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NiTi纤维表面呈惰性,表面能低,NiTi纤维与树脂间界面粘结性差.为了提高界面性能,采用硅烷偶联剂、表面涂层和低温冷等离子体技术等方法对NiTi纤维表面进行处理,改善纤维表面的浸润性,达到纤维与树脂界面良好的粘结.对复合材料进行界面剪切强度的测定,并利用扫描电镜观察拔脱纤维表面形貌的变化.研究表明:NiTi纤维经不同方法处理后,纤维的浸润性和界面的粘结强度均有不同程度的改变,其中冷等离子体处理的纤维再经硅烷处理,其复合材料IFSS提高2.94倍,ILSS提高1.45倍,且纤维与树脂粘合较好.  相似文献   

选用M40石墨纤维为增强体,采用真空气压浸渗法制备了纤维体积分数为40%,基体合金分别为ZL102、ZL114A、ZL205A及ZL301合金的连续M40/Al复合材料,并用NaOH溶液萃取出M40纤维,研究了基体合金对连续M40/Al复合材料纤维损伤和断裂机制的影响。结果表明:不同的基体合金对M40纤维造成的损伤差异较大,从M40/ZL301复合材料中萃取的纤维拉伸强度最高,其拉伸强度为1 686 MPa,约为纤维原丝拉伸强度的38.3%;而从M40/ZL102复合材料中萃取的纤维拉伸强度最低,其拉伸强度仅为687 MPa,且纤维表面粗糙程度不一。不同M40/Al复合材料的断裂机制存在明显差别,M40/ZL102和M40/ZL114A复合材料断裂时无纤维拔出及界面脱粘,裂纹横向穿过纤维导致复合材料在低应力下失效;M40/ZL205A复合材料则表现为少量纤维拔出,界面轻微脱粘;同时,M40/ZL301复合材料表现为大量纤维拔出,裂纹沿界面纵向扩展,界面脱粘明显,纤维充分发挥其承载作用,复合材料的拉伸强度最高,达到了670.2 MPa。   相似文献   

为了提高聚乳酸(PLA)与铝合金的连接强度,采用在PLA中添加玄武岩纤维(BF)获得BF/PLA复合材料的方式对PLA进行增强。利用转矩流变仪对干燥处理后的PLA及BF进行密炼,利用光纤激光器对铝合金表面进行毛化处理。采用平板硫化机对BF/PLA复合材料和处理后铝合金进行连接成型,测试其拉伸强度,对失效后断面进行分析。结果表明:随着BF质量分数的增加,BF/PLA-铝合金连接强度先增强后降低,BF质量分数的增加影响了BF/PLA复合材料的结晶成核。结合试验获得的结果,建立有限元分析模型进行数值模拟,结果显示所建立的模型能够准确还原BF/PLA-铝合金拉伸过程。   相似文献   

The propagation of damage in laminated fiber composites similar to a crack-like configuration is studied experimentally. Of particular interest is the behavior of a `macro-crack' or `global crack' that propagates through a large scale structure (e.g., airplane fuselage or wing) with the potential interaction of stringers or other reinforcements. The question is considered whether such damage propagation can be understood in terms of classical fracture mechanics. Because the damage zone (wake width) can be very extensive and may be measured in terms of inches, the question arises as to the scalability of associated `fracture' phenomena. An integral part of this investigation is thus an examination of the size of the test specimens to establish whether a minimum size is required to relate fracture at larger scales by laboratory specimens. Using (globally anisotropic) 32-lamina composite specimens, proportioned like compact tension specimens, it is found that test `coupons' on the order of 45 to 50 cm on a side (18×18 in.2) or larger are needed to begin simulating large scale structures for establishing a global equivalent of a fracture energy for `crack propagation' simulations. Displacement controlled tests on groups of three specimen sizes (15, 30 and 46 cm on a side) indicate that scaling can be accomplished through the square root of the linear specimen or crack dimension. In certain lay-ups `run-away delamination' severs the surface laminae so that the reinforcement action of stringers is jeopardized. Damage at the `global crack front' is quantified through an effective area relation, with a characteristic value for the mostly intra-laminar initiation of damage (intra-lamina cracks) at a sharp notch, and another value conceived of as governing the onset of unstable growth.  相似文献   

建立了单丝断裂双树脂体系法,利用外层树脂的韧性使包埋于内层脆性树脂中的纤维单丝断裂达到饱和,解决了断裂伸长率较低的树脂基体采用传统的单丝断裂法无法测得界面剪切强度的问题.分别采用界面剪切强度和界面断裂能作为表征参量,考察了干态及湿热条件下两种T300级和两种T800级碳纤维/环氧树脂的界面性能,并与单丝断裂单树脂体系的界面性能进行比较.结果表明:单丝断裂双树脂体系与单树脂体系在表征碳纤维/环氧树脂的界面性能上定性规律一致;双树脂体系界面断裂能和界面剪切强度均可评价界面的耐湿热性能,且二者得到的变化规律一致;湿热处理后界面粘结性能均呈下降趋势,国外碳纤维体系的界面耐湿热性能明显优于国产碳纤维体系.  相似文献   

建立了单丝断裂双树脂体系法, 利用外层树脂的韧性使包埋于内层脆性树脂中的纤维单丝断裂达到饱和, 解决了断裂伸长率较低的树脂基体采用传统的单丝断裂法无法测得界面剪切强度的问题。分别采用界面剪切强度和界面断裂能作为表征参量, 考察了干态及湿热条件下两种T300级和两种T800级碳纤维/环氧树脂的界面性能, 并与单丝断裂单树脂体系的界面性能进行比较。结果表明: 单丝断裂双树脂体系与单树脂体系在表征碳纤维/环氧树脂的界面性能上定性规律一致; 双树脂体系界面断裂能和界面剪切强度均可评价界面的耐湿热性能, 且二者得到的变化规律一致; 湿热处理后界面粘结性能均呈下降趋势, 国外碳纤维体系的界面耐湿热性能明显优于国产碳纤维体系。  相似文献   

Effects of fibre/matrix adhesion and residual strength of notched polymer matrix composite laminates (PMCLs) and fibre reinforced metal laminates (FRMLs) were investigated. Two different levels of adhesion between fibre and matrix were achieved by using the same carbon fibres with or without surface treatments. After conducting short-beam shear and transverse tension tests for fibre/matrix interface characterisation, residual strength tests were performed for PMCLs and FRMLs containing a circular hole/sharp notch for the two composite systems. It was found that laminates with poor interfacial adhesion between fibre and matrix exhibit higher residual strength than those with strong fibre/matrix adhesion. Major failure mechanisms and modes in two composite systems were studied using SEM fractography. The effective crack growth model (ECGM) was also applied to simulate the residual strength and damage growth of notched composite laminates with different fibre/matrix adhesion. Predictions from the ECGM were well correlated with experimental data.  相似文献   

Quasi-static, low-hanging and high-velocity impact tests have been conducted in order to study the effect of fibre/matrix adhesion on the impact properties of fibre-reinforced metal laminates. Differences in fibre/matrix adhesion were achieved by using treated or untreated carbon fibres in an epoxy resin system. Chemical removal of the aluminium layers and a sectioning technique were applied to examine and characterize the impact damage in the laminates. The results show that the laminates with the weaker fibre/matrix adhesion exhibit larger damage zones, although the back face crack length and permanent indentation after impact are smaller for a given impact energy. Residual tensile strength after impact is also higher for the untreated fibre laminates due to increased fibre/matrix splitting in the composite layer.  相似文献   

以针刺碳纤维整体毡为预制体,采用化学气相渗透工艺对预制体纤维进行PyC/SiC/TaC的多层复合模式的涂层改性, 然后采用化学气相渗透和热固性树脂浸渍-化进行增密,制备出新型C/C复合材料。对复合材料的微观结构和力学性能进行了研究。结果表明:包覆在碳纤维表面的PyC/SiC/TaC多层结构均匀致密、无裂纹,在C/C复合材料中形成空间管状网络结构;改性后C/C复合材料的抗弯强度和韧性均大大提高, 平均抗弯强度达到522 MPa,断裂位移达到1.19mm;复合材料弯曲断裂形式表现为脆性断裂,经过2000℃高温热处理以后,复合材料的抗弯强度下降,但最大断裂位移增大,弯曲断裂形式由脆性断裂转变为良好的假塑性断裂。   相似文献   

以SiC、BN粉为原料,采用热压法制作了BN-SiC层状复合陶瓷,并对层状复合陶瓷的断裂行为进行了研究,发现层状材料通过层间界面优先开裂使横向裂纹扩展路径明显曲折化,断裂从一次性脆断变为对裂纹损伤具有一定容忍能力的逐次多级断裂,裂纹张开位移显著增大,断裂韧性显著提高.  相似文献   

为研究纤维涂层法制备SiCf/Cu复合材料的性能特点,通过磁控溅射法先后将Ti6Al4V界面改性层和基体Cu涂层涂覆到SiC纤维表面,并通过真空热压法将被涂覆的纤维制备成SiCf/Cu复合材料.对Ti6Al4V涂层、Cu涂层以及复合材料进行了微观分析,并测试了复合材料的拉伸强度.研究表明,复合材料的Cu基体由致密而细小的晶粒组成;Ti6Al4V提高了纤维/基体界面结合强度,复合材料轴向抗拉强度高达500 MPa,界面脱粘主要发生在纤维表面的碳涂层与纤维之间.  相似文献   

A model for the ultimate tensile strength of unidirectional fiber-reinforced brittle matrix composite is presented. In the model, transverse matrix crack spacing and change in debonding length between the fiber and the matrix is continuously monitored with increasing applied load. A detailed approximate stress analysis, together with a Weibull failure statistics for fiber fracture, are used to determine the probability of fiber fracture and fiber fracture location in the composite. Results of the model are consistent with experimental data. It is suggested from the results that the strength and toughness of the composite are significantly influenced by the Weibull modulus of the fiber and the fiber/matrix interfacial shear stress. A higher fiber Weibull modulus results in a lower composite strength while a higher fiber/matrix interfacial shear stress results in a composite with higher strength but lower toughness. A moderate variation in matrix strength and fiber/matrix interfacial shear strength does not significantly affect the strength of the composite.  相似文献   

To enhance the interfacial property between a carbon fiber and epoxy matrix, an ultrasonic technique was used to treat the resin liquid and the impregnated fibers respectively. The effects of the treatments on the characteristics of the resin system and the fiber surface, as well as fiber/matrix interfacial bonding strength, were analyzed and discussed. The results indicated ultrasonic treatments significantly decreased the viscosity and surface tension of the resin system, and increased the wettability and the oxygen content of the fiber surface due to the ultrasonic cavitation effects. Microbond tests revealed much more increase of interfacial shear strength when the ultrasound was applied to the impregnated fibers, and combination failures of interface and matrix layer were observed from the pulled-out fiber surface.  相似文献   

试验研究了复合材料层压板的铺层方向以及裂纹混合比对层间裂纹分层扩展的影响规律。试验结果显示: 在非0°单向板的 Ⅰ 型层间裂纹分层扩展过程中, 会出现层间裂纹穿过分层开裂面的铺层而偏离到相邻铺层间扩展的现象, 而0°铺层具有阻止该裂纹偏离扩展的作用; 在不同裂纹混合比的层压板分层开裂试验中, 相应的0°单向板的断裂韧性均可以作为下限值而偏安全; 混合断裂韧性( Ⅰ 型断裂韧性+ Ⅱ 型断裂韧性)随着裂纹混合比的变化呈现类似正弦曲线的变化规律。   相似文献   

曹俊  王洋  张博明 《复合材料学报》2016,33(10):2141-2150
采用溶剂法和热熔法制备了不同有机黏土质量分数的有机黏土/聚醚砜(PES)-环氧复合材料,通过对其微观形态和力学性能的研究,揭示了复合材料的增韧机制。在有机黏土/PES-环氧复合材料中添加T800H(12K)碳纤维,制备了T800H-有机黏土/PES-环氧复合材料预浸料单向带,采用热压罐工艺制备了复合材料单向板,对其I型、II型层间断裂韧性进行了研究。结果表明:T800H-有机黏土/PES-环氧复合材料的层间断裂韧性随有机黏土质量分数变化趋势与有机黏土/PES-环氧复合材料的断裂韧性趋势一致,证明了增韧机制的正确性。   相似文献   

采用酚醛树脂作为炭纤维表面处理剂, 可以显著提高多种炭纤维和环氧树脂界面强度。通过XPS、AFM、SEM和层间剪切强度等方法, 研究了不同浓度的酚醛树脂表面处理剂对炭纤维增强环氧树脂复合材料层间剪切强度、炭纤维表面元素和化学键组成的影响, 以及炭纤维增强环氧树脂复合材料断面微观形貌的变化。XPS和AFM分析结果表明酚醛树脂和炭纤维表面发生了化学反应, 而且酚醛树脂处理剂浓度越高, 和炭纤维表面发生反应的基团也越多, 表面越光滑平整, SEM和层间剪切强度研究表明酚醛树脂处理后的复合材料界面粘结性能得到很大的改善, 而且界面粘结性能强烈依靠处理剂浓度。   相似文献   

通过对玻纤增强环氧乙烯基酯树脂(GF/EVE)和玻璃纤维增强不饱和聚酯树脂(GF/UP)复合材料的多轴向铺层设计试件进行低速冲击、弯曲和剪切破坏性力学试验,分析了不同铺层方式的GF/EVE和GF/UP复合材料冲击、弯曲和剪切载荷作用下产生的损伤及失效模式。结果表明:在铺层设计与工艺相同的情况下,CF/EVE的弯曲强度、冲击韧性均优于CF/UP;[0,90]6试件冲击能量吸收性能优于其他五种铺层方式;铺设角设计、树脂基体类型、铺层厚度对层合板剪切力学性能的影响较小。并基于SEM与超声C扫描成像检测(C-SAM)对复合材料的微观界面脱粘机制及损伤演化行为进行阐释。  相似文献   

以硅烷偶联剂和正硅酸乙酯(TEOS)为前躯体, 以固体酸-对甲苯磺酸为催化剂制备硅溶胶, 利用硅溶胶对碳纤维进行表面改性后, 以环氧树脂为基体, 制备碳纤维增强环氧树脂复合材料。利用SEM、 TEM、 万能试验机、 偏光显微镜等对表面改性前后的碳纤维形态、 力学性能及碳纤维/环氧树脂复合材料的界面性能进行表征, 研究了硅溶胶改性碳纤维对其复合材料界面性能影响。结果表明, 硅溶胶处理碳纤维后, 在碳纤维表面原位生成具有膜-粒结构的表面层, 改性后碳纤维的强度由2.41 GPa提高到3.00 GPa, 界面性能也得到了明显改善, 界面剪切强度(IFSS)提高了51.41%。  相似文献   

为了获得准确表征纤维束界面强度的方法,对影响纤维束界面强度的因素进行了研究.通过顶出方法对纤维束界面强度进行表征,利用SEM和Micro-CT研究了纤维束界面层微结构对纤维束界面强度的影响,并通过有限元分析方法对纤维束界面的断裂行为进行分析.结果表明:在纤维束界面层含有不同程度的脱粘和裂纹缺陷结构,影响了纤维束的界面强...  相似文献   

碳化硅增强铝基复合材料的力学性能和断裂机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了碳化硅颗粒(SiCp)尺寸对用粉末冶金法制备体积分数为15%的SiCp/2009铝基复合材料力学性能和断裂机制的影响.结果表明,复合材料的强度随着SiCp尺寸的增大而减小,塑性则随着颗粒的增大而增大.当SiCp尺寸为1.5μm时,SiCp/2009A1复合材料的断裂主要以界面处撕裂和基体材料的开裂为主;当SiCp尺寸为20 μm时,复合材料的断裂主要以SiCp断裂为主;当SiCp尺寸处于两者之间时,SiCp/2009A1复合材料界面处撕裂和SiCp断裂的共同作用决定复合材料的断裂.  相似文献   

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