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“制造强国”评价指标体系构建及初步分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
制造业是实体经济的主体、国民经济的支柱。本文描述了我国制造业"大而不强"的现实状况,借鉴国内外制造业产业评价体系的研究经验,确定了"制造强国"的内涵和特征,构建了包括四个一级指标和18个二级指标在内的"制造强国"综合评价体系,并以此为基础,对中国和其他几个国家的制造业指标横向对比进行了初步分析。  相似文献   

"制造强国的主要指标研究"是中国工程院"制造强国战略研究"重大咨询项目中的一个课题,于2013年1月启动,一年多来,课题组围绕指标体系构建、制造强国指数评价、战略路径等方面多次召开课题组会和专家研讨会。课题组在充分研究国内外指标体系、工业发达国家强国之路的基础上,详细分析了我国制造业现状,提出了制造强国的内涵和特征,构建了制造强国评价指标体系,并对国际上公认已是制造强国的典型国家进行了研究、也对我国制造强国的进程进行了预测。同时结合指标体系的构建和评价结果,提出推进制造强国的战略路径。  相似文献   

<正>实施"中国制造2025"是推动我国从制造业大国向制造业强国转变的第一步,原材料作为保障制造产品质量的最基本条件,更是我国实现制造业强国的关键支撑,但目前我国仍面临基础材料参差不齐、战略性新材料受制于人、前沿新材料技术有待突破等问题,只有加快材料工业的发展进程,提升我国材料的自主创新能力",中国制造2025"才能真正地挺起脊梁。一、材料是实现"中国制造2025"的重要基石"制造强国梦、材料当先行"。材料作为制造业的基础,其研发、产业化和  相似文献   

为实现中国从"制造大国"到"制造强国"的转变,2013年中国工程院会同工业和信息化部联合组织开展"制造强国战略研究"重大咨询研究项目。本项目从机械、航空、航天、轨道、船舶、汽车、电力装备、信息电子、冶金、化工、纺织、家电、仪器十三个领域的制造业发展问题进行研究。研究分析了中国制造业所处现状、面临的机遇和挑战,总结中国制造业大而不强的原因,提出制造强国工程科技战略的思路和目标。研究建立了评价制造强国特征的指标体系,预测中国制造业发展趋势。项目提出了实现制造强国的指导方针和战略对策,明确跨入制造强国行列的"三步走"战略,为我国研究制订《中国制造2025》提供了科学支撑和决策支持。  相似文献   

“制造强国的主要指标研究”是中国工程院“制造强国战略研究”重大咨询项目中的一个课题,于2013年1月启动, 一年多来,课题组围绕指标体系构建、制造强国指数评价、战略路径等方面多次召开课题组会和专家研讨会。课题组在充分研究国内外指标体系、工业发达国家强国之路的基础上,详细分析了我国制造业现状,提出了制造强国的内涵和特征,构建了制造强国评价指标体系,并对国际上公认已是制造强国的典型国家进行了评价、也对我国制造强国的进程进行了预测。同时结合指标体系的构建和评价结果,提出推进制造强国的战略路径。  相似文献   

本文围绕制造强国指标体系数据源、计算方式、指标归类等方面进行了完善优化研究,持续开展了年度指数测评工作及指数背后制造业发展态势的深入剖析。同时对2016年制造强国综合指数进行了预测算,总结了近五年的发展趋势,为制造强国发展进程提供了有益的参考。  相似文献   

正"中国制造2025"提出,要将中国从制造大国升级为制造强国,而作为最能体现和检验一国制造业水平的航空航天产业,其发展程度也是一个国家是否能成为制造业强国的标志之一。为此,我国制定了未来几十年航空航天事业的发展目标:2035年,进入先进航空航天强国行列;2050年,成为世界一流航空航天强国。  相似文献   

党的二十大报告强调,坚持把发展经济的着力点放在实体经济上,推进新型工业化,加快建设制造强国、质量强国、航天强国、交通强国、网络强国、数字中国;加快发展数字经济,促进数字经济和实体经济深度融合。加快制造业数字化转型是顺应新一轮科技革命和产业变革的客观要求,是改造升级传统产业、提升产业体系现代化水平的必然选择,是服务构建新发展格局、推动高质量发展的现实需要。本文结合新时代新征程上新型工业化的新内涵,分析了制造业数字化转型的内涵特征和重要作用,梳理了主要经济体的做法和启示,立足我国制造业数字化转型发展面临的新形势和新挑战,研究提出新型工业化背景下推动制造业数字化转型的建议和现实举措。  相似文献   

目前我国制造业的国际竞争力不断提高,正朝追求质量和效益竞争的高质量发展模式转变,制造业标准体系建设工作对推动我国制造业转型升级、推广科研成果和新兴技术产业化、推动我国制造业国际化进程、争取国际话语权具有重要意义。本文立足制造业高质量发展的政策方向,选取装备制造业、新材料产业、新一代信息技术和消费品业等制造业重点领域,开展标准化体系建设研究。研究提出了支撑高质量发展制造业标准体系的发展趋势,初步确定了各领域标准体系建设的架构,明确了各领域标准化体系建设的思路和重点任务。最后,本文从标准体系、标准应用、标准管理机制、国际标准化工作等方面提出了对策建议,以期通过标准化工作助力我国制造业质量水平全方位提升,助力我国由"制造大国"向"制造强国"转变。  相似文献   

社会主义市场经济全球化发展进程的不断加快,进一步巩固与夯实了制造业在我国国民经济总体制中占据的重要地位,使制造业对经济结构升级、国际竞争力增强产生了深远影响。与其他发达国家相比,我国制造业存在长期依靠低成本、缺乏自主先进品牌等劣势,因此为更好实现制造强国发展目标,还需对先进制造业发展选择标准及发展路径进行深入研究。本文就基于此,以先进制造业选择标准为切入点,就如何建设制造强国进行相关论述,以供参考。  相似文献   

This paper details how Nanyang Polytechnic has applied its Teaching Factory Concept in training its students and industry personnel on relevant additive manufacturing technologies with real industry applications. It also briefs on its additive manufacturing journey of capability development, industry projects and applied R&D activities over the last 20 years in alignment with the changing industry needs and trends in Singapore. It concludes with some industry case studies to demonstrate the impact and value-adding benefits to industry, leveraging on the additive manufacturing competencies.  相似文献   

本文主要对"制造强国"评价指标体系中的18个二级指标的历史发展趋势做了详细分析,总结了各国在工业化初期、中期、后期及后工业化时期的变动特点,同时也对指标特征进行了汇总,包括指标的上下限、独立性、关联性等,并对主要特点进行了归纳。  相似文献   

In this paper we aim to give insight to how manufacturing strategies, represented by manufacturing paradigms are linked to different approaches to knowledge. Strategies are closely related to the development of core competence and how to deal with knowledge in general. In this paper we focus on how the different manufacturing strategies represent different challenges when it comes to knowledge creation and knowledge transfer. Our discussion has references to suppliers in the automotive industry, represented by a Scandinavian case. In this case the focus is on lean principles, which in contrast to mass manufacturing, represents attention to the synthetic knowledge base and tacit knowledge. Mass manufacturing, which is also still relevant in the automotive industry, is more centralised in its approach to knowledge and is focusing more on the analytical knowledge base and explicit knowledge. Knowledge should be a central part of companies’ strategies, also functional such as within manufacturing, and should cover issues such as: what is crucial knowledge, how do we create it, and how to transfer it to meet our overall company goals?  相似文献   

Competition from low wage countries and the adoption of free market strategies have forced manufacturing firms to recognise and implement productivity enhancement strategies. This research defines a holistic sustainability index embedding several performance indices. The aim of this study was to establish a relevant framework that would assess the current situation of an industry through aggregation of environmental, social, economical as well as manufacturing variables. The proposition has its roots in trends and gaps in the sustainability literature of manufacturing industries and is based on the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method. A list of indicators measuring the industry performance based on an AHP scoring methodology is proposed. The next stages include grouping industries according to common deficiencies across the four dimensions and establishing a cooperation framework. The food manufacturing industry is the main target in this study and will benefit from adopting sustainable long-term policies. By recognising the importance of social–environmental sustainability and taking the initiative to pursue it, profits will grow as a positive effect of such policies. The added value is twofold: (1) coupling all sustainability dimensions, often addressed in silos and (2) integrating manufacturing indicators which enable the analysis of interrelationships with sustainability.  相似文献   

随着制造业结构形式的不断变革,服务作为中间投入要素已越来越多地融入制造业;制造业企业活动的外置又带动了服务业的发展,服务业与制造业进入了一个高度相关、双向互动的阶段。以浙江省为例,论述了先进制造业基地的建设必须与相关服务支撑产业协同发展,形成整体合力,从而保持竞争优势。  相似文献   

以台湾宏基电脑集团为例,介绍了制造业的竞争力--规模生产技术。详细阐述了为何市场需扩大到一定的经济规模才有竞争力;针对制造的核心竞争力介绍了台湾大规模生产的技术内涵;最后介绍了Internet下的制造新思维。  相似文献   

王茂林  赵涛  吴永华 《工业工程》2007,10(1):39-42,86
在介绍了我国制造业的发展现状和存在问题的基础之上,阐述了精益物流的内涵和特征,并针对如何通过有效实施精益物流来推动我国制造业实现跨越式发展这一极具重要意义的命题,进行了系统而全面的探讨.  相似文献   

我国工业工程在制造业中的应用及发展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
论述了中国工业工程(CIE)的产生与发展,分析了工业工程在中国制造业的应用现状,提出了在我国制造业实施工业工程的策略及未来的发展趋势.  相似文献   

Design for manufacturing (DFM), especially the use of manufacturing knowledge to support design decisions, has received attention in the academic domain. However, industry practice has not been studied enough to provide solutions that are mature for industry. The current state of the art for DFM is often rule-based functionality within computer-aided design (CAD) systems that enforce specific design requirements. That rule-based functionality may or may not dynamically affect geometry definition. And, if rule-based functionality exists in the CAD system, it is typically a customisation on a case-by-case basis. Manufacturing knowledge is a phrase with vast meanings, which may include knowledge on the effects of material properties decisions, machine and process capabilities or understanding the unintended consequences of design decisions on manufacturing. One of the DFM questions to answer is: How can manufacturing knowledge, depending on its definition, be used earlier in the product life cycle to enable a more collaborative development environment? This paper will discuss the results of a workshop on manufacturing knowledge that highlights several research questions needing more study. This paper proposes recommendations for investigating the relationship of manufacturing knowledge with shape, behaviour and context characteristics of a product to produce a better understanding of what knowledge is most important. In addition, the proposal includes recommendations for investigating the system-level barriers to reusing manufacturing knowledge and how model-based manufacturing may ease the burden of knowledge sharing. Lastly, the proposal addresses the direction of future research for holistic solutions of using manufacturing knowledge earlier in the product life cycle.  相似文献   

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