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为研究皖北某矿区松散层中部地下水中微量元素含量特征及其对人体产生的潜在健康危害风险,对该矿区的水质进行了监测分析,并采用中国环保部《污染场地健康风险评价导则》(HJ25.3-2014)推荐的健康风险评价模型分析了该矿区中层地下水中微量元素经饮水途径所引起的健康风险。结果表明:所监测的微量元素浓度为Zn>Ni>Cu>Cd>Cr,其中,Cd、Cr、Cu和Zn浓度都在《地下水质量标准》(GB/T 14848-93)中Ⅲ类水质标准的规定范围内,仅Ni有一个水样超过相应的标准限值,对该矿区的中层地下水水质无明显的影响;5种微量元素中仅Cr存在潜在致癌风险,风险均值为1.55×10-6,超过了该模型推荐的评价标准(10-6),但是与国内已报道的其他地区的致癌风险度无明显差异;5种微量元素虽有非致癌风险,但危害商远小于1,不会对人体产生明显的非致癌健康危害。 相似文献
饮用水水源水质健康风险评价及对策 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
采用水质健康风险评价模型,对佛山主要水源——北江多年来的水质监测资料进行了分析和评价.结果表明:北江流域水质健康总风险值较高;水质健康风险沿北江先增大后又有所下降,最高值出现在主城区河段.基因毒物质是造成北江水质健康风险值高的主要污染物质,其中Cr的健康风险值最高,其次为As和Cd.对于躯体毒物质,主要风险来源于Hg、Pb、NH,三种污染物;氨的风险值呈增加趋势,2004年以后取代Hg成为主要的躯体毒物质风险源.针对北江水源的水质健康风险特点,提出了相应对策. 相似文献
室内环境的健康风险评价 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
潘小川 《建筑热能通风空调》2006,25(5):7-10
室内空气质量与人体健康有十分密切的关系,近年来更成为社会关注的焦点之一。本文以健康风险评价的理论为基础,介绍和分析了有关室内环境暴露评价和健康效应评价的基本概念、主要内容和国内外进展,对室内环境暴露评价的三个层次和健康效应的分类评价进行了探讨,并提出今后国内在室内环境暴露标志物研究和人群健康效应的暴露反应关系评价方面应深入开展研究。 相似文献
阐述了地质灾害风险评价模型的建立,论述了综合指数法用于地质灾害风险评价的思路和评价过程,实践证明该评价方法合理、有效,评价结果具有较高的预测精度。 相似文献
对宝鸡市两个重要生活饮用水水源地——嘉清水源地、冯家山水源地2017年至2021年的原水进行水质健康风险评价,嘉清水源地、冯家山水源地的水质健康风险水平分别为4.89E-08a-1、6.97E-08a-1,均远低于美国环境保护署等机构推荐值,属极低风险。 相似文献
通过采集下沉广场的地表灰尘样品,测定其中重金属的含量,分析不同元素之间的相关性,探讨环境因素对重金属含量的影响,采用健康风险评价模型评价相关风险。结果表明,北京10座下沉广场地表灰尘中Cd、Pb、Cr、Cu、Zn和Ni的平均含量分别为0.87、45.30、84.88、52.41、167.47、24.03mg/kg,除Ni外,依次超过了北京土壤背景值的3.28、0.84、1.85、1.80、1.91倍。灰尘中的Pb、Cu、Zn含量具有显著正相关关系,人流密度对Cu含量有显著正相关影响。下沉广场地表灰尘重金属引起的健康风险处于较低水平。研究结果为下沉广场的设计和养护管理提供了科学依据。 相似文献
运用USEPA推荐的健康风险评价模型对银川市东郊、南郊、北郊在用集中式饮用水水源地2018年水质进行健康风险评价,结果表明:3个水源地污染物健康危害总风险均低于ICRP和USEPA推荐值。东郊水源地以非致癌物风险为主,风险最大的是氟化物。南郊、北郊水源地以致癌物风险为主,风险污染物为砷。 相似文献
以沙澧河漯河段3个断面2006-2009年的水质监测数据为基础,应用综合水质指数法,对沙澧河漯河段水质状况进行了分析与评价.将参与评价的项目分为3类:对人体危害严重且难以消除的污染物(第一类)、处理后容易达标的污染物(第二类)、其他污染物(第三类).评价结果表明,澧河水质优良并保持相对稳定;沙河水质稍差,但由尚好逐渐向... 相似文献
J. Vicente M. F. Colmenarejo E. Sánchez A. Rubio M. G. García R. Borja A. M. Jimenez 《Water and Environment Journal》2011,25(1):55-66
The variation of the water quality of the Guadarrama river and its tributaries in a section of Las Rozas‐Madrid, Spain, was studied during the time period between January 2003 and January 2008. The parameter water quality index (WQI) was used to determine the water quality based on the conventional parameters of pollution. It was found that the WQI was slightly affected in the section evaluated. The value of the WQI was in the range of 56–64, which corresponded to the classification of ‘good quality’. It was determined that 64.3% of the organic matter present in the river was removed in the section of Las Rozas‐Madrid. The river acted as a plug flow reactor and a first‐order kinetics governed the ultimate biological oxygen demand (BOD5) (BODU) decay. The value of the first‐order constant demonstrated the river's high self‐purification capacity. In addition, a high linear relationship was found between the WQI and the dissolved oxygen deficit (D). Therefore, a quick determination of WQI may be carried out if the values of D are known. These are easily obtainable by field measurements. 相似文献
Cornelia Reuter Stefanie Hentschel Antje Breitenstein Eileen Heinrich Oliver Aehlig Thomas Henkel Andrea Cski Wolfgang Fritzsche 《Water and Environment Journal》2021,35(1):371-380
Based on biomolecular methods, rapid and selective identification of human pathogenic water organisms becomes an important issue. Legionella spp., are pathogenic water bacteria with worldwide significance. Prevalent detection methods for these microorganisms are time and/or cost intensive. We describe a detection setup and relating DNA assay. A miniaturized real‐time polymerase chain reaction (real‐time PCR) for direct on‐line discrimination of Legionella pneumophila and Legionella spp. was established and integrated into a real‐time PCR‐chip‐system. The PCR‐chip device combines a temperature controlling unit and a fluorescence intensity measurement. It was designed to achieve rapid amplification, using an approach of real‐time fluorescence read out with the intercalating dye EvaGreen® and melting curve analysis, without requiring multiple probes. The presented results exhibit reproducibility and good sensitivity, showing that the setup is suitable for robust, rapid and cost‐efficient detection and monitoring of a variety of Legionella spp.in urban water samples. 相似文献
天津市北塘排污河不同水期的水质状况评价 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
以天津市北塘排污河为研究对象,检测分析了丰水期、平水期、枯水期的14个水质指标,采用改进的主成分分析法和内梅罗环境质量指数法分别对北塘排污河三个水期的水质状况进行了评价。运用改进的主成分分析法找出了主要污染断面和主要污染物,同时对影响水质的因素进行了初步探讨。运用内梅罗指数法验证了改进的主成分分析法的结论,并得出了三个水期的相对污染程度。结果表明,在丰水期和平水期,华明桥断面污染最为严重;在枯水期,赤贯桥断面污染最为严重。丰水期的主要污染物为镍、COD、锰、锌、铜;平水期为锌、COD、锰、浊度、铜;枯水期为锰、锌、铜、COD。北塘排污河污染状况普遍表现为枯水期〉丰水期〉平水期。 相似文献
风险评估是风险管理中的重要阶段。本文根据商品住宅项目特点,建立质量安全风险评估体系,构造质量安全风险评估的数学模型,利用层次分析法,确定各影响因素对质量安全风险影响的权重系数,从而为商品住宅项目的风险管理体系中风险评估的有效进行提供可行、有效的方法。 相似文献
Use of rooftop rainwater as a source of drinking water in developing countries is increasing. However, scepticism about the potential of this source and the associated health risks is still prevalent among water planners. A free listing and a household survey among 120 households was conducted in the hills of Nepal to examine the performance of rainwater harvesting systems. Users perceive few health risks and in contrast, reported a wide range of benefits, including health benefits associated with the consumption of rainwater. Water quality testing results generally demonstrate good water quality but confirm that appropriate operation and maintenance practices are critical to ensure the collection of good quality water. Deficiencies in technical design and construction, lack of awareness, no market for spare parts and the inability of vulnerable households to maintain the system pose a risk to the collection and storage of safe water and to the long‐lasting performance of the systems. 相似文献