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A generalized comprehensive model was developed to simulate a wide variety of fluidized-bed catalytic reactors. The model characterizes multiple phases and regions (low-density phase, high-density phase, staged membranes, freeboard region) and allows for a seamless introduction of features and/or simplifications depending on the system of interest. The model is implemented here for a fluidized-bed membrane reactor generating hydrogen. A concomitant experimental program was performed to collect detailed experimental data in a pilot scale prototype reactor operated under steam methane reforming (SMR) and auto-thermal reforming (ATR) conditions, without and with membranes of different areas under diverse operating conditions. The results of this program were published in Mahecha-Botero et al. [2008a. Pure hydrogen generation in a fluidized bed membrane reactor: experimental findings. Chem. Eng. Sci. 63(10), pp. 2752-2762]. The reactor model is tested in this second paper of the series by comparing its simulation predictions against axially distributed concentration in the pilot reactor. This leads to a better understanding of phenomena along the reactor including: mass transfer, distributed selective removal of species, interphase cross-flow, flow regime variations, changes in volumetric flow, feed distribution, and fluidization hydrodynamics. The model does not use any adjustable parameters giving reasonably good predictions for the system of study.  相似文献   

Steam methane reforming with oxygen input is simulated in staged‐separation membrane reactors. The configuration retains the advantage of regular membrane reactors for achieving super‐equilibrium conversion, but reaction and membrane separation are carried out in two separate units. Equilibrium is assumed in the models given the excess of catalyst. The optimal pure hydrogen yield is obtained with 55% of the total membrane area allocated to the first of two modules. The performance of the process with pure oxygen input is only marginally better than with air. Oxygen must be added in split mode to reach autothermal operation for both reformer modules, and the oxygen input to each module depends on the process conditions. The effects of temperature, steam‐to‐carbon ratio and pressure of the reformer and the area of the membrane modules are investigated for various conditions. Compared with a traditional reformer with an ex situ membrane purifier downstream, the staged reactor is capable of much better pure hydrogen yield for the same autothermal reforming operating conditions.  相似文献   

Low temperature steam reforming of methane mainly to hydrogen and carbon dioxide (CH4 + 2H2O → 4H2 + CO2) has been performed at 773 and 823 K over a commercial nickel catalyst in an equilibrium-shift reactor with an 11-μm thick palladium membrane (Mem-L) on a stainless steel porous metal filter. The methane conversion with the reactor is significantly higher than its equilibrium value without membrane due to the equilibrium-shift combined with separation of pure hydrogen through the membrane. The methane conversion in a reactor with an 8-μm membrane (Mem-H) is similar to that with Mem-L, although the hydrogen permeance through Mem-H is almost double of that through Mem-L. The amount of hydrogen separated in the reaction with Mem-H is significantly large, showing that the hydrogen separation overwhelms the hydrogen production because of the insufficient catalytic activity.  相似文献   

A mathematical model of a membrane reactor used for methane steam reforming was developed to simulate and compare the maximum yields and operating conditions in the reactor with that in a conventional fixed bed reactor. Results show that the membrane reactor resents higher methane conversion yield and can be operated under milder conditions than the fixed bed reactor, and that membrane thickness is the most important construction parameter for membrane reactor success. Control of the H2:CO ratio is possible in the membrane reactor making this technology more suitable for production of syngas to be used in gas-to-liquid processes (GTL).  相似文献   

钯膜与水蒸汽重整反应器集成使反应与分离一体化,在降低装置投资成本和节能降耗方面具有明显优势和发展前景,受到研究者的青睐。综述了固定床和流化床钯膜反应器规模验证方面的研究进展,并指出钯膜反应器制氢工业化进程中可能会遇到的问题和需要解决的问题。  相似文献   

Thermal effects on methane steam reforming process were analyzed, in a Pd-Ag (23wt%) membrane reactor as a function of several parameters, such as temperature, reactant and sweep-gas flow rate, and reactant molar ratio. Heat transfer from the oven was very important for the outlet methane conversion, which also depends on the temperature profile along the reactor. In particular, when the reactant flow rate was high the conversion degree decreased because the energy supplied was not sufficient to maintain the temperature in the reactor. A non-isothermal mathematical model was presented which reproduced the experimental data.  相似文献   

In this work, a fluidized-bed membrane dual-type reactor was evaluated for CO2 removal in methanol synthesis process. The feed synthesis gas is preheated in the tubes of the gas-cooled reactor and flowing in a counter-current mode with reacting gas mixture in the shell side. Due to the hydrogen partial pressure driving force, hydrogen can penetrate from feed synthesis gas into the reaction side through the membrane. The outlet synthesis gas from this reactor is fed to tubes of the water-cooled packed-bed reactor and the chemical reaction is initiated by the catalyst. The methanol-containing gas leaving this reactor is directed into the shell of the gas-cooled reactor and the reactions are completed in this fluidized-bed side. A two-phase dynamic model in bubbling regime of fluidization was developed in the presence of long-term catalyst deactivation. This model is used to compare the removal of CO2 in a FBMDMR with a conventional dual-type methanol synthesis reactor (CDMR) and a membrane dual-type methanol synthesis reactor (MDMR). The simulation results show a considerable enhancement in the CO2 conversion due to have a favourable profile of temperature and activity along the fluidized-bed membrane dual-type reactor relative to membrane and conventional dual-type reactor systems.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on an experimental study of the methanol steam reforming (MSR) reaction. A dense Pd/Ag membrane reactor (MR) has been used, and its behaviour has been compared to the performance of a traditional reactor (TR) packed with the same catalyst type and amount. The parameters investigated are reaction time, temperature, feed ratio and sweep gas flow rate. The few papers dealing with MR applications for the MSR reaction mainly analyse the effect of temperature and pressure on the reaction system. The investigation of new parameters permitted to better understand how the fluid-dynamics of the MR influences the hydrogen separation effect on methanol conversion and product selectivity. The comparison between MR and TR in terms of methanol conversion shows that the MR gives a higher performance than the TR at each operating condition investigated. Concerning hydrogen production, the experiments have shown that the overall selectivity towards hydrogen is identical for both MR and TR. However, the MR produces a free-CO hydrogen stream, which could be useful for direct application in proton exchange membrane fuel cells. A comparison, in terms of methanol conversion versus temperature, with literature data is also included.  相似文献   

Methane steam reforming is the most common industrial process used for almost the 50% of the world’s hydrogen production. Commonly, this reaction is performed in fixed bed reactors and several stages are needed for separating hydrogen with the desired purity. The membrane reactors represent a valid alternative to the fixed bed reactors, by combining the reforming reaction for producing hydrogen and its separation in only one stage. This article deals with the recent progress on methane steam reforming reaction, giving a short overview on catalysts utilization as well as on the fundamentals of membrane reactors, also summarizing the relevant advancements in this field.  相似文献   

Oxidative coupling of methane over a La2O3/CaO catalyst was investigated in laboratory-scale fluidized-bed reactors (ID = 5 and 7 cm) in the following range of reaction conditions: T = 700 – 880°C, P = 41 – 72 kPa and P = 6 – 29 kPa. The maximum C2+ selectivity and yield amounted to 73.8% (T = 800°C, X = 13.1%, Y = 9.7%) and 16.0% (T = 840°C, X = 34.0%, S = 47.2%), respectively. Axial gas concentration profiles revealed that C2+ selectivity was not only influenced by oxidative consecutive reactions, but also by steam reforming of ethylene. When diluting the catalytic bed (mcat = 145 g) with quartz (m = 200 and 400 g), a slight decrease of the selectivity (1–2%) was observed. The dilution of the feed gas with nitrogen only led to only a small increase (< 2%) of the C2+ selectivity.  相似文献   

In the present investigation a realistic two-phase model accounting for the change in the total number of moles accompanying the reaction is utilized to explore a novel reactor configuration suggested for the methane steam reforming process. The suggested design is basically a fluidized bed reactor equipped with a bundle of membrane tubes. These tubes remove the main product, hydrogen, from the reacting gas mixture and drive the reaction beyond its thermodynamic equilibrium. The proposed novel design is also equipped with sodium heat pipes which act as a thermal flux transformer to provide the large amount of heat needed by the endothermic reaction through a relatively small heat transfer surface, assuring better reactor compactness. Two options for fluid routing through the membrane tubes are proposed; each is suitable for a certain industrial application. The performance of this novel configuration is compared with that of an industrial fixed bed steam reformer and the comparison shows the potential advantages of the suggested configuration.  相似文献   

A mesoporous membrane for selective separation of hydrogen was prepared usingthe sol-gel method. Some metal salts such as RuCl3, Pd(NH3)4Cl2, RhCl3,, and H 2PtCl6, were added to the boehmite sol and coated on a porous alumina substrate before firing at 500°C. It was foundthat the permeability of hydrogen and the separation factor for a hydrogen-nitrogen gaseous mixture of these metaldispersed membranes exceeded the limitations of the Knudsen diffusion mechanism. Although the gas permeation through a neat alumina membrane is governed by the Knudsen diffusion, the metals dispersed in alumina membranes were effective in promoting hydrogen permeation. These metaldispersed alumina membranes were also used in a membrane reactor for methane steam reforming at low temperature. In the temperature range of 300 to 500°C, the membrane reactor attained a methane conversion twice as high as the equilibrium value of the packed bed catalytic reactor system as a result of the selective removal of hydrogen from the reaction system.  相似文献   

In this paper, we presented an integrated production and purification process of hydrogen by the use of a defect-free palladium membrane. Hydrogen could be purified from a variety of mixtures providing the purity of 3–7 N depending on the feeding stream. The permeation parameters are accurately predicted by a separation model as established. The membrane is prepared by electroless plating and is stable among 300–400°C. Using an active catalyst, the rate of steam reforming of methanol was found to be significantly faster than that without a membrane module. In the steam reforming of methane, the reaction temperature was lowered to 500°C to achieve a conversion of 45%, which is 15% higher than the thermodynamic equilibrium conversion.  相似文献   

Unsteady-state operation of trickle-bed reactors (TBRs) is a promising technique to improve reactor performances especially when mass transfer phenomena are rate controlling. Among the different techniques, fast-mode modulation of the liquid flow rate seems to be one of the most successful. In fact cycling the liquid flow rate at very low frequencies can induce the reactor to work at the high-interaction regime where mass and heat transfer phenomena are strongly enhanced. Fast-mode periodic operation, then, can be considered an extension of the natural high-interaction regime at a mean range of gas and liquid flow rate normally associated with trickling regime in steady-state conditions.Experimental tests have been performed in a TBR employing α-methyl styrene hydrogenation on Pd/C catalyst in unsteady-state conditions by “on-off” fast-mode liquid modulation. Results have been compared with the steady-state experiments at the corresponding average liquid flow rate, revealing a conversion rate improvement up to 60%. All experiments have been performed in isothermal conditions, so conversion improvement can be ascribed only to mass transfer increase and not to thermal effects. The variation of gas and liquid flow rates and liquid cycle parameters presented several important implications about the optimal working conditions.  相似文献   

Methane has been selectively converted to synthesis gas using a two-zone fixed bed of a Ni/Al2O3 catalyst inside a modified ceramic membrane. The first zone of the reactor was surrounded by an impervious wall, and therefore behaved as a conventional fixed bed reactor. In the second zone, some of the reaction products could preferentially diffuse out of the reactor, which yielded higher than equilibrium methane conversions. The influence of the different operating conditions has been studied, and the performance of the membrane reactor has been compared to that of a fixed bed reactor. The membrane reactor has also been used at pressures above atmospheric (2 bar), with good conversions and selectivities.  相似文献   

An autothermal membrane reformer comprising two separated compartments, a methane oxidation catalytic bed and a methane steam reforming bed, which hosts hydrogen separation membranes, is optimized for hydrogen production by steam reforming of methane to power a polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) stack. Capitalizing on recent experimental demonstrations of hydrogen production in such a reactor, we develop here an appropriate model, validate it with experimental data and then use it for the hydrogen generation optimization in terms of the reformer efficiency and power output. The optimized reformer, with adequate hydrogen separation area, optimized exothermic‐to‐endothermic feed ratio and reduced heat losses, is shown to be capable to fuel kW‐range PEMFC stacks, with a methane‐to‐hydrogen conversion efficiency of up to 0.8. This is expected to provide an overall methane‐to‐electric power efficiency of a combined reformer‐fuel cell unit of ~0.5. Recycling of steam reforming effluent to the oxidation bed for combustion of unreacted and unseparated compounds is expected to provide an additional efficiency gain. © 2010 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 2011  相似文献   

A theoretical study of methane steam reforming coupled with methane catalytic combustion in a catalytic plate reactor (CPR) based on a two-dimensional model is presented. Plates with coated catalyst layers of order of micrometers at distances of order of millimetres offer a high degree of compactness and minimise heat and mass transport resistances. Choosing similar operating conditions in terms of inlet composition and temperature as in industrial reformer allows a direct comparison of CPRs with the latter. It is shown that short distance between heat source and heat sink increases the efficiency of heat exchange. Transverse temperature gradients do not exceed across the wall and across the gas-phase, in contrast to difference in temperature of outside wall and mean gas phase temperature inside the tube usually observed in conventional reformers. The effectiveness factors for the reforming chemical reactions are about one order of magnitude higher than in conventional processes. Minimisation of heat and mass transfer resistances results in reduction of reactor volume and catalyst weight by two orders of magnitude as compared to industrial reformer. Alteration of distance between plates in the range 1- does not result in significant difference in reactor performance, if made at constant inlet flowrates. However, if such modifications are made at constant inlet velocities, conversion and temperature profiles are considerably affected. Similar effects are observed when catalyst layer thicknesses are increased.  相似文献   

The present work complements part I of this article and completes a computational analysis of the performances of staged membrane reactors for methane steam reforming. The influence of the number of stages and catalyst amount is investigated by comparing the methane conversion and hydrogen recovery yield achieved by an equisized‐staged reactor to those of an equivalent conventional membrane reactor for different furnace temperatures and flow configurations (co‐ and counter‐current). The most relevant result is that the proposed configuration with a sufficiently high number of stages and a significantly smaller catalyst amount (up to 70% lower) can achieve performances very close to the ones of the conventional unit in all the operating conditions considered. This is equivalent to say that the staged configuration can compensate and in fact substitute a significant part of the catalyst mass of a conventional membrane reactor. To help the interpretation of these results, stage‐by‐stage temperature and flux profiles are examined in detail. Then, the quantification of the performance losses with respect to the conventional reactor is carried out by evaluating the catalyst amount possibly saved and furnace temperature reduction. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 2010  相似文献   

This paper presents a mathematical model based on the reaction rate expressions to describe the displacement of methane conversion in the steam reforming. The effect of several parameters including weight hourly space velocity (WHSV), load-to-surface ratio, reaction pressure, hydrogen partial pressure in permeate side and reaction temperature were investigated. Simulation and experimental results showed that a conversion higher than 80% could be achieved in a palladium membrane reactor at reaction temperature of 500 °C relative to 850 °C in a conventional fixed bed reactor (FBR). Besides, the yield of CO (<2%) in membrane reactor was much lower than that (>50%) in the FBR, which indicated the significant depression of CO production in use of membrane reactor.  相似文献   

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