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The sequence of octarellin I, the first de novo (ß/)8polypeptide, was revised according to several criteria, amongothers the symmetry of the sequence, ß-residue volumeand hydrophobicity, and charge distribution. These considerationsand the overall conclusions drawn from the first design ledto two new sequences, corresponding to octarellins II and III.Octarellin II retains perfect 8-fold symmetry. Octarellin IIIhas the same sequence as octarellin II, except for the ß-strandswhich exhibit a 4-fold symmetry. The two proteins were producedin Escherichia coli. Infrared and CD spectral analyses of octarellinsII and III reveal a high secondary structure content. Non-denaturinggel electrophoresis, molecular sieve chromatography and analyticalultracentrifugation suggest that both of these second-generationartificial polypeptides exist as a mixture of a monomer anda dimer form. Octarellins II and III are at least 10 times moresoluble than octarellin I. Ureainduced unfolding followed byfluorescence emission suggests that the tryptophan residues,designed to be buried in the (ß/)8, are indeed packedin the hydrophobic core of both proteins. However, octarellinIII displays a higher stability towards urea denaturation, indicatingthat introducing 4-fold symmetry into the ß-barrelmight be important for stability of the overall folding.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of detailed stereochemical analysisof structures and sequences of --hairpins with short connections.It is shown that --hairpins of each given type have very similarpatterns of hydrophobic, hydrophilic and glycine residues intheir amino acid sequences. These results can be used in theprediction of --hairpin conformation as well as in protein designand engineering.  相似文献   

A cDNA encoding the mature region of goat -lactalbumin and the3'-non-coding region was fused to cDNA of the N-terminal halfof porcine adenylate kinase which had been placed under thecontrol of the tac promoter in an expression vector in Escherichiacoli. In addition, a methionine codon was inserted between thetwo cDNAs. When the plasmid carried the full-length 3'-non-codingregion, little accumulation of the fused protein was observed.However, the deletion of two-thirds of the 3'-non-coding regionproduced significant expression of the fused protein in E.colistrain JM105. Since goat -lactalbumin contains no methionineresidue, the mature goat -lactalbumin was isolated by CNBr digestionof the fused insoluble protein and refolded using thioredoxin.The homogeneous and biologically active goat -lactalbumin waspurified by Ca2+ ion-dependent hydrophobic chromatography.  相似文献   

A method of protein structure comparison developed previouslyis extended to incorporate other aspects of protein structurein addition to the inter-atomic vectors on which it was originallybased. Each additional aspect, which included hydrogen bonding,solvent exposure, torsional angles and sequence, was introducedseparately and evaluated for its ability to improve alignmentquality. The components were then combined, suitably weighted,to produce a more holistic comparison method. The method wastested on a group of remotely related ß/ type proteinsthat share a common feature in their overall chain fold. Theresults indicated that while the original inter-atomic vectorcomponent was sufficient to give the correct alignment of mostpairs of topologically equivalent proteins, the inclusion ofhydrogen bonds, torsion angles and a measure of solvent exposureled to improvements in the more difficult comparisons. Considerationof amino acid properties, including hydrophobicity, had no beneficialeffect. The failure of the latter component was not unexpectedconsidering the almost total lack of sequence similarity amongthe proteins considered.  相似文献   

Cereal grains and legume seeds, which are key protien sourcesfor the vegetarian diet, are generally deficient in essentialamino acids. Maize, in particular, is deficient in lysine. Theinherent lack of lysine-rich protiens in maize has necessitatedthe search for heterologous protiens enriched in this aminoacid, the isolation of the corresponding gene and its ultimateintroduction into maize through plant transformation techniques.However, a rate-limiting step to this strategy has been theavailability of plant-derived lysine-rich protiens. An appealingsolution to the problem is to artificially increase the lysinecontent of a given protein by mutating appropriate residuesto lysine. Here, we expound this strategy, starting with theprotein hordothionin that is derived from barley seeds andconsists of five lysine residues in a total of 45 amino acids(11 % lysine). To facilitate rational substitutions, the 3-Dstructure of the protein has been determined by homology modelingwith crambin. based on this model, we have identified surfaceresidues amenable to substitution with lysine. Furthermore,the acceptability of the mutations has been validated throughthe syntheses and characterization of the derivatives. To thisend, our approach has permitted the creation of a modified -hordothionin protein that has a lysine content of 27 % andretains the antifungal activity of the wild-type protein.  相似文献   

We have attempted to construct an artificial polypeptide thatfolds like the eight-stranded parallel ß-barrel structures.Our approach consists of repeating eight times a unit peptidedesigned to adopt a ‘ß-strand/-helix’pattern. A first ‘test’ sequence for this structuralunit was deduced from a series of parameters defined after ananalysis of three natural /ß-barrel proteins and includingprincipally the lengths of the secondary structure elements,the /ß packing and the fitting on average Garnierprofiles. The gene encoding this structural unit was synthesized,cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli either as a monomeror as direct repeats of 2–12 units. Preliminary structuralcharacterization of the 7-, 8- and 9-fold unit polypeptidesby circular dichroism measurements indicates the presence ofthe predicted amount of -helix in the three proteins. Furtheranalysis by urea-gradient gel electrophoresis demonstrates that,in the conditions tested, only the 8-fold unit polypeptide formsa compact structure through a cooperative and rapid two-statefolding transition involving long-range molecular interactions.  相似文献   

The mutant cIts genes from seven different cIts phages carryingtsU50, tsU9, tsU46, ts1, tsU51, tsI-22 and ts2 mutations werecloned in plasmid. The positions of these mutations and theresulting changes of amino acids in the repressor were determinedby DNA sequencing. The first four mutations mapping in the N-terminaldomain show the following changes: I21S, G53S, A62T and V73A,respectively. Of the three remaining mutations mapping in theC-terminal domain, cItsI-22 and cIts2 show N207T and K224E substitutionsrespectively, while the mutant cItsU51 gene carries F141I andP153L substitutions. Among these ts repressors, CIts2 havingthe charge-reversal change K224E was overexpressed from tacpromoter in a plasmid and purified, and its structure and functionwere studied. Operator-binding studies suggest that the ts2repressor is somewhat defective in monomer–dimer equilibriumand/or cooperativity even at permissive temperatures and losesits operator-binding ability very rapidly above 25°C. Comparativestudies of fluorescence and CD spectra, sulfhydryl group reactivityand elution behaviour in size-exclusion HPLC of both wild-typeand ts2-mutant repressors at permissive and non-permissive temperaturessuggest that the C-terminal domain of the ts2 repressor carryinga K224E substitution has a structure that does not favor tetramerformation at non-permissive temperatures.  相似文献   

We have modified the stability of porcine phospholipase A2 bycharge engineering. The mutations are situated at the N-terminalof a major helix and are N89D and N89D/E92Q. This engineeringhas significantly altered the activity of the enzyme to aggregatedand monomeric substrates. A N89D/E92K mutant is more stablebut considerably less active than wild type. An N89D mutantis more stable and of similar activity to wild type. The substantialchange in activity may be due to direct interaction of residue92 with aggregated substrate or may be via second calcium binding.Second calcium binding may be more probable as activity againstmonomers is also affected. Additional calcium binding may thereforebe an important way of manipulating the activity of phospholipaseA2.  相似文献   

A series of truncated proteins from a thermostable Bacillusstearothermophilus -amylase was prepared to study the importanceof the extension in the C-terminus compared with other liquefyingBacillus -amylases. The mutations introducing new translationtermination sites shortened the 515 amino acid residue-longwild type enzyme by 17, 32, 47, 73 or 93 residues. The longerthe truncation, the lower the specific activity of the enzyme.Only the two longest mutant proteins were active: the specificactivity of the 498 residue variant was 97% and protein 483was 36% that of the parental enzyme. The Km values of starchhydrolysis changed from 1.09 for wild type enzyme to 0.35 and0.21 for mutants 498 and 483, respectively, indicating alteredsubstrate binding. The mutant enzymes had almost identical pHand temperature optima with the wild type amylase, but enhancedthermal stability and altered end product profile. The consequencesof the truncation to the structure and function of the enzymeswere explored with molecular modeling. The liquefying amylasesseem to require {small tilde}480 residues to be active, whereasthe C-terminal end of B.stearothermophilus amylase is requiredfor increased activity.  相似文献   

The tertiary structure of thyroxine binding globulin (TBG) hasbeen modelled on the basis of its close homology to 1-antitrypsin,the archetype of the serine protease inhibitor (serpin) superfamily.Energy minimization was applied to the model to refine the structurefurther. The putative thyroid hormone binding region suggestedin previous labelling studies was found to exist within a ß-barrelstructure of complementary dimensions to the thyroid hormones.The model also revealed that the binding cleft provides thehydrophobic environment and specific ionic interaction sitesdeemed important for thyroid hormone binding. The model is ingood agreement with evidence derived from previously reportedT3 and T4 binding, stability and isoelectric focussing studiesof TBG and TBG variants. Finally, T4 analogue and drug bindingstudies have enabled us to postulate the orientation and mannerof hormone binding to TBG. This may prove to be of assistancein the development of potent and specific, non-thyroidal ligandsand also aid in the understanding of physiological thyroid hormonebinding interactions.  相似文献   

A gene encoding human tumour necrosis factor (TNF-) has beenchemically synthesized, cloned and expressed to yield a biologicallyactive protein in Escherichia coli. The 480-bp gene was assembledby enzymic ligation of 32 oligonucleotides, cloned directlyinto M13mp18 for sequence verification and expressed in thebroad host range high-level expression vector pMMB66EHST. Expressedrecombinant TNF- was shown to have the correct molecular weight,processed N-terminal sequence, antibody cross-reactivity andtumour cell killing activity. The expression product of thesynthetic gene has been purified to homogeneity by a two-stepion-exchange procedure and the purified material shown to beactive.  相似文献   

The biological activities of tumor necrosis factor- (TNF-) aremediated by two different receptors, TNFR1 and TNFR2. To analyzethe receptor binding site(s) of TNF-, molecular models havebeen built of the complexes of TNF- with the extracellular regionsof receptors Rl and R2, based on the known crystal structuresof TNF- and lymphotoxin bound to Rl. The model structure ofR2 from residues 18-160 was built by analogy to the crystalstructure of Rl in complex with lymphotoxin. The amino acidsequences of Rl and R2 show 27.5% identity over this regionand were aligned with five insertions and three deletions. Thereare 18 conserved cysteines that form disulfides. R2 has lostone pair of cysteines compared with Rl, but two new cysteineswere modeled as forming a new disulfide bond. Both symmetricand asymmetric trimers of TNF- were used to model the complexeswith TNFR1 and R2. An analysis of differences in the model complexesshowed good agreement with data on the differential bindingof TNF mutants to its two receptors.  相似文献   

In order to investigate how structural modifications interferewith protein stability, we modified a (ß)-unit inE.coli triosephosphate isomerase (TIM), a typical (ß)-barrelprotein, assuming that the pseudosymmetrical ß-barrelcan be divided into eight successive loop/ß-strand/loop/-helixmotifs. We replaced the eighth (ß)-unit of E.coliTIM with the corresponding chicken (ß)-unit. The substitution,involving the replacement of 10 of the 23 residues of this (ß)-unit, was evaluated first by modelling, then experimentally.Modelling by bomology suggests how the amino add replacementsmight be accommodated in the hybrid E.coli/chicken TIM (ETCM8CHI).Both natural and hybrid recombinant TIMs, overproduced in E.coli,were purified to homogeneity and characterized as to their stabilityand kinetics. Our kinetic studies show that the modificationperformed here leads to an active enzyme. The stability studiesindicate that the stability of ETIM8CHI is comparable to thatof the wild type TIM.  相似文献   

The differences in conformation between -human atrial natriureticpolypeptide (-hANP) and its inactive analog, Met(O)--hANP, havebeen analyzed by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Allproton resonances for both peptides were assigned by means ofthe sequential assignment procedure. The three-dimensional structureof -hANP in solution had previously been determined by distancegeometry calculation using distance constraints derived fromnuclear Overhauser effects (NOEs). Here, the three-dimensionalstructure of Met(O)--hANP was determined. The conformationaldifferences between these two molecules were as follows: threesegments of -hANP, Serl–Cys7, Arg11–Ala17 and Gln18–Tyr28,have some ordered structures. In Met(O)--hANP the Gln18-Tyr28region has a similar conformation, while the remaining two regionsdo not have the ordered structure found in -hANP. It is suggestedthat the conserved conformation of the Gln18–Tyr28 regionis required for binding to the ANP receptor and that the slightbiological activity of Met(O)-a-hANP is due to loss of the orderedstructures evoked in the Serl–Cys7 and Arg11–Ala17regions of -hANP.  相似文献   

Five mutant –lactalbumins, with one or two amino acidsubstitution(s) in the B helix, were engineered to examine therelation between the stability of the molten globule state andthe hydrophobicity of these amino acids. The mutation sites(Thr29, Ala30 and Thr33) have been chosen on the basis of comparisonof the amino acid sequences of goat, bovine and gunea pig –lactalbumin,in which the guinea pig protein shows a remarkably more stablemolten globule than the other proteins. The recombinant proteinswere expressed Escherichia coli and then purified and refoldedefficiently to produce the active proteins. The stability ofthe molten globule state of these engineered proteins has beeninvestigated by urea–induced unfolding transition underan acidic condition (pH 2.0), where the molten globule stateis stable in the absence of urea. The results show that themolten globule state is stabilized by the amino acid substitutionswhich raise the hydrophobicity of the residues, suggesting thatthe hydrophobic core in a globular protein plays an importantrole in the stability of the molten globule state. The changein stabilization free energy of the molten globule state causedby each amino acid substitution has been evaluated, and molecularmechanisms of stabilization of the molten globule state arediscussed.  相似文献   

A new multiple sequence alignment procedure is presented. Severaldifferent multiple alignments are made using differing criteria.Having divided the sequences into strongly conserved regions(SCRs) and loosely conserved regions (LCRs), the ‘best’alignment for each LCR is chosen, independently of the otherLCRs, from a selection of possibilities in the multiple alignments.To help make this choice for each LCR, the secondary structureis predicted and shown alongside each different possible alignment.One advantage of this method over automatic, non-interactivemethods, is that the final alignment is not dependent on thechoice of a single set of scoring parameters. Another is that,by allowing interactive choice and by taking account of secondarystructural information, the final alignment is based more onbiological rather than mathematical factors. This method canproduce better alignments than any of the initial automaticmultiple alignment methods used.  相似文献   

Human interleukin-1ß (IL1ß) was used as a presentationscaffold for the characterization of the reactive site loop(RSL) of the serpin 1-antitrypsin (A1AT), the physiologicalinhibitor of leukocyte elastase. A chimeric protein was generatedby replacement of residues 50–53 of IL1ß, correspondingto an exposed reverse turn in IL1ß, with the 10-residueP5-P5' sequence EAIPMSIPPE from A1AT. The chimera (antitrypsin-interleukin,AT-IL) inhibits elastase specifically and also binds the IL1ßreceptor. Multinuclear NMR characterization of AT-IL establishedthat, with the exception of the inserted sequence, the structureof the IL1ß scaffold is preserved in the chimera. Thestructure of the inserted RSL was analyzed relative to thatof the isolated 10-residue RSL peptide, which was shown to beessentially disordered in solution. The chimeric RSL was alsofound to be solvent exposed and conformationally mobile in comparisonwith the IL1ß scaffold, and there was no evidence of persistinginteractions with the scaffold outside of the N- and C-terminallinkages. However, AT-IL exhibits sigificant differences inchemical shift and NOE patterns relative to the isolated RSLthat are consistent with local features of non-random structure.The proximity of these features to the P1-P1' residues suggeststhat they may be responsible for the inhibitory activity ofthe chimera.  相似文献   

The alpha-subunits of human hemoglobin (Hb) have been more difficult to express than beta-chains owing to the high instability of alpha-chains. Here, we describe the production in Escherichia coli of a soluble recombinant alpha-Hb with human alpha-hemoglobin-stabilizing protein (AHSP), its molecular chaperone. To succeed in this expression, we have constructed a vector pGEX-alpha-AHSP which contains two cassettes arranged in tandem in the same orientation permitting to express alpha-hemoglobin and human AHSP. While the GST-alpha-Hb alone was expressed in E.coli as insoluble protein, even after adding lysate containing recombinant AHSP, the expression vector pGEX-alpha-AHSP permits the co-expression of soluble GST-alpha-Hb and GST-AHSP. The alpha-Hb, produced at a high yield of 12 to 20 mg per liter of culture, was then purified as a complex with its chaperone. Biochemical and biophysical properties of recombinant AHSP/recombinant alpha-Hb complex were similar to those of recombinant AHSP/native alpha-Hb complex as assessed by UV/visible and CO or O(2) binding properties. This co-expression technique can be use to study the interaction between a molecular chaperone and its target protein and, more generally, this system would be particularly interesting for the study of partner proteins when one or both proteins are individually unstable.  相似文献   

The prediction of a protein's structure from its amino acidsequence has been a long-standing goal of molecular biology.In this work, a new set of conformational parameters for membranespanning helices was developed using the information from thetopology of 70 membrane proteins. Based on these conformationalparameters, a simple algorithm has been formulated to predictthe transmembrane helices in membrane proteins. A FORTRAN programhas been developed which takes the amino acid sequence as inputand gives the predicted transmembrane -helices as output. Thepresent method correctly identifies 295 transmembrane helicalsegments in 70 membrane proteins with only two overpredictions.Furthermore, this method predicts all 45 transmembrane helicesin the photosynthetic reaction center, bacteriorhodopsin andcytochrome c oxidase to an 86% level of accuracy and so is betterthan all other methods published to date.  相似文献   

The structure of the intact form of the serpin 1-proteinaseinhibitor has been modeled based on the assumption that thecentral strand s4A of the six-stranded ß-sheet A ofthe cleaved inhibitor is not incorporated into the sheet ofintact 1-proteinase inhibitor. This strand was removed fromits position in the center of the sheet by suitable rotationsabout the backbone dihedrals of Lys343 using molecular graphics.The resulting structure was then annealed using molecular dynamics(MD) while applying progressive distance restraints to the reactivepeptide bond (Met358-Ser359) for 50 ps. During this time, thedisrupted ß-sheet reformed to create a five-strandedß-sheet with strands 3 and 5 in a parallel arrangement.This change and accompanying structural rearrangements are largelyconfirmed by the X-ray structure of plakalbumin, whose structurereflects the overall structure of intact serpins. The successfulmodeling experiment demonstrates the utility of MD for makinggross structural predictions based on related structures. Thebinding loop of the intact form is modeled to allow dockingwith serine proteinases, in particular thrombin, which mosthighly constrains the possible conformations of the bindingloop.  相似文献   

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