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文化餐饮 创新发展——记第10届中关村国际美食节   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林桦 《中国食品》2012,(11):94-95
2012年4月27日,由北京市商务委员会支持、海淀区人民政府主办、海淀区商务委员会和海淀饮服行业协会共同承办的第10届中关村国际美食节在金源新燕莎MALL盛装开幕。第10届中关村国际美食节以"文化餐饮·创新发展"为主题,4月27日的盛大开幕活动有:主题文化宴席展、味动  相似文献   

枫叶 《中国食品》2006,(22):6-56,F0003
肖文亮,1973年生于湖南省衡阳市,国家高级烹调技师,中国湖南美食协会会员。他1985年开始在湖南衡阳几大名餐馆学徒,1989年至1995年期间分别在衡阳万福大酒楼、衡阳泰都大酒楼、红鑫火锅城等地方出任厨师长,1999年至今在北京菜香根酒楼担任行政总厨。  相似文献   

徽菜发展的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
21世纪,我国餐饮业发展面临着新的机遇和挑战,在今后相当长的一个时期内,我国餐饮业将呈现如下五个发展趋势:一是激烈的竞争局面仍将保持在酒店林立,餐饮市场发展日新月异、同行竞争日益激烈的市场环境中,市场的调节继续通过市场竞争将对现有的餐饮网点进行优胜劣汰.  相似文献   

谈起杭州科雷机电工业有限公司(以下简称“科雷”),我就由衷地产生一种民族自豪感,估计大部分国人都会对民族品牌的发展有~种独特的情感。从事印刷行业这么多年来.无论在印前、印刷、印后等各环节,我感触最深的是走在市场前列的供应商基本上是外资品牌占主导。的确,在技术创新和市场占有率来讲,民族品牌与高端的外资品牌还存在一定的差距,但是我们要敢于面对现实,追求具有中国特色的个性发展之路,这才能使我们今后在市场上独领风骚,而科雷公司就做到了这一点。可以说,目前科雷公司在某些方面已经可以和高端外资品牌相抗衡,并且已经摸索总结出了一套适合中国国情的设备发展之路。  相似文献   

川菜调味品的开发与利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尹敏 《中国调味品》2002,(10):36-38,42
在当前餐饮市场及家庭饮食市场中,川菜巳成为人们饮食消费的亮点,川菜所需调味品也随时代的发展而推阵出新。本文就川菜调味品的现状及未来开发进行分析,为调味品生产企业提出建议,共同繁荣川菜调味品市场。  相似文献   

湖南烟区斜纹夜蛾(Spodoptera litura)的发生规律及预测方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以郴州、宁远等县连续多年田间调查资料为基础,结合当地气象数据,分析了湖南省斜纹夜蛾的发生规律。结果表明,根据有效积温斜纹夜蛾在湖南每年发生4.0~4.5代,理论代数与实际代数相符;湖南斜纹夜蛾每年初始虫源全部为外地虫源;按虫源性质,全年可分为4个不同的发生时段;3月的诱蛾量与4—6月诱蛾量有显著的相关性,预测模型为y=233.54+112.44x4(r=0.815*,n=8);1月平均温度与4—6月诱蛾量也有明显的相关性(达90%可信度),预测模型为y1410350X3(r=0.595,n=9);同步迁飞昆虫小地老虎主迁入期(2—4月)的性诱蛾量与斜纹夜蛾主迁入期(4—6月)也具相关性,均可供发生趋势预测参考。斜纹夜蛾的百株虫量与为害率呈显著相关性。  相似文献   

论中式菜肴专用复合调味品的研究与开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论述了调味品在饮食中的作用。通过对中式莱肴厦其专用复合调味品现状的分析,得出中式莱肴专用复合调味品存在品种单一、品质不稳、档次不高、代表品牌不突出和时代感不强等问题。认为其研究开发应注意结合市场。开发具有特殊功用性和新的功能性调味品,应用食品添加荆改进调味品风味。  相似文献   

Chang  Hye-ja  Lee  Ji-hye  Han  Bo-ra  Kwak  Tong-kyung  Kim  Jun 《Food science and biotechnology》2011,20(5):1351-1359
This study aimed to identify the exposure pathway for fried rice dishes and evaluate its microbiological quality from Chinese-style restaurants. Exposure pathway for fried rice was assessed in terms of time, temperature, and serving size by phases from preparation to consumer consumption. The microbiological quality of 32 samples was evaluated for the levels of Bacillus cereus, aerobic mesophilic plate count (APC), and coliforms. One serving size of fried rice dishes was 352.2 g. The final temperature of fried rice dishes at the consumption point was 66.1°C for cook-toorder restaurants, and 59.8°C for reheat-to-cook type restaurants. The prevalence of B. cereus detected in cooked rice at consumption point was 37.5%. Production types, final temperature at cooking, and consumption phases were associated with contamination level of B. cereus (p<0.05). Therefore, for the prevention of B. cereus outbreaks from fried rice dishes, cook-to-order type of production, and rapid consumption after cooking were recommended.  相似文献   

A study was carried out of the leaching of aluminium from aluminium cooking vessels and packages. Very small or undetectable levels of aluminium leached from packaging materials into foodstuffs. In boiling tests with neutral porridge no migration of aluminium into the test matrix was observed from the pan. When boiling milk, the leaching of aluminium was 0.2-0.8 mg/kg. The aluminium content of tap water in aluminium pans when reaching boiling point was 0.54-4.3 mg/l and increased with increasing boiling time to 6.3-17 mg/l. Aluminium dissolved in foods based on acidic fruit juice rose to levels of 2.9-35 mg/kg when the foods were boiled in aluminium pans. Steaming of currant berries in an aluminium vessel gave aluminium concentrations of 19-77 mg/kg in the resulting juice. The highest aluminium concentration of 170 mg/kg was measured in rhubarb juice prepared in the steaming vessel. Aluminium dissolved in water to levels of 0.81-1.4 mg/l when heated for the first time in new coffee percolators. The aluminium concentration of water heated in older percolators was 0.09-0.78 mg/l.  相似文献   

Sterilization is one of the most effective food preservation methods. Conventional thermal sterilization commonly used in food industry usually causes the deterioration of food quality. Flavor, aroma, and texture, among other attributes, are significantly affected by thermal sterilization. However, demands of consumers for nutritious and safe dishes with a minimum change in their original textural and sensory properties are growing rapidly. In order to meet these demands, new approaches have been explored in the last few years to extend the shelf-life of dishes. This review discusses advantages and disadvantages of currently available physical sterilization technologies, including irradiation (eg. Gamma rays, X-rays, e-beams), microwave and radio frequency when used in prepared dishes. The preservation effect of these technologies on prepared dishes are normally evaluated by microbiological and sensory analyses.  相似文献   

The protein quality of Indian dishes prepared from whole wheat and refined wheat flour were measured in N-balance experiments with growing rats. All samples were also analysed for amino acids. The levels of lysine, methionine, cystine and tryptophan were slightly reduced by processing. As a result, with the exception of a dish prepared by deep fat frying, the net protein utilisation of the dishes were approximately 5% lower than those of the corresponding unprocessed samples. True digestibility, however, was in general only slightly influenced by the processing.  相似文献   

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