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本文针对当前城市水利资源管理所存在的问题,设计了水利空间信息管理服务系统,并对系统的数据和功能模块进行了设计和描述,为其他城市水利部门构建系统提供参考价值。  相似文献   

基于P2P的空间信息服务组合执行引擎   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出了一种基于P2P的空间信息服务组合执行引擎设计.引擎使用空间信息服务团体模型和服务质量参数,在P2P网络中动态地选择最佳的执行引擎,通过P2P的消息和通信机制进行协作,完成复杂的空间信息服务组合执行任务.P2P的执行机制避免了集中式执行引擎带来的网络拥塞和单点失效问题,提高了空间信息服务组合的可靠性和可用性.  相似文献   

Do@doat.com,是一家已经融资$700万的以色列创业公司,为移动设备提供全新的搜索体验。目前移动设备上所用的搜索工具是由电脑网页界面衍生而来,主要围绕网  相似文献   

在信息技术革命和经济全球化的推动下,移动服务业己成为增长最快、市场潜力最大的产业之一。本文主要从浙江中小企业的移动服务分类出发,分析浙江中小企业移动服务的特征,从移动服务的供应链角度,分析出面向浙江中小企业移动服务在提供与收益过程中的特征,进而总结出符合浙江中小企业的移动服务特征,为移动服务企业提出面向浙江中小企业发展移动服务的建议。  相似文献   

移动多媒体隐性服务要素组合优化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
移动多媒体是一种以便携设备为载体的新型媒体服务,其所具有的移动服务能力使得用户可在多种不同情境下接受多媒体服务。但是,消费者在不同的情境下对隐性服务要素有不同的要求,这就要求供应商在服务设计中需依情境不同提供不同的移动多媒体隐性服务要素组合。本文采用联合分析方法探究客户对不同虚拟服务的偏好次序,分析移动多媒体各种隐性服务要素在不同服务情境下重要性权重的变化,进而给出不同控制变量组合下的最优隐性服务要素组合,分析结果可以帮助供应商科学地设计移动多媒体隐性服务要素组合并优化其营销策略。  相似文献   

伊恩弟 《硅谷》2012,(23):189+176-189,176
针对Internet上大量服装加工服务描述的异构性问题,通过分析服装加工企业服装加工能力和加工工艺特征,根据面向服装云制造加工服务描述的需求,构建由服装加工服务核心本体和可扩展加工能力本体组成的二层服装加工服务本体模型,运用基于Web本体语言OWL-DL实现服装加工服务本体描述,为实现面向云制造的服装加工服务的快速发现与匹配提供支持。  相似文献   

<正>据国外媒体报道,随着移动应用市场的火热,开发者推出越来越多的应用。据统计,如今有大于50万个iPhone和iPad端应用、30多万个Android应用,以及其他平台客户端的更多应用。据移动分析公司Flurry调查显示,每个移动用户平均安装应用65个,还有很多移动用户大于平均值65个。  相似文献   

唐吉深  谢珍暖 《硅谷》2010,(22):20-20,25
随着3G时代的来临,通过手机等移动终端获取移动互联网信息服务将成为时代发展的潮流。高校图书馆作为教学科研的辅助机构,为满足3G时代读者随时随地查阅图书馆信息资源的需求,有必要开展基于移动互联网的移动信息创新服务。阐述移动互联网的国内外现状、特点及无线应用WAP的原理,在此基础上,提出图书馆移动信息服务体系的基本框架。  相似文献   

移动医疗产品服务系统设计探究   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
彭晓娜  张宇红 《包装工程》2013,34(20):77-80,87
从创新与传统的矛盾性、为健康设计的复杂性、用户体验的重要性和系统要素间的协调性4 个方面,分析了移动医疗产品服务系统中要处理的设计问题。例举了住院老人床上用品的系统服务设计,提出了系统中以“用户”为主体的产品服务与情感体验的融合,为用户营造健康、时尚的医疗服务体验。  相似文献   

本文提出将本体模型和面向对象模型结合起来对民机客户服务领域进行建模,给出了领域本体的开发方法,探讨了本体模型向面向对象模型的映射规则和映射实例,从而对民机客户服务领域术语进行标准化和规范化,实现领域知识的共享和重用。  相似文献   

提出了面向创新设计的多层次Web信息检索系统,它包括自然语言搜索、引导式搜索、关键词搜索、分类浏览和随机搜索五种搜索方式,主要功能是使设计人员从紧密到相对宽松的范围内进行资源检索(即从寻找相关设计知识到浏览无直接关系的信息),激发设计人员的创新思维,使之产生新的概念和新颖的设计思路。已经建立了基于以上原理的软件系统,该系统是计算机辅助产品创新设计的一个模块。  相似文献   


In recent years, a new computation model, referred to as Service‐On‐Demand, has come into being gradually. This concept can be summarized as: the whole Net is a computer and one can have his/her tasks served using resources scattered around the Net. One technique that uses a similar concept is Web Service, which has been applied to many networks. However, Web Service is still confined to the Client‐Server paradigm and, in our opinion, does not wholly tally with the spirit of Service‐On‐Demand. Besides, there have not been many effective security schemes proposed for Web Services. This paper presents a mobile agent service framework, designed in reference to the service‐on‐demand concept, for the next generation of service‐based Internet applications. A two‐layer cryptographic security infrastructure is laid in the service framework to offer secured services. By separating the service functionality from its operating medium, the framework successfully prevents many security problems from happening. It also offers a most desirable benefit to both service providers and users. For service providers, deployment of a service is as easy as inserting a plug‐n‐play interface card and for service users, using a service is as easy as filling out a downloaded form. The main goal of this framework is to offer a total solution for providing secured services easily instead of doing difficult programming for services.  相似文献   

SSCM:一种语义相似度计算方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分析了实例多重继承和实例属性层次关系对实例相似性的影响,针对原有的实例语义相似度计算方法的不足,提出了一种语义相似度计算方法SSCM,该方法综合考虑了实例多重继承关系和属性及属性值的层次关系,并利用继承关系的树状结构特点对计算过程进行了优化.实验表明,该方法在本体知识库的多种组成情况下,均能有效提高语义相似度计算的准确率.在实例多重继承关系相对复杂的情况下,准确率提高更加明显.  相似文献   

段鹏  巩琦  王进 《工程设计学报》2008,15(4):250-253
 面向大批量定制的产品设计是一个跨领域、跨专业的协同设计过程,设计者不可能掌握所有领域的知识.要加快产品的开发速度,提高产品设计和创新能力,知识的快速获取和运用是关键.针对手机产品的设计特点,提出一种满足客户需求的知识重用设计体系,其包括可重用的设计知识、创新知识、产品建模和物料清单,并应用于集成设计信息CAD系统.为手机产品快速更新换代,功能越来越强大,而开发周期越来越短的矛盾提供了一种有效的解决方案.  相似文献   

Knowledge creation and knowledge are the primary sources of productivity, profitability and company growth in the twenty-first century. Our approach is to use brain-based metaphors and models to better understand what kind of services we should be able to design and produce now and in the future. We propose new kind of services that will be able to imitate, emulate and support the mind structures of individuals, groups, teams, companies and organisations in dynamic business situations. The services should support human memory systems, motivational systems, interpreting systems and automatic systems and their sub-systems as they are actively present in living human systems. We have named our approach as Mind Systems Imitation and Emulation Framework. Different engineering disciplines will be jointly responsible for developing and applying such services now and in the future. As an example, a Democratic Company Culture tool Accord is described.  相似文献   

本文介绍东盟技术标准信息服务平台建设的背景、建设思路与目标,以及推广应用成果等,探索了东盟标准信息服务的模式,为公共信息服务平台建设提供借鉴,为中国-东盟自由贸易区建设提供标准技术支持。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a fully automated method for MR brain image segmentation into Gray Matter, White Matter and Cerebro‐spinal Fluid. It is an extension of Fuzzy C Means Clustering Algorithm which overcomes its drawbacks, of sensitivity to noise and inhomogeneity. In the conventional FCM, the membership function is computed based on the Euclidean distance between the pixel and the cluster center. It does not take into consideration the spatial correlation among the neighboring pixels. This means that the membership values of adjacent pixels belonging to the same cluster may not have the same range of membership value due to the contamination of noise and hence misclassified. Hence, in the proposed method, the membership function is convolved with mean filter and thus the local spatial information is incorporated in the clustering process. The method further includes pixel re‐labeling and contrast enhancement using non‐linear mapping to improve the segmentation accuracy. The proposed method is applied to both simulated and real T1‐weighted MR brain images from BrainWeb and IBSR database. Experiments show that there is an increase in segmentation accuracy of around 30% over the conventional methods and 6% over the state of the art methods.  相似文献   

In this paper, a bioinspired path planning approach for mobile robots is proposed. The approach is based on the sparrow search algorithm, which is an intelligent optimization algorithm inspired by the group wisdom, foraging, and anti-predation behaviors of sparrows. To obtain high-quality paths and fast convergence, an improved sparrow search algorithm is proposed with three new strategies. First, a linear path strategy is proposed, which can transform the polyline in the corner of the path into a smooth line, to enable the robot to reach the goal faster. Then, a new neighborhood search strategy is used to improve the fitness value of the global optimal individual, and a new position update function is used to speed up the convergence. Finally, a new multi-index comprehensive evaluation method is designed to evaluate these algorithms. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm has a shorter path and faster convergence than other state-of-the-art studies.The full text can be downloaded at https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40436-021-00366-x  相似文献   

针对面向服务的军事综合电子信息系统候选服务的服务质量往往依赖于其他候选服务的问题,提出了一种支持服务关联的全局最优服务选择方法.该方法将基于QoS的军事信息服务选择问题建模为带QoS约束的多目标组合优化问题,采用基于独立成分分析(ICA)的多目标分布估计算法同时优化多个目标函数,最终产生一组满足约束条件的Pareto最优解服务组合集.对比实验结果表明,基于ICA的多目标分布估计算法通过概率图模型可以描述服务间的相互关系,可以更好地解决存在服务关联的组合服务选择问题,具有良好的有效性和可行性.  相似文献   

The perception of what constitutes the key quality factor of a patent search varies considerably, depending on the customers’ background and intended use of the search results. A distinction can be made between what may be termed intrinsic quality as a measure of the search process and its environment combined with the searcher’s skills and extrinsic quality, which aims to define the usefulness of the results for the customer. Intrinsic and extrinsic quality factors all require an intensive and on-going communication between the searcher and the customer: quality can only be achieved through partnership.  相似文献   

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