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Low-frequency (510 MHz) paramagnetic resonance studies of all available undoped LiNbO3 crystals revealed Fe contamination of the order of 10 to 100 ppm. By using care during crystal growth, the amount of this impurity can be substantially reduced, and crystals with reduced susceptibility to laser damage are produced.  相似文献   

DTA can successfully measure Tc and hence the lithium oxide content for samples over most of the single-phase range of LiNbO3. Above 7sim;1190°C, however, the enthalpy associated with the decomposition and melting of the near stoichiometric material masks the weak thermal change associated with Tc . Fortunately, dilatometry can be also used to detect Tc . The values of Tc determined by these thermoanalytical techniques are 1130° and 1198°C for the congruent and stoichiometric compositions, respectively. Careful dilatometric measurement of the thermal expansion in the temperature range from 350 to 1300 K indicates that, while the a axis expands continuously, the c axis passes through a maximum at 640°C for the congruent material and 700°C for the stoichiometric material. Thermal expansion for the stoichiometric compared to the congruent composition is slightly greater along the c axis and somewhat smaller along the a axis. These expansions compensate to make the volume expansion of the two materials virtually identical.  相似文献   

Raman spectroscopy of powders is shown to be a sensitive technique for detecting stoichiometry variations. The method makes use of the broadening of the Raman-active modes which occurs when the translational symmetry of the lattice is reduced on deviation from simple, fixed cation ratios in the structure. Application of the technique to the LiNbO3( ss ) system shows that the room-temperature solid-solution range does not exceed 50±0.5 mol% Nb2O5 and that congruent LiNbO3( ss ) at 51.4 mol% Nb2O5 is thermodynamically unstable below ≅800°C. Similarly, application of the Raman method to the LiTaO3( ss ) system indicates that congruent LiTaO3( ss ) at 51.0 mol% Ta2O5 is unstable at temperatures <1000°C.  相似文献   

Lead-free potassium sodium niobate-based piezoelectric ceramics (1− y )(Na0.5−0.5 x K0.5−0.5 x Li x )NbO3− y BiScO3 (  y =0.01, x= 0–0.06) have been prepared by an ordinary sintering process. The XRD analysis showed that the structure changes from orthorhombic to tetragonal with the increase of x (at y =0.01, abbreviated as KNNBSL100 x ). At room temperature, the polymorphic phase transition from the orthorhombic to the tetragonal phase was identified at approximately 0.02≤ x ≤0.04. The piezoelectric and ferroelectric properties were significantly enhanced. The temperature dependences of the relative permittivity revealed that the Curie temperature was increased with the addition of LiNbO3. These solid solution ceramics are promising as potential lead-free candidate materials.  相似文献   

The phase boundary between CrO2 and Cr2O3 was reinvestigated under high O2 pressures by using a new type of gas compressor. The boundary curve can be represented as log Po2= 7.16-(3579/ T ). Using the observed data, Δ G °, Δ H °, and Δ S ° for the reaction 2CrO2⇋Cr2O3+½O2 were calculated to be: Δ G °= -(1.55/100) T +7.60 kcal/mol, Δ H °= -8.19 kcal/mol, and Δ S °= (-15.8/ T )+0.0155 kcal/mol.  相似文献   

Selective nucleation of LiNbO3 nanocrystals on the steps was observed during the initial stage of LiNbO3 film growth in an α-Al2O3 (0001) substrate with a multiatomic step structure. In addition, stress stored in the nanocrystals as a result of the different thermal expansion coefficients of the film and the substrate caused band-gap widening. As the size of the nanocrystals decreased, the band gap shifted to a higher energy.  相似文献   

Morphotropic Phase Boundary in the Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3O3)-BaTiO3-PbTiO3 System   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) in the relaxor ferroelectric system Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3O3)-BaTiO3-PbTiO3 (PZN-BT-PT) with 15 mol% BT was investigated through dielectric permittivity and high-temperature X-ray diffraction measurements. It was revealed that MPB is a broad composition region extending from 12 to 18 mol% PT, within which the temperatures of the permittivity maximum are close to the ending temperatures for the phase transformation from coexisting rhombohedral and tetragonal phases to cubic phase on heating. When the specimen is cooled, the starting temperatures for the rhombohedral-to-tetragonal phase transition increase with increasing PT content. The large thermal hysteresis observed by X-ray diffraction is caused by the phase transformation between rhombohedral and tetragonal phases. On cooling, the MPB curves toward the PT-rich side, so that ceramics within this composition range undergoe successive phase transitions from cubic to rhombohedral and from rhombohedral to tetragonal phase. The diffuseness of the paraelectric-to-ferroelectric phase transition is remarkably decreased by the addition of PT. The enhanced dielectric permittivity peak values for the MPB compositions are correlated with the reduced lattice distortion and phase coexistence.  相似文献   

Investigations have been performed on the La-modified (1 - x )Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3—( x )PbTiO3 crystalline solution for compositions close to the morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) using energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDS). Studies were performed on specimens with La contents between 0 and 10 at.% for x = 0.35 which were fabricated by keeping the average Mg/Nb/Ti ratio in the bulk ceramic unchanged. In this series of samples, La3 was compensated for by introducing B-site vacancies. Quantitative analysis by EDS revealed a change in the B-site cation concentrations with La substitution. It was observed that the Nb concentration decreases and the Ti concentration increases with increasing La content, indicating that local charge compensation in the perovskite phase is taking place by an adjustment in B-site cation concentrations. Phase analysis demonstrated the presence of a second phase for La contents above 2 at.%. Scanning electron microscopy then revealed the presence of a secondary pyrochlore phase with an octahedral-like morphology. The composition of the pyrochlore phase was found to be rich in Nb and poor in Ti. The effects of changes in composition on dielectric properties, polarization, and electrically induced strain were then investigated.  相似文献   

Two processes for the crystallization of titanium-doped LiNbO3 (LNT) gel thin films were investigated in the present study. LNT gel thin films were prepared on platinized glass and platinized sapphire substrates, as the application of a platinum intermediate layer greatly affected the orientation of LNT films on these substrates. X-ray pole figures revealed the well-oriented growth for LiNbO3 both on the platinum (111)/sapphire C substrate and bare sapphire C. Another approach to crystallizing LNT gel film was attempted by developing a new technique to fabricate a LiNbO3 waveguide on the sapphire substrate using a Nd:YAG laser beam. The crystallization of LNT was achieved successfully with no cracking or peeling. The prepared crystalline LNT films also were characterized by Raman microspectroscopy. S. E. Trolier-McKinstry—contributing editor  相似文献   

A method based on the use of four piezoelectric resonances for three sample geometries that allows obtaining the full set of linear electric, mechanical, and electromechanical coefficients, and all related losses of a piezoelectric ceramic has been applied to Mn-doped 0.655Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3–0.345PbTiO3 at the morphotropic phase boundary (MPB PMN–PT). Length-poled MPB PMN–PT ceramic plates presented piezoelectric shear double resonances associated with a thickness gradient of tetragonal and rhombohedral (or monoclinic) phases that originated during poling. The versatility of the method still allowed addressing these double resonances and obtaining all the linear coefficients and losses of the well-poled material. These are given for MPB PMN–PT and compared with those of a Navy type II Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 (PZT) ceramic. MPB PMN–PT presents piezoelectric coefficients as high as soft PZT but significantly lower losses, and so less overheating and hysteresis under high driving fields. Its thermal stability has been studied up to 100°C, and the temperature dependence of a number of linear coefficients and of the thickness and planar coupling factors and frequency constants of disks has been obtained. The latter thickness parameters hardly changed with temperature, while planar ones showed a relative variation of 10%.  相似文献   

The defect model of Abrahams and Marsh is expanded to consider the addition of TiO2 and other oxides to form solid solutions with both the stoichiometric and congruent compositions of LiNbO3. It is shown that the Curie temperature (Tc) and the limits of solubility are determined by the cation vacancy content regardless of whether these are formed by Li deficiency or the addition or substitution of aliovalent ions. X-ray powder diffraction patterns indicate that the a-axis parameter decreases markedly with additions of TiO2 while the c-axis parameter remains essentially unchanged. These results are compared with prior investigations, and the technological implications of this work to lightguide devices are described.  相似文献   

The feasibility of preparing locally Er-doped near-stoichiometric (NS) LiNbO3 crystals for integrated optics applications is demonstrated by a two-step process with standard diffusion (1130°C/154 h) of Er metal followed by vapor transport equilibration (VTE) treatment under three different conditions of 1135°C/22 h, 1115°C/50 h, and 1125°C/60 h. Detailed studies on the crystalline phase, Li composition, diffused surface roughness, and emission characteristics of Er3+ ions indicate that there is an upper limit on the initial Er metal film thickness: ∼20 nm for an X -cut crystal and ∼30 nm for a Z -cut crystal. When the initial Er film thickness is below this limit, the post-VTE does not induce formation of ErNbO4 precipitate and the diffused surface retains high quality with a root mean square roughness <3 nm. Depending on the VTE condition adopted, the VTE results in the increase of ([Li]+[Er])/[Nb] ratio in the diffused layer from congruent point (94.5%) to 97.4%–99.4%. Secondary ion mass spectrometry study shows that the post-VTE does not affect the Gauss nature of the Er profile, but leads to the increase of diffusion depth by as much as 1.6 μm. In comparison with the standard Er diffusion, the post-VTE results in the decrease of Er diffusivity by three to nine times. The higher the VTE temperature is, the lower the Er diffusivity is. In addition, the post-VTE also results in definite reduction of OH content in crystal, slight lengthening of lifetime and slight narrowing of linewidth of Er3+ emission at 1530 nm.  相似文献   

A phase diagram of temperature versus strain was constructed for a (001)-oriented PbZr1− x Ti x O3 epitaxial single crystal thin film near the bulk morphotropic boundary composition ( x =0.47) on an (001)-oriented cubic substrate. The phase-field approach is employed. It is shown that a mixture of distorted rhombohedral, orthorhombic, and tetragonal phases exists under small values of strain, i.e., close to the in-plane clamped boundary condition. This result contradicts thermodynamic calculations assuming a single-domain state that predicted a single distorted rhombohedral phase under similar strains. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that under a large tensile strain current phase-field simulations showed a tetragonal phase with a 1 /a 2 twin structures as the stable state whereas thermodynamic calculations predicted an orthorhombic phase.  相似文献   

Morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) compositions separating rhombohedral and tetragonal phases in the (1− x − y )Pb(Mg1/3Ta2/3)O3– y PbZrO3– x PbTiO3 (PMT–PZ–PT100 x ) ternary solid solution system were characterized using X-ray diffraction and dielectric, piezoelectric properties. This work focused on compositions with a PZ content fixed at y =0.2, with an MPB composition found to be located at x =0.4. Piezoelectric coefficients and dielectric permittivity were found to be on the order of d 33=580 pC/N and 4100, respectively. Acceptor modification using manganese was found to induce a "hardening" effect in 0.4PMT–0.2PZ–0.4PT, with decreased piezoelectric coefficients d 33 and dielectric loss and increased mechanical quality factor Q . Piezoelectric coefficients d 33, Q values, and dielectric loss were found to be 500 pC/N, 2000, and 0.4%, respectively, for 0.4PMT–0.2PZ–0.4PT with MnO2 dopant levels around 0.5 wt%. The figure of merit (product of Q and d 33) was found to be on the order of 1 × 106, significantly higher when compared with other hard piezoelectric PZT materials. Specifically, the PMT–PZ–PT materials may be attractive candidates for high-power ultrasonic applications, particularly fine-scale components that require relating high permittivities.  相似文献   

It has often been suggested that the higher frequency dispersion ( f ∼107∼108 Hz) evident in the dielectric response of high-permittivity ferroelectric ceramics might be associated with piezoelectrically driven resonant mechanical motion of individual grains. The hypothesis certainly appears reasonable, but so far no direct verification appears to have been attempted. Our discovery that the individual crystallite resonances are well preserved in poled LiNbO3 bicrystals suggested that we explore the dispersion of LiNbO3 ceramics. In both conventionally sintered and uniaxially hot-pressed ceramics, the dielectric dispersion around 108 Hz has obvious resonant character. Using a modified ECAP computer program demonstrated that both the real and imaginary components of the impedance can be quantitatively described using the equivalent circuit models for the coupled individual grain resonances.  相似文献   

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