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泰科斯曼这个名字来自英文:TEXTILE MEDICAL,意思是纺织医疗,她的前身是北京市科委1996年支持成立的医用材料中试基地—一个从纺织科研机构跨界到医疗器械领域的试验型企业;2004年成为独立实体,今天,她已是一家由北京纺织科学研究所与首都儿科研究所参股的,集研发、生产、经营、服务 相似文献
南京市山西路百货大楼是具有41年历史的大中型国有商业零售企业,1986年以来经过几次翻建,营业面积已达到5000余平方米,营业设施和购物环境也大为改善。但如何在日趋激烈的市场竞争中求生存、求发展,是摆在山百人面前的十分重要而紧迫的课题。我们在实践中认识到,企业在社会主义市场经济中竞争的焦点是商品质量和服务质量,优质商品和优质服务是企业取信于民、立足市场、维护和提高自身形象的唯一选择,是企业有效参与市场竞争的根本出路。在各级领导的关心和支持下,在各级技术监督部门的指导和帮助下,我们长期坚持依法经营,以诚为本,积极维护广大消费者的合法权益,企业的社会效益和经济效益不断提高,连续11年保持“重合同,守信用企业”称号。1997年荣获省“打假清柜台先进单位”,并再次荣获“省商品质量信 相似文献
在激烈的市场竞争中,中小制鞋企业要尽量避免与大企业正面竞争,要另辟蹊径,寻找一条适合自身发展的道路,而最有效的策略是市场补缺。所谓市场补缺,即中小鞋企在选择或进入细分市场时,要避免为追求暴利而与大企业直接竞争,学会在大企业的夹缝中生存,积极寻找市场的突破口,选择开发无竞争或少竞争市场,以争取实际的生存发展机会。一、寻找空白开发创造新的市场新的市场是指那些被同行忽略的特定的细分市场,或者尚未有竞争者涉足的空白市场。补缺市场常常是竞争的“世外桃源”, 相似文献
中国吸油烟机行业经过近三十年的发展,已成为一个较成熟的产业。与其他家电产品相比较,吸油烟机产业处于一个相对激烈的竞争环境里.以珠江三角洲和长江三角洲为代表的各大吸油烟机生产企业占据了国内吸油烟机市场上的主要份额。虽然一直被归入小家电类,但近两年随着人们对厨房设备的日渐重视,已发展成为举足轻重的产品,并逐渐向高端化和时尚化转型。 相似文献
本届服装节是在金融危机严重影响各个领域的新情况、新形势下举办的综合经贸文化活动。宁波国际服装节也在顺势而变,实行战略转型,打造国际化专业型展会。 相似文献
Research over the past two decades has provided significant epidemiological and other evidence for the health benefits of the consumption of soy-based foods. A large number of dietary intervention studies have examined the effects of soy isoflavones on risk factors for cardiovascular disease and hormone-dependent cancers. However, these report large variability in outcome measures, very limited reproducibility between studies, and in some cases, controversy between the results of clinical trials using dietary soy or soy protein and isoflavone supplementation. This highlights a major gap in our understanding of soy isoflavone uptake, metabolism, distribution, and overall bioavailability. There are many potential factors that may influence bioavailability and a better knowledge is necessary to rationalize the inconsistencies in the intervention and clinical studies. This review focuses attention on our current state of knowledge in this area and highlights the importance of metabolism of the parent soy isoflavones and the critical role of gut microbiota on the bioavailability of these compounds and their metabolites. 相似文献
Weller SC 《Textile rental》1992,75(10):56, 58-56, 62
A potential $177 million-a-year market has been opened to textile rental operators, thanks to OSHA's recent ruling on bloodborne pathogens. Healthcare providers nationwide are now searching for solutions to their protective apparel needs. Such customer needs are what drive niche markets. Whether you've been serving the healthcare market for years or are just now targeting it, here are the marketing strategies you need. 相似文献
以染纱厂筒子纱生产为研究对象,染纱车间筒子纱染色不合格产品主要有纱线染花、染不透,铁锈,沾色、色圈、沾荧光等各种质量问题,对各种质量问题产生的原因进行分析并归纳总结,并提出解决的措施以避免和减少各类质量事故的发生,得出要提高筒子纱染色质量,应该加强车间操作员工的培训,以提高染色的一次准确化率,为纱线的生产质量提供有力的保障. 相似文献
介绍了筒子纱染色中出现的质量问题,包括纱线染花、染不透、沾色、色圈、铁锈、断头、沾荧光、色浅、色差、缸差等.分析了以上生产病疵产生的主要原因,并针对各自原因阐述了相应的解决措施和办法.从而更好地加强生产中的质量控制,提高染色一次成功率,保障纱线生产的质量. 相似文献
Paula Varela Ana Salvador Adriana Gámbaro Susana Fiszman 《European Food Research and Technology》2008,226(5):1081-1090
Differences in the definitions and terms used by consumers to describe their sensory sensations of crispness/crunchiness were
studied, highlighting the relevance of using well-defined terms in consumer studies. A questionnaire was presented to consumers
from two different Spanish-speaking countries (Spain and Uruguay, n = 200). The answers showed that the terms crispy and crunchy had different meanings or evoked different perceptions depending
on the country. The crispy/crunchy food items most frequently mentioned by consumers were dry-crisp, processed products; vegetables
or other wet-crisp products were not often mentioned by the consumers interviewed. The main difference between the two countries
was that 38% of Spanish consumers did not know the Spanish term for “crunchy” and 17% thought that “crispy” and “crunchy”
had the same meaning. The results contribute to a greater knowledge of the terminology used by the consumers to describe oral
sensations related to crispness and crunchiness. 相似文献
阐述了新标准FZ/T 81014-2008<婴幼儿服装>对婴幼儿服装的质量要求,分析了新标准对婴幼儿服装在外观质量、内在质量及安全性要求等方面的考核内容,并根椐目前的市场现状及新标准对婴幼儿服装不断提高的技术规定,对服装企业的生产提出相应建议,以便更好地帮助企业执行标准相关规定. 相似文献
The increase in deep pit mining in western North America raises concerns about the environmental impact of mine closure. 相似文献
节能减排是印染企业无法回避的话题,也是印染行业未来发展的重点任务。针对印染厂的节能压力,本文以蒸汽疏水阀为对象,分析了其在节能中的作用,介绍了其创新情况,并针对新型疏水阀提出了一些想法和建议。 相似文献
酵母回收再用于发酵和生产优质啤酒的关键 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
接种酵母的活性是酿造优质啤酒最重要的因素。然而,目前在啤酒厂的露天锥形罐中流行使用的是在双乙酰还原结束之后收获的酵母的活性,有时用于重复使用并不令人满意。现报道的即是某一啤酒厂中的一个例子,作者通过分析结果希望找出原因和解决的方法。 相似文献