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苏金河 《建筑》2013,(11):78
有一种社会共识已经悄悄地在凝聚,有一批有识之士正在轰响一个共同的声音:古建筑不能再拆了!民居和皇帝贵族的宫殿一样需要切实的保护,政绩和新型城镇化一定要对古旧建筑"另眼相看"!这是多么令人激动的声音啊,但愿它们能够被政府有关部门争分夺秒地变成现实。但是,还有一种建筑既令我们怦然心动、激情澎湃,又让我们暮然回首、遥想当年,那就是新中国前三十年也就是毛泽东时代给我们留下的各类红色建筑及其遗迹。它们也许没有民国以前  相似文献   

当国外的航空公司在想方设法地变着花样设计它们的舱位时,国内的机场也开始行动了。作为人们旅行的驿站,机场已经不仅仅只是飞机起落、乘客往来的场所。但是,既然棕榈航空公司的服务经理可以把自家花园的花儿带上飞机,维珍航空将双人床搬入商务舱中,  相似文献   

<正>我常喜欢靠窗坐坐。窗外的牡丹江是一幅流动的画。江的南岸不远,是我曾经的部队,让我引以为豪的中国空军的摇篮——东北老航校,现在是空军某部队和民航机场。眺望那个方向,总可以看见银色的雄鹰疾速冲向云层,那是我多么熟悉的飞翔啊。它们渐行渐远,却把我带回过去——14岁,刚刚小学毕业,我参军了,是战友中最小的。从这里起步,我随着部队走过了很多地方,却始终没有离开过飞机,飞机成为我生命的一部分,也改变了我的生活。  相似文献   

总部设在美国科罗拉多州的LIBERTYAerospace公司,最近完成了其最新型的双座复合材料飞机的设计工作。这种飞机的机身全部是使用复合材料制造的。这种飞机称作XL-2飞机,它的结构中有一半左右是采用复合材料制造的。所用的复合部件全部由SWT复合材料公司负责生产并将它们组装成飞机。复合材料机身为夹芯结构,采用Toray公司的碳纤维预浸料和Airex公司的蜂窝状发泡芯材制成。应用复合材料制造飞机的好处之一是可以减少飞机零部件的数量,因而可以加快飞机的生产速度。SWT复合材料公司预计,在开始生产的第一年,可以生产150架XL-2飞机,从第…  相似文献   

<正>大家好,很开心我们又见面了。之前,我们已经了解了很多千奇百怪的乐器,有的通过改良变得更加专业化,有的只是被当作生活娱乐使用。但大多数乐器都存于现今,我们可以用眼睛看到,用耳朵聆听,甚至还可以去学习演奏,这是多么幸运的一件事啊!其实还有很多乐器淹没在历史长河里,仅仅存在于一个时代,或被进化,或被淘汰,我们很难亲身去体会它们真正的样貌与音色,只能靠资料一点一点找寻它们存在过的印记。本期的奇妙乐器,就让我们  相似文献   

<正>机场里有一座控制塔,航空管制员在那里工作,他们的任务非常重要——不仅要安排跑道上的飞机,还要指挥在空中飞行的飞机。飞机会迷路吗?在天空中,飞机是不能到处乱飞的。它们必须按照一条我们看不到的固定航线飞行,这条航线叫"空中走廊"。  相似文献   

一个床,可以拥有多少种功能?一个房子,可以有多么小? H2O建筑事务所给了我们一个令人惊喜的答案。 这个方案的业主是一对年轻的夫妇,他们刚刚有了第二个孩子,想给自己的两个孩子相对独立的空间,但是16平方米的面积不允许每个孩子都有一个单独的房间。16平方米,如何去承载一个孩子所有可能的行为:攀爬,休息,读书,游戏,睡觉?  相似文献   

<正>引起人们微小的、瞬间的感叹!日常生活中有不计其数的、微小的感叹!但是我们还没有意识到它们!即使意识到了它们,我们也会下意识地转化思维,使其在脑海中转瞬即逝。但是,正是这些微小的、令人感叹的瞬间丰富了我们的生活,使我们的生活更加有趣。  相似文献   

<正>暑假,我和妈妈从上海浦东机场飞往内蒙古海拉尔旅游。这是我第一次坐飞机,心情很激动。到了机场,我一眼就看到了许多架飞机。它们有的在准备起飞,有的在徐徐降落,还有的一动不动地停在那儿,看起来威武无比。我一下子就找到了我们要乘坐的叫"吉祥号"的飞机。它并不大,机头圆圆的,机翼两边各有一个像箭头一样的红色钢片,机尾上画的是一条红色的中国龙,神气极了。快登机了,我既紧张又高兴。我对坐飞机的印象都是听那些坐过飞机的朋友描述出来的,现在终于可以亲  相似文献   

<正>不管我们的目标多么高远,都有拒绝多而差、快而废的工作模式的能力;不管我们的呼声多么弱小,都可以用力喊一声:去他的多快好省,我们只要问心无愧!偶尔经过京东的华南仓储中心,看到墙上写着"多快好省"几个大字。在这几个大字旁边,有许多穿着京东工作服的年轻人坐在那里吃西瓜、河粉。在这些人旁边有一条垃圾河,无水,里面全是白色的垃圾,成群的苍蝇在这里穿来绕去。  相似文献   

<正>Even though we have never been to the Arctic,we can know what polar bears look like.Even though we aren’t in Brazil,we can feel the heat of the 2016 Olympic Games.Why?We can see those things on TV.November 21 is World Television Day.It helps people in different countries understand each other better by exchanging their TV programmes.Television is a common form of media which has a great influence on our life.In many  相似文献   

This conference will cover many aspects of tunnel use and design. Experts from a broad range of disciplines will share with us their experiences and no doubt, at times their frustrations encountered in getting the job done. Most will focus only on their particular field. Some however will be responsible for the eventual overall outcome which is the ongoing life of the tunnel and its intended use. We each have our barrow to push, and in the case of emergency services it's the safety of the tunnel user and emergency service workers called in when things go wrong. In this paper I will attempt to explain where we are coming from and why. To this end the paper is not a technical one but intended more as a guide on the needs and processes. At the end of this conference I hope it will be clearer to all of us who we are designing tunnels for.  相似文献   

More than 30 years after the First International Indoor Climate Symposium, ten researchers from the USA, Slovakia, Sweden, and Denmark gathered to review the current status of indoor environmental research. We initiated our review with discussions during the 1-day meeting and followed that with parallel research and writing efforts culminating with internal review and revision cycles. In this paper, we present our choices for the most important research findings on indoor environmental quality from the past three decades followed by a discussion of the most important research questions in our field today. We then continue with a discussion on whether there are research areas for which we can 'close the book' and say that we already know what is needed. Finally, we discuss whether we can maintain our identity in the future or it is time to team up with new partners. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: In the early years of this field, the accumulated knowledge was small and it was possible for any researcher to acquire a complete understanding. To do so has become impossible today as what we know has grown to exceed the learning capacity of any person. These circumstances challenge us to work collectively to synthesize what we do know and to define clearly what remains to be learned. If we fail to do these things well, we risk repeating research without memory, an inefficiency that we cannot afford.  相似文献   

嵇斐  胡维平 《山西建筑》2007,33(12):16-17
通过纵观近年来环境艺术设计的现状,发现我国与国外环境设计的艺术水平相比还存在一定的问题和差距。指出只有社会各方面都重视设计环节,把从国外学习借鉴先进的东西与本土特色民族文化有机结合,才能尽快提高设计水平,使我国的设计和建筑真正跟上国际步伐。  相似文献   

<正>Eyes are very important for us.We can see many beautiful things with our eyes.Life will get dark without eyes.So we must protect our eyes.First,we shouldn’t read books or magazines for a long time.We can stop for a  相似文献   

我对城市满怀热情。城市是我们经济和文化发展的强大驱动力。当今社会,发展的唯一可持续形式是一种集居住、工作、休闲为一体的城市。它们都是用心设计的结果——结构紧凑,联系密切,并且对环境负责。在这里,穷人和富人可以并肩共存,没有人生活在贫民窟里。城市是人与人——无论朋友还是陌生人——聚集的最重要的场所,同时也是货物和思想交流的最重要的平台。公民、公民社会和公民责任的概念都是在城市中诞生的。在这里,任何有趣的事情都有可能发生。当灵活的空间中混合了不同的人与活动时,精心设计的建筑以及公共空间就能够促进社会共融,给使用者带来欢乐。  相似文献   

In this, the first project in the first-year design studio, we analyze a common household tool until we feel we know it intimately. Paradoxically, it becomes less familiar the longer we explore it. "Making strange" and the reciprocal relations between analysis and invention are our operating principles. The project culminates in drawings and constructions that faithfully describe the tool and stand as marvelous things in their own right.  相似文献   

上公厕很无奈吗?不,它可以是一种享受,我们要做的,就是提供这种享受的可能性。在家之外,同样有属于自己的私密空间,一间小小的“个室”,提供一切可能的关怀,无时不有,无处不在。  相似文献   

When once we resort to the arena of representation , we remove the weightiest and most obvious restrictions on imaginative flight. We are free at least to depict those things which architecture might do in certain circumstances—circumstances bounded only by the remotest confines of probability. Here is the sphere of the maker of architectural fantasies. He can explore a great margin of territory—nearly virgin territory—capable of yielding architectural treasure, unique and enthralling.  相似文献   

In this paper, we will be discussing how visualisations can facilitate participatory processes by way of conveying issues of public concern as ‘things’. In the line of Latour’s plea to ‘make things public’, visualisations can be purposefully designed to trigger and encourage public debates concerning a wide range of issues. For this, we explore how a visualisation can be both transparent (i.e. visualising the complex entanglement of backstories of an issue) and readable. Specifically, we clarify the aspect of designing a readable visualisation of ‘things’. First, drawing from different fields of literature (i.e. Information Visualisation, Science and Technology Studies and Human-Computer-Interaction) we will articulate three main aspects of readability: engaging people to interact with a visualisation of complex issues, supporting sense making and encouraging reflection. Then, based on three empirical case studies, we indicate different design considerations in terms of engaging people to interact with a visualisation: contextualising a visualisation (via its location or medium), staging interaction and allowing people to provide their own perspective on the issue displayed. As a conclusion we propose a scenario that allows the visualisation to gradually become more transparent in support of its readability.  相似文献   

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