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汪鸿振  郭芃 《声学技术》1999,(4):149-151
本文在采用边界元方法计算无限域中任意形状结构声辐射的基础上,通过重新推导适用于半无限域问题的Green函数,对存在反射面时结构的声辐射情况进行了研究并编制了相应的计算机程序;在此基础上,对放置在刚性反射面上的均匀脉动球的辐射声场进行了计算,与相应的解析解进行了比较并对计算误差作了分析。  相似文献   

本文讨论了利用边界积分方程和边界元技术计算结构的稳态外辐射声场的方法,同时,对边界元方法所固有的奇异数值积分提出了一种简单方便的间接处理方法。计算实例证明所编计算程序和奇异积分处理方法是成功的。利用该程序在已知结构表面振速分布的条件下,可以求出该结构在自由声场中的声功率、表面辐射效率以及声场中任意点的声压值和相位。对一个实际钢质空心封闭圆筒作了计算与实测的比较,结果显示了该方法可应用于实际结构或机器的前景。  相似文献   

本文从半无限域结构体声辐射的理论公式──半无限域Helmhothtz积分方程入手,采用边界元法(简称BEM法)离散积分方程,通过变压器壳体表面振动速度场来计算变压器向外辐射的噪声场。文中讨论了计算变压器辐射噪声场的数值计算模型,变压器体表面振动速度的测试,并将BEM法计算结果与实测结果进行了比较,两者基本吻合,最后简要分析了造成误差的原因。  相似文献   

用样条边界元计算振动体的三维稳态声辐射   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用三次B样条边界单元计算振动体的三维稳态声辐射。实际计算表明:采用样条边界元可获得较好的数值计算结果。此外,本文在计算声场内点声压的Helmholtz边界积分公式的基础上,导出了计算声场内点质点振速和声强的边界积分公式。文中还给出了应用本文方法计算的算例结果。  相似文献   

李亚  张楠 《声学技术》2021,40(2):151-156
平面波垂直入射均匀薄板为一常见的透声问题;如果从振动声辐射角度来讲,这也是一个平面波激励板振动的声辐射问题,两种分析思路均已有经典方法可以采用,计算结果也理应一致.前者计算容易,但后者由于积分中含有奇点所以计算比较复杂.文章首先对有限薄板被激振动和声辐射的已有研究结果进行了回顾,重点处理了矩阵求解和奇点积分问题,给出了...  相似文献   

二维边界元法中几乎奇异积分的解析法   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
边界元分析中的几乎奇异积分难题一直阻碍其在工程中应用.作者提出的半解析法有效计算了几乎奇异积分,在此基础上做进一步推演,得到线性单元和二次亚参元上几乎强奇异和超奇异积分的解析列式,摈弃了数值求积.该算式对高次单元也近似适用.这个算法使得边界元法能够分析弹性力学薄壁结构.  相似文献   

Helmholtz声学边界积分方程中奇异积分的计算   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
提出了一种非等参单元的四边形坐标变换,它将积分的曲面单元映射为另一四边形单元,通过两次坐标变换引入的雅可比行列式可以消除Helmholtz声学边界积分方程中的弱奇异型O(1/r))积分.而且利用δr/δn以及坐标变换可以同时消除坐标变换无法消除的Cauchy型(O(1/r^2))奇异积分,并给出了消除奇异性的详细证明.该方法给Helmholtz声学边界积分方程中的弱奇异积分与Cauchy奇异积分的计算以及编程提供了极大便利。  相似文献   

结构声辐射有限元/边界元法声学-结构灵敏度研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
声学-结构灵敏度用于预测结构辐射声压随结构设计变量的变化,该值对结构降噪设计有重要意义。提出了基于有限元法、边界元法的声学-结构灵敏度计算方法。基于有限元法计算结构动力学响应及响应速度灵敏度,基于边界元法计算结构辐射声压及声压对振动速度灵敏度。将两个灵敏度联合,得到声学-结构设计灵敏度。以中空六面体为研究实例,给出了激励频率为1~100 H z时,外场声压对壳厚度的灵敏度,并分析了灵敏度随激励频率、设计变量的变化规律。结果表明,基于有限元法、边界元法的声学-结构灵敏度是有效和正确的。  相似文献   

利用边界元法中的全特解场方法计算结构振动声辐射   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文通过利用边界元法中的全特解场方法,对结构振动声辐射的计算进行了研究,并以脉动球为算例,将计算结果与解析解进行比较,结果表明:该方法与一般边界元法相比,在边界剖分相同的情况下,能够在相当宽的振动范围内,给出满意的计算结果。  相似文献   

准确求解边界元方法中的近奇异积分是一个非常重要的问题。一般情况下,分析中涉及到的常规积分采用高斯方法即可获得较高的精度。但当源点位于边界附近时,采用高斯积分就会使计算结果精度大大降低,甚至得出错误的结果。对于平面问题,以源点作为原点,以所积分单元的切向和法向为坐标轴建立局部坐标系,对于线性单元可以得到所有积分的解析解。基于除角点外的所有边界点的场变量在边界上连续且有界的特点,所有在边界上引起场变量奇异的项之和必为零,故对于边界上的点可以直接在解析解中删除这些奇异项即可。算例表明,该方法可大大提高边界元的计算精度和效率。  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose an efficient strategy to compute nearly singular integrals over planar triangles in R 3 arising in boundary element method collocation. The strategy is based on a proper use of various non‐linear transformations, which smooth or move away or quite eliminate all the singularities close to the domain of integration. We will deal with near singularities of the form 1/r, 1/r2 and 1/r3, r=∥ x ? y ∥ being the distance between a fixed near observation point x and a generic point y of a triangular element. Extensive numerical tests and comparisons with some already existing methods show that the approach proposed here is highly efficient and competitive. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

在采用波数积分法进行声场计算的过程中,需要选取合适的积分截断波数,文章提出一种应用于流体介质中宽带声场波数积分计算的截断波数自适应选取方法。首先根据波数域格林函数的衰减特性构造一个数学模型,然后利用卡尔曼滤波器对该数学模型的拟合参数进行跟踪和预测,最后根据预测的模型参数计算截断波数。仿真试验结果表明,该方法实现了给定精确度下的积分截断波数自适应选取,能够克服现有方法不能兼顾低频段精确度和高频段计算量的问题,并且不会引入太多额外的计算量。  相似文献   

In this paper, we replace the asymptotic enrichments around the crack tip in the extended finite element method (XFEM) with the semi‐analytical solution obtained by the scaled boundary finite element method (SBFEM). The proposed method does not require special numerical integration technique to compute the stiffness matrix, and it improves the capability of the XFEM to model cracks in homogeneous and/or heterogeneous materials without a priori knowledge of the asymptotic solutions. A Heaviside enrichment is used to represent the jump across the discontinuity surface. We call the method as the extended SBFEM. Numerical results presented for a few benchmark problems in the context of linear elastic fracture mechanics show that the proposed method yields accurate results with improved condition number. A simple code is annexed to compute the terms in the stiffness matrix, which can easily be integrated in any existing FEM/XFEM code. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The discretization of the boundary in boundary element method generates integrals over elements that can be evaluated using numerical quadrature that approximate the integrands or semi-analytical schemes that approximate the integration path. In semi-analytical integration schemes, the integration path is usually created using straight-line segments. Corners formed by the straight-line segments do not affect the accuracy in the interior significantly, but as the field point approaches these corners large errors may be introduced in the integration. In this paper, the boundary is described by a cubic spline on which an integration path of straight-line segments is dynamically created when the field point approaches the boundary. The algorithm described improves the accuracy in semi-analytical integration schemes by orders of magnitude at insignificant increase in the total solution time by the boundary element method. Results from two indirect BEM and a direct BEM formulation in which the unknowns are approximated by linear and quadratic Lagrange polynomial and a cubic Hermite polynomial demonstrate the versatility of the described algorithm. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, the coupling of the improved interpolating element‐free Galerkin (IIEFG) method and the variable‐order infinite acoustic wave envelope element (WEE) method is studied. A coupled IIEFG‐WEE method for computing sound radiation is proposed to make use of their advantages while evading their disadvantages. The coupling is achieved by constructing the hybrid shape function of continuity and compatibility on the interface between the IIEFG and WEE domains. In the IIEFG domain, the improved interpolating moving least‐squares (IIMLS) method is used to form the shape functions satisfying the Kronecker delta condition while nonsingular weight functions can be used. The impacts of the size of the influence domain and the shape parameter on the performance of this coupled method are investigated. The numerical results show that the coupled IIEFG‐WEE method can take full advantage of both the IIEFG and WEE methods and that it not only can achieve higher accuracy but also has a faster convergence speed than the conventional method of the finite element coupled with the WEE. The experimental results show that the method is very flexible for acoustic radiation prediction in the infinite domain.  相似文献   

This study documents the first attempt to extend the singular boundary method, a novel meshless boundary collocation method, for the solution of 3D elasticity problems. The singular boundary method involves a coupling between the regularized BEM and the method of fundamental solutions. The main idea here is to fully inherit the dimensionality and stability advantages of the former and the meshless and integration‐free attributes of the later. This makes it particularly attractive for problems in complex geometries and three dimensions. Four benchmark 3D problems in linear elasticity are well studied to demonstrate the feasibility and accuracy of the proposed method. The advantages, disadvantages, and potential applications of the proposed method, as compared with the FEM, BEM, and method of fundamental solutions, are also examined and discussed. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

There exist the nearly singular integrals in the boundary integral equations when a source point is close to an integration element but not on the element, such as the field problems with thin domains. In this paper, the analytic formulations are achieved to calculate the nearly weakly singular, strongly singular and hyper-singular integrals on the straight elements for the two-dimensional (2D) boundary element methods (BEM). The algorithm is performed after the BIE are discretized by a set of boundary elements. The singular factor, which is expressed by the minimum relative distance from the source point to the closer element, is separated from the nearly singular integrands by the use of integration by parts. Thus, it results in exact integrations of the nearly singular integrals for the straight elements, instead of the numerical integration. The analytic algorithm is also used to calculate nearly singular integrals on the curved element by subdividing it into several linear or sub-parametric elements only when the nearly singular integrals need to be determined. The approach can achieve high accuracy in cases of the curved elements without increasing other computational efforts. As an application, the technique is employed to analyze the 2D elasticity problems, including the thin-walled structures. Some numerical results demonstrate the accuracy and effectiveness of the algorithm.  相似文献   

Accurate numerical determination of line integrals is fundamental to reliable implementation of the boundary element method. For a source point distant from a particular element, standard Gaussian quadrature is adequate, as well as being the technique of choice. However, when the integrals are weakly singular or nearly singular (source point near the element) this technique is no longer adequate. Here a co‐ordinate transformation technique, based on sigmoidal transformations, is introduced to evaluate weakly singular and near‐singular integrals. A sigmoidal transformation has the effect of clustering the integration points towards the endpoints of the interval of integration. The degree of clustering is governed by the order of the transformation. Comparison of this new method with existing co‐ordinate transformation techniques shows that more accurate evaluation of these integrals can be obtained. Based on observations of several integrals considered, guidelines are suggested for the order of the sigmoidal transformations. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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