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针对高动态环境下视觉导航系统的可靠性受到运动模糊制约,而现有的结构相似度算法(SSIM)对模糊图像评价不敏感的问题,提出了一种基于改进结构相似度的无参考运动模糊图像质量评价算法。首先,将原始运动模糊图像经过同运动方向的模糊算子生成再模糊图像;之后,将原始模糊图像与再模糊图像进行8×8分块,并在相应子块中找到边缘信息丰富的子块;然后,计算原始模糊图像和再模糊图像中对应边缘信息丰富子块的结构相似度;最后,通过边缘置信度对子块加权得到整幅图像的模糊评价指标。实验结果表明,此评价方法结果与主观评价结果具有较高的一致性,能够准确地对运动模糊图像进行评价。由于本方法能有效地优化边缘子块的权值,与传统的平均结构相似度(MSSIM)评价方法相比,具有更高的灵敏性。  相似文献   

Radial Tchebichef moments as discrete orthogonal moments in the polar coordinate have been successfully used in the field of image recognition. However, the scale invariant property of these moments has not been studied due to its complexity of the problem. In this paper, we present a method to construct a set of scale and rotation invariants extracted from radial Tchebichef moments, named radial Tchebichef moment invariants (RTMI). Experimental results show the efficiency and the robustness to noise of the proposed method for recognition tasks.  相似文献   

为了研究彩色图像的不变量特性,本文把传统灰度图像的不变量理论推广到四元数层面上来,定义了彩色图像的四元数径向矩并构造了该矩函数的仿射不变量。采用四元数对彩色图像建模,可以充分利用彩色图像整体信息,实现彩色图像RGB通道的并行处理。实验结果表明,彩色图像的四元数径向矩仿射不变量的稳定性要优于L.V.Gool等人提出的彩色矩仿射不变量,其数值稳定性(σ/μ值)提高了一个数量级。本文所提出的四元数径向仿射不变量可以作为模式识别中彩色目标的特征描述子。  相似文献   

As the variation of parameters in Jacobi polynomial, Jacobi–Fourier moments can form various types of orthogonal moments: Legendre–Fourier moments, Orthogonal Fourier–Mellin moments, Zernike moments, pseudo-Zernike moments, and so on. In this paper, we present a generic approach based on Jacobi–Fourier moments for scale and rotation invariant analysis of radial orthogonal moments, named Jacobi–Fourier moment invariants (JFMIs). It provides a fundamental mathematical tool for invariant analysis of the radial orthogonal moments since Jacobi–Fourier moments are the generic expressions of radial orthogonal moments. Theoretical and experimental results also show the superiority of the proposed method and its robustness to noise in comparison with some exist methods.  相似文献   

由于机载凝视成像激光雷达对地测距采用稳定平台,抑制了飞行过程中的高频振动,随机振动影响成像质量的成分主要是中低频振动.建立了随机振动模糊的理论模型,分析了采用多曝光叠加的动态成像过程中像素间串扰的影响机理.结合双通道三维主动测距方案,通过对具体的稳定平台振动谱的分析,研究了曝光时间与像素串扰半径、相对测距误差系数之间的...  相似文献   

For images with partial blur such as local defocus or local motion, deconvolution with just a single point spread function surely could not restore the images correctly. Thus, restoration relying on blur region segmentation is developed widely. In this paper, we propose an automatic approach for blur region extraction. Firstly, the image is divided into patches. Then, the patches are marked by three blur features: gradient histogram span, local mean square error map, and maximum saturation. The combination of three measures is employed as the initialization of iterative image matting algorithm. At last, we separate the blurred and non-blurred region through the binarization of alpha matting map. Experiments with a set of natural images prove the advantage of our algorithm.  相似文献   

The analytically continued Fourier transform of a two-dimensional image vanishes to zero on a two-dimensional surface embedded in a four-dimensional space. This surface uniquely characteristics the image and is known as a `zero sheet'. Since the manipulation of a function in four-dimensional space is cumbersome, the projections of zero sheets, known as `zero tracks' are calculated. This knowledge of zero sheets can be extended to a number of practical applications including image processing. Image restoration can be realised without prior knowledge of the point spread function, i.e. blind deconvolution is possible even when only a single blurred image is given. If the blurred image concerned contains a point spread function with diagonal symmetry, the point zeros calculated row-wise and column-wise contain some similarities, which supports retrieval of both the true image and a point spread function. This novel scheme performs the separation effectively in the absence of contamination  相似文献   

Most existing nonblind image deblurring methods assume that the blur kernel is free of error. However, it is often unavoidable in practice that the input blur kernel is erroneous to some extent. Sometimes, the error could be severe, e.g., for images degraded by nonuniform motion blurring. When an inaccurate blur kernel is used as the input, significant distortions will appear in the image recovered by existing methods. In this paper, we present a novel convex minimization model that explicitly takes account of error in the blur kernel. The resulting minimization problem can be efficiently solved by the so-called accelerated proximal gradient method. In addition, a new boundary extension scheme is incorporated in the proposed model to further improve the results. The experiments on both synthesized and real images showed the efficiency and robustness of our algorithm to both the image noise and the model error in the blur kernel.  相似文献   

薛素梅  汤瑜瑜  黄小仙  危峻 《红外与激光工程》2022,51(4):20210392-1-20210392-9
采用离轴三反射结构的大视场空间相机存在较大的光学畸变,导致引入时间延迟积分(Time Delay Integration, TDI)技术的面阵探测器在推扫成像时产生像移模糊。根据畸变引起的TDI成像退化原理,将畸变像移模糊转化为非均匀运动模糊,通过求解像移路径计算初始模糊核,将其作为先验信息,建立半盲复原模型进一步细化模糊核。利用初始模糊核复原的粗略图像边缘指导模糊核的细化,提出一种多方向权重异性的全变差模型提取图像结构信息。为了增强先验信息对模糊核细化的约束,构建了含有初始模糊核的正则项,使模糊核的估计不过度依赖于图像内容,采用多尺度迭代方法求解。最后用正则化约束的非盲反卷积方法去除图像模糊。实验结果表明:与现有的几种去模糊算法相比,所提方法的去模糊效果不仅清晰自然且对不同样本图像的模糊核估计更稳定。  相似文献   

动态测试技术在MEMS研发过程中具有极为重要的作用。本文在机器微视觉的MEMS动态测试系统的基础上,基于模糊图像合成技术对MEMS谐振器的运动特性如谐振器的运动幅度、谐振频率f及品质因数Q等重要参数进行了测试,并给出了实验结果。  相似文献   

动态测试技术在MEMS研发过程中具有极为重要的作用。本文在机器微视觉的MEMS动态测试系统的基础上 ,基于模糊图像合成技术对MEMS谐振器的运动特性如谐振器的运动幅度、谐振频率 f及品质因数Q等重要参数进行了测试 ,并给出了实验结果。  相似文献   

为了解决激光成像雷达距离像匹配中的尺度和旋转不变性问题,提出了一套完整的距离像匹配方法,主要包括图像比例调整、Krawtchouk矩不变量提取、构造特征空间及搜索匹配4部分内容.以仿真激光成像雷达距离像为实验数据,通过调整实时图与参考图之间的比例缩放、提取两图的Krawtchouk矩不变量并以此构造特征向量进行匹配.实现了仿真激光雷达距离像的景象匹配.实验结果表明,该算法在一定比例的缩放和任意角度旋转的情况下,匹配正确率和匹配精度都较高,算法的抗高斯噪声能力较好.  相似文献   

针对镜头抖动,目标移动等因素引起的图像运动模糊问题,本文提出了一种基于模糊算子的红外图像去模糊算法,使用深度自编码网络对数据集中的模糊算子进行编码,通过编码后的模糊算子去逼近一个未知的模糊算子并搜索对应的清晰图像,从而实现真实场景下红外图像去模糊,弥补了现有基于深度学习的图像去模糊模型在跨域应用时对真实场景下运动模糊图像去模糊效果较差的不足。在红外图像上的实验结果表明,相比于其他去模糊算法,本文提出的去模糊算法取得了更高的性能指标,恢复出的图像有着清晰的边缘轮廓和局部细节,显著提升了红外图像的清晰度。  相似文献   

基于梯度结构相似度的无参考模糊图像质量评价   总被引:3,自引:5,他引:3  
在对模糊图像边缘膨胀后进行边缘膨胀块提取的 基础上,提出一种基于梯 度结构相似度(GSIM)的无参考模糊图像质量评价方法(NRGSIM)。首先,将原始模糊图像经过低 通滤波生成再模糊图像;之后,将原始模糊图像生成的边缘膨胀图像进行8×8分块,并将子块 划分为边缘膨胀块和平滑块;然后,计算原始模糊图像和再模糊图像中所有对应到边缘膨胀 图 中边缘膨胀块的相应子块的GSIM;最后,平均得到整幅图像的模糊值。在4个数据 库上实验结果表明,本文方法评价结果合理、稳定,更加符合人类视觉特性,与主观评分有 较好的一致性,而且计算简单,取得了很好的评价效果,LIVE2数据库上的SROCC指标达到0.964。  相似文献   

We describe a new no-reference blur index for still images based on a singular value curve (SVC). The algorithm is composed of two steps. First, the singular value decomposition is performed on the image to be blur-assessed. Then an image blur index is constructed from the singular value curve. Experimental results obtained on four simulated blur databases and on the Real Blur Image Database show that the proposed SVC algorithm achieves high correlation against human judgments when assessing the blur distortion of images.  相似文献   

Wavelet-domain filtering for photon imaging systems   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Many imaging systems rely on photon detection as the basis of image formation. One of the major sources of error in these systems is Poisson noise due to the quantum nature of the photon detection process. Unlike additive Gaussian white noise, the variance of Poisson noise is proportional to the underlying signal intensity, and consequently separating signal from noise is a very difficult task. In this paper, we perform a novel gedankenexperiment to devise a new wavelet-domain filtering procedure for noise removal in photon imaging systems. The filter adapts to both the signal and the noise, and balances the trade-off between noise removal and excessive smoothing of image details. Designed using the statistical method of cross-validation, the filter is simultaneously optimal in a small-sample predictive sum of squares sense and asymptotically optimal in the mean-square-error sense. The filtering procedure has a simple interpretation as a joint edge detection/estimation process. Moreover, we derive an efficient algorithm for performing the filtering that has the same order of complexity as the fast wavelet transform itself. The performance of the new filter is assessed with simulated data experiments and tested with actual nuclear medicine imagery.  相似文献   

运动模糊度是表征LCD显示器质量的重要指标。目前,国内针对LCD运动图像显示性能的检测大多采用人眼视觉检测的方法,而人工检测结果是检测人员的主观判断,易受外界环境和自身心理因素的影响,不利于生产的统一化、标准化。本文采用图像质量评价的思路,提出了一种基于区域对比度和结构相似度(RCSSIM)算法的LCD运动模糊检测方法。参考LCD显示的静止图像,对采集到的运动图像进行图像质量评价得到运动图像的清晰度,以此作为LCD显示器运动模糊程度的指标。仿真和实际检测结果均表明,该方法提出的检测指标不但能很好地量化LCD运动模糊度,且与人的主观感知相符。  相似文献   

No-reference assessment of blur and noise impacts on image quality   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The quality of images may be severely degraded in various situations such as imaging during motion, sensing through a diffusive medium, and low signal to noise. Often in such cases, the ideal un-degraded image is not available (no reference exists). This paper overviews past methods that dealt with no-reference (NR) image quality assessment, and then proposes a new NR method for the identification of image distortions and quantification of their impacts on image quality. The proposed method considers both noise and blur distortion types that may exist in the image. The same methodology employed in the spatial frequency domain is used to evaluate both distortion impacts on image quality, while noise power is further independently estimated in the spatial domain. Specific distortions addressed here include additive white noise, Gaussian blur and de-focus blur. Estimation results are compared to the true distortion quantities, over a set of 75 different images.  相似文献   

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