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林东岱  姜中华 《电子学报》2008,36(5):875-879
 本文提出了基于线性规划的网格异构资源分配问题的建模和求解方法.该方案综合考虑了资源分配问题的资源共享、作业优先级、作业对多种资源的依赖以及算法自身的策略等多种因素和约束条件.然后提出了网格环境下对独立作业进行网格资源分配的网格服务架构.实验表明基于线性规划的资源分配方法在速度和精确性两方面都是有效的,并且能保持高作业吞吐量.基于网格服务的架构也使该系统具有可扩展性和可伸缩性.  相似文献   

针对多用户协作中继系统中的资源分配问题,提出了一种在满足用户速率比例公平约束条件下的新算法。该算法先将由2个时隙组成的中继用户传输链路转换为一个等效信道链路,将涉及子载波分配、中继选择和功率分配的组合优化问题转化为分步的次优化问题。该算法在等功率分配情况下,根据各用户速率比例公平系数进行初步子载波数目分配;以瞬时信道增益最佳原则,进行剩余子载波数目分配及具体子载波分配,同时完成中继选择;在速率比例公平约束条件下推导出次优化功率分配的闭式表达式,从而完成各子载波上的功率分配。仿真结果表明,该算法在有效提高系统容量的同时,保证了各用户速率之间的比例公平性。  相似文献   

To reduce the interference among small cells of Ultra-Dense Networks(UDN),an improved Clustering-Assisted Resource Allocation(CARA)scheme is proposed in this paper.The proposed scheme is divided into three steps.First,an Interference-Limited Clustering Algorithm(ILCA)based on interference graph corresponding to the interference relationship between Femtocell Base Stations(FBSs),is proposed to group FBSs into disjoint clusters,in which a pre-threshold is set to constrain the sum of interference in each cluster,and a Cluster Head(CH)is selected for each cluster.Then,CH performs a twostage sub-channel allocation within its associated cluster,where the first stage assigns one sub-channel to each user of the cluster and the second stage assigns a second sub-channel to some users.Finally,a power allocation method is designed to maximize throughput for a given clustering and sub-channel configuration.Simulation results indicate that the proposed scheme distributes FBSs into each cluster more evenly,and significantly improves the system throughput compared with the existing schemes in the same scenario.  相似文献   

针对多小区OFDMA系统下行链路,研究了用户公平性约束下的资源分配问题,提出了一种多基站协作的迭代优化的分布式资源分配算法。每个小区根据干扰状况及用户公平性,迭代地进行子载波和功率的资源优化;而每次迭代中,根据用户公平性准则分配子载波,并将非凸的小区功率优化问题转化为其下界的凸问题,通过一个分布式算法来求解。通过仿真验证了算法的有效性;仿真结果表明,与传统网络的固定功率分配的情形相比,所提算法保证了用户之间的公平性并显著提高了系统吞吐量。  相似文献   

针对能效提升、宏用户干扰减小的问题,该文研究了基于干扰效率最大的异构无线网络顽健资源分配算法.首先,考虑宏用户干扰约束、微蜂窝用户速率需求约束和最大发射功率约束,将资源优化问题建模为多变量非线性规划问题.其次,考虑有界信道不确定性模型,利用Dinkelbach辅助变量方法和连续凸近似方法结合对数变换方法,将原分式规划顽健资源分配问题转换为等价的确定性凸优化问题,并利用拉格朗日对偶算法获得解析解.理论分析了计算复杂度和参数不确定性对性能的影响.仿真结果表明该算法具有较好的干扰效率和鲁棒性.  相似文献   

Device-to-Device (D2D) communications have drawn considerable attention with the obvious advantages of a higher data rate and spectrum efficiency. However, this also brings intra-cell interference due to resource sharing with traditional Cellular users (CUs). An effective resource allocation scheme for D2D communications to maximize the system throughput is developed. This scheme first utilizes the guard area model to restrict the interference between D2D users (DUs) and CUs. Then, a max-flow algorithm is used to match the pair of CUs and DUs and maximize the total sum rate of the communication system. Numeral results demonstrate that the proposed scheme can yield significant throughput gain while maintaining quality for both CUs and DUs.  相似文献   

The Multicarrier CDMA Transmission Techniques for Integrated Broadband Cellular Systems (MATRICE) project addresses a candidate solution for a Beyond 3G (B3G) air-interface based on Multi-Carrier Code Division Multiple Access (MC-CDMA). It investigates dynamic resource allocation strategies at the Medium Access Control (MAC) layer to support the transport of Internet Protocol (IP) packets over the air-interface in a cost effective manner and maximise the cell capacity with a target QoS. A candidate Dynamic Resource Allocation (DRA) protocol architecture is proposed that is based on cross-layer signalling to provide reactive resource allocation according to the fast channel and traffic variations. In-line with B3G expectations, the proposed DRA handles a very large number of users with inherent flexibility and granularity necessary to support heterogeneous traffic, and still with limited complexity. Thanks to the modular architecture of the DRA, various scheduling policies are investigated and compared in terms of capacity and reactivity to the system environment. Simulation results have shown that the MATRICE system has the potential to deliver broadband heterogenous services in a cost-effective manner, and emerge as a propespective candidate air-interface for B3G cellular networks.  相似文献   

FDMA/DAMA卫星通信网的资源分配过程是为满足卫星链路高效、可靠使用卫星资源的综合决策过程。地球站参数、卫星参数、载波调制编码方式和雨衰等都是影响高效、可靠分配卫星资源的重要因素。在综合分析多种影响链路可用性因素基础上,提出了适用于FDMA/DAMA卫星通信网的资源动态分配策略,并设计了具体的分配流程和软件实现方案。通过比较某系统优化前后的运行数据,测试验证了优化分配策略的有效性和科学性。  相似文献   

Orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) is a popular and widely accepted multiple access technique to provide high data rate services in a mobile environment in the area of wireless communications. OFDMA can provide better flexibility in allocating the radio spectra by utilizing subcarrier allocations, scheduling, and energy control to obtain multi-dimension diversity gains. Due to its resource allocation flexibility, OFDMA has been widely used as a green air interface technology for the emerging broadband wireless access networks. This paper extensively addresses the integration of green OFDMA to the future air interface technologies, for instance:two-tier cellular, multi radio access technologies (RATs), FemtoCell, and relay networks. The main focus of the paper is to review and analyze the current OFDMA techniques to address the green resource allocation in multiuser diversity, where the critical constraints are the computational complexity, energy efficiency, and the sub-channel assignment. The future trend of OFDMA based networks will aim to maximize the energy efficiency of the exclusive channel assignment through a joint sub-channel and power allocation to accommodate high data traffic networks specially the relay based 5G cellular networks.  相似文献   

空天地一体化网络是未来6G的关键内容。结合高精度波束赋形,无人机(UAV)的视距链路(LoS)可很好地作为空天地一体化网络的补充,但地面用户与基站间的相对运动极易造成信道容量失衡。提出一种噪声深度确定性策略梯度(Noisy-DDPG)方法。该方法以最大化通信公平性和系统容量为目标,利用DDPG优化分配方案,通过调整奖励函数策略参数来实现公平性和信道容量的平衡;通过在策略网络中利用可学习参数噪声进行扰动,得到更合理的分配方案。仿真实验验证了该算法的有效性。  相似文献   

Regulation will experience enormous changes in the near future resulting in seamless connectivity by spectrum borders. A promising approach in this context is dynamic spectrum allocation which leads to a more flexible access to spectral resources by employing intelligent radio devices called cognitive radios. This paper is concerned with bio-inspired approaches that exploit distribution in multi-radio environments where many users have to share a finite resource harmoniously. Three applications of bio-inspired techniques are described. The first one deals with the detection of spectrum holes whereas the second one describes resource allocation in orthogonal frequency division multiple access based systems. The third one is concerned with distributed resource auctioning.
J.-C. DunatEmail:

提出了一种适用于宽带无线通信系统的上行无线带宽资源分配方案。在详细描述算法的基础上,建立了对应的仿真系统对算法进行验证。该方案较好地解决了多业务并发时的上行带宽分配问题。兼顾了不同实时业务对时延和带宽的不同需求,与传统技术相比较,提高了带宽利用率,并减少了协议开销和传输时延。  相似文献   

史琰  刘增基  邱智亮  刘亚社 《电子学报》2005,33(7):1158-1162
随着越来越多的实时业务接入因特网,如何在满足业务端到端QoS要求的前提下,使网络接纳更多用户成为一个严峻的挑战.本文首先对路径级的网络资源最优分配问题建立数学模型.理论推导证明:该问题可以通过一个简单的最优规划问题求解.随后,根据求得的最优解的特点,本文提出了一种结合网络资源状态和用户业务QoS要求的资源分配算法—ERA算法.ERA算法不仅运算简单,而且仿真结果也表明,在相同网络资源总量的前提下,其接纳的用户数目可以达到理论的上界.  相似文献   

Carrier aggregation is an essential feature in the Long Term Evolution‐Advanced (LTE‐A) system, which allows the scalable expansion of the effective bandwidth to be delivered to user equipment (UE) through the concurrent use of radio resources across multiple component carriers (CCs). This system's optimal radio‐resource use has received much attention under simultaneous access (SA) scenarios for multiple CCs (m‐CCs). This letter establishes how many CCs a UE should simultaneously connect to maintain maximum uplink capacity. Under the m‐CC LTE‐A system, the spectral efficiency of the m‐CC SA scheme (m≥2) is compared with that of CC selection (CCS). Numerical results reveal that the 2‐CC SA scheme outperforms CCS and performs almost equally to the m‐CC SA scheme (m≥3).  相似文献   

该文研究了D2D通信使用LTE-A网络上行链路的资源分配问题。首先将问题建模为混合整数非线性规划问题(MINLP),其次根据待接入用户对各信道的青睐程度计算特征值列表并形成相应联盟。在保证各用户服务质量(QoS)的情况下,利用最大加权二部图匹配(MWBM)方法为待接入网络用户寻找合适的资源及复用的组合。仿真结果表明,该算法打破了D2D用户在数据传输过程中一直处于专用或者复用模式的束缚,扩大了D2D用户对可选用的资源范围,与现有算法相比,可有效提高系统的总速率。  相似文献   

针对多蜂窝多用户异构网络中收发机处信号畸变、用户信息泄露和传输中断等问题,该文提出一种基于硬件损伤的异构网络鲁棒安全资源分配算法。考虑小蜂窝用户最小安全速率约束、小蜂窝基站最大发射功率约束和宏用户干扰功率约束,建立了基于有界信道不确定性的能效最大化资源分配模型。基于Dinkelbach法、最坏准则法和连续凸近似理论,将原非凸资源分配问题等价转换为凸优化问题,并利用拉格朗日对偶算法得到解析解。仿真结果表明,与现有算法相比,所提算法具有较好的能效和鲁棒性。  相似文献   

感知无线电(CR)网络中的机会频谱接入(OSA)可以有效提高频谱的利用率。研究了OSA中的信道分配和功率控制问题,通过将Overlay模式和Underlay模式相结合,求解了次用户吞吐量的最优化问题。在满足干扰温度约束的前提下,优化目标为所有次用户的带权速率之和,同时可提供QoS支持和最小速率保障。此优化问题可转化为二部图最大带权匹配问题并使用匈牙利方法进行求解。仿真结果显示,采用混合模式的信道分配和功率控制算法较单一模式可以获得更大的频谱资源利用率。  相似文献   

In this paper, a new distributed resource allocation algorithm is proposed to alleviate the cross‐tier interference for orthogonal frequency division multiplexing access macrocell and femtocell overlay. Specifically, the resource allocation problem is modeled as a non‐cooperative game. Based on game theory, we propose an iterative algorithm between subchannel and power allocation called distributed resource allocation which requires no coordination among the two‐hierarchy networks. Finally, a macrocell link quality protection process is proposed to guarantee the macrocell UE's quality of service to avoid severe cross‐tier interference from femtocells. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can achieve remarkable performance gains as compared to the pure waterfilling algorithm.  相似文献   

钮金鑫 《电讯技术》2024,64(1):98-105
针对现有射频能量收集网络资源分配研究局限于单个数据源场景,无法适配于多数据源网络的问题,提出了一种适用于多数据源场景的射频能量收集中继网络传输协议框架,在该框架内节点可作为源节点或中继节点传输自身数据或转发数据,并在其他节点的数据传输过程中完成射频能量收集。以协议框架为基础,分别以系统吞吐量及用户公平性为优化目标设计两种资源分配方案。仿真表明,两种方案可有效改善网络吞吐量及资源分配公平性。  相似文献   

张顺利  邵苏杰 《电讯技术》2024,64(3):409-415
为解决采用单个虚拟网特征重配置导致虚拟网接受率低的问题,基于资源竞争特征重构底层网络模型,并基于此构建虚拟网映射线性规划模型。设计了无划分的随机舍入优化算法和有划分的随机舍入优化算法,为每个虚拟网分配全局最优的底层网络资源。与现有算法相比,该算法下虚拟网请求的平均接受率提升11%,节点资源平均利用率提升61%,链路资源平均利用率提升27%。  相似文献   

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