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模态医学图像配准的精度不高、耗时较长且易受干扰。 首先搭建 Hessian 四维尺度空间,将加速稳健特征(SURF)框架拓展至三
配准精度,且提高配准稳定性;最后,采用数据一致性较好的 RIRE 公开数据集和合作附属医院提供的个性化临床实例数据开
展实验。 实验评估中,以手动配准作为金标准,公开库和临床实例图像的配准均值误差都不超过 3 mm,配准相似性超过
99. 1% ;抗扰实验中混入高斯噪声,均值误差仍不超过 3. 5 mm,相似性超过 98. 9% 。 实验结果表明,基于几何代数 SURF 的三维
配准方法的精度更高且稳定性更强,可为临床适用提供理论基础与诊疗预案。 相似文献
基于Fourier-Meliin算法的干涉图像配准 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
提出了采用Fourier-Mellin算法对大孔径静态干涉成像光谱仪的原始干涉图像进行配准的方法,用于校正由于推扫平台系统姿态不稳所造成的失真.采用Fourier-Mellin算法和相位相关算法求取干涉图像的旋转角度和缩放及平移参数,并通过多帧未校正的图像和校正后的图像分别拼接成大面积地域图像来验证算法.实验结果表明,通过人眼判断,可以实现对图像的配准,配准精度达到1Pixel,基本满足将LASIS原始干涉图校正为不失真图像的要求. 相似文献
提出了融合ECT测量信息和被测对象动态演化信息的新型图像重建模型;基于Tikhonov正则化方法,建立一个同时考虑了ECT测量信息、被测对象动态演化信息、时间与空间约束的新型图像重建目标泛涵,将图像重建问题转化为最优化问题;提出了集成分裂Bregman迭代法优势的新型算法求解该目标泛涵。数值仿真结果表明,所提出的图像重建算法其图像重建质量均优于OIOR算法、STR算法及PLI算法;同时由于所提出的图像重建算法同时考虑了测量数据和重建模型的不精确性,其抵抗测量噪声的能力得以提高。 相似文献
基于超分辨率重建的亚像素图像配准 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
针对低分辨率图像在配准过程中精度较低的问题,提出了一种基于超分辨率重建的亚像素图像配准方法。首先,对具有1至9像素位移的图像序列进行10倍降采样,获取具有0.1至0.9亚像素位移的图像序列。然后,根据图像的获取过程建立数学模型,以Bayes理论为基础,使用最大后验概率法(MAP)对亚像素位移低分辨率图像进行超分辨率重建,获取高分辨率图像。最后,使用具有亚像素配准精度的扩展相位相关法对图像进行配准。配准实验与噪声实验表明,所提方法的最大配准误差为0.03pixel,能实现对低分辨率图像的亚像素级配准,具有配准精度高、噪声抗干扰能力强等特点,可同时满足可见光图像与红外图像的高精度配准要求。 相似文献
将三维多级树集合分裂(3D SPIHT)算法用于高光谱图像的压缩。根据高光谱图像的特点进行波段分组以得到处理单元,对各组分别进行三维小波变换,去除谱间和谱内冗余;利用3D SPIHT算法对变换后小波系数进行编码,去除系数之间的冗余。采用整数小波和浮点小波分别进行无损和有损压缩仿真,AVIRIS和OMIS实验结果表明,在bit/pixel为1的条件下,平均PSNR比准三维方法分别高0.91 dB和1.38 dB,且算法具有嵌入式、可伸缩性等优点,但无损压缩的平均bit/pixel比基于预测的方法高0.308和0.159。3D SPIHT算法用于高光谱图像压缩可以获得较好的有损性能,但无损压缩性能逊于基于预测的方法。 相似文献
针对高压电气设备电晕放电故障点定位问题,对ICA图像融合算法、紫外检测技术和紫外成像系统等方面进行了研究。将ICA图像融合算法运用到高压设备电晕放电检测中,根据高压设备局部放电会发出紫外光的原理和紫外光波长在日盲200 nm~400 nm波段的特点,对高压设备局部放电区域采集紫外光图像和可见光图像进行图像融合,在融合图像中准确定位局放故障点。研究针对紫外图像和可见光图像灰度直方图差别大的特点,对传统Fast ICA算法进行优化,以优化后的权值对融合系数进行加权处理,建立融合规则使局放故障点表达更加清晰,并将算法运用于紫外成像系统。研究结果表明,改进后的Fast ICA算法对比于紫外成像仪的其他算法所得图像信息更加丰富、定位更加精准,融合图像可以有效地定位高压设备电晕放电故障点。 相似文献
依据光学信息论中的多维随机变量的联合熵、条件熵、平均互信息之间关系和互信息的链式法则,提出了面向挤出中聚合物形态的层析图像处理方法.它包括层析图像中的背景与分离、目标标度变换、亚像素插补的图像预处理和多模式目标特征图像的提取和测量.实验表明,通过该方法不仅能将目标形态从目标与背景之比为1∶9的层析图像中分辨出来,而且能提高目标图像的空间分辨率30%,解决了由于目标图像信息量小、对比度差而使得层析图像测量方法难以在工程中应用的问题. 相似文献
K.J. Batenburg S. Bals J. Sijbers C. Kübel P.A. Midgley J.C. Hernandez U. Kaiser E.R. Encina E.A. Coronado G. Van Tendeloo 《Ultramicroscopy》2009
The field of discrete tomography focuses on the reconstruction of samples that consist of only a few different materials. Ideally, a three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction of such a sample should contain only one grey level for each of the compositions in the sample. By exploiting this property in the reconstruction algorithm, either the quality of the reconstruction can be improved significantly, or the number of required projection images can be reduced. The discrete reconstruction typically contains fewer artifacts and does not have to be segmented, as it already contains one grey level for each composition. 相似文献
椭圆匹配法在空心涡轮叶片3D配准中的应用 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
在三维CT设备对空心涡轮叶片进行无损检测时会存在定位偏差问题 ,三维数字样品图像模型的配准是关键的一步。本文首先对CT切片图像提取轮廓点 ,然后借助转动惯量计算惯量椭圆并进一步对惯量椭圆匹配以获得所需的几何变换的参数 ,从而实现CT图像与理论模型之间的配准。仿真结果表明 :此方法用于空心涡轮叶片 3 D配准可取得满意效果 相似文献
Nonlinear image reconstruction using a GA-ECT technique in electrical capacitance tomography 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Bin Zhou Chuanlong Xu Daoye Yang Shimin Wang Xin Wu 《Flow Measurement and Instrumentation》2007,18(5-6):285-294
Electrical capacitance tomography (ECT) is a non-invasive measurement technique that estimates the dielectric permittivity distribution of an inhomogeneous object from the boundary potentials at floating electrodes or mutual capacitances. In this paper, a stochastic inverse technique based on genetic algorithm (GA-ECT) is developed, which is adapted to the two different methods, i.e. potential measurement and capacitance measurement. Numerical simulation results are presented to evaluate the inverse technique both for noise free and noisy data and the results show that quantitative image can be reconstructed not only with the low permittivity contrast but also with the high contrast. Furthermore, the influence of a priori knowledge to image reconstruction is discussed. 相似文献
Electron-holographic tomography (EHT), that is, the combination of off-axis electron holography with electron tomography, was successfully applied for the quantitative 3D mapping of electrostatic potentials at the nanoscale. Here we present the first software package (THOMAS) for semi-automated acquisition of holographic tilt series, a prerequisite for efficient data collection. Using THOMAS, the acquisition time for a holographic tilt series, consisting of object and reference holograms, is reduced by a factor of five on average, compared to the previous, completely manual approaches. Moreover, the existing software packages for retrieving amplitude and phase information from electron holograms have been extended, now including a one-step procedure for holographic tilt series reconstruction. Furthermore, a modified SIRT algorithm (WSIRT) was implemented for the quantitative 3D reconstruction of the electrostatic potential from the aligned phase tilt series. Finally, the application of EHT to a polystyrene latex sphere test-specimen and a pn-doped Ge ‘needle’-shaped specimen are presented, illustrating the quantitative character of EHT. For both specimens the mean inner potential (MIP) values were accurately determined from the reconstructed 3D potential. For the Ge specimen, additionally the ‘built-in’ voltage across the pn junction of 0.5 V was obtained. 相似文献
非接触采集是主流掌纹采集方式,但其低约束性可能会导致手掌摆放方式不定,与传感器距离不定,从而引起手掌变形,尤其是手掌平面和传感器平面不平行导致的局部变形问题,这将影响后续特征提取,降低识别率。针对此问题,考虑到人手本身是非刚体的特点,提出基于Demons非刚性配准算法的变形掌纹归一化校正模型,进一步增强变形图像与标准图像的相似性,弥补了传统刚性方法校正效果不佳的缺陷。首先使用改进的Demons非刚性配准算法进行变形掌纹的归一化校正,再使用测度指标进行效果评价,结果表明:在任取的图像序列内,与传统的基于归一化互信息(NMI)的刚性配准方法相比,NMI最高提升3.64%,相关系数(COEF)最高提升156.25%,均方误差(MSE)最高降低81.63%,各指标均优于基于NMI的刚性配准方法,验证了本文方法的有效性和优越性,为后续的特征提取和识别创造了有利条件。 相似文献
Automatic TEM image alignment by trifocal geometry 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Here we propose a novel method for automatic, markerless, feature‐based alignment of TEM images suitable for electron tomography. The proposed method, termed trifocal alignment, is more accurate than the previous markerless methods. The key components developed are: (1) a reliable multi‐resolution algorithm for matching feature points between images; (2) a robust, maximum‐likelihood‐based estimator for determining the geometry of three views – the trifocal constraint – required for validating the correctness of the matches; and (3) a robust, large‐scale optimization framework to compute the alignment parameters from hundreds of thousands of feature point measurements from a few hundred images. The ability to utilize such a large number of measurements successfully compensates for point localization errors. The method was experimentally confirmed with electron tomography tilt series of biological and material sciences samples, consisting of from 40 to 150 images. The results show that, with this feature‐based alignment approach, a level of accuracy comparable with fiducial marker alignment can be achieved. 相似文献
Electrical capacitance tomography (ECT) is a relatively mature non-invasive imaging technique that attempts to map dielectric permittivity of materials. Recently, 3D ECT has gained interest because of its potential to generate volumetric images. The study of a fast and accurate image reconstruction algorithm is a challenge task, especially for 3D reconstruction. In this paper, we propose an improved Landweber iteration algorithm. We incorporate an additional acceleration term into the cost function and apply an adaptive threshold operation to the image obtained in each iteration for reducing artefacts. The algorithm proposed is tested by the noise-free and noise-contaminated capacitance data. Sensitivity matrixes and capacitance data of a 3D ECT sensor are obtained by using the finite element (FE) method. Extensive simulations in 3D reconstruction are carried out. The results verify the effectiveness of these improvements. Both the reconstruction time and the artefacts in the reconstructed image are reduced obviously. The experimental results of 3D reconstruction of objects in the shape of letters U and L confirm the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm further. 相似文献
Electrical capacitance tomography (ECT) is considered as a promising visualization measurement technique, in which reconstructing high-quality images is crucial for real applications. In this paper, a robust dynamic reconstruction model, which incorporates the ECT measurement information and the dynamic evolution information of a dynamic object, is presented. Under the considerations of the low rank property of an ECT image and the inaccuracies on the sensitivity matrix, the reconstruction model and the measurement data, an objective functional that fuses the ECT measurement information, the dynamic evolution information of a dynamic object, the spatial constraint, the temporal constraint and the low rank constraint is proposed. An iteration scheme that integrates the advantages of the fast composite splitting (FCS) algorithm is developed for solving the proposed objective functional. Numerical simulations are implemented to validate the feasibility of the proposed algorithm. 相似文献
Thurner P Müller R Raeber G Sennhauser U Hubbell JA 《Microscopy research and technique》2005,66(6):289-298
Current issues in both tissue engineering and cell biology deal with cell behavior extensively in 3D. Here, we explore synchrotron radiation micro-computed tomography as a tool for morphological characterization of such 3D cellular constructs, providing micrometer resolution in soft and hard tissues. Novel image processing techniques allowed quantification of local and global cell distributions, cell density, adhesive cell culture surface, and scaffold geometry. For proof of concept, we applied this technique to characterize the morphology of two cell cultures of different phenotypes, namely human dermal fibroblasts and mouse calvarial osteoblast-like cells, both seeded on a polymer multifilament yarn. From 3D visualizations in these case studies, we saw that the fibroblasts spanned between the yarn filaments and in this way encapsulated the yarn, whereas the osteoblast-like cells lined the filament surfaces and did not span between them. Differences found in cell distribution as a function of distance to the median yarn axis and the closest filament surface, respectively, quantified these qualitative impressions gained from 3D visualizations. Moreover, the volume-normalized adhesive surface differed by one order of magnitude between the two phenotypes. Our approach allows quantitative correlation of local scaffold geometry and cell morphology. It can be used to investigate the influence of cell phenotype as well as various biochemical agents on tissue engineering constructs and the behavior of cells in culture. 相似文献