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PURPOSE: To investigate the responses of individual physicians to educational debt. METHOD: Data on 5,175 physicians were taken from the 1991 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Survey of Young Physicians, a nationally representative survey of physicians under age 45 who had had two to ten years of practice experience as of 1991. The physicians' overall perceptions about the extents to which debt had been an important determinant of specialty choice were explored using multivariate logistic regression analyses. RESULTS: Only 3.2% of the physicians indicated that debt had had a major influence on their specialty choices. About half (56%) of those who felt that debt had been a major influence indicated that they had foregone some training because of their debt levels. Controlling for debt level, the physicians who had had children during medical school and those whose parents had less education and lower incomes were more likely to say that debt had been an influence (p < .05). An examination of the specialties that the physicians reported having foregone because of debt indicated that these physicians had reacted to debt in different ways--some had chosen more specialized fields while others had chosen more generalized fields. CONCLUSION: While the overall effect of debt was small, some individuals were influenced by debt in a variety of ways. Paying attention to the effects of debt on this small population may improve training for some physicians and help better target programs that attempt to influence physicians by alleviating debt.  相似文献   

Contends that increased family involvement is critical to the success of efforts to improve education in the US. The US Department of Education has joined with more than 160 family, education, religious, business, and community groups in a new nationwide coalition: the Family Involvement Partnership for Learning. Together, the participants are working to support the critical role of caring adults in the success of children in learning. The author also discusses the promotion of parental involvement in education through the Improving America's Schools Act and the Goals 2000: Educate America Act. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine family physicians' perceptions of the difficulty in caring for dying patients and how prepared they are to provide such care relative to strategies used with difficulties encountered, personal need for support and development, and cooperation with other caregivers. DESIGN: Exploratory. SETTING: Physicians' offices. SUBJECTS: Thirty-five randomly selected family physicians (doctors of medicine and doctors of osteopathy) representative of family physicians practicing in Franklin County, Ohio. INTERVENTIONS: None. MAJOR OUTCOME MEASURES: A semistructured interview guide corresponding to a three-dimensional theoretical model developed prior to the study was used to determine family physicians' perceptions regarding care of dying patients and their families. The three dimensions include family physicians' involvement with dying patients and their families, their personal needs and development, and their cooperation with other caregivers. RESULTS: Participants agreed that the care of dying patients and their families is an important and special component of practicing family medicine. Generally seeing themselves as adequately prepared, they still found such care difficult and desired more education and training to increase comfort of their patients and of themselves. Their perceptions regarding the care of dying patients and their families could be categorized in terms of communication as part of the care process, family issues, legal and ethical issues, coordination of care, physicians' feelings, and physicians' influence and support. CONCLUSIONS: Family physicians require formal training in death issues and need to find a way to maximize learning through personal experiences. Discussion of cases in a support group may be beneficial.  相似文献   

This study assessed dental anxiety in adults living in the Detroit tricounty area and identified factors associated with it. The prevalence of dental anxiety was 10.0 percent. Regression analysis revealed six factors associated with dental anxiety: unfavorable attitudes toward dentists, infrequent checkups, dissatisfaction with one's month, small numbers of filled surfaces, being female and lower income. Dentists should be aware of these factors when assessing dental anxiety in their patient populations.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To evaluate the feasibility of using the grading algorithm utilized by the Advanced Glaucoma Intervention Study (AGIS) on a Humphrey Field Analyser with program 9 (76/30 degrees Threshold Grid) of a computerized perimeter DICON TKS 4000 and find whether the obtained score can be used to determine the stage of glaucoma. METHODS: Computerized perimetry was performed on 205 eyes with proven or suspected glaucoma. Visual field changes were assessed first subjectively, and then with the scoring method used in AGIS: the size, depth, and location of the visual field defects, and the nasal step were determined using a stencil and then the final score was calculated. RESULTS: Of 205 eyes examined 79 had perimetric changes. These were allocated subjectively into four groups corresponding to four stages of glaucoma: initial, evoluted, advanced and terminal. The mean scores for each group were calculated. There was a statistically significant correlation between the score and the stage of glaucoma. The mean scores for the first 3 stages differed significantly from each other. For stages 3 and 4 the difference was not statistically significant. CONCLUSION: The AGIS scoring method, developed originally for program 30-2 of the Humphrey Field Analyzer, can be applied with the 30 degrees Threshold Grid program of DICON TKS 4000 Perimeter for objective assessment of the glaucoma stage.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This study examined the impact of state legislation on mammography quality and access in Michigan. METHODS: The impact of state legislation was analyzed with respect to utilization, numbers of machines and facilities, and image quality. RESULTS: The legislation had a positive effect on image quality improvement, had no impact on utilization by women aged 50 years and above, and resulted in few facility closures. CONCLUSIONS: Michigan's legislative intervention appears to have had a positive effect on efforts to improve mammography quality assurance with implications for other federal and state efforts to achieve quality assurance in health care delivery.  相似文献   

[Correction Notice: An erratum for this article was reported in Vol 7(3) of Psychological Services (see record 2010-17074-004). The copyright for the article was listed incorrectly. This article is in the Public Domain. The online version has been corrected.] The present study examined interest in family involvement in treatment and preferences concerning the focus of family oriented treatment for veterans (N = 114) participating in an outpatient Veterans Affairs outpatient posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) program. Most veterans viewed PTSD as a source of family stress (86%) and expressed interest in greater family involvement in their treatment (79%). These results suggest the need to consider increasing family participation in the clinical care of individuals with PTSD and to develop specialized family educational and support services for this population. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Cancer pain can be effectively controlled in most patients by classical pharmacological treatment. We retrospectively studied the characteristics and factors associated with non responsive pain. Between 1989 and 1996, 1767 patients were referred to our pain center; 831 (47%) had cancer pain and from 787 evaluable cases 118 (15%) experienced non-controlled pain whereas good pain control was achieved within a few days in 669 (85%) patients. Gender, age, cancer type, metastasis, initial pain intensity, nociceptive or neuropathic components and administration of adjuvant therapies were similar in both groups. On the other hand, diffuse pain, abdominal pain, terminal care, near death and doses of strong opioids were significantly different. Factors associated with therapeutic failure were conflicts, life and complications and breakthrough pain. In the presence of refractory cancer pain the factors predictive of therapeutic failure should be identified in order to optimize individual pain treatment.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The incidence of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) has increased steadily during the past 30 years. METHODS: Trends in the incidence and surgical intervention for AAA in Western Australia were reviewed for the interval 1985-1994. A population-based health database was used to link morbidity and mortality records of all patients aged 55 years or more who died from rupture or were admitted and treated surgically for AAA. Three groups were separated for analysis: patients with a ruptured AAA, those admitted for elective repair and those admitted as an emergency with an acute (non-ruptured) aneurysm. RESULTS: There was a decline in the incidence of both emergency and elective procedures for AAA after 1992. While the mortality rate from ruptured AAA has also fallen since 1991, the overall case fatality rate for ruptured AAA has fallen by only 1.3 per cent (from 80.7 to 79.3 per cent). CONCLUSION: The decline in mortality rate and emergency procedures may result from a fall in the incidence of ruptured AAA, due to an increasing rate of elective surgery before 1992. The decline in elective procedures from 1992 may be due to a fall in the prevalence of AAA owing to high rates of elective surgery, or to a fall in the incidence of the disease itself.  相似文献   

The propensity of a hypernephroma to invade the renal vein and even the inferior vena cava is widely known. However, in contrast to papillary carcinoma of the kidney, hypernephromas rarely involve the ureter. Review of the English literature reveals 42 reported cases of ureteral involvement. Most represented metastases as opposed to direct, contiguous extension which is extremely rare. C case of hypernephroma with contiguous castlike extension into the ureter without mucosal violation is presented. Mechanisms of ureteral involvement and implications regarding treatment of hypernephromas are discussed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the incidence and clinical characteristics of CNS involvement in Ewing family of tumors (EF) in children. METHODS: Chart reviews of children with EF treated in our center from 1972 to 1997. Clinical and imaging data regarding possible CNS involvement were collected. RESULTS: During this 25-year period, 80 children with EF were treated. Intracranial involvement was found in eight (10%) children: the brain was involved in seven children (8.8%) and a retro-orbital metastasis without parenchymal brain involvement was noted in one child. Metastases were localized intrahemispherically, or in the cerebellum or the basal ganglia. Intracranial spread was hematogenous in five children and by contiguous spread from the skull in three children. Intracranial involvement was diagnosed 1.3 to 11 years from initial presentation. Seizures and hemiparesis were the main neurologic complications. CONCLUSIONS: The rate of parenchymal brain involvement in our patients with EF was 8.8%. Spread was mainly hematogenous. Substantial morbidity was associated with CNS disease, which appeared in most patients late in the course of disease.  相似文献   

We report a case of a 65-year-old man with intradipolic epidermoid cyst of the frontal bone. The patient presented with headache and swelling of the forehead. Skull x-ray showed massive destruction of the frontal bone. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed an epidural mass without any encroachment of the dura mater. The cystic tumor was removed followed by cranipolasty with methylmethacrylate. Four years later, the tumor recurred in the same region. At the second surgery the bony defect was again replaced with methylemthacrylate plate. Four years after the second operation, the tumor reemerged with some subcutaneous fluid retention. At the third surgery, the remaining tumor capsule was removed as much as possible except for that part which adhered to the superior sagittal sinus. The authors discuss the relationship of tumor recurrence with utilization of methylmethacrylate for cranioplasty in this type of tumor.  相似文献   

Melanoma has a reputation as an unpredictable disease, but investigation has demonstrated a multiplicity of factors which are independently associated with melanoma incidence and prognosis. Major factors associated with melanoma incidence include those related to race and ethnicity, sunlight exposure, and genetic and familial predisposition. Major factors associated with melanoma prognosis include tumor thickness, ulceration, anatomic location, and patient's sex. These factors are clinically important in designing appropriate screening and prevention programs, as well as in selecting appropriate treatment and follow-up for the individual melanoma patient. There is an increasing need to identify the molecular mechanisms underlying these clinically defined etiologic and prognostic factors so that we may treat patients more effectively and more selectively. Available evidence indicates that the mechanisms of melanoma etiology include a loss of tumor suppressor genes. Mechanisms of melanoma progression include the accumulation of oncogene mutations, perhaps as a result of sun exposure, the development of autocrine and paracrine loops involving cytokines and growth factors, and alterations in cell-surface antigen expression. Finally, an antigen-specific immune response to melanoma appears to be important in the prognosis of some patients. Critical regulatory components of the melanoma immune response include antibodies, T-cells, and human leukocyte antigen (HLA) molecules.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To analyze the clinical and angiographic variables that affect the results of arteriovenous malformation (AVM) radiosurgery and to propose a new method of reporting patient outcomes after AVM radiosurgery. This method incorporates both the obliteration status of the AVMs and the postoperative neurological condition of the patient. METHODS: Patient outcomes were defined as excellent (nidus obliteration and no new deficits), good (nidus obliteration with a new minor deficit), fair (nidus obliteration with a new major deficit), unchanged (incomplete nidus obliteration without a new deficit), poor (incomplete nidus obliteration with any new deficit), and dead. Two hundred twenty patients who underwent AVM radiosurgery at our center before 1992 were subjected to a multivariate analysis with patient outcomes as the dependent variable. RESULTS: Multivariate analysis determined four factors associated with successful AVM radiosurgery: smaller AVM volume (P=0.003), number of draining veins (P=0.001), younger patient age (P=0.0003), and hemispheric AVM location (P=0.002). Preradiosurgical embolization was a negative predictor of successful AVM radiosurgery (P=0.02). CONCLUSION: AVM obliteration without new neurological deficits can be achieved in at least 80% of patients with small volume, hemispheric AVMs after single-session AVM radiosurgery. Future studies on AVM radiosurgery should report patient outcomes in a fashion that incorporates all the factors involved in successful AVM radiosurgery.  相似文献   

To better understand factors associated with symptomatic and asymptomatic vulvovaginal candidiasis, including the role of immune compromise and patient self-report, a cross-sectional analysis of factors associated with the isolation of yeast from vaginal swabs and clinical diagnosis of Candida vaginitis (CV) among 184 HIV-infected women was conducted. Sixty-four (35%) of the women had vaginal swabs positive for yeast. Nineteen (10%) women met the case definition for CV. In a logistic regression model, only CD4 < or = 100 cells/mm3 was predictive of CV (adds ratio = 4.5; 95% confidence interval = 1.0, 20; p = .05). The predictive value of patient self-report of CV was only 12%. This study demonstrates that all HIV-infected women should receive a regular and thorough gynecologic evaluation, regardless of self-reported symptoms. HIV-infected women will benefit from education about prevention and treatment of CV, and women whose CD4 counts are low may wish to consider prophylaxis for CV.  相似文献   

Although screening sigmoidoscopy (SS) reduces colorectal cancer mortality, surveys indicate that fewer than half of primary care physicians routinely recommend SS and less than 10% of eligible patients receive this test. The purpose of this study was to explore barriers to compliance with SS through a cross-sectional survey of general medicine patients. Clinician advice, perceived benefit of the test, and having a family member who has had the test are associated with SS, while perceived pain is a barrier to compliance and can negate the positive effects of clinician advice. These factors can be targeted as part of efforts to improve compliance with SS.  相似文献   

Increasingly, police respond to confrontations in which the individual demonstrates violent and combative behavior as a result of drug-induced delirium. From medical, legal, and police documents, 61 cases of excited delirium decedents in police custody between 1988 and 1997 are analyzed. In all of the cases, the person fought with and was restrained by police; the person was more likely to die at the scene of the incident or during police transport; and the police were likely to be responding to a disturbance call. In a number of cases, survival time was less than 1 hour. In a majority of cases, acute cocaine toxicity and physical restraint in police custody were contributory to death. The literature is reviewed, analyses of case circumstances are provided, and recommendations for medicolegal investigators and police personnel are discussed.  相似文献   

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