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Hosono T. Kato K. Morita A. Okubo H. 《Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, IEEE Transactions on》2007,14(3):627-633
We investigated the charging characteristics of alumina in vacuum with varying surface roughness, and the electric field distribution. The charging on the alumina surface in vacuum is, in general, strongly influenced by field electron emission (FEE) and secondary electron emission avalanche (SEEA). We varied the surface roughness and the electric field distribution on the alumina surface in order to control the FEE and the SEEA. Under these conditions, we measured the 2-dimensional distribution of surface charging potential on the alumina surface. From the measurement results, we quantitatively discussed charge polarity and charge density on the surface for various types of electric field distributions. Finally, we successfully propose a concept of a charging control technique on the alumina insulator in vacuum for the improvement of electrical insulation performance on the alumina surface. 相似文献
Yamano Y. Ohashi A. Kato K. Okubo H. Hakamata Y. 《Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, IEEE Transactions on》1999,6(4):464-468
This paper describes charging characteristics on a dielectric surface in vacuum by electron irradiation and field emission by a triple junction under negative and positive DC HV applications. The authors measured the 2-D distribution of electrostatic charging on a dielectric surface in situ. Experimental results revealed that the negative charge distribution caused by the electron beam had a conical shape over the whole surface. On the other hand, for a triple junction, it was an acute distribution around the triple junction. Moreover, they quantitatively investigated the difference of the 2-D charging distribution, using certain shape parameters, between the two charging processes mentioned above. In addition, they examined the time decay characteristics of the surface potential on the dielectric in vacuum 相似文献
Miyazaki F. Inagawa Y. Kato K. Sakaki M. Ichikawa H. Okubo H. 《Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, IEEE Transactions on》2005,12(1):17-23
In this paper, we quantitatively investigated the impulse conditioning mechanism under nonuniform electric field electrodes in a vacuum. A negative standard lightning impulse voltage was applied between rod and plane electrodes whose materials were Cu-Cr, stainless steel and Cu and the gap lengths were d=5 and 10 mm, respectively. Experimental results revealed the transition of the breakdown (BD) sport region on the rod electrode and the corresponding BD field strength in the conditioning process. As a result, we found that the BD spot region started at the tip of the rod electrode and moved to the wider region of the rod electrode with lower electric field as the shots of the voltage application increased before the saturation of the BD voltage. Finally, by analyzing the results with an electric field strength, we propose that "the conditioning degree" along the electrode surface distributed directly proportional to the electric field distribution under a nonuniform electric field in a vacuum, irrespective of the electrode materials 相似文献
电动汽车规模化接入配电网的充电优化 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
将配变台区下的电动汽车看成一个小型"集聚体",提出基于配电网安全运行的充电优化问题模型,该模型以有功网损最小为目标函数,计及节点电压、线路潮流、配变容量、集中式充电功率的动态爬升约束以及充电能量平衡约束,优化慢充模式下"集聚体"的充电功率。分区代理商负责监控所管辖台区下每辆汽车的充电行为。采用原-对偶内点法求解该模型,IEEE 33节点系统、PGE 69系统以及一个实际的119节点配电系统的计算结果表明该算法具有良好的收敛性和优化效果。通过动态平衡充电负荷,有效降低了系统网损,平抑了负荷波动,改善了末端电压水平,且避免了随机充电在某些时段可能造成的短时电压质量下降、馈线重载及配变过载等问题,提高了配电网运行的经济性和安全性。 相似文献
Yamamoto O. Hamada S. Fukuda T. Omura H. 《Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, IEEE Transactions on》2006,13(1):2-9
We have investigated charging and flashover characteristics of a polymeric or glass insulator exposed to AC voltage in vacuum in order to develop compact and reliable high voltage VCBs (vacuum circuit breakers). This paper focuses on charging characteristics of a cylindrical model insulator. The charging of an insulator is investigated using an electrostatic probe that measures the electric field near the triple junction on the grounded electrode. This method allows a time-resolved measurement of the charging process. The insulator was made of borosilicate, fused quartz or polymetyl methacrylate, and was in the shape of a right cylinder with 10 mm in thickness. It has been clarified that the charging is characterized by three sequential states; initiation, quasi-stable and stable states, and that the polarity of the charge is positive for these states irrespective of the voltage phase. The charging characteristics with AC voltage are compared to our previous results with DC voltage excitation. We find that the charge magnitude at the stable state coincides with that obtained by DC. The electric field on the grounded electrode, and therefore the charge magnitude, decreases with the surface roughness, and decreases as the insulation strength is increased. A computer simulation has been conducted to investigate the quasi-stable state, which clarifies that the transition in surface charge distribution being synchronous to the voltage phase is responsible for causing the quasi-stable state. 相似文献
Hjerrild J. Holboll J. Henriksen M. Boggs S. 《Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, IEEE Transactions on》2002,9(4):596-603
Development of solid dielectric dc transmission class cable has become a priority throughout much of the world. Interdiffusion between the semiconducting electrode materials and the dielectric inevitably causes variations in conductivity of the dielectric near the semicon which results in distortion of the electric field and space charge formation under dc conditions. Analytical approximations and numerical computations provide a basis for analyzing space charge measurements, and based on such space charge measurements and the analysis, we estimate the field distortion for several material systems. 相似文献
Cheng Rong Li Li Jian Ding Jin Zhuang Lv You Ping Tu Yang Chun Cheng 《Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, IEEE Transactions on》2006,13(1):79-84
Alumina ceramic samples prepared under different sintering temperatures and varied additives were measured to indicate the trap density and trap energy located in alumina materials by using thermally stimulated current (TSC). The surface charges on alumina in vacuum after applying a negative pulse voltage (0.7/4 /spl mu/s), and flashover performances of the materials in vacuum also were measured. We found that the trap distribution in alumina has a correlation with surface charges and flashover performances in vacuum. It is shown that the higher is the trap density in the material, the higher is the surface charge density, and the lower is the flashover voltage on alumina surface. It is believed that the trapping and de-trapping mechanisms of carriers could play an important role during the development of the discharge processes, together with the secondary electron emission mechanism. 相似文献
为研究支柱绝缘子表面电场分布特性,经理论分析建立其有限元计算模型,获得了工程设计中所关心部位的电场强度分布。计算了3种典型支柱绝缘子理想情况下表面电场强度分布,并与增爬裙计算结果进行比较分析,结果表明,绝缘子两端电场强度较大,中间部位较低;增爬裙对其电场强度分布的改善没有明显的作用,电力线走向发生一定改变。 相似文献
Bloss P. Steffen M. Schafer H. Eberle G. Eisenmenger W. 《Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, IEEE Transactions on》1996,3(3):417-424
In the present paper, heat wave (LIMM) and pressure step (PPS) measurements of the spatial polarization and electric field distributions in nonuniformly thermally poled α-PVDF and Teflon FEP films are reported. The spatial distributions obtained by the two methods are compared over the entire thickness range, and a satisfactory agreement is found. For PVDF the results of both methods are in accordance with literature data for similarly poled specimens of similar material, the so-called `thermal profile', a polarization peak near the anode. Furthermore, in the LIMM experiments we found a small peak near the cathode, which can be explained by a positive compensation charge layer extending ≈2 μm in depth. For the first time, LIMM spectra of FEP are published. The space charge distribution in the FEP sample is nearly homogeneous inside the sample. Near the anode side an accumulation of negative charges appear. Near both surfaces a positive compensation charge was found with a thickness of ~1 μm. It is demonstrated that by means of our deconvolution the spatial distribution can be determined simultaneously with two thermal parameters, the diffusivity of the sample material and the heat transfer coefficient between sample and sample holder 相似文献
Kato K. Fukuoka Y. Saitoh H. Sakaki M. Okubo H. 《Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, IEEE Transactions on》2007,14(3):538-543
Breakdown (BD) characteristics in vacuum are strongly dependent on the electrode surface conditions, such as surface roughness. However, there is little known concerning the details of the relationship between the surface roughness and BD conditioning effect. In practical application, it is important to clarify how the surface roughness affects the breakdown conditioning characteristics, especially for the non-uniform field configuration. This paper discusses the effect of surface roughness on breakdown conditioning characteristics under non-uniform electric field in vacuum under applications of negative standard lightning impulse voltage. For this purpose, we examined the BD conditioning of a rod-to-plane electrode made of SUS304 and Cu-Cr. The surface roughness of Ra is controlled from 0.3 to 2.5 mum. Experimental results revealed that the enhancement of surface roughness of electrodes increases the number of BD to complete the conditioning effect. We explained the results from the observed results of the electrode surface. Consequently, we could clarify the effect of surface roughness on the conditioning effect under non-uniform electric field in vacuum quantitatively. 相似文献
电动汽车充电负荷具有时间和空间不确定性、随机性,提出一种融合路网、交通、电网、天气、车辆、充电设施等多源信息的考虑用户出行行为和充电需求的电动汽车充电负荷时空分布预测模型。由图论方法构建城市路网和电网信息模型及两者的耦合关系;引入出行链,以概率函数拟合车辆首次出行时间和行程目的地的驻留时间,采用Dijkstra算法规划车辆的出行路径以获得各段行程距离,由道路等级和各时段交通信息获得车辆的行驶速度,以计算行程行驶时间和荷电状态,再根据各行程目的地的充电需求判断条件,计算充电时长和充电负荷;采用蒙特卡洛方法对各功能区电动汽车出行的时间和空间充电负荷分布进行整体仿真;并根据耦合关系将充电负荷归算至对应电网节点,再通过时间序列潮流计算评估电动汽车接入电网后无序充电对电网负荷、电压和网损的影响。算例通过设置不同的场景预测了不同功能区和电网节点的充电负荷曲线,分析了不同因素对充电负荷分布及电网的影响,验证了所提模型的有效性。 相似文献
Fink H. Gentsch D. Heimbach M. 《Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, IEEE Transactions on》2002,9(2):201-206
Investigations have been carried out on the dielectric performance of the ceramic (high-purity alumina, Al/sub 2/O/sub 3/) surface in vacuum interrupters after switching. In order to examine the influence of the shielding on the protection of the ceramic surface against metal vapor condensation different types of vacuum interrupters (VIs) have been tested: VIs with and without shielding. Additionally, two contact materials CuCr: 75:25 wt% and WCAg: 56:4:40 wt% have been investigated to compare the adhesion of different metal vapors to alumina ceramic surfaces. After having performed a HV conditioning of the VIs, dc arcs with arbitrary arcing times were triggered between the contacts simulating the generation of metal vapor during high current interruption and load break switching. Between the arcing tests the insulation levels of all VIs have been tested by means of HV ac source. Afterwards the VIs were opened and the microstructure of the metallic condensate on the inner ceramic surface was analyzed by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). The integral chemical composition of the metallic film was investigated by inductive coupled plasma (ICP). 相似文献
内置式特高频传感器植入GIS腔体时,会对原有电场产生畸变,从而影响设备的安全运行。通过对内置式特高频传感器的不同植入位置进行电场计算,得到了不同植入位置时传感器对原有电场的畸变情况,在此基础上提出了内置式传感器的植入原则。结果表明:当传感器平面与GIS外壳呈水平或处于GIS预留腔体内时,传感器对原电场的影响可忽略不计。综合灵敏度的考虑,可将传感器平面与腔体外壳呈水平布置。 相似文献
为了研究静电荷所形成电场分布规律,探讨电场和电势的之间的关系;理清电荷分布和场强之间的内在关系;巧妙利用镜像电荷求解的方法,进行简化求解,得到了可以比较的简洁面的电荷密度关系式,从而比较了球体内面电荷密度的分布强弱,进而推证了场强的分布强弱。同时巧妙构造几何求解回路,利用保守场的特性,利用反证法分析论证,推出了面电荷密度分布规律,很好解释了球外电场分布特点。以上研究结果为进一步探讨电磁屏蔽都是很有益的先行探索。 相似文献
We investigated the influence of metal vapor contamination of ceramic surfaces on flashover voltage (FOV) in vacuum. First, disk shape alumina (Al/sub 2/O/sub 3/) ceramics with surface resistivity (/spl rho/) of 10/sup 2/-10/sup 15/ /spl Omega/ were produced using deposition phenomena of metal vapor emitted from CuCr contacts. The impulse FOV for the ceramics decreased, as /spl rho/ reduced; FOV, the conditioning effect on FOV, and the scattering of FOV decreased when /spl rho/ was below 10/sup 12/ /spl Omega/. Therefore, the criterion value /spl rho/, which maintains excellent flashover performances of ceramic surface, is 10/sup 12/ /spl Omega/. Second, experimental vacuum interrupters (VIs) were produced to measure breakdown voltage before and after forty short-circuit current switchings with 20-40 kA/sub rms/ and were disassembled to measure the /spl rho/ of their inner ceramic surface. In a VI, which has inside diameters at both ends of the main shield much larger than the contact diameter, /spl rho/ was reduced to 10/sup 4/ /spl Omega/, further decreasing breakdown voltage between terminals. 相似文献
Dr. M. M. Stabrowski Dr. J. Sikora 《Electrical Engineering (Archiv fur Elektrotechnik)》1981,64(3-4):195-200
Contents Numerical analysis of electromagnetic field distribution in linear motion tubular electric motor has been performed with the aid of finite element method. Two Fortran programmes for the solution of DBBF and BF large linear symmetric equation systems have been developed for purposes of this analysis. A new iterative algorithm, taking into account iron nonlinearity and periodicity conditions, has been introduced. Final results of the analysis in the form of induction diagrammes and motor driving force and directly useful for motor designers.
Nichtlineare Analyse der Feldverteilung im Elektrischen Motor mit Berücksichtigung der Periodizitätsbedingungen
Übersicht Es wurde eine numerische Analyse der Verteilung des elektromagnetischen Feldes im linearen röhrenförmigen elektrischen Motor mittels der Methode der Finiten Elemente durchgeführt. Zwei Fortran-Programmen zur Lösung großer Systeme der Lineargleichungen mit DBBF und BF Koeffizientmatrizen wurden für diese Analyse entwickelt. Ein neuer Iterationsalgorithmus berücksichtigt die Nichtlinearität des Eisens und die Periodizitätsbedingungen. Resultate der Analyse — d. h. Diagramme der magnetischen Induktion und der Schubkraft des Motors-sind unmittelbar anwendbar beim Entwurf elektrischer Motore.相似文献
真空中氧化铝陶瓷表面耐压试验研究 总被引:15,自引:3,他引:15
为提高真空中陶瓷绝缘子的整体耐压水平.对真空中氧化铝陶瓷的沿面闪络行为进行研究,选用95氧化铝陶瓷和掺锰铬氧化铝陶瓷进行表面耐压试验,结果表明:测试过程对陶瓷绝缘子沿面闪络电压有较大影响;在相同条件下,掺锰铬瓷的沿面耐压能力明显比95氧化铝陶瓷高;同时,真空中原始表面较磨加工表面具有更高的耐压强度。 相似文献
Reddy Ch. Ramu T.S. 《Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, IEEE Transactions on》2006,13(6):1236-1244
The paper presents certain aspects of electrical/thermal failure of DC power cables. Closed form theoretical formulations for computing the critical stress and temperature due to an external heat source in the form of a steady current through the conductor is presented. The criticality here implies an unstable state of the dielectric and is shown, more often than not, to be different, from that corresponding to thermal decomposition limits. Formulation and solution of continuity equations under first and second kind boundary conditions taking account of electric stress and temperature-dependent DC conductivity is covered. Using the suggested model, stress and temperature distribution in the body of the insulation can be obtained to a reasonable degree of accuracy 相似文献
《Electric Power Systems Research》1986,11(2):153-159
Various full-scale and model-scale measurements of electric field effects in several 330 and 500 kV AC substations are reviewed. Statistical analysis of the test results is recommended. The accuracy of model-scale measurements is satisfactory for engineering requirements. Model-scale measurements and analytical calculations of the electric field effects are analyzed and used in order to predict the electric field related performance of AC substations in the design phase. 相似文献
负荷方差特性和配电线路中电能损耗关系研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
配电线路的电能损失和负荷方差特性有密切的关系。研究了负荷方差特性和电能损失之间的关系。在相同平均负荷和相同时间内,负荷方差较大的负荷曲线的电能损失大于负荷方差相对较小的负荷曲线的电能损失。在负荷曲线成为一条直线即为负荷平均值时,电能损失最小。用实例验证了减小负荷波动对线损管理具有良好的经济效益。 相似文献