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We examined two ways in which the neural control system for eye-head saccades constrains the motion of the eye in the head. The first constraint involves Listing's law, which holds ocular torsion at zero during head-fixed saccades. During eye-head saccades, does this law govern the eye's motion in space or in the head? Our subjects, instructed to saccade between space-fixed targets with the head held still in different positions, systematically violated Listing's law of the eye in space in a way that approximately, but not perfectly, preserved Listing's law of the eye in head. This finding implies that the brain does not compute desired eye position based on the desired gaze direction alone but also considers head position. The second constraint we studied was saturation, the process where desired-eye-position commands in the brain are "clipped" to keep them within an effective oculomotor range (EOMR), which is smaller than the mechanical range of eye motion. We studied the adaptability of the EOMR by asking subjects to make head-only saccades. As predicted by current eye-head models, subjects failed to hold their eyes still in their orbits. Unexpectedly, though, the range of eye-in-head motion in the horizontal-vertical plane was on average 31% smaller in area than during normal eye-head saccades, suggesting that the EOMR had been reduced by effort of will. Larger reductions were possible with altered visual input: when subjects donned pinhole glasses, the EOMR immediately shrank by 80%. But even with its reduced EOMR, the eye still moved into the "blind" region beyond the pinhole aperture during eye-head saccades. Then, as the head movement brought the saccade target toward the pinhole, the eyes reversed their motion, anticipating or roughly matching the target's motion even though it was still outside the pinhole and therefore invisible. This finding shows that the backward rotation of the eye is timed by internal computations, not by vision. When subjects wore slit glasses, their EOMRs shrank mostly in the direction perpendicular to the slit, showing that altered vision can change the shape as well as the size of the EOMR. A recent, three-dimensional model of eye-head coordination can explain all these findings if we add to it a mechanism for adjusting the EOMR.  相似文献   

When we view objects at various depths, the 3-D rotations of our two eyes are neurally yoked in accordance with a recently discovered geometric rule, here called the binocular extension of Listing's law; or L2. This paper examines the visual and motor consequences of this rule. Although L2 is a generalization of Listing's original, monocular law, it does not follow from current theories of the latter's function, which involve minimizing muscle work or optimizing certain aspects of retinal image flow. This study shows that a new optimization strategy that combines stereo vision with motor efficiency does explain L2, and describes the predictions of this new theory. Contrary to recent suggestions in the literature, L2 does not ensure vision of lines orthogonal to the visual plane, but rather reduces cyclodisparity of the visual plane itself; and L2 does not arise because a single, conjugate angular velocity command is sent to both eyes, but actually requires that the two eyes rotate with different speeds and axes when scanning an isovergence surface. This study shows that L2 is compatible with a 1-D control system for vergence alone (because horizontal and torsional vergence are yoked) and a 3-D system for combined, head-fixed saccades and vergence.  相似文献   

The kinematic constraints of three-dimensional eye positions were investigated in rhesus monkeys during passive head and body rotations relative to gravity. We studied fast and slow phase components of the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) elicited by constant-velocity yaw rotations and sinusoidal oscillations about an earth-horizontal axis. We found that the spatial orientation of both fast and slow phase eye positions could be described locally by a planar surface with torsional variation of <2.0 +/- 0.4 degrees (displacement planes) that systematically rotated and/or shifted relative to Listing's plane. In supine/prone positions, displacement planes pitched forward/backward; in left/right ear-down positions, displacement planes were parallel shifted along the positive/negative torsional axis. Dynamically changing primary eye positions were computed from displacement planes. Torsional and vertical components of primary eye position modulated as a sinusoidal function of head orientation in space. The torsional component was maximal in ear-down positions and approximately zero in supine/prone orientations. The opposite was observed for the vertical component. Modulation of the horizontal component of primary eye position exhibited a more complex dependence. In contrast to the torsional component, which was relatively independent of rotational speed, modulation of the vertical and horizontal components of primary position depended strongly on the speed of head rotation (i.e., on the frequency of oscillation of the gravity vector component): the faster the head rotated relative to gravity, the larger was the modulation. Corresponding results were obtained when a model based on a sinusoidal dependence of instantaneous displacement planes (and primary eye position) on head orientation relative to gravity was fitted to VOR fast phase positions. When VOR fast phase positions were expressed relative to primary eye position estimated from the model fits, they were confined approximately to a single plane with a small torsional standard deviation ( approximately 1.4-2.6 degrees). This reduced torsional variation was in contrast to the large torsional spread (well >10-15 degrees ) of fast phase positions when expressed relative to Listing's plane. We conclude that primary eye position depends dynamically on head orientation relative to space rather than being fixed to the head. It defines a gravity-dependent coordinate system relative to which the torsional variability of eye positions is minimized even when the head is moved passively and vestibulo-ocular reflexes are evoked. In this general sense, Listing's law is preserved with respect to an otolith-controlled reference system that is defined dynamically by gravity.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the effects of muscle axis shifts on the performance of a vector velocity-position integrator in the CNS. Earlier models of the oculomotor plant assumed that the muscle axes remained fixed relative to the head as the eye rotated into secondary and tertiary eye positions. Under this assumption, the vector integrator model generates torsional transients as the eye moves from secondary to tertiary positions of fixation. The torsional transient represents an eye movement response to a spatial mismatch between the torque axes that remain fixed in the head and the displacement plane that changes by half the angle of the change in eye orientation. When muscle axis shifts were incorporated into the model, the torque axes were closer to the displacement plane at each eye orientation throughout the trajectory, and torsional transients were reduced dramatically. Their size and dynamics were close to reported data. It was also shown that when the muscle torque axes were rotated by 50% of the eye rotation, there was no torsional transient and Listing's law was perfectly obeyed. When muscle torque axes rotated >50%, torsional transients reversed direction compared with what occurred for muscle axis shifts of <50%. The model indicates that Listing's law is implemented by the oculomotor plant subject to a two-dimensional command signal that is confined to the pitch-yaw plane, having zero torsion. Saccades that bring the eye to orientations outside Listing's plane could easily be corrected by a roll pulse that resets the roll state of the velocity-position integrator to zero. This would be a simple implementation of the corrective controller suggested by Van Opstal and colleagues. The model further indicates that muscle axis shifts together with the torque orientation relationship for tissue surrounding the eye and Newton's laws of motion form a sufficient plant model to explain saccadic trajectories and periods of fixation when driven by a vector command confined to the pitch-yaw plane. This implies that the velocity-position integrator is probably realized as a subtractive feedback vector integrator and not as a quaternion-based integrator that implements kinematic transformations to orient the eye.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to identify and model the three-dimensional (3-D) geometric transformations required for accurate saccades to distant visual targets from arbitrary initial eye positions. In abstract 2-D models, target displacement in space, retinal error (RE), and saccade vectors are trivially interchangeable. However, in real 3-D space, RE is a nontrivial function of objective target displacement and 3-D eye position. To determine the physiological implications of this, a visuomotor "lookup table" was modeled by mapping the horizontal/vertical components of RE onto the corresponding vector components of eye displacement in Listing's plane. This provided the motor error (ME) command for a 3-D displacement-feedback loop. The output of this loop controlled an oculomotor plant that mechanically implemented the position-dependent saccade axis tilts required for Listing's law. This model correctly maintained Listing's law but was unable to correct torsional position deviations from Listing' s plane. Moreover, the model also generated systematic errors in saccade direction (as a function of eye position components orthogonal to RE), predicting errors in final gaze direction of up to 25 degrees in the oculomotor range. Plant modifications could not solve these problems, because the intrisic oculomotor input-output geometry forced a fixed visuomotor mapping to choose between either accuracy or Listing's law. This was reflected internally by a sensorimotor divergence between input-defined visual displacement signals (inherently 2-D and defined in reference to the eye) and output-defined motor displacement signals (inherently 3-D and defined in reference to the head). These problems were solved by rotating RE by estimated 3-D eye position (i.e., a reference frame transformation), inputting the result into a 2-D-to-3-D "Listing's law operator," and then finally subtracting initial 3-D eye position to yield the correct ME. This model was accurate and upheld Listing's law from all initial positions. Moreover, it suggested specific experiments to invasively distinguish visual and motor displacement codes, predicting a systematic position dependence in the directional tuning of RE versus a fixed-vector tuning in ME. We conclude that visual and motor displacement spaces are geometrically distinct such that a fixed visual-motor mapping will produce systematic and measurable behavioral errors. To avoid these errors, the brain would need to implement both a 3-D position-dependent reference frame transformation and nontrivial 2-D-to-3-D transformation. Furthermore, our simulations provide new experimental paradigms to invasively identify the physiological progression of these spatial transformations by reexamining the position-dependent geometry of displacement code directions in the superior colliculus, cerebellum, and various cortical visuomotor areas.  相似文献   

The synoptophore was used to measure torsional interocular disparity. This, in turn, was used to compute how much the angle between the Listing's plane (LP) of the two eyes changes as a function of the vergence angle. The ratio of these two angles was defined as G. We measured G in normals and in patients suffering from intermittent horizontal strabismus. Consistent with previous search-coil experiments and with our previous visual test measures, the results using the synoptophore suggest that, for normals, G is less than 1. In the patient group the mean G was similar in magnitude but more variable. The variations in G did not appear to be related to the patient's measurement of ocular deviation. This result suggests that the vergence-related rotation of LP in these patients may be related to other factors besides the effort required to fuse the lines of sight.  相似文献   

Vertical phoria (vertical vergence in the absence of binocular feedback) can be trained to vary with non-visual cues such as vertical conjugate eye position, horizontal conjugate eye position and horizontal vergence. These prior studies demonstrated a low-level association or coupling between vertical vergence and several oculomotor cues. As a test of the potential independence of multiple eye-position cues for vertical vergence, context-specific adaptation experiments were conducted in three orthogonal adapting planes (midsagittal, frontoparallel, and transverse). Four vertical disparities in each of these planes were associated with various combinations of two specific components of eye position. Vertical disparities in the plane were associated with horizontal vergence and vertical conjugate eye position; vertical disparities in the frontoparallel plane were associated with horizontal and vertical conjugate eye position; and vertical disparities in the transverse plane were associated with horizontal vergence and horizontal conjugate eye position. The results demonstrate that vertical vergence can be adapted to respond to specific combinations of two different sources of eye-position information. The results are modeled with an association matrix whose inputs are two classes of eye position and whose weighted output is vertical vergence.  相似文献   

A recent theoretical investigation has demonstrated that three-dimensional (3-D) eye position dependencies in the geometry of retinal stimulation must be accounted for neurally (i.e., in a visuomotor reference frame transformation) if saccades are to be both accurate and obey Listing's law from all initial eye positions. Our goal was to determine whether the human saccade generator correctly implements this eye-to-head reference frame transformation (RFT), or if it approximates this function with a visuomotor look-up table (LT). Six head-fixed subjects participated in three experiments in complete darkness. We recorded 60 degrees horizontal saccades between five parallel pairs of lights, over a vertical range of +/-40 degrees (experiment 1), and 30 degrees radial saccades from a central target, with the head upright or tilted 45 degrees clockwise/counterclockwise to induce torsional ocular counterroll, under both binocular and monocular viewing conditions (experiments 2 and 3). 3-D eye orientation and oculocentric target direction (i.e., retinal error) were computed from search coil signals in the right eye. Experiment 1: as predicted, retinal error was a nontrivial function of both target displacement in space and 3-D eye orientation (e.g., horizontally displaced targets could induce horizontal or oblique retinal errors, depending on eye position). These data were input to a 3-D visuomotor LT model, which implemented Listing's law, but predicted position-dependent errors in final gaze direction of up to 19.8 degrees. Actual saccades obeyed Listing's law but did not show the predicted pattern of inaccuracies in final gaze direction, i.e., the slope of actual error, as a function of predicted error, was only -0. 01 +/- 0.14 (compared with 0 for RFT model and 1.0 for LT model), suggesting near-perfect compensation for eye position. Experiments 2 and 3: actual directional errors from initial torsional eye positions were only a fraction of those predicted by the LT model (e. g., 32% for clockwise and 33% for counterclockwise counterroll during binocular viewing). Furthermore, any residual errors were immediately reduced when visual feedback was provided during saccades. Thus, other than sporadic miscalibrations for torsion, saccades were accurate from all 3-D eye positions. We conclude that 1) the hypothesis of a visuomotor look-up table for saccades fails to account even for saccades made directly toward visual targets, but rather, 2) the oculomotor system takes 3-D eye orientation into account in a visuomotor reference frame transformation. This transformation is probably implemented physiologically between retinotopically organized saccade centers (in cortex and superior colliculus) and the brain stem burst generator.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate electrooculography (EOG) as a measurement of ocular vergence in both collimated and projected simulator environments. The task required participants to shift their gaze between a central fixation point and a target appearing at one of three eccentricities. EOG was effective in recording ocular vergence. The EOG results were similar between collimated and projected displays, except for differences in vergence changes during lateral movement of the eyes, and ocular excursions downward elicited a greater EOG response than the reverse upward movement. The computer-based technique of recording vergence was found to produce measurable traces from a majority of participants. The technique has potential for further development as a tool for measuring ocular vergence in virtual environments where methods that require the wearing of head-mounted apparatus to track ocular structures (e.g., the pupil), which cannot be worn at the same time as a flight or flight-simulator helmet, are unsuitable.  相似文献   

AIMS: A surgical technique has been developed in order to obtain ocular alignment in the primary position in patients with third nerve palsy. METHODS: A method for surgically correcting the vertical deviation and the pseudoptosis is described in three patients with longstanding third nerve palsy. By decreasing the ability of the non-involved eye to elevate, a fixation duress was created which eliminated the secondary deviation that characteristically occurs in such patients when the involved eye fixates. As a result of this technique, both eyes in all patients on attempted fixation were under similar duress, therefore requiring equal amounts of stimulation to move into the primary position. When the fixation duress was sufficient, elimination of the hypotropia and ptosis was achieved. Additionally, in order to correct the exotropia, generous recession and resection procedures in the involved eye and recession of the lateral rectus in the noninvolved eye were performed. RESULTS: Between 8 and 10 prism dioptres of esotropia were achieved and maintained in two patients. One patient had 20 prism dioptres of exotropia. Two patients had no residual ptosis and one required an additional anterior levator resection to achieve a satisfactory result. CONCLUSION: Patients with a third nerve palsy and a pseudoptosis may be candidates for this approach.  相似文献   

In reading, fixation durations are longer when the eyes fall near the center of words than when fixation occurs toward the words' ends-the inverted-optimal viewing position (I-OVP) effect. This study assessed whether the I-OVP effect was based on the fixation position in the word or the fixation position in the visual stimulus. In Experiments 1-3, words were presented at variable locations within longer strings of symbols. On trials with short fixation durations, there were effects of fixation position in the string. When long fixations were made, there were effects of fixation position in the word. In Experiment 4, an I-OVP effect was found for meaningless number strings, and its strength depended on the task's processing demands. The findings show that (a) the I-OVP effect is unrelated to orthographic informativeness and (b) the eyes are not constrained to spend more time at the center of visual stimuli. These results support a perceptual-economy account: Fixations are held longer when the eyes are estimated to be at locations in words/stimuli in which greater amounts of information are anticipated. Implications for eye movements in reading are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Static vestibulo-ocular brain stem syndromes characterized by skew deviation, a vertical disconjugacy of the eyes, and ocular torsion are the result of a vestibular tone imbalance in the frontal (roll) plane. Similar physiological changes in static eye position, ocular counter-roll and conjugated deviations of vertical eye position, are caused by the influence of gravity mediated by the utricles. These observations prompted our approach with the model described here: based on the known deviations of static eye position, we devised a three-dimensional mathematical model of otolith-ocular function including detailed brain stem anatomy. This model is able to explain and predict the differential effects of unilateral and bilateral peripheral or central vestibular lesions on static eye position in roll, pitch, and yaw planes.  相似文献   

An observer moving forwards through the environment experiences a radial pattern of image motion on each retina. Such patterns of optic flow are a potential source of information about the observer's rate of progress, direction of heading and time to reach objects that lie ahead. As the viewing distance changes there must be changes in the vergence angle between the two eyes so that both foveas remain aligned on the object of interest in the scene ahead. Here we show that radial optic flow can elicit appropriately directed (horizontal) vergence eye movements with ultra-short latencies (roughly 80 ms) in human subjects. Centrifugal flow, signalling forwards motion, increases the vergence angle, whereas centripetal flow decreases the vergence angle. These vergence eye movements are still evident when the observer's view of the flow pattern is restricted to the temporal hemifield of one eye, indicating that these responses do not result from anisotropies in motion processing but from a mechanism that senses the radial pattern of flow. We hypothesize that flow-induced vergence is but one of a family of rapid ocular reflexes, mediated by the medial superior temporal cortex, compensating for translational disturbance of the observer.  相似文献   

Recent investigations have raised the possibility that ocular diurnal rhythms might be involved in the regulation of eye growth. Specifically, the chick eye elongates with a daily rhythm, said to be absent in form-deprived eyes. The present study asks: (1) Which components of the eye have daily rhythms-only the overall eye size, or also choroidal thickness or anterior chamber depth? (2) Does the phase or amplitude of these rhythms differ in eyes growing either faster than normal (form-deprived eyes) or slower than normal (eyes recovering from form-deprivation myopia)? Using high-frequency A-scan ultrasonography that allowed fine (8-20 micron) resolution of anterior chamber depth, vitreous chamber depth, choroidal thickness and axial length, we measured normal eyes, form-deprived eyes and eyes recovering from form-deprivation myopia at 6 hour intervals for 5 days and 4 nights. All eyes showed daily rhythms in axial elongation and choroidal thickness. In both normal and form-deprived eyes, the axial length was greatest in the afternoon when the choroid was thinnest, and hence, these rhythms were approximately in anti-phase to one another; in addition, there is some evidence that the axial length rhythm in form-deprived eyes is phase-advanced relative to that of their fellow control eyes. The amplitude of the rhythm in choroidal thickness in form-deprived eyes was significantly larger than in normal eyes. In recovering eyes in which elongation is slowed, the rhythm in axial length was significantly phase-delayed relative to normal eyes (peak at 8 pm) and the rhythm in choroidal thickness was phase-advanced (peak at 8 pm); thus in these eyes, the two rhythms are in phase. In these eyes, the choroids were thickening by approximately 100 micron/day. In all three groups, the rhythm in anterior chamber depth appears to differ in phase from the rhythm in axial length (and hence from the rhythm at the posterior wall of the eye). We propose that the phase relationship between these choroidal and eye length rhythms influence the rate of growth of the eye, and conclude that diurnal ocular rhythms may be important in eye growth regulation.  相似文献   

Mansfield and Legge (1996) reported recently that a target's perceived binocular direction is dependent on the ratio of contrasts presented to the two eyes. Although their main conclusion concerned the dependence of perceived direction on interocular contrast, they also argued that the change in perceived direction is due to a shift in the position of the cyclopean eye and that the relative directions of binocular targets are unaffected by eye position. We take issue with both of these arguments. With regard to the former, their task was an alignment task, not an egocenter task, so it did not provide information relevant to the position of the cyclopean eye. Indeed, their data can be explained by the conventional theory of binocular visual directions with a fixed cyclopean eye (e.g., Hering, 1879; Ono, 1981) once a simple, but important modification is added. With regard to their conclusion concerning eye position, we show that the vergence of the eyes has a clear and systematic effect on perceived relative directions in the setup used by Mansfield and Legge.  相似文献   

Recent neurophysiological studies of the saccadic ocular motor system have lent support to the hypothesis that this system uses a motor error signal in retinotopic coordinates to direct saccades to both visual and auditory targets. With visual targets, the coordinates of the sensory and motor error signals will be identical unless the eyes move between the time of target presentation and the time of saccade onset. However, targets from other modalities must undergo different sensory-motor transformations to access the same motor error map. Because auditory targets are initially localized in head-centered coordinates, analyzing the metrics of saccades from different starting positions allows a determination of whether the coordinates of the motor signals are those of the sensory system. We studied six human subjects who made saccades to visual or auditory targets from a central fixation point or from one at 10 degrees to the right or left of the midline of the head. Although the latencies of saccades to visual targets increased as stimulus eccentricity increased, the latencies of saccades to auditory targets decreased as stimulus eccentricity increased. The longest auditory latencies were for the smallest values of motor error (the difference between target position and fixation eye position) or desired saccade size, regardless of the position of the auditory target relative to the head or the amplitude of the executed saccade. Similarly, differences in initial eye position did not affect the accuracy of saccades of the same desired size. When saccadic error was plotted as a function of motor error, the curves obtained at the different fixation positions overlapped completely. Thus, saccadic programs in the central nervous system compensated for eye position regardless of the modality of the saccade target, supporting the hypothesis that the saccadic ocular motor system uses motor error signals to direct saccades to auditory targets.  相似文献   

Fixation disparity was measured with dichoptically presented nonius lines at viewing distances of 20, 30, 40, 60, and 100 cm, so that both vergence and accommodation were stimulated adequately as in normal vision. As the viewing distance was shortened, mean fixation disparity changed monotonically from 1 min arc eso (i.e., the eyes converged in front of the target) to 3 min arc exo. The average standard deviation of the psychometric function of fixation disparity, which is a measure of the temporal variability of vergence, was smallest at 100 cm (when fixation disparity was eso) and increased as viewing distance decreased. Fixation disparity itself and the change of fixation disparity with distance differed reliably among subjects with normal binocular vision, but neither was related to the momentary degree of accommodation. Fixation disparity was also measured at a constant distance of 40 cm, but with prisms in front of the eyes that induced the same vergence angles as viewing distances between 20 and 100 cm. The slope of these conventional fixation disparity curves as a function of prism load was generally larger than the slope of fixation disparity as a function of viewing distance (which can be explained by accommodative vergence), but the slopes of the two types of curves were correlated (r = 0.39, P = 0.02, n = 25).  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare the effects of botulinum toxin on static and dynamic aspects of eye movements, and thereby elucidate the mechanisms of its action on eye muscles. BACKGROUND: Laboratory evidence indicates that static alignment and saccades are subserved by different extraocular muscle fiber types, and botulinum toxin may cause specific dysfunction of the fibers controlling static alignment. Diplopia is a well-known side effect of periorbital botulinum toxin injections in humans, and may be a clinical correlate of the laboratory findings. METHODS: Search coil recording of eye movements was performed in one patient with systemic botulism, and in three patients with diplopia following periorbital injection of botulinum toxin A. RESULTS: In the patient with acute botulism, eye movement alignment, range, and saccadic velocity profiles were abnormal. In three patients with iatrogenic diplopia, static alignment was abnormal but movement range and saccadic velocities were within normal limits. Edrophonium improved the range of movements and saccadic velocities in the patient with systemic botulism but was ineffective in reversing ocular misalignment in the one iatrogenic patient to whom it was administered. CONCLUSIONS: Precise alignment is subserved by orbital singly innervated muscle fibers, and the effects of botulinum toxin are greatest on these fibers. This predilection is apparent when the toxin dose is very small, as must have been the case in our patients with iatrogenic diplopia. The lack of a response to edrophonium probably reflects structural damage to muscle fibers. In contrast, larger doses of toxin produce an acute dysfunction of all extraocular muscle fiber types, which is responsive to edrophonium and consequently reflects partial blockade at the neuromuscular junction.  相似文献   

The present study examines whether the direction of gaze can influence sound lateralization. For this purpose, dichotic stimuli with variable interaural level difference (ILD) were presented under different conditions of visual fixation. In experiment 1, subjects with their head fixed directed their gaze to a given target, simultaneously adjusting the ILD of continuous pure tone or noise stimuli so that their location was perceived in the median plane of the head. The auditory adjustments were significantly correlated with gaze direction. During eccentric fixation, the psychophysical adjustments to the median plane shifted slightly toward the direction of gaze. The magnitude of the shift was about 1-3 dB, over a range of fixation angles of 45 degrees to either side. The eye position effect, measured as a function of pure-tone frequency, was most pronounced at 2 kHz and showed a tendency to decrease at lower and higher frequencies. The effect still occurred, although weaker, even when the eyes were directed to eccentric positions in darkness and without a fixation target. In experiment 2, the adjustment method was replaced by a two-alternative forced-choice method. Subjects judged whether sound bursts, presented with variable ILDs, were perceived on the left or right of the median plane during fixation of targets in various directions. Corresponding to experiment 1, the psychometric functions shifted significantly with gaze direction. However, the shift was only about half as large as that found in experiment 1. The shift of the subjective auditory median plane in the direction of eccentric gaze, observed in both experiments, indicates that dichotic sound is localized slightly to the opposite side, i.e., to the left when the gaze is directed to the right and vice versa. The effect may be related to auditory neurons which exhibit spatially selective receptive fields that shift with eye position.  相似文献   

The present study used single-unit recording and electrical microstimulation techniques in alert, trained rhesus monkeys to examine the involvement of the posterior interposed nucleus (IP) of the cerebellum in vergence and accommodative eye movements. Neurons related to vergence and ocular accommodation were encountered within a circumscribed region of the IP and their activity during changes in viewing distance was characterized. The activity of these neurons increased with decreases in vergence angle and accommodation (the far-response) but none showed changes in activity during changes in conjugate eye position and we therefore term them "far-response neurons." Far-response neurons were found within a restricted region of the IP that extended approximately 1 mm rostrocaudally and mediolaterally and 2 mm dorsal to the fourth ventricle. Microstimulation of this far-response region of the IP with low currents (<30 microA) often elicited divergence and accommodation for far. The behavior of 37 IP far-response neurons was examined during normal binocular viewing, during monocular viewing (blur cue alone), and during binocular viewing with accommodation open-loop (disparity cue alone). The activity of all cells was modulated under all three conditions. However, the change in activity of some of these neurons was significantly different under these three viewing conditions. The behavior of 70 IP far-response neurons was compared during normal binocular viewing and during viewing in which the accommodative response was significantly dissociated from the vergence response. The data from these two conditions was pooled and multiple regression analyses for each neuron generated two coefficients expressing the activity of the neuron relative to the vergence and to accommodative response respectively. On the basis of these coefficients, the overall activity of the neurons were classified as follows: 34 positively correlated with divergence, 11 positively correlated with far accommodation, 14 positively correlated with divergence and far accommodation, 9 positively correlated with divergence and accommodation, and 2 positively correlated with convergence and far accommodation. The results of this study demonstrate the involvement of a specific region of the posterior interposed nucleus of the cerebellum in vergence and accommodation. IP far-response neurons are active for vergence and accommodation irrespective of whether or not these eye movements are elicited by blur or disparity cues. The data in the present study strongly suggest that this cerebellar region is a far-response region that is involved in vergence as well as accommodative eye movements.  相似文献   

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