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通过汽车动力计算得出汽车在高速状态下发动机扭矩输出公式,并结合两种发动机的万有特性曲线,模拟计算出汽车等速百公里燃油消耗特性。结合汽车经济性分析实例,提出了几点发动机与汽车性能配套的建议。  相似文献   

介绍了国内外内燃机功率传输机构的研究现状和存在的问题,研究了齿条超越式内燃机的结构和工作原理,对其功率传输及配气等系统进行了运动学分析和仿真,总结了齿条超越式内燃机的特点及存在的问题,最后指出齿条超越式内燃机是一种新颖独特的内燃机,能适合特定场合的应用,具有研究价值和应用前景.  相似文献   

本文对在LPG/汽油两用燃料汽车上加装三元催化器和电控补气装置的优化匹配过程进行了详细的介绍,加装该系统可以有效地降低尾气排放污染,使两用燃料车辆达到新的排放法规的严格要求。  相似文献   

世界能源危机与环境污染问题促使汽车行业能源体系转型,可再生、节能、环保、清洁的新型汽车替代燃料成为汽车行业的新宠.根据燃料是否可再生,将汽车替代燃料分为不可再生汽车替代燃料和可再生汽车替代燃料,并对天然气、液化石油气、醇醚类燃料、氢能源、植物油燃料、生物质裂解气燃料等汽车替代燃料与汽油、柴油等传统汽车燃料进行了分析和比较,总结了汽车替代燃料相对于传统汽车燃料的优点与缺点,并对汽车替代燃料的发展前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

本文对在LPG/汽油两用燃料汽车上加装三元催化器和电控补气装置的优化匹配过程进行了详细的介绍,加装该系统可以有效地降低尾气排放污染,使两用燃料车辆达到新的排放法规的严格要求.  相似文献   

为了提高汽车的燃油经济性,以二十八循环工况下发动机燃油消耗最小为优化目标,以整车动力性为约束条件,对某款五挡汽车传动系统速比进行了优化,并与原车进行了动力性能和经济性能的对比。仿真结果表明,在满足原车动力性能要求的前提下,经济性提高了1.9%,仅满足二十八循环工况跟随条件下,经济性提高了4.8%。  相似文献   

马笑根 《节能》2002,(5):45-46
汽车的能源主要是汽油和柴油 ,对汽车进行燃料经济性评价时 ,油耗是其主要指标。分析汽车使用过程中油耗增加的原因 ,对汽车节油降耗 ,提高其经济性具有重要价值。汽车在使用过程中影响油耗的因素很多 ,通过测试分析主要有以下一些方面。1配气相位的影响汽车经过较长时间的使用  相似文献   

通过将现有的风扇性能数据编程建库,应用相似理论和计算机程序,探讨了风扇在汽车发动机冷却系中的匹配与优选方法,并给出了应用实例。  相似文献   

电控气体喷射式LPG发动机的研究与开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用LPG作为车用代用燃料,将帕萨特2.0轿车改成LPG单燃料汽车,提出了电控气体喷射式LPG发动机的改进方案,使用Nikki燃料系统作为LPG发动机的电控喷射系统,对LPG发动机的动力性、经济性和排放指标进行了目标规划,以达到对整机的优化控制。研究了LPG发动机的实际应用性,通过发动机台架试验和整车试验证实:经过匹配的LPG单燃料汽车在CO和NOx排放方面能够实现低排放,达到了欧-Ⅲ排放标准,最高平均车速可达180km/h;发动机在燃用LPG时,最大扭矩向低转速区移动,动力性略低于原机。  相似文献   

为了提高某汽油机与汽车的匹配性能,应用AVL的Cruise软件对某汽油机在优化设计前搭载汽车进行了动力性能、燃油经济性能等仿真计算和分析,根据AVL Boost软件对优化前汽油机的关键工况点进行了优化计算,提出了汽油机配气机构的优化设计方案,再利用Cruise软件分析优化后的发动机搭载同一款汽车的匹配性能,仿真结果表明满足提高整车性能的要求.  相似文献   

本文主要以风机和水泵为例,论述小型电站锅炉辅机的变速传动与节能,及其传动系统组成原则和实施方案。并指出本方案可以直接用于传动系统的改造和设计。  相似文献   

研究“石油危机”情况下我国汽车动力的发展趋势,对我国汽车产业的战略决策具有指导性意义。通过对目前各类电动汽车的主要性价比较,得出了我国汽车工业的发展趋势是优先发展纯电动汽车,并提出了发展铅酸蓄电池电动汽车的发展规划,这也是我国汽车普及的方向。  相似文献   


In this study, characteristics and use of biodiesel was concluded as alternative engine fuel. Biodiesel is one product of the chemical reaction of an alcohol with a vegetable oil or animal fat (the other product being glycerol). It is biodegradable and nontoxic, has low emission profiles and so is environmentally beneficial. A number of technical advantages of biodiesel fuel: (1) it prolongs engine life and reduces the need for maintenance (biodiesel has better lubricating qualities than fossil diesel), (2) it is safer to handle, being less toxic, more biodegradable, and having a higher flash point, and (3) it reduces some exhaust emissions (although it may, in some circumstances, raise others). The cost of biodiesel is higher than diesel fuel. Currently, there are seven producers of biodiesel in the United States. Pure biodiesel (100%) sells for about $1.50 to $2.00 per gallon before taxes. Fuel taxes will add approximately $0.50 per gallon.  相似文献   

介绍了传动箱试验台测试及控制系统的设计方案,以及基于labVIEW测控软件的编程。  相似文献   

Air pollution is a serious public health problem throughout the world, especially in industrialized and developing countries. In industrialized and developing countries, motor vehicle emissions are major contributors to urban air quality. Hydrogen is one of the clean fuel options for reducing motor vehicle emissions. Hydrogen is not an energy source. It is not a primary energy existing freely in nature. Hydrogen is a secondary form of energy that has to be manufactured like electricity. It is an energy carrier. Hydrogen has a strategic importance in the pursuit of a low-emission, environment-benign, cleaner and more sustainable energy system. Combustion product of hydrogen is clean, which consists of water and a little amount of nitrogen oxides. Hydrogen has very special properties as a transportation fuel, including a rapid burning speed, a high effective octane number, and no toxicity or ozone-forming potential. It has much wider limits of flammability in air than methane and gasoline. Hydrogen has become the dominant transport fuel, and is produced centrally from a mixture of clean coal and fossil fuels (with C-sequestration), nuclear power, and large-scale renewables. Large-scale hydrogen production is probable on the longer time scale. In the current and medium term the production options for hydrogen are first based on distributed hydrogen production from electrolysis of water and reforming of natural gas and coal. Each of centralized hydrogen production methods scenarios could produce 40 million tons per year of hydrogen. Hydrogen production using steam reforming of methane is the most economical method among the current commercial processes. In this method, natural gas feedstock costs generally contribute approximately 52–68% to the final hydrogen price for larger plants, and 40% for smaller plants, with remaining expenses composed of capital charges. The hydrogen production cost from natural gas via steam reforming of methane varies from about 1.25 US$/kg for large systems to about 3.50 US$/kg for small systems with a natural gas price of 6 US$/GJ. Hydrogen is cheap by using solar energy or by water electrolysis where electricity is cheap, etc.  相似文献   

针对LPG双燃料低速机驱动的超大型液化石油气体运输船(very large gas carrier,VLGC)进行轴带发电机配置方案设计,包括轴发型式及安装位置的选择、容量的确定,以及对主机功率和布置等方面影响的考量.基于燃油和LPG两种模式对VLGC配置轴带发电机的经济性进行分析.分析表明:对于使用LPG、乙烷、甲醇等新型双燃料主机推进的船舶,如VLGC,非常适合配置轴带发电机.  相似文献   

Ignition delay (ID) is one of the important parameters that make influenced on the combustion process inside the cylinder. This ignition delay affects not only the performances but also the noise and emissions of the engine. In this regards the experiments were conducted on single cylinder 4–stroke compression ignition research diesel engine, power 3.50 kW at constant speed 1500 rpm Kirloskar model TV1 with base fuel as diesel and hydrogen as secondary fuel with and without Di-tertiary-butyl-peroxide (DTBP). Experiments were conducted to measure the ignition delay of the dual fuel diesel (DFD) engine at different load conditions and substitution of diesel by hydrogen with or without DTBP and then it was compared with predicted ID given by Hardenberg-Hase equation and modified Hardenberg-Hase equation.The experimental values of ignition delay were compared with theoretical ignition delay which was predicted on the basis of Hardenberg-Hase equation by considering mean cylinder temperature, pressure, activation energy and cetane number and variations are found in between 6.60% and 21.22%. While, the Hardenberg-Hase equation was modified (by considering variation in activation energy) for DFD engine working on diesel as primary fuel and hydrogen as secondary fuel shows variations 1.20%–11.96%. Furthermore, with DTBP it gives variation up to 18.01%. It was found that ID decreases with increase in percentage of DTBP and hydrogen in air-fuel mixture. This might be due to the cetane improver nature of DTBP, pre-ignition reaction rate and energy release rate of hydrogen fuel. The polytropic index get increased by addition of (Di-tert butyl peroxide) DTBP. Similarly, 5% Di tertiary butyl peroxide reduces Ignition delay.  相似文献   

A proper system must be applied in order to have reliable power production and higher levels of durability. The functions of this system are to fully utilize the benefits of the fuel cell components and to deliver the required power. This paper presents the design for an HT-PEMFC single-cell test cell with the development of a test station to operate the cell. The single-cell test cell and the real-time monitoring test station were designed using LabVIEW software, and were implemented using NI's cFP hardware devices, the details of which are provided. The architecture of the test station was aimed at measuring and controlling the mass flow rate, pressure and temperature of the reactant gases, and the stack temperature and current. An electronic load, with a quick dynamic response, was used to test the fuel cell reaction. The start-up, shutdown and monitoring functions were managed by the test station, which monitored the critical parameters of the fuel cell, namely, the voltage, current loading, generated power, hydrogen/air inlet and outlet and stack temperature. The results showed that the designed and developed single-cell HT-PEMFC and test station were able to generate power. An in-depth research needs to be conducted into the innovative design and development of HT-PEMFC systems since these are the key factors for optimum performance.  相似文献   

介绍了牵引车性能分析的理论计算方法;建立路况、加速试验及爬坡试验等仿真工况,对一款牵引车的整车基本性能进行分析,得到了整车燃油经济性和动力性方面的性能数据,并根据供选部件的3种组合方案,对该牵引车的动力匹配进行了多方案比较,优化了车辆的3种动力装置匹配方案。  相似文献   

上海工业结构调整与节能潜力分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
能源是制约上海未来经济发展的瓶颈之一,工业又是上海能源消耗的主体,调整和优化工业结构,是推动产业结构升级,建设资源节约型城市的重要任务。建立了综合经济效益和能源消费的双向耦合优化模型,提出了上海工业结构的调整方向和优化方案,并对其节能潜力进行了分析。  相似文献   

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