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This study is an investigation of friction materials reinforced by brass fibers, and the influence of the organic adhesion agent, cast-iron debris, brass fiber, and graphite powder on the friction-wear characteristics. Friction and wear testing was performed on a block-on-ring tribometer (MM200). The friction pair consisted of the friction materials and gray cast iron (HT200). The worn surface layers formed by sliding dry friction were examined using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), x-ray energy-dispersive analysis (EDX), and differential thermal analysis-thermogravimetric analysis (DTA-TAG). The experimental results showed that the friction coefficient and the wear loss of the friction materials increased with the increase of cast-iron debris, but decreased with the increase of graphite powder content. The friction coefficient and wear loss also increased slightly when the mass fraction of brass fibers was over 19%. When the mass fraction of organic adhesion agent was about 10–11%, the friction materials had excellent friction-wear performance. Surface heating from friction pyrolyzes the organic ingredient in the worn surface layer of the friction materials, with the pyrolysis depth being about 0.5 mm. The surface layers were rich in iron but poor in copper, and they were formed on the worn surface of the friction material. When the mass fraction of brass fibers was about 16–20%, the friction materials possessed better wear resistance and a copper transfer film formed on the friction surface of counterpart. Fatigue cracks were also found in the worn surface of the gray cast-iron counterpart, with fatigue wear being the prevailing wear mechanism.  相似文献   

采用温压?原位反应法制备C/C-SiC复合材料,利用QDM150型摩擦试验机研究短炭纤维(SCF)长度和纤维体积分数对C/C-SiC制动材料摩擦磨损性能的影响。结果表明:C/C-SiC制动材料能够保持较高且稳定的摩擦因数;SCF的体积分数将影响C/C-SiC制动材料的摩擦磨损性能,纤维体积分数为10%时,材料具有适中的摩擦因数和较低的磨损率;SCF长度对C/C-SiC制动材料的摩擦磨损性能有显著影响,炭纤维长度为12 mm时,材料具有最佳的摩擦磨损性能。  相似文献   

采用热压烧结法制备弥散铜-MoS2复合材料,研究了复合材料的导电性、力学性能以及载流摩擦磨损性能.结果表明,随着MoS2含量的增加,材料力学性能降低、导电率下降,而耐磨性提升,含3% MoS2复合材料的耐磨性好于含1% MoS2材料.在磨损实验中发现,摩擦副表面形成具有自润滑作用的第三体润滑膜可进一步改善复合材料的耐磨性,该润滑膜是由处在塑性变形阶段的铜与铜钼硫化合物组成,它使得含3% MoS2复合材料在电流为90 A时的磨损率低于电流为30 A时的磨损率.弥散铜-MoS2复合材料的摩擦磨损机制主要是黏着磨损、磨粒磨损及疲劳磨损.  相似文献   

研究转速对在商业纯铝机体上用摩擦堆焊制备的铝化镍增强Al-Zn-Mg-Cu合金基复合材料涂层性能的影响。通过在半固态铸造过程中,向Al-Zn-Mg-Cu合金熔体中加入镍粉,原位制备铝化镍增强相。结果表明,当转速从600r/min增加到1000r/min时,涂覆效率从65%提高到76%。此外,铝化镍对涂覆效率无显著影响,当在转速为1000 r/min、横向移动速度为100 mm/min、轴向给料速度为125 mm/min的条件下制备涂层时,基体的硬度和剪切强度分别提高225%和195%,但基体的磨损率下降75%。与不含铝化镍的涂层相比,含铝化镍涂层的硬度提高32%,但铝化镍不会影响涂层的热稳定性,。  相似文献   

对真空热压烧结的Al2O3/Cu-WC复合材料进行了载流磨损试验,并利用扫描电镜对复合材料的磨损表面及纵切面的微观形貌进行了观察和分析。结果表明,磨损率和摩擦因数随加载电流的增加而增大;磨损表面有WC颗粒的剥落和重新结晶的Al2O3颗粒,加剧了磨粒磨损,其主要磨损形式为粘着磨损、磨粒磨损、电烧蚀磨损。  相似文献   

Ni-P matrix composite coating reinforced by carbon nanotubes (CNTs) was deposited by electroless plating. The most important factors that influence the content of carbon nanotubes in deposits, such as agitation, surfactant and carbon nanotubes concentration in the plating bath were investigated. The surface morphology, structure and properties of the Ni-P-CNTs coating were examined. It is found that the maximum content of carbon nanotubes in the deposits is independent of carbon nanotubes concentration in the plating bath when it is up to 5 mg/L. The test results show that the carbon nanotubes co-deposited do not change the structure of the Ni-P matrix of the composite coating, but greatly increase the hardness and wear resistance and decrease the friction coefficient of the Ni-PCNTs composite coating with increasing content of carbon nanotubes in deposits.  相似文献   

以h-BN、石墨、短切炭纤维和树脂等为原料,采用模压技术+浸渍/炭化技术制备4种C/C-BN复合材料,并在M2000型试验相同测试其与40Cr钢配副时的滑动摩擦性能。结果表明:h-BN质量分数分别为3.4%和20.7%的材料的抗压强度较高,其摩擦因数随载荷增加均先增加后降低;h-BN为6.8%的材料的摩擦因数降幅最大,达0.049;而h-BN为10.1%的材料的抗压强度最低,其摩擦因数呈现波浪状起伏。随载荷增加,h-BN为3.4%和20.7%的材料的体积磨损增幅较低;而h-BN为6.8%的材料的体积磨损增幅最大,达2.41 mm3。随着时间的延长,4种材料的摩擦因数均逐渐稳定。SEM观察表明:h-BN为3.4%的材料的摩擦表面在中低载荷下较完整致密、但有长度与石墨微晶尺寸接近(10~50μm)的网络状裂纹,摩擦表面在高载荷下则较粗糙;而h-BN为10.1%的材料的摩擦表面均较粗糙、不完整。  相似文献   

采用搅拌摩擦工艺合成Cu/B4C表面复合材料,并分析搅拌速度对该复合材料显微组织和滑动磨损行为的影响。搅拌速度以200 r/min从800变化至1200 r/min,横向速度、轴向力、沟槽宽度及搅拌头外形保持不变。采用光学和扫描电子显微镜对所制备表面复合材料的显微组织进行观察。采用销盘滑动磨损试验装置研究该表面复合材料的滑动磨损性能。结果表明:搅拌速度对表面材料的面积和B4C颗粒的分布具有显著影响。在较高的搅拌速度下此复合材料中B4C颗粒分布均匀;而在低搅拌速度下B4C颗粒分布均匀性较差。此外,本文报道搅拌速度对复合材料的颗粒尺寸、硬度、磨损率、磨损表面和磨屑的影响。  相似文献   

分别采用熔渗法和混粉压烧法制备技术生产出2种铜铬触头材料,其含铜量均为48%~52%,余量为铬。利用销盘式摩擦磨损实验机对这2种技术制备的铜铬材料的摩擦磨损性能进行了比较研究。结果表明:在本实验条件下,同一载荷稳定状态时2种铜铬触头材料的摩擦系数基本相当,约在0.32~0.36之间;随着载荷的增加其摩擦系数略有增加;磨损质量损失随载荷的增加而增大,低载荷时,混粉法制备的铜铬合金具有较低的磨损率,高载荷时熔渗法具有较低的磨损率;低载荷时2种铜铬合金的磨损破坏机制都以粘着和微切削机理为主,高载荷时以磨损表面的片状或颗粒簇剥落为主。  相似文献   

采用预制件-挤压铸造法制备出Al2O3颗粒及纤维双相增强Al基复合材料,并进行磨损实验,采用扫描电镜(SEM)、透射电镜(TEM)研究了在高载荷条件下经固溶时效处理的复合材料在循环深冷处理前后的磨损性能。结果表明,深冷处理能有效提高复合材料的耐磨性能;双相增强和体积变化能有效抑制磨粒和粘着磨损。  相似文献   

运用等离子喷涂技术制备了TiC颗粒增强镍基合金复合涂层,分析了TiC颗粒增强镍基合金复合涂层的微观结构,研究了其摩擦磨损行为与机理。结果表明:TiC颗粒增强镍基合金复合涂层主要由γ-Ni,CrB,Cr7C3和TiC构成;复合涂层与基底材料间形成了厚度为9.4μm的过渡层,达到了冶金结合。当TiC颗粒含量为30%(体积分数)时,复合涂层的摩擦系数和磨损率均最低,即其摩擦系数为0.33,较纯镍基合金涂层降低了30%;其磨损率为0.3×10-3mm3/m,是纯镍基合金涂层的1/3。当载荷在6~10N的范围内时,复合涂层呈轻微磨损,其磨损机理主要为粘着磨损;当载荷达到12N时,复合涂层产生严重磨损,其磨损机制转变为硬质相的脱落和转移层的层脱剥落。  相似文献   

镍基-碳纳米管复合镀层是将不同含量的碳纳米管和镍通过电化学沉积的方法共同沉积在中碳钢基质中。在没有添加任何润滑油的情况下,采用销-盘摩擦磨损试验机对复合镀层进行了摩擦磨损试验,结果显示,摩擦因数和磨损率都随着碳纳米管含量的升高而逐渐下降,耐磨性能显著提高。  相似文献   

The NiCrBSi–Y2O3 composite coatings were prepared on the surface of 45 carbon steel by plasma spray, the microstructure and tribological properties of the coatings were investigated. The results show that the NiCrBSi–Y2O3 composite coatings are mainly composed of γ-Ni, CrB, Cr7C3 and Y2O3. With addition of Y2O3, hard phases such as CrB, Cr7C3 emerge in composite coating, and the density of the composite coatings also increases. The NiCrBSi–0.5Y2O3 composite coating presents excellent tribological properties. Its friction coefficient is 0.175, which is about 37% of that of the pure NiCrBSi coating. The mass wear loss is 1.2 mg, which is reduced by 43% compared with the pure NiCrBSi coating. When the loads are 6–10 N, the NiCrBSi–0.5Y2O3 composite coating suffers from slight wear and the wear mechanisms are mainly adhesive wear accompany with slight micro-cutting wear and micro-fracture wear. As the load increases to 12 N, the wear mechanisms are adhesive wear and severe micro-cutting wear.  相似文献   

Nickel-carbon nanotube(CNT) composite coatings with a Zn-Ni interlayer were prepared by electrodeposition technique on aluminum substrate. The effects of CNT concentration in plating bath on the volume fraction of CNTs in the deposits and the coating growth rate were investigated. The friction and wear behavior of the Ni-CNT composite coatings were examined using a pitt-on-disk wear tester under dry sliding eonditions at a sliding speed of 0.062 3 m/s and load range from 12 N to 150 N. Because of the reinforcement of CNTs in the composite coatings, at lower applied loads, the wear resistance was improved with increasing volume fraction of CNTs. Since cracking and peeling occur on the worn surface, the wear rates of composite coatings with high volume fraction of CNTs increase rapidly at higher applied loads. The friction coefficient of the composite coatings decreases with the increasing volume fraction of CNTs due to the reinforcement and self-lubrication of CNTs.  相似文献   

碳纤维对铜-石墨复合材料性能的影响   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
根据目前电力机车受电弓滑板应用的背景研究了在铜 石墨复合材料中加入碳纤维后对复合材料滑动电接触性能的影响。详细研究了碳纤维的加入量、排列、分布对复合材料密度、电阻率、冲击性能的影响规律 ,并通过与传统滑板性能比较来验证它是一种既具有优良滑动接触性能又具有优良导电性能和一定强度的新型滑动电接触复合材料。  相似文献   

注塑模电刷镀纳米复合涂层的耐磨性研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
利用电刷镀技术制备了含SiO2纳米颗粒和石墨粉的非晶态Ni-P合金复合镀层,并对其摩擦磨损性能进行了研究,研究表明,该复合镀层有较高的显微硬度,良好的耐磨性及减摩性,模具试验表明,复合镀层有效地降低了干摩擦状态下注塑模推管与摩擦件的表面划伤与金属转移。  相似文献   

温度对铜基自润滑材料减摩耐磨特性的影响   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12  
采用常规的粉末冶金方法制备了铜基石墨固体自润滑复合材料, 通过基体合金化和改变石墨粒度探讨了复合材料的力学性能和在不同温度条件下的摩擦磨损性能及机理. 实验结果表明: 温度对铜基石墨固体自润滑复合材料的自润滑性能有较大的影响, 在较高温度条件下, 铜基石墨固体自润滑复合材料的耐磨性主要取决于铜合金基体的强度; 选用合适的石墨粒度和多元基体合金化, 可使铜基石墨固体自润滑复合材料在0~500.℃温度条件下保持较好的自润滑特性.  相似文献   

采用无氰电镀工艺在TC4合金表面制备了Cu/石墨复合镀层,研究了镀层的组织结构和摩擦磨损行为。结果表明,采用无氰电镀方法能够在TC4合金表面制备出组织致密且与基体结合紧密的Cu/石墨复合镀层,但增加镀层中石墨的含量会降低镀层与基体合金的结合强度,并导致硬度小幅下降。摩擦磨损实验结果表明,Cu/石墨复合镀层具有优良的摩擦磨损防护性能,归因于石墨有效降低了镀层的摩擦系数和磨损率;对镀层磨损形貌、磨损产物和摩擦系数的综合分析结果表明,纯铜镀层的摩擦磨损机制主要为犁削磨损、黏着磨损和剥层磨损,Cu/石墨复合镀层的磨损机制为轻微的削层磨损和疲劳磨损。  相似文献   

针对H62黄铜进行搅拌摩擦焊实验研究,初步分析工艺参数对接头的组织及力学性能的影响。结果表明:当焊接速度与搅拌头旋转速度的比值保持在0.09~0.15之间,压入深度在0.1~0.2 mm之间时,可得到组织致密、无孔洞的搅拌摩擦焊接头;用搅拌摩擦焊得到的黄铜接头的力学性能比母材低,但比熔化焊得到的接头性能要高,其平均抗拉强度可达到母材的88%。  相似文献   

The tribological characteristics of carbon fiber reinforced polymer composites under distilled-water-lubricated-sliding and dry-sliding against stainless steel were comparatively investigated. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was utilized to examine composite microstructures and modes of failure. The typical chemical states of elements of the transfer film on the stainless steel were examined with X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Wear testing and SEM analysis show that all the composites hold the lowered friction coefficient and show much better wear resistance under water lubricated sliding against stainless steel than those under dry sliding. The wear of composites is characterized by plastic deformation, scuffing, micro cracking, and spalling under both dry-sliding and water lubricated conditions. Plastic deformation, scuffing, micro cracking, and spalling, however, are significantly abated under water-lubricated condition. XPS analysis conforms that none of the materials produces transfer films on the stainless steel counterface with the type familiar from dry sliding, and the transfer of composites onto the counterpart ring surface is significantly hindered while the oxidation of the stainless steel is speeded under water lubrication. The composites hinder transfer onto the steel surface and the boundary lubricating action of water accounts for the much smaller wear rate under water lubrication compared with that under dry sliding. The easier transfer of the composite onto the counterpart steel surface accounts for the larger wear rate of the polymer composite under dry sliding.  相似文献   

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