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PBX药片摩擦感度测试   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
参考钝感高能炸药的摩擦感度试验要求,建立了一种摆锤撞击带动砂靶摩擦炸药药片的摩擦感度试验方法,并测试了PBX-1、PBX-2及PBX-3药片的摩擦感度.结果表明,3种炸药的摩擦安全性排序与摩擦感度爆炸概率及滑道试验结果一致,该方法可用于评估成型PBX的摩擦安全性.  相似文献   

高品质压装HMX基PBX炸药的冲击波感度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为改善HMX基PBX的安全性能,通过隔板试验研究了高品质HMX的粒度对压装PBX炸药冲击波起爆性能的影响.结果表明·对于相对密度较高(98.5%TMD)的压装HMX基PBX,与普通品质(平均粒径30μm)相比,使用高品质HMX(20 μm)后PBX的冲击波感度下降了7%,当高品质HMX的粒度增至150μm后,其冲击波起...  相似文献   

将浇注型PBX-1药柱以150、240m/s速度撞击靶板,用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)技术和差示扫描量热仪(DSC)技术对撞击加载后的样品进行了分析,研究了浇注PBX炸药药柱的动态撞击性能。结果表明,在150、240m/s撞击加载条件下,PBX-1炸药不发生反应或点火;浇注炸药药柱的损伤主要表现为炸药颗粒破碎和颗粒与黏结剂的脱离。随着撞击加载速度的增大,PBX-1炸药颗粒破碎程度增大,炸药颗粒与高分子基体发生脱离现象越严重;PBX-1炸药撞击前后,热分解性能没有发生本质性的变化。  相似文献   

通过铝飞片对LX-04钝感炸药的冲击,测定了其常温下及在170℃时的冲击感度,并给出了LX-04的凝聚态和爆轰产物的状态方程和点火与引爆模型,理论计算表明,方程中的参数与试验结果符合得很好。对比LX-04在不同温度下的撞击感度,得出LX-04在温度升高时相应地撞击感度也有所增加的结论并分析了撞击感度增加的原因。  相似文献   

炸药撞击感度试验的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
综述了炸药撞击感度的背景知识,试验现象的判定以及撞击感度与分子结构的关系。指出了撞击感度的研究方向。  相似文献   

芳香族炸药撞击感度计算方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
简介了一种芳香族炸药撞击感度新的计算方法,并对其应用结果作了说明。  相似文献   

乳化炸药撞击感度的测试方法   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
建立了一种适应乳化炸药特性的撞击感度测试方法。该方法采用现有的WL-1型落锤仪,在击柱间加石英砂测其特性落高,通过对比不同乳化炸药特性落高值的大小来对比不同乳化炸药的撞击感度。该方法科学可靠.简便易行,可以分辩不同乳化炸药之间的撞击感度差异。试验表明,不同品种不同工厂生产的乳化炸药,其撞击感度可能有较大的差异。  相似文献   

综述了炸药撞击感度的发展应用情况,分析了实验现象的判定依据及撞击感度的影响因素,指出了撞击感度研究的重要性。  相似文献   

基于虚拟仪器的撞击感度测试系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对撞击感度试验的特点,结合现有自动化发展水平和最新虚拟仪器技术,开发了一套先进的撞击感度测试系统,能一次完成一批试样的测试,具有自动进样、高度定位、气动托锤、气体检测、声压采集、自动判爆、能量检测和报表输出等功能。系统设计合理,安全可靠,性能先进,提高了撞击感度测试的自动化水平。  相似文献   

DADE及其混合炸药的机械感度   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为了解DADE以及含DADE的混合炸药的安全性能,用显微镜研究了DADE混合炸药降感机理。结果表明,在相同的试验条件下,DADE与TATB、NTO的机械感度相当,具有优良的安全性能;DADE粒度的大小对其感度影响很大,感度随粒度的减小而升高;在B炸药配方中,用DADE部分代替RDX后感度没有明显改变,完全代替RDX后降感效果十分明显。研究表明,DADE颗粒的合理级配以及表面包覆是降低DADE机械感度的重要途径。  相似文献   

It is shown that statistically significant relationships exist between impact sensitivity and molecular electronegativity for several classes of organic high explosives. These include polynitroaromatic and polynitroaliphatic molecules. The correlations closely follow previous results which utilize the idea of “trigger linkages” (C–NO2, N–NO2 or O–NO2) and oxygen balance. However, the present work provides the possibility of establishing a closer relation between impact sensitivity and electronic structure for the molecules studied. It can also be used to clarify the relationship between the results of previous efforts with these molecules and similar work with other explosives. Through a closer analysis of these correlations it is also shown that the presence of a CO2 moiety in the molecules affects the impact sensitivity.  相似文献   

HTPB热固PBX老化过程中的体积收缩   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用加速老化试验研究了HTPB热固PBX样品在老化过程中的体积收缩情况,从后固化反应和相对交联密度变化两个方面分析了体积收缩的原因。结果表明,在老化初期,PBX体积收缩率随老化温度的升高和老化时间的延长而增大。70℃老化90d后,体积收缩率接近定值;HTPB弹性体在老化过程中的后固化反应是引起体系体积收缩的根本原因。  相似文献   

端羟基液体聚丁二烯橡胶微观结构及其力学性能   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过FT—IR,HNMR,CNMR,GPC等方法,对相同牌号HTPB样品A和B的主链微观结构、羟基类型、环氧基团、官能度分布和固化物力学性能进行了对比,2个样品的主链微观结构、羟基类型、环氧基团含量基本一致,而官能度分布存在较大差异,由结果可得,HTPB官能度分布对其力学性能影响较大,二官能度为84.2%的样品A具有较好的力学性能,二官能度为676%的样品B具有相对较差的力学性能。  相似文献   

HMX/TATB基PBX的感度与表面形态的关系探索   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
报道了以HMX/TATB基的PBX中,蜡的加入量和加入方式对配方的机械感度如撞击感度、摩擦感度、特性落高有明显的影响,但对配方的热感度如5s爆发点、1000s热爆炸临界温度影响不大。同时结合扫描时局镜(SEM)和光电子能谱(XPS)的测试结果分析了造型粉的表面包覆形态和感度之间的关系。  相似文献   

Aluminized high explosives are known to give better underwater performance. All explosive formulations for underwater targets are filled into warheads and shells by casting method. TNT, a high explosive is used as casting medium due to its lower melting point. Plastic bonded explosives are fast replacing TNT‐based high explosive formulations for the reasons that they are more insensitive and low vulnerable explosives with better shelf life. Few aluminized plastic bonded explosive formulations based on RDX, aluminum, and HTPB have been processed, varying the aluminum content from 0 to 35% and evaluated underwater. The present paper discusses the experimental methodology adopted to evaluate the above formulations for their ballistic parameters, viz., peak over pressure and impulse. Explosion bulge tests have been conducted with each explosive formulation and extent of bulge in test plates is presented and compared with a standard underwater explosive, viz., HBX‐3.  相似文献   

Vacuum Stability Test (VST) was used to determine the thermal behavior and kinetic parameters of 1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,3,5,7-tetrazocine (HMX) and its mixture with hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene (HTPB) as a binder coded as HMX/HTPB.Model fitting and isoconversional method were applied to determine the kinetic parameters based on VST results.For comparison,non-isothermal thermogravimetry analysis data (TGA) was also used to calculate the kinetic parameters by using Kissinger,OFW (Ozawa,Flynn,and Wall) and KAS (Kissinger-Akahira-Sunose) methods.Advanced Kinetics and Technology Solution (AKTS) software was also used to determine the decomposition kinetics of the studied samples.Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) was employed to determine the decomposition heat flow properties of the studied samples.Results show that the activation energies obtained using VST results is 360.1kJ/ mol for pure HMX and 186.9kJ /mol for HMX/HTPB.The activation energies obtained by the three different methods using TGA results are in the range of 360-368kJ/mol for pure HMX and 190-206kJ/mol for HMX/HTPB.It is concluded that values of kinetic parameters obtained by VST are close to that obtained by the different techniques using TG/DTG results.The onset decomposition peak of HMX/HTPB is lower than that of HMX where the HTPB binder has negative effect on the thermal stability of HMX.The results of all the applied techniques prove that HMX/HTPB has lower activation energy and heat release than the pure HMX.HTPB polymeric matrix has negative effect on the kinetic parameters of HMX.  相似文献   

A very simple calculational procedure is used to investigate the electronic structure of several classes of organic explosives (polynitroaliphatics with trinitromethyl or fluorodinitromethyl groups, polynitroaromatics, polynitroaliphatic nitramines and aliphatic nitrate esters). The method utilizes a bond electronegativity equalization principle. It is shown that atom charges, bond electronegativities and charge transferred in a bond are all potential indicator quantities for predicting impact sensitivity trends for the various classes. Specifically it is shown that charge transferred to the nitro group through a trigger linkage (C NO2, N NO2, O NO2) can classify and correlate impact sensitivity trends in the compounds studied here. The results also indicate that electronic structure is not sufficient by itself to understand the phenomenon. This work in conjunction with previous work(1) shows that both a global quantity (i.e. related to the whole molecule) and a local quantity (i.e. related to the trigger linkage) are needed to understand impact sensitivity behavior.  相似文献   

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