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The present research aims at examining what information architects think of and read off from their own freehand sketches, and at revealing how they perceptually interact with and benefit from sketches. We explored this in a protocol analysis of retrospective reports; each participant worked on an architectural design task while drawing freehand sketches and later reported what she/he had been thinking of during the design task. This research lies within the scope of examinations of why freehand sketches as external representation are essential for crystallizing design ideas in early design processes.  相似文献   

This paper describes a study designed to investigate the structure of idea sketches, here defined as the initial free-hand drawn externalisations produced by a designer of envisioned or partially envisioned entities. In the study, participants were asked to sketch freely from memory a number of chairs and to design a chair. The results obtained from analyzing the drawing process provide clear evidence for structure in idea sketching behaviour which is largely explained by reference to either volumetrical or functional cognitive models of the recalled or designed objects. This suggests that there is an intimate relationship between the cognitive and perceptual processes that are brought to bear on the recall and design tasks and idea sketching. It is concluded that the detailed study of sketching behaviour may provide a fruitful approach to understanding the relationship between cognition, the sketch, and sketching.  相似文献   

Designers, during a conceptual design process, do not just synthesize solutions that satisfy initially given requirements, but also invent design issues or requirements that capture important aspects of the given problem. How do they do this? What becomes the impetus for the invention of important issues or requirements? So-called ‘unexpected discoveries', the acts of attending to visuo-spatial features in sketches which were not intended when they were drawn, are believed to contribute to it. The purpose of the present research is to verify this hypothesis. Analysing the cognitive processes of a practising architect in a design session, we found that in about a half of his entire design process there were bi-directional relations between unexpected discoveries and the invention of issues or requirements. Not only did unexpected discoveries become the driving force for the invention of issues or requirements, but also the occurrence of invention, in turn, tended to cause new unexpected discoveries. This has provided empirical evidence for two anecdotal views of designing. First, designing is a situated act; designers invent design issues or requirements in a way situated in the environment in which they design. We call inventions of this sort situated-invention (S-invention). Secondly, a design process progresses in such a way that the problem-space and the solution-space co-evolve. Further, this has brought a pedagogical implication as well as an insight about an important aspect of learning by experience in design.  相似文献   

During the last years engineers of the Munich Technical University and psychologists of the Dresden Technical University have investigated requirements for improved computer tools for designers. Prior studies of the early stages of the design process have shown that generating solutions is largely associated with the use of external representations such as sketches and physical models. In a postal survey 106 designers were consulted regarding the extent and the effects of using such external representations in the early stages of the design process. The results show the dominance of sketches as an external aid and the increasing use of CAD. The designers confirmed that external representations do not only serve as external information storages but as important external aids for, for example, solution development, testing and communication.  相似文献   

马梦云  宋武  齐延成  韩永  粘旭超 《包装工程》2024,45(12):317-324
目的 通过分析老年人对功能性食品包装的认知特点,运用层次分析法进行综合分析评价,从而设计出满足老年人实际需求的功能性食品包装。方法 从老年人对功能性食品包装设计的需求出发,获取老年人对功能性食品包装设计的感性意象词汇库,从而构建包装设计综合评价指标体系,通过层次分析法计算各指标间的权重大小,生成关键设计要素的重要程度排序,明确功能性食品包装的适老化设计方向。结果 通过构建基于层次分析法的设计流程,完成了一套老年人功能性食品包装设计方案,并进行设计验证,结果反馈该方案用户满意度较高。结论 基于层次分析法可以有效分析出用户需求的重要度和不同需求的情感倾向,按照设计流程分析得到老年人对功能性食品包装的特殊需求,为老年人功能性食品包装的设计提供理论依据和实践参考。  相似文献   

白仲航  李颖  宋美佳  黄晓光  何琳 《包装工程》2021,42(22):103-107, 114
目的 通过将可供性引入并辅助产品造型设计,减小产品属性的信息传达与用户理解之间的偏差,优化产品造型.方法 将可供性的4种分类,即功能可供性、认知可供性、行为可供性、感官可供性,与整体特征、功能引导等7种产品造型要素对应结合,建立可供性对产品造型设计的指导方法.以小型工具曲线锯设计为例,基于此方法完成造型设计方案;运用熵处理法与李克特量表评价法,将基于可供性的产品造型要素作为评价指标,对新的曲线锯造型设计方案与现有造型进行评价,分析评价结果.结论 构建了一种基于可供性的产品造型设计方法,完成了曲线锯的造型设计方案,依据基于可供性的产品造型要素评价指标完成评价,验证了方法的可行性与有效性,为产品造型设计提供了思路参考和理论依据.  相似文献   

表现技法课是工业设计专业的一门专业基础课程,对于工业设计专业的学生来说,是一门非常重要的基本能力的训练课程,它涉及到设计创意的构思和表达.然而,由于学生生源背景的差异和课时的限制,要上好这门课,取得良好的效果,就必须改进教学方法和教学手段.本课程教学方法的探索运用了布鲁纳的教育思想,进行了表现技法课程的教学方法改革实践.  相似文献   

王小妍  苏伟鸿 《包装工程》2022,43(10):121-128, 189
目的 为了使自闭症儿童在康复教育机构和家庭中能够得到更好的教育训练,结合智能化交互优势,提出将自闭症治疗与社交辅助机器人结合的优化设计思路,旨在提高患儿在训练中的互动兴趣及治疗效果,减轻专业教师和家庭的负担,提升自闭症儿童干预治疗的适用性和实用性。方法 通过对自闭症儿童生理、认知、行为特征的梳理,归纳现有常用的干预治疗方法和辅助治疗产品,探讨童车为载体辅助专业干预治疗的方式,针对辅助治疗童车进行功能外形、交互方式、游戏概念及配套APP的全方位案例设计,总结交互干预设计的训练要素、功能模块和治疗功能。结论 以童车为载体,确定了车载精灵的交互方式、辅助APP主要功能模块和认知训练、社交激励、音乐治疗3种不同干预游戏的训练模式。  相似文献   

The twenty‐first century challenges engineering educators to design learning experiences to strategically and holistically target students' development, including cognitive, psychomotor, social and affective domains. We propose a guide for the design process. The Four‐Domain Development Diagram (4DDD) is a synthesis of learning theory and empirical data. This guide maps the relationships among the major factors that influence learning and presents them in the form of a causal loop diagram, a tool used by systems dynamicists to show how changes in important factors affect other factors within the system. In this paper, we present the theoretical and empirical basis of the 4DDD. We also describe how the 4DDD can be used as a design guide for instructional changes that promote more effective learning experiences for the broader cognitive, social, affective, and psychomotor development required of today's engineering graduate.  相似文献   


The traditional block‐coded modulation scheme is based on set partitioning of a two‐dimensional signal constellation. In this paper, we propose an improved design of the block‐coded modulation scheme which is based on set partitioning of a block modulation code at some coding levels. With no inferior error performance, the proposed scheme is far superior as regards its reduced decoding complexity.  相似文献   

设计思维研究对产品概念设计具有重要作用。通过对产品概念设计案例的分析,构建了一个基于草图的产品设计思维的概念性框架,以探索草图设计特定的语言规则或模式,描述设计创意的产生过程。  相似文献   

王媚雪  胡宇琦 《包装工程》2021,42(18):220-226
目的 为了提高自闭症儿童建立安全型依恋关系的效率,对于自闭症儿童依恋产品设计的过程进行研究.方法 使用层次分析法(AHP)和逼近理想解排序法(TOPSIS)相结合的方法,围绕影响自闭症儿童依恋关系的主要功能领域进行研究,采用系统化、层次化与定性和定量相结合的方法,将这些功能领域拆分为不同的层次和要素,计算这些要素的权重值并进行排序;从而进行3种方案设计,通过评分的方式建立评价矩阵,根据上阶段计算出的权重值,求正负理想解,以此为依据,选取最优设计方案.结论 通过层次分析法和逼近理想解排序法在自闭症儿童依恋产品设计过程中的应用,可以排除主观因素对于产品设计的影响,为产品设计及方案选取提供了科学依据,在自闭症儿童依恋产品设计方面具有一定的理论意义和实际价值.  相似文献   

谢玄晖  徐笑非 《包装工程》2020,41(8):239-245
目的从文化认知的角度构建地铁站内色彩设计方法。方法首先,通过对地铁站内色彩设计的内容分析,形成其文化认知模型,获取其设计方法的关键要素。然后,结合典型文化样本的收集,借助NCS色彩体系分析其色彩特征,通过对典型色彩的整合,将其转化为现代设计语言,并对其认知特性进行分析。最后,结合地铁站内的物理界面,形成色彩设计方案,阐释该方法的操作性。结果通过设计实践案例验证该方法能够有效提升地铁站内色彩设计的文化特色。结论地铁站内色彩设计的文化识别是设计信息与文化原型的匹配过程,色彩的文化性与现代设计语言的整合是设计过程的关键,借助认知理论可以更准确地分析色彩设计的文化识别性,有效提升地铁站内色彩设计的品质。  相似文献   

目的 针对当前产品创新设计领域中对基于图像-文本多模态知识支撑创新设计方法研究不足的问题,提出了一套基于图文多模态的产品创新方案设计方法。方法 首先,对设计师的设计草图与文本要求进行预处理,然后引入产品设计知识图谱来促进设计思维的发散和创新;其次,通过微调的生成式预训练变换器模型和扩散模型生成产品方案及其概念图;最后,利用深度多模态设计评估模型对产品设计方案的可行性和市场潜力进行评估。结果 通过产品设计知识图谱,及深度多模态设计评估模型的引入,该设计流程可以生成富有创新性且具备可行性的产品方案。结论 基于图文多模态的产品创新方案设计流程结合了最新的深度学习技术,不仅提高了设计的效率,还为设计师提供了更广阔的创新视角和灵感来源。  相似文献   

陈竑 《包装工程》2019,40(24):352-357
目的在湖南省博物馆APP基础上增加梅山傩面具数字展示内容,分析探讨梅山傩面具展品功能入口的交互设计需求以及方案选择。方法通过介绍业务需求、用户需求来分解关键因素从而形成交互设计的方案。在梅山傩面具展品功能入口的交互设计实际过程中,阐述根据业务需求和用户需求具体分解关键因素的思路与方法,包括如何与产品经理、市场运营、开发工程师等协商完成展品功能入口的一级页面、二级页面交互设计稿以及交互视觉稿。结论基于湖南省博物馆APP的梅山傩面具展品功能入口的交互设计需求就是将业务目标转换为用户行为,并通过创造动机、排除担忧与解决障碍来形成交互设计方案,它关键着业务目标与用户体验目标的顺利达成,为其他类似博物馆APP新增展品内容,其功能入口的交互设计需求与方案选择提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

李君华  沈柯宇  徐源  周应斌 《包装工程》2023,44(14):145-151, 169
目的 研究车载界面的适老化设计方案,提升老年用户车载人机交互界面的使用体验与安全性。方法 通过对老年用户群体的研究,总结出影响老年人使用车载界面的主要因素与使用障碍;通过用户访谈、问卷通过访谈调研获取老年用户对车载界面的设计需求,然后利用Kano模型对需求进行分类,并对设计需求的用户满意度进行计算,从而获得关键设计需求;根据计算结果,从视觉设计、交互设计两个方面提出车载人机交互界面的适老化设计方案,并采用HMI动态评价法对实践成果进行可用性测试。结论 对设计方案的可用性测试结果表明,通过研究老年人身体机能退化与社会认知障碍而进行的车载界面适老化设计,可以有效提升老年用户驾驶时使用车载界面的安全性与使用体验。  相似文献   

环境导向系统设计中"概念模式"的建立   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
李玉波 《包装工程》2011,32(2):14-17
以环境导向系统需要提供给行人一个合理的"概念模式"来完成相应的行动计划为启示,分析了良好"概念模式"的建立需要从人的思维、需求和行为3个方面开展研究的具体方法。在此基础上,提出了合理的"概念模式"建立的基本原则为:匹配原则,容错原则,指导与反馈原则,并以此作为导向系统构建的基本步骤与方法。  相似文献   

In the conceptual design stage, outcomes of industrial designers work are generally represented by set of sketches where curves, notes, shadows, and colors implicitly represent creative ideas. Signs and annotations are used to synthesize and concretize the design intent that, finally, will be transformed into the styling product visual appearance. The loss of the original design intent may be due to the complexity of the design process, and the involvement of different actors. Our aim is to provide a method and relative tools in order to interpret signs on sketches for eliciting the design intent. The analysis result is a set of aesthetic features that can be used for driving CAD modeling, in the case both of Reverse Engineering applications and of product modeling for restyling purposes. Sketches analysis is based on a semiotic interpretation driven by the formalization of the cognitive models used in the conceptual design phase. The approach showed promising results on different styling products test cases.  相似文献   

邓正根  吕健  刘翔  侯宇康  王帅 《包装工程》2023,44(6):188-195
目的 解决当前产品设计表达中存在对设计师要求高、设计思维具有局限性、设计周期长等问题。方法 提出基于StyleGAN的草图快速生成产品效果图像的方法,该方法利用图像变形技术,将不同程度的产品草图生成真实产品效果图像。结果 该方法可有效地满足设计师创作需求,也能为没有绘画基础的用户生成高质量的产品设计方案。结论 将基于深度学习的StyleGAN模型应用于草图生成真实产品效果图像中,能快速、高效地完成产品设计表达过程,为产品设计表达提供了一个基于深度学习技术的参考框架,也是传统产品设计在人工智能时代的一次创新性探索。  相似文献   

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