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The thermal conductivity, , and the heat capacity per unit volume, c p , have been measured for solid silver bromide (AgBr) using the transient hot-wire method. Measurements were made at temperatures in the range 100–400 K and at pressures up to 2 GPa. c p was found to be independent of temperature and pressure over these ranges. of AgBr was found to be similar to that of AgCl, which was measured previously. For AgBr, only acoustic phonons needed to be taken into account up to 340 K, but optic phonons probably carried some heat at higher temperatures. The Leibfried-Schlömann (LS) formula could describe the ratio (AgCl)/(AgBr), but not the ratio (1 GPa)/(0) for either substance. An empirical modification of the LS formula could describe the latter ratios but not the former. Further theoretical developments are required for understanding of (P) for even such relatively simple substances as AgCl and AgBr.  相似文献   

Using the transient hot-wire method, measurements were made for solid AgCl of both the thermal conductivity, , and the heat capacity per unit volume, c p, where is the mass density. Measurements were made in the temperature range 100 to 400 K, and at pressures up to 2 GPa. c p(P, T) could be adequately described if the acoustic modes were represented by a Debye model and the optic modes by an Einstein model. Analysis of (T) showed that only the acoustic modes needed to be taken into account up to 300 K, but that the optic modes were increasingly effective in carrying heat at higher temperatures. (P) was adequately described by the Lawson formula, but not by the Leibfried-Schlömann formula, to which it is formally equivalent. Agreement with experiment could be achieved by two different modifications of the Leibfried-Schlömann formula, although neither has a firm theoretical basis.  相似文献   

The thermal conductivity () of solid NaF has been measured over the temperature (T) range 100–350 K and at pressures (P) up to 2.5 GPa, using the transient hot-wire method. Results for (T,P) could be described to a good approximation by the Leibfried-Schlömann formula. It was found that the isochoric temperature derivative of the thermal resistivity W (= –1) increased systematically with the mass ratio for the B1-type phases of the sodium and potassium halides.  相似文献   

The thermal conductivity and heat capacity per unit volume of poly(methyl methacrylate) (25 and 350 kg · mol in molecular weight) have been measured in the temperature range 155–358 K at pressures up to 2 GPa using the transient hot-wire method. The bulk modulus has been measured up to 1.0 GPa at 294 K and yielded a constant valueg = 3.4 ± 0.3 for the Bridgman parameter. No dependence on molecular weight could be detected in the properties we measured.  相似文献   

The thermal conductivity λ and the heat capacity per unit volume of atactic poly(propylene) have been measured in the temperature range 90–420 K at pressures up to 1.5 GPa using the transient hot-wire method. The bulk modulus has been measured in the range 200–295 K and up to 0.7 GPa. These data were used to calculate the volume dependence of λ,g=−[∂λ/λ)/(∂V/V)] T , which yielded the following values for the glassy state (T<256 K at atmospheric pressure): 3.80±0.19 at 200 K, 3.74±0.19 at 225 K, 3.90±0.20 at 250 K, 3.77±0.19 at 271 K, and 3.73±0.19 at 297 K. The resultant value forg of the liquid state was 3.61±0.15 at 297 K. Values forg which are calculated at 295 K, using theoretical models of λ(T), agree to within 12% with the experimental value for the glassy state.  相似文献   

The thermal conductivity and heat capacity c p of liquid toluene have been measured by the ac-heated wire method up to 1000 MPa in the temperature range from 255 to 400 K. The total error of thermal conductivity measurements is estimated to be about 1 %, and the precision 0.3 %. The heat capacity per unit volume, pc p, obtained directly from the experiment is uncertain within 2 or 3%. The vs p isotherms are found to cross one another at approximately 700 MPa. The minima in the pressure (or volume) dependence of cp of toluene are evident at all temperatures investigated.  相似文献   

As part of a group contribution study on the liquid thermal conductivity of synthetic fuel components, experiments were performed to study the effects of dimethyl and ethyl-group additions to cyclohexane. A transient hot-wire apparatus was used to measure the thermal conductivity of these three fluids between ambient pressure and 10.4 MPa over a temperature range of 300 to 460 K. Thermal conductivities measured with this instrument have been assigned an accuracy of ±2% based upon a standard deviation comparison with a toluene standard established by Nieto de Castro et al. (1986). The thermal conductivities and excess thermal conductivities of the naphthenes investigated have been successfully linearized by plotting the data versus reduced density exponentiated to the power of five. By using data previously reported by Perkins (1983) and Li et al. (1984), this linear reduced density method is demonstrated for methyl, dimethyl, and ethyl additions to cyclohexane, as well as methyl and dimethyl additions to benzene. The naphthenes have been shown to have similar intercepts, with slope changes dependent upon the functional group attached to cyclohexane. The aromatics have a less pronounced slope change with additional functional groups attached to the benzene base. This instrument was also used to determine heat capacities, via the thermal diffusivity, to within ±10%.Paper presented at the Tenth Symposium on Thermophysical Properties, June 20–23, 1988, Gaithersburg, Maryland, U.S.A.  相似文献   

The thermal transport properties of four commercially available AlN substrates have been investigated using a combination of steady-state and transient techniques. Measurements of thermal conductivity using a guarded longitudinal heat flow apparatus are in good agreement with published room temperature data (in the range 130–170 W · m–1 · K–1). Laser flash diffusivity measurements combined with heat capacity data yielded anomalously low results. This was determined to be an experimental effect for which a method of correction is presented. Low-temperature measurements of thermal conductivity and heat capacity are used to probe the mechanisms that limit the thermal conductivity in AlN.Paper presented at the Tenth Symposium on Thermophysical Properties, June 20–23, 1988, Gaithersburg, Maryland, U.S.A.  相似文献   

The thermal conductivity, , of vitreous boron trioxide was measured, using a hot-wire procedure, from 170 to 570 K and under pressures of up to 1.7 GPa. The thermal conductivity at room temperature and zero pressure was found to be 0.52 W · m–1 · K–1. The values of the logarithmic pressure derivative, g = d(ln )/d(ln ), where is the density, were found to be 1.1 for uncompacted glass and 0.7 for glass compacted to 1.2 GPa. The variation of with temperature at constant density was approximately linear, with a positive slope of 1.38×10–3W·m–1·K–2.  相似文献   

The thermal conductivity and the Lorenz function L of polycrystalline zinc have been calculated from measured values of the thermal diffusivity a and the electrical resistivity as functions of pressure P up to 2 GPa at room temperature. The effects of convection in, and freezing of, the pressure transmitting medium are discussed. Both and L increase with increasing P, with pressure coefficients of 8.7×10–2 and 1.5×10–2 GPa–1, respectively. The volume dependence of L is found to be similar to that found for other simple metals. Data are also given for the Seebeck coefficient S as a function of P and for a(T) and (T) between 55 and 300 K.  相似文献   

This paper presents new absolute measurements of the thermal conductivity and of the thermal diffusivity of gaseous argon obtained with a transient hot-wire instrument. We measured seven isotherms in the supercritical dense gas at temperatures between 157 and 324 K with pressures up to 70 MPa and densities up to 32 mol · L–1 and five isotherms in the vapor at temperatures between 103 and 142 K with pressures up to the saturation vapor pressure. The instrument is capable of measuring the thermal conductivity with an accuracy better than 1% and thermal diffusivity with an accuracy better than 5%. Heat capacity results were determined from the simultaneously measured values of thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity and from the density calculated from measured values of pressure and temperature from an equation of state. The heat capacities presented in this paper, with a nominal accuracy of 5%, prove that heat capacity data can be obtained successfully with the transient hot wire technique over a wide range of fluid states. The technique will be invaluable when applied to fluids which lack specific heat data or an adequate equation of state.  相似文献   

The thermal conductivity of four gaseous fluorocarbon refrigerants has been measured by a vertical coaxial cylinder apparatus on a relative basis. The fluorocarbon refrigerants used and the ranges of temperature and pressure covered are as follows: R 12 (Dichlorodifluoromethane CCl2F2): 298.15–393.15 K, 0.1–4.28 MPa R 13 (Chlorotrifluoromethane CClF3): 283.15–373.15 K, 0.1–6.96 MPa R 22 (Chlorodifluoromethane CHClF2): 298.15–393.15 K, 0.1–5.76 MPa R 23 (Trifluoromethane CHF3): 283.15–373.15 K, 0.1–6.96 MPaThe apparatus was calibrated using Ar, N2, and CO2 as the standard gases. The uncertainty of the experimental data is estimated to be within 2%, except in the critical region. The behavior of the thermal conductivity for these fluorocarbons is quite similar; thermal conductivity increases with increasing pressure. The temperature coefficient of thermal conductivity at constant pressure, (/T) p , is positive at low pressures and becomes negative at high pressures. Therefore, the thermal conductivity isotherms of each refrigerant intersect each other in a specific range of pressure. A steep enhancement of thermal conductivity is observed near the critical point. The experimental results are statistically analyzed and the thermal conductivities are expressed as functions of temperature and pressure and of temperature and density.  相似文献   

An automated flow calorimeter has been developed for the measurement of heat capacity and latent enthalpies of fluids at elevated temperatures (300–700 K) and pressure (<30M Pa) with a design accuracy of 0.1%. The method of measurement is the traditional electrical power input flow calorimeter, utilizing a precision metering pump, which eliminates the need for flow-rate monitoring. The calorimeter cell uses a unique concentric coil design with passive metal radiation shields and active guard heaters to minimize heat leakage, eliminate the traditional constant-temperature bath, and facilitate easy component replacement. An additional feature of the instrument is a complete automation system, greatly simplifying operation of the apparatus. A novel multitasking software scheme allows a single microcomputer simultaneously to control all system temperatures, provide continuous monitoring and updates on system status, and log data. Preliminary results for liquid water mean heat capacities show the equipment to be performing satisfactorily, with data accuracies of better than ±0.3%. Minor equipment modifications and better thermometry are required to reduce systemic errors and to achieve the designed operational range.Paper presented at the Tenth Symposium on Thermophysical Properties, June 20–23, 1988, Gaithersburg, Maryland, U.S.A.  相似文献   

We describe briefly the experimental facilities developed for the measurement of thermal conductivity of solids in the temperature range 10K–300K. Different techniques have been used for the determination of thermal conductivity, depending on the relaxation time of the system under investigation. Measurements on stainless steel 304, using steady state and non-steady state methods are presented. Values of thermal conductivity obtained by both these methods agree to each other and are consistent with those reported earlier. Paper presented at the poster session of MRSI AGM VI, Kharagpur, 1995  相似文献   

The transitions to the glassy state in viscous crude oils have been investigated at high pressures by the transient hot-wire method, by differential scanning calorimetry, and by equation-of-state measurements. The range of pressures investigated was up to 1.2 GPa in the temperature interval 150–370 K. The glass transition in crude oils is a common phenomenon and occurs due to the viscosity increase on decreasing the temperature or increasing thepressure. The actual transition coordinates depend not only on physical properties but also on the characteristic experimental time.  相似文献   

Lowering the thermal conductivity of thermal barrier coatings used to protect blade and vane airfoils represents an important challenge for gas turbine designers and manufacturers. Dense zirconia‐based materials have been prepared by solid state reaction methods to determine their thermal properties up to 1000 °C. Partially stabilised zirconias having a thermal conductivity 40 % lower than the thermal conductivity of the most widely used system (ZrO2‐8wt.%Y2O3) have been obtained.  相似文献   

A coaxial cylinder method was used to measure the thermal conductivity of propane in the pressure range from 1 to about 70 MPa and in the temperature range from room temperature to 305°C. The behavior of the thermal conductivity in the critical region was carefully investigated.  相似文献   

A coaxial cylinder method was used to measure the thermal conductivity of ethane in the pressure range from 10 up to 280 bar and in the temperature range from 308 up to 365 K.  相似文献   

The thermal conductivity, λ of amorphous Teflon AF 1600 [poly(1,3-dioxole-4,5-difluoro-2,2-bis(trifluoromethyl)-co-tetrafluoroethylene)] has been measured at pressures up to 2 GPa in the temperature range 93–392 K. At 295 K and atmospheric pressure, we obtained λ=0.116, W·m−1·K−1. The bulk modulus was measured up to 1.0 GPa in the temperature range 150–296 K and the combined data yielded the following values ofg=(∂ln λ ∂lnp) r :2.8±0.2 at 296 K, 3.0±0.2 at 258 K, 3.0±0.2 at 236 K. 3.4±0.2 at 200 K. and 3.4±0.2 at 150 K.  相似文献   

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