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随着图形处理器(GPU)从仅用来进行图形图像渲染,脱离成为并行计算平台通用图形处理器(GPGPU),其计算能力越来越强,本文在研究GPGPU体系结构的基础上对GPGPU并行计算线程调度进行深入研究,阐述了GPU线程调度原理,揭示了SIMT调度模式的不足.通过公式推导阐述了系统功耗与系统运行频率的关系.  相似文献   

The computing power of graphics processing units (GPU) has increased rapidly, and there has been extensive research on general‐purpose computing on GPU (GPGPU) for cryptographic algorithms such as RSA, Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem (ECC), NTRU, and Advanced Encryption Standard. With the rise of GPGPU, commodity computers have become complex heterogeneous GPU+CPU systems. This new architecture poses new challenges and opportunities in high‐performance computing. In this paper, we present high‐speed parallel implementations of the rainbow method based on perfect tables, which is known as the most efficient time‐memory trade‐off, in the heterogeneous GPU+CPU system. We give a complete analysis of the effect of multiple checkpoints on reducing the cost of false alarms and take advantage of it for load balancing between GPU and CPU. For GTX460, our implementation is about 1.86 and 3.25 times faster than other GPU‐accelerated implementations, RainbowCrack and Cryptohaze, respectively, and for GTX580, 1.53 and 2.40 times faster. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

空间插值是地理信息系统(GIS)空间分析中计算复杂且耗时的操作,因此无法满足实时性的要求。随着图形处理器(GPU)浮点计算能力的大幅提高,GPU通用计算已成为处理GIS领域内复杂计算的研究热点。为实时化一些传统低效的算法提供了良好的契机。利用GPU在并行计算上的优势,将反距离加权法插值算法映射到了统一计算设备架构(CUDA)并行编程架构。首先在GPU中建立二级索引使计算层次得到了合理的划分,然后利用多线程分块策略执行并行插值计算。最后通过实验表明,该方法的插值误差与CPU方法相比能控制在10-6数量级,并且在插值半径较大插值数据较多的情况下,该算法可达到40倍以上的加速比。充分证明了该方法的正确性及高效性。  相似文献   

The general-purpose graphic processing unit (GPGPU) is a popular accelerator for general applications such as scientific computing because the applications are massively parallel and the significant power of parallel computing inheriting from GPUs. However, distributing workload among the large number of cores as the execution configuration in a GPGPU is currently still a manual trial-and-error process. Programmers try out manually some configurations and might settle for a sub-optimal one leading to poor performance and/or high power consumption. This paper presents an auto-tuning approach for GPGPU applications with the performance and power models. First, a model-based analytic approach for estimating performance and power consumption of kernels is proposed. Second, an auto-tuning framework is proposed for automatically obtaining a near-optimal configuration for a kernel computation. In this work, we formulated that automatically finding an optimal configuration as the constraint optimization and solved it using either simulated annealing (SA) or genetic algorithm (GA). Experiment results show that the fidelity of the proposed models for performance and energy consumption are 0.86 and 0.89, respectively. Further, the optimization algorithms result in a normalized optimality offset of 0.94% and 0.79% for SA and GA, respectively.  相似文献   

We present a General-purpose computing on graphics processing units (GPGPU) based computational program and framework for the electronic dynamics of atomic systems under intense laser fields. We present our results using the case of hydrogen, however the code is trivially extensible to tackle problems within the single-active electron (SAE) approximation. Building on our previous work, we introduce the first available GPGPU based implementation of the Taylor, Runge–Kutta and Lanczos based methods created with strong field ab-initio simulations specifically in mind; CLTDSE. The code makes use of finite difference methods and the OpenCL framework for GPU acceleration. The specific example system used is the classic test system; Hydrogen. After introducing the standard theory, and specific quantities which are calculated, the code, including installation and usage, is discussed in-depth. This is followed by some examples and a short benchmark between an 8 hardware thread (i.e. logical core) Intel Xeon CPU and an AMD 6970 GPU, where the parallel algorithm runs 10 times faster on the GPU than the CPU.  相似文献   

大规模稀疏矩阵的主特征向量计算优化方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
矩阵主特征向量(principal eigenvectors computing,PEC)的求解是科学与工程计算中的一个重要问题。随着图形处理单元通用计算(general-purpose computing on graphics pro cessing unit,GPGPU)的兴起,利用GPU来优化大规模稀疏矩阵的图形处理单元求解得到了广泛关注。分别从应用特征和GPU体系结构特征两方面分析了PEC运算的性能瓶颈,提出了一种面向GPU的稀疏矩阵存储格式——GPU-ELL和一个针对GPU的线程优化映射策略,并设计了相应的PEC优化执行算法。在ATI HD Radeon5850上的实验结果表明,相对于传统CPU,该方案获得了最多200倍左右的加速,相对于已有GPU上的实现,也获得了2倍的加速。  相似文献   

Graphics processing units (GPUs) offer parallel computing power that usually requires a cluster of networked computers or a supercomputer to accomplish. While writing kernel code is fairly straightforward, achieving efficiency and performance requires very careful optimisation decisions and changes to the original serial algorithm. We introduce a parallel canonical ensemble Monte Carlo (MC) simulation that runs entirely on the GPU. In this paper, we describe two MC simulation codes of Lennard-Jones particles in the canonical ensemble, a single CPU core and a parallel GPU implementations. Using Compute Unified Device Architecture, the parallel implementation enables the simulation of systems containing over 200,000 particles in a reasonable amount of time, which allows researchers to obtain more accurate simulation results. A remapping algorithm is introduced to balance the load of the device resources and demonstrate by experimental results that the efficiency of this algorithm is bounded by available GPU resource. Our parallel implementation achieves an improvement of up to 15 times on a commodity GPU over our efficient single core implementation for a system consisting of 256k particles, with the speedup increasing with the problem size. Furthermore, we describe our methods and strategies for optimising our implementation in detail.  相似文献   

The Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) is a powerful tool for parallel computing. In the past years the performance and capabilities of GPUs have increased, and the Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) - a parallel computing architecture - has been developed by NVIDIA to utilize this performance in general purpose computations. Here we show for the first time a possible application of GPU for environmental studies serving as a basement for decision making strategies. A stochastic Lagrangian particle model has been developed on CUDA to estimate the transport and the transformation of the radionuclides from a single point source during an accidental release. Our results show that parallel implementation achieves typical acceleration values in the order of 80-120 times compared to CPU using a single-threaded implementation on a 2.33 GHz desktop computer. Only very small differences have been found between the results obtained from GPU and CPU simulations, which are comparable with the effect of stochastic transport phenomena in atmosphere. The relatively high speedup with no additional costs to maintain this parallel architecture could result in a wide usage of GPU for diversified environmental applications in the near future.  相似文献   

基于图形处理器的通用计算模式*   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
针对GPU图形处理的特点,分析其应用于通用计算的并行处理机制和数据映射,提出了一种GPU通用计算模式的映射机制和一般性设计方法,并针对GPU的吞吐量、数据流处理能力和基本数学运算能力等进行性能测试,为GPU通用计算的算法设计、实现和性能优化提供参考依据。  相似文献   

研究动态模式识别算法在GPU并行计算平台的实现。随着GPGPU(通用计算图形处理器)硬件的发展,基于GPU的大规模并行计算技术将有效地处理动态模式识别算法带来的海量计算问题。文中通过介绍动态模式识别算法,对算法中涉及的巨大计算量进行分析,并针对性地对其中密集计算部分进行并行化分解,移除原算法中在执行中存在的依赖关系,最终得到算法在特定的GPU平台———Jacket上的并行计算实现。实例验证表明,相比于原CPU串行程序,在GPU上运行的并行化程序能实现明显加速,因而具有很好的工程应用价值。  相似文献   

遥感图像配准是遥感图像应用的一个重要处理步骤.随着遥感图像数据规模与遥感图像配准算法计算复杂度的增大,遥感图像配准面临着处理速度的挑战.最近几年,GPU计算能力得到极大提升,面向通用计算领域得到了快速发展.结合GPU面向通用计算领域的优势与遥感图像配准面临的处理速度问题,研究了GPU加速处理遥感图像配准的算法.选取计算量大计算精度高的基于互信息小波分解配准算法进行GPU并行设计,提出了GPU并行设计模型;同时选取GPU程序常用面向存储级的优化策略应用于遥感图像配准GPU程序,并利用CUDA(compute unified device architecture)编程语言在nVIDIA Tesla M2050GPU上进行了实验.实验结果表明,提出的并行设计模型与面向存储级的优化策略能够很好地适用于遥感图像配准领域,最大加速比达到了19.9倍.研究表明GPU通用计算技术在遥感图像处理领域具有广阔的应用前景.  相似文献   

字符串匹配是计算科学中研究最广泛的问题之一,已成为信息检索和生物计算等领域的核心操作。然而受限于CPU的计算能力和存储器访问带宽,传统的串行字符串匹配算法难以进一步提升性能。GPU在计算能力和存储器访问带宽上有很大提升,已经在很多应用上取得了卓越成效。gAC作为一种基于GPU的并行AC算法,针对GPU的SIMT(Single-Instruction Multiple-Thread)以及合并存储器访问的技术特点,采取了减少条件分支、合并访问全局存储器等优化方法,使得在C1060GPU上的字符串扫描速度达到51Gb/s,比基于CPU的串行算法提升了28倍。  相似文献   

光照是树木生长需要的重要资源,是树木生长仿真计算中必不可少的因素.但在森林演化的计算机模拟中,由于光照模拟的复杂性,使得光照模型的计算量十分巨大.本文采用了光照指数(Gap Light Index,GLI)为因子的光照模型,并针对该模型开展了快速计算研究.由于该模型计算中存在着大量限制计算效率的几何求交运算,本文根据光照指数与植物暴露面积所具有的共同特点,提出采用基于暴露面积的计算方法来近似拟合GLI的值,并在并行计算架构CUDA上实现了该算法.最后通过不同实验比较,验证了本文提出的方法针对较大的树木规模,在保证较小误差率的前提下,获得了比GPU并行求交方法快数十倍以上的加速比.  相似文献   

GPU强大的计算性能使得CPU-GPU异构体系结构成为高性能计算领域热点研究方向.虽然GPU的性能/功耗比较高,但在构建大规模计算系统时,功耗问题仍然是限制系统运行的关键因素之一.现在已有的针对GPU的功耗优化研究主要关注如何降低GPU本身的功耗,而没有将CPU和GPU作为一个整体进行综合考虑.文中深入分析了CUDA程序在CPU-GPU异构系统上的运行特点,归纳其中的任务依赖关系,给出了使用AOV网表示程序执行过程的方法,并在此基础上分析程序运行的关键路径,找出程序中可以进行能耗优化的部分,并求解相应的频率调节幅度,在保持程序性能不变的前提下最小化程序的整体能量消耗.  相似文献   

In recent years, the GPU (graphics processing unit) has evolved into an extremely powerful and flexible processor, with it now representing an attractive platform for general-purpose computation. Moreover, changes to the design and programmability of GPUs provide the opportunity to perform general-purpose computation on a GPU (GPGPU). Even though many programming languages, software tools, and libraries have been proposed to facilitate GPGPU programming, the unusual and specific programming model of the GPU remains a significant barrier to writing GPGPU programs. In this paper, we introduce a novel compiler-based approach for GPGPU programming. Compiler directives are used to label code fragments that are to be executed on the GPU. Our GPGPU compiler, Guru, converts the labeled code fragments into ISO-compliant C code that contains appropriate OpenGL and Cg APIs. A native C compiler can then be used to compile it into the executable code for GPU. Our compiler is implemented based on the Open64 compiler infrastructure. Preliminary experimental results from selected benchmarks show that our compiler produces significant performance improvements for programs that exhibit a high degree of data parallelism.  相似文献   

光子映射在CUDA中的研究与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过修改光子映射算法的实现过程,使得该算法能够通过CUDA完全运行在最新的GPU上,从而能够充分利用GPU强大的并行计算能力,加速光子映射的实现。光子映射在CUDA中的实现主要通过两个方面来完成:构建光子图和估计辐射能。同时为了提高对光子图中的光子信息的查找速度,采用了kd-tree结构来存储光子信息,使得可以通过KNN(K-Nearest Neighbor)快速搜索光子图。在所测试环境中,渲染速度是CPU中的近1O倍。  相似文献   

随着GPU通用计算能力的不断发展,一些新的更高效的处理技术应用到图像处理领域.目前已有一些图像处理算法移植到GPU中且取得了不错的加速效果,但这些算法没有充分利用CPU/GPU组成的异构系统中各处理单元的计算能力.文章在研究GPU编程模型和并行算法设计的基础上,提出了CPU/GPU异构环境下图像协同并行处理模型.该模型充分考虑异构系统中各处理单元的计算能力,通过图像中值滤波算法,验证了CPU/GPU环境下协同并行处理模型在高分辨率灰度图像处理中的有效性.实验结果表明,该模型在CPU/GPU异构环境下通用性较好,容易扩展到其他图像处理算法.  相似文献   

Graphics processing unit (GPU) virtualization technology enables a single GPU to be shared among multiple virtual machines (VMs), thereby allowing multiple VMs to perform GPU operations simultaneously with a single GPU. Because GPUs exhibit lower resource scalability than central processing units (CPUs), memory, and storage, many VMs encounter resource shortages while running GPU operations concurrently, implying that the VM performing the GPU operation must wait to use the GPU. In this paper, we propose a partial migration technique for general-purpose graphics processing unit (GPGPU) tasks to prevent the GPU resource shortage in a remote procedure call-based GPU virtualization environment. The proposed method allows a GPGPU task to be migrated to another physical server's GPU based on the available resources of the target's GPU device, thereby reducing the wait time of the VM to use the GPU. With this approach, we prevent resource shortages and minimize performance degradation for GPGPU operations running on multiple VMs. Our proposed method can prevent GPU memory shortage, improve GPGPU task performance by up to 14%, and improve GPU computational performance by up to 82%. In addition, experiments show that the migration of GPGPU tasks minimizes the impact on other VMs.  相似文献   

The general-purpose computing on graphic processing units (GPGPUs) becomes increasingly popular due to its high computational throughput for data parallel applications. Modern GPU architectures have limited capability for error detection and fault tolerance since they are originally designed for graphics processing. However, the rigorous execution correctness is required for general-purpose applications, which makes reliability a growing concern in the GPGPU architecture design. With CMOS processing technologies continuously scaling down to the nano-scale, on-chip soft error rate (SER) has been predicted to increase exponentially. GPGPUs with hundreds of cores integrated into a single chip are prone to manifest high SER. This paper explores a first step to model and characterize GPGPU reliability in light of soft errors. We develop GPGPU-SODA (GPGPU SOftware Dependability Analysis), a framework to estimate the soft-error vulnerability of GPGPU microarchitecture. By using GPGPU-SODA, we observe that several microarchitecture structures in GPGPUs exhibit high soft-error susceptibility, and the structure vulnerability is sensitive to the workload characteristics (e.g. branch divergences, memory access pattern). We further investigate the impact of several architectural optimizations on GPU soft-error robustness. For example, we find that increasing the number of threads supported by GPU significantly affects the GPGPU soft-error robustness. However, changing the warp scheduling policy has little impact on the structure vulnerability. The observations made in this study provide designers the useful guidance to build resilient GPGPUs: a comprehensive resiliency solution for GPGPUs should consider the entire GPGPU design instead of solely focusing on a particular structure.  相似文献   

Fast Motion Estimation on Graphics Hardware for H.264 Video Encoding   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The video coding standard H.264 supports video compression with a higher coding efficiency than previous standards. However, this comes at the expense of an increased encoding complexity, in particular for motion estimation which becomes a very time consuming task even for today's central processing units (CPU). On the other hand, modern graphics hardware includes a powerful graphics processing unit (GPU) whose computing power remains idle most of the time. In this paper, we present a GPU based approach to motion estimation for the purpose of H.264 video encoding. A small diamond search is adapted to the programming model of modern GPUs to exploit their available parallel computing power and memory bandwidth. Experimental results demonstrate a significant reduction of computation time and a competitive encoding quality compared to a CPU UMHexagonS implementation while enabling the CPU to process other encoding tasks in parallel.  相似文献   

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