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采用严重事故最佳估算程序RELAP5/SCDAPSIM/MOD3.2,建立美国Surry-2核电站的详细计算模型,对完全丧失给水(TLFW)引发的堆芯熔化事故进行研究分析。为准确预测压力容器内堆芯熔化的进程,为二级概率安全评价提供可信的初始条件,计算中考虑了一回路压力边界的蠕变破裂失效,并评价了人为干预对堆芯熔化进程及事故后果的影响。计算结果表明,由完全丧失给水引发的压水堆核电站严重事故不会出现人们担心的高压熔堆;反应堆压力容器下封头的失效位置不是在其底部,而是在其侧面;通过打开稳压器释放阀对一回路实施主动卸压能够大大推迟事故的进程。  相似文献   

以压水堆严重事故最佳估算程序RELAP/SCDAPSIM/MOD3.4为核心软件,以假想的小型压水堆为研究对象,建立了1个径向3通道、轴向10节块的核反应堆严重事故计算模型,研究了完全丧失电源初因事件引发的严重事故过程,并对事故停堆后蒸汽发生器给水持续300s的缓解措施进行了分析。计算结果表明:蒸汽发生器辅助给水对于延迟事故进程,缓解事故后果具有重要作用。  相似文献   

采用机理性严重事故最佳估算程序SCDAP/RELAP5/MOD3.2,以美国西屋公司Surry核电站为参考对象,建立了1个典型的3环路压水堆核电站的严重事故分析模型,分别对主回路冷段和热段发生25cm大破口失水事故(LBLOCA)导致的堆芯熔化事故进行研究分析。结果表明,压水堆发生大破口失水事故时,堆芯熔化进程较快,大量堆芯材料熔化并坍塌至下腔室,反应堆压力容器下封头失效较早,且主回路冷段破口比热段破口更为严重。  相似文献   

针对岭澳核电站二期蒸汽发生器(SG)给水流量完全丧失事故,采用CATHARE程序模拟计算了在状态导向规程(SOP)引导下的电厂瞬态响应。计算结果表明,在SOP的引导下,瞬态过程中堆芯未裸露,能够保证反应堆的安全。同时,通过该事故的分析以及与事故导向规程(EOP)的比较,展示了SOP规程在该事故工况下的应用情况。  相似文献   

全厂断电引发的严重事故若处置不当,可能发展为长期、高压的严重事故进程,此时堆芯冷却系统中的自然循环在导出部分堆芯余热的同时,也增加了蒸汽发生器(SG)传热管、稳压器波动管以及热管段出现蠕变失效的风险。本文基于两环路设计的秦山二期核电厂设计特点,结合蠕变失效风险模型,对全厂断电引发的严重事故后未能执行“严重事故管理导则中向蒸汽发生器注水(SAG-1)”时SG传热管的蠕变失效风险进行了研究,从而为全厂断电引发的严重事故的负面影响提供量化结果,为技术支持中心(TSC)最终决策提供参考依据。分析结果表明,全厂断电引发的严重事故后16 361 s可能出现蠕变失效;自事故后16 610 s,SG传热管出现蠕变失效的可能性均远低于稳压器波动管与热管段,秦山二期核电厂全厂断电引发的严重事故下因SG传热管蠕变失效而导致安全壳旁通的风险很小。  相似文献   

以美国surry核电站为参考对象,采用最佳估算程序SCDAP/RELAP5/MOD3.4,建立了一个典型的三环路压水堆核电站严重事故计算模型,对全厂断电(SBO)事故的物理现象及堆芯熔化进程进行了详细分析,并研究了全厂断电事故发生后辅助给水(AFW)分别持续1800s和3600s对事故的缓解效果.计算结果显示,辅助给水能有效地延缓堆芯熔化进程,大大推迟反应堆压力容器的失效时间,为操纵员恢复交流电源以及实施其它缓解措施赢得更多的时间.  相似文献   

针对900 MW级压水堆核电厂,采用一体化严重事故分析工具,对主给水丧失(LOFW)始发事件叠加辅助给水失效严重事故下,采取堆腔注水(ERVC)缓解措施的事故进程进行模拟,对该措施缓解堆芯熔化进程、保持压力容器完整性的有效性进行分析验证,并对注水速率、注水高度和注水时间对该措施的影响进行了分析.结果表明:在充足的水源条件下,保证一定的注水速率和水位高度,LOFW始发严重事故下采取堆腔注水的缓解措施可为下封头提供有效的冷却,保持压力容器的完整性;在事故进程不同时间点进行注水,分析表明,只要保证一定的注水速率,注水入口时间延迟同样可保持压力容器完整性.  相似文献   

李琳  臧希年 《核安全》2007,(4):39-44
堆芯熔融物的冷却和捕集在严重事故后长期的进程对安全壳完整性有很重要的影响,本文综述了核电厂特别是先进核电厂在堆芯熔融物冷却和保持方面的设计,并进行简要分析比较.  相似文献   

应用MELCOR 2.1程序,建立了大功率非能动反应堆主要回路、非能动安全系统及安全壳的热工水力模型,并以热段小破口叠加ADS 1阀门失效和内置换料水箱失效触发严重事故为研究对象,对事故进程进行模拟,对堆芯熔毁进程进行了分析。分析结果表明:1)锆合金和不锈钢氧化释热功率在蒸汽充足的情况下高于燃料的衰变功率,将加速堆芯的恶化;2)约13.1%的不锈钢和27.1%的锆合金被氧化,共产生550.99kg氢气;3)堆芯构件的熔化主要依赖于材料自身的熔点和有无构件支撑,堆芯支撑板能够延缓熔融物跌落进入下封头的进程;4)熔池形成后若外部冷却的不足将很快导致下封头应力失效。  相似文献   

堆芯熔化严重事故下保证反应堆压力容器完整性非常重要,高温蠕变失效是堆芯熔化严重事故下反应堆压力容器的主要失效模式。本文介绍了近年来在假想堆芯熔化严重事故下国内外反应堆压力容器高温蠕变行为的研究进展及现状,着重阐述了在材料高温蠕变试验、缩比模型试验和数值模拟等方面取得的成果,以及国内在RPV结构完整性高温蠕变行为研究方面的最新成果,指出了目前研究中存在的问题并提出开展多轴拉伸试验、三维耦合效应的温度场分析和缩比模型试验等研究方向。  相似文献   

通过压力容器外部冷却(ERVC)以实现堆内熔融物滞留(IVR)作为反应堆严重事故缓解管理的一项重要举措一直以来广泛受到关注和研究。本文使用严重事故分析程序MELCOR,从瞬态角度对大型先进压水堆进行了IVR-ERVC相关研究。过程中重点关注了堆芯熔毁和重新定位,熔池形成、生长及其传热过程,并且对压力容器外部流动传热进行了分析。MELCOR计算所得下封头热流密度分布的瞬态结果与临界热流密度(CHF)比较和分析表明,1700 MWe大功率压水堆发生严重事故后在IVRERVC条件下能够保证压力容器的完整性,即,IVR-ERVC能够有效带出下封头熔融物的衰变热量,缓解严重事故后果。  相似文献   

Integral effect tests using the ATLAS facility were performed to obtain the thermal-hydraulic parameters such as dynamic and static pressures, local temperatures, and flow rates during a feedwater line break of a steam generator. The break of a feedwater line was simulated using a double rupture disc assembly in order to satisfy the requirements for the break opening time of around a few milliseconds. In the present study, estimated break opening time was less than 1.5 ms and broken areas were 48.1% and 93.4% of the feedwater line, respectively. The maximum dynamic pressures of about 1.57 bar were obtained inside of feedwater box that was closest to the break location of the feedwater line. After the break of the feedwater line, propagation of the pressure wave along the distance from the break location inside the steam generator was clearly and pertinently observed in all the tests. From a structural integrity point of view, however, the risk induced by this maximum dynamic load could be treated to be insignificant.  相似文献   

A severe accident has inherently significant uncertainties due to the complex phenomena and wide range of conditions. Because of its high temperature and pressure, performing experimental validation and practical application are extremely difficult. With these difficulties, there has been few experimental researches performed and there is no plant-specific experimental data. Instead, computer codes have been developed to simulate the accident and have been used conservative assumptions and margins. This study is an effort to reduce the uncertainty in the probabilistic safety assessment and produce a realistic and physical-based failure probability. The methodology was developed and applied to the OPR1000. The creep rupture failure probabilities of reactor coolant system (RCS) components were evaluated under a station blackout severe accident with all powers lost and no recovery of steam generator auxiliary feed-water. The MELCOR 1.8.6 code was used to obtain the plant-specific pressure and temperature history of each part of the RCS and the creep rupture failure times were calculated by the rate-dependent creep rupture model with the plant-specific data.  相似文献   

在百万千瓦级压水堆核电厂中为防止高压熔堆严重事故发生时发生高压熔喷(HPME)和安全壳直接加热(DCH),参考EPR堆型在稳压器上额外设置严重事故卸压阀(SADV),对主系统进行快速卸压。建立百万千瓦级压水堆核电厂事故分析模型,选取丧失厂外电叠加汽动辅助给水泵失效,一回路管道小破口以及丧失主给水三条典型严重事故序列,进行系统热工水力及卸压能力分析。计算结果表明:如果不开启严重事故卸压阀,三条事故序列在压力容器下封头失效时一回路压力均较高,有发生高压熔喷和安全壳直接加热的风险。根据严重事故管理导则开启严重事故卸压阀,可以有效降低一回路压力,三条事故序列均可以防止高压熔喷和安全壳直接加热发生。针对卸压阀阀门面积的影响进行分析,表明阀门面积减小到4.8×10-3 m2后下封头失效时RCS压力会有所增加,仍然能够满足RCS的卸压要求,且可延迟下封头失效时间。  相似文献   

In the development of the Severe Accident Management Guidelines (SAMG), it is very important to choose the main severe accident sequences and verify their mitigation measures. In this article, Loss-of-Coolant Accident (LOCA), Steam Generator Tube Rupture (SGTR), Station Blackout (SBO), and Anticipated Transients without Scram (ATWS) in PWR with 300 MWe are selected as the main severe accident sequences. The core damage progressions induced by the above-mentioned sequences are analyzed using SCDAP/RELAP5. To arrest the core damage progression and mitigate the consequences of severe accidents, the measures for the severe accident management (SAM) such as feed and bleed, and depressurizations are verified using the calculation. The results suggest that implementing feed and bleed and depressurization could be an effective way to arrest the severe accident sequences in PWR.  相似文献   

严重事故条件下压力容器完整性评价的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
堆芯熔融物堆内滞留(In-Vessel Retention,IVR)是以AP1000为代表的第三代轻水反应堆严重事故管理的重要策略之一,也是严重事故条件下保证压力容器完整性(Reactor Vessel Integrity,RVI)的典型方法之一.该文综述了国外在严重事故条件下压力容器完整性试验研究和理论分析的现状,总...  相似文献   

Effect of water injection on hydrogen generation during severe accident in a 1000 MWe pressurized water reactor was studied.The analyses were carried out with different water injection rates at different core damage stages.The core can be quenched and accident progression can be terminated by water injection at the time before cohesive core debris is formed at lower core region.Hydrogen generation rate decreases with water injection into the core at the peak core temperature of 1700 K,because the core is quenched and reflooded quickly.The water injection at the peak core temperature of 1900 K,the hydrogen generation rate increases at low injection rates of the water,as the core is quenched slowly and the core remains in uncovered condition at high temperatures for a longer time than the situation of high injection rate.At peak core temperature of 2100-2300 K,the Hydrogen generation rate increases by water injection because of the steam serving to the high temperature steam-starved core.Hydrogen generation rate increases significantly after water injection into the core at peak core temperature of 2500 K because of the steam serving to the relocating Zr-U-O mixture.Almost no hydrogen generation can be seen in base case after formation of the molten pool at the lower core region.However,hydrogen is generated if water is injected into the molten pool,because steam serves to the crust supporting the molten pool.Reactor coolant system (RCS) depressurization by opening power operated relief valves has important effect on hydrogen generation.Special attention should be paid to hydrogen generation enhancement caused by RCS depressurization.  相似文献   

压水堆堆芯熔化事故情况下,下封头热斑会造成压力容器局部过热,导致临界热流密度发生。利用FLUENT软件对堆芯熔化事故时的下封头热斑进行计算,从流动和换热角度预测热斑导致的下封头薄弱环节。计算结果表明:堆芯熔化事故时,压力容器下封头存在两处最薄弱的位置,分别为下封头正下方正对外部冷却水位置和氧化壳与压力容器交界处。特别是在氧化壳与压力容器交界处,由于多种原因导致临界热流密度发生,使得该处熔化严重。通过设置延伸小管和附加冷却水可延迟压力容器壁面熔穿的时间。  相似文献   

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