATP, ADP, AMP and adenosine released from rat caudal artery with and without endothelium and the isolated smooth muscle and endothelial cells were examined, in order to determine the source. Treatment of intact segments of caudal arteries with noradrenaline (10 microM) for 3 min induced a large release of ATP, ADP, AMP and adenosine. However, if the artery segments had been denuded of their endothelial lining, noradrenraline induced only a slight release of purines. Endothelial cells in primary culture prepared from caudal arteries, when exposed to noradrenaline for 3 min released large amounts of purines, whereas vascular smooth muscle cells prepared similarly and passaged endothelial cells did not release purines upon exposure to noradrenaline. These results indicate that, of smooth muscle and endothelial cells of the vascular wall, only intact endothelial cells react to alpha-adrenoceptor stimulation by releasing adenine nucleotides and adenosine.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To obtain information related to primary care physician (PCP) attitudes, knowledge, and practice patterns, as well as perceptions about barriers to care and the use of materials to assist in the delivery of diabetes care for elderly patients in the office setting. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: A survey was mailed to a random sample (n = 900) of PCPs (internal medicine, family practice, and general practice physicians and endocrinologists) from the states of Alabama, Iowa, and Maryland who met selection criteria and provided diabetes care to > or = 25 Medicare beneficiaries during calendar year 1993. RESULTS: Respondents provided self-reported information regarding diabetes care for elderly patients. PCP respondents (n = 370) considered blood glucose control to be the most important treatment goal. Most respondents (92%) considered acceptable GHb values to be those < 8%. Blood pressure measurement and foot inspections for the detection of ulcers and infection were the most commonly reported routine procedures performed as part of an office visit. Laboratory tests reported to be frequently ordered included GHb, serum creatinine, and proteinuria tests. Patient nonadherence to the treatment regimen was reported to be the most common barrier to care. The majority of respondents reported using two treatment aids in caring for patients with diabetes. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study provide some evidence that PCP self-reported attitudes, knowledge, and practice patterns in delivering diabetes care for elderly patients in the office setting more closely reflect current recommended practice than reported in previous physician surveys. Opportunities for improvement still exist.  相似文献   

Medicare managed care enrollment has mushroomed in the past few years, tripling from 1993 to 1997. The payment rates have allowed plans to offer valuable extra benefits to beneficiaries at little or no additional cost; employers have provided inducements for their retirees to enroll; and many of the new Medicare beneficiaries are already in managed care plans when they enter the program. The Balanced Budget Act of 1997 and other factors could cause enrollment trends to change in either direction. More kinds of plans, including physician service organizations and preferred provider organizations, may be more attractive; new educational efforts may make more beneficiaries aware of managed care plans; and employers may continue to move their retirees into managed care. On the other hand, lower than expected Medicare payment rates to the plans may reduce the additional benefits they offer; consumer dissatisfaction with managed care is growing; and employers are dropping retiree benefits altogether. The future of Medicare managed care is hard to predict.  相似文献   

The St. Francis Hospice Program is symbolic of more than 100 years of Franciscan dedication to the people of Hawaii. Since Mother Marianne's arrival in November of 1883, the Sisters of the Third Franciscan Order Syracuse, New York have responded to the calling; "the charity of Christ impels us." It is through this calling that care and comfort for the terminally ill is a part of the mission of St. Francis Healthcare System. The magnificent spirit through which Hospice services have been made possible, is a reflection of God's great generosity to us throughout the years.  相似文献   

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