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Few gastrointestinal functions decline to an important extent as a result of old age alone and there is little clinical evidence that significant malnutrition occurs in any normal elderly person as a result of the aging process itself. Nevertheless, decreased gastrointestinal reserve makes older people highly sensitive to minor insults and decompensation can rapidly occur. Drugs appreciably affect taste sensation, which is already blunted and psychological as well as physical disability can have a major impact on appetite. Malabsorption can be caused by gastric hypochlorhydria with small bowel bacterial overgrowth and while gastrointestinal dysmotility can be caused by subclinical hypothyroidism, it can improve in response to physical exercise. Evidence is now mounting that thorough investigation of gastrointestinal disturbances in elderly patients coupled with intensive nutritional support can make a very real impact on their outcome. Gastroenterologists should therefore seek out and actively treat gastrointestinal disorders in the elderly and not just ascribe them to old age.  相似文献   

Experiments were performed to detect "alkali" and "acid" carboxypeptidases in 39 enzymic preparations from fungi, yeast, actinomyces, bacteria and algae. Distribution of both types of carboxypeptidases is different: they are absent in the six of the studied sources, there are no "acid" carboxypeptidases in 11 sources and no "alkali" in nine ones. The largest amount of carboxypeptidases is in the objects from fungi and actinomycetes, the least, in those from bacteria and algae. There is no correlation between synthesis of these enzymes by one microorganism. Thus, fungi produce mainly "acid" enzymes, and actinomycetes only "alkali" ones. Asp. oryzae and Asp. flavus are powerful producers of the former, Streptomyces griseus of the latter. Specific activities 15-20 times as high as all the already studied ones are obtained for the preparations isolated from Str. griseus (protezym, proteinase-1, proteinase-3, crystal line complex of proteases). Carboxypeptidase of Str. griseus is relatively stable in comparison with "acid" ones in purification and concentration.  相似文献   

We present theoretical simulations of oxygen delivery to tumor tissues by networks of microvessels, based on in vivo observations of vascular geometry and blood flow in the tumor microcirculation. The aim of these studies is to investigate the impact of vascular geometry on the occurrence of tissue hypoxia. The observations were made in the tissue (thickness 200 microns) contained between two glass plates in a dorsal skin flap preparation in the rat. Mammary adenocarcinomas (R3230 AC) were introduced and allowed to grow, and networks of microvessels in the tumors were mapped, providing data on length, geometric orientation, diameter and blood velocity in each segment. Based on these data, simulations were made of a 1 mm x 1 mm region containing five unbranched vascular segments and a 0.25 mm x 0.35 mm region containing 22 segments. Generally, vessels were assumed to lie in the plane midway between the glass plates, at 100 microns depth. Flow rates in the vessels were based on measured velocities and diameters. The assumed rate of oxygen consumption in the tissue was varied over a range of values. Using a Green's function method, partial pressure of oxygen (PO2) was computed at each point in the tissue region. As oxygen consumption is increased, tissue PO2 falls, with hypoxia first appearing at points relatively distant from the nearest blood vessel. The width of the well-oxygenated region is comparable to that predicted by simpler analyses. Cumulative frequency distributions of tissue PO2 were compared with predictions of a Krogh-type model with the same vascular densities, and it was found that the latter approach, which assumes a uniform spacing of vessels, may underestimate the extent of the hypoxic tissue. Our estimates of the maximum consumption rate that can be sustained without tissue hypoxia were substantially lower than those obtained from the Krogh-type model. We conclude that the heterogeneous structure of tumor microcirculation can have a substantial effect on the occurrence of hypoxic micro-regions.  相似文献   

Using palladium-porphyrin quenching of phosphorescence, we investigated the influence of diaspirin cross-linked hemoglobin (DCLHb) on gut microvascular oxygen pressure (microPO2) in anesthetized pigs. Values of gut microPO2 were studied in correlation with regional intestinal as well as global metabolic and circulatory parameters. A controlled hemorrhagic shock (blood withdrawal of 40 mL/kg) was followed by resuscitation with either a combination of lactated Ringer's solution (75 mL/kg) and modified gelatin (15 mL/kg)(lactR/Gel) or 10% DCLHb (5 mL/kg). After resuscitation, gut microPO2 was similarly improved in the lactR/Gel group (from 25 +/- 10 mm Hg to 53 +/- 8 mm Hg) and the DCLHb group (from 23 +/- 9 mm Hg to 46 +/- 6 mm Hg), which was associated with increased gut oxygen delivery. However, the improvement after resuscitation with DCLHb was sustained for longer periods of time (75 vs 30 min). Mesenteric venous PO2 was increased after resuscitation with lactated Ringer's solution and modified gelatin but not with DCLHb, which was associated with an increased gut oxygen consumption in the latter group. We conclude that measurement of microPO2 by the palladium-porphyrin phosphorescence technique revealed DCLHb to be an effective carrier of oxygen to the microcirculation of the gut. Also, this effect can be achieved with a lower volume than is currently used in resuscitation procedures.  相似文献   

TPN (tetrachloroisophthalonitrile) affected the growth in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and enhanced the superoxide dismutase and glutathione reductase activity under sublethal concentration. Conversely, mild heat-shock treatment had no effect on the enzyme activities. These show they inhibit the metabolism diversely: TPN is an oxidative stressor and mild heat-shock treatment leads to thermogenesis. We have earlier reported that on exposure to TPN under sublethal concentration, heat-shock protein Hsp104 was induced in the same way as in the mild heat-shock treatment (Fujita et al., Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (1995) 216, 1041-1047). However, intracellular localizations of Hsp104 showed different patterns in each treated cell according to immunoelectron microscopic observation. While Hsp104 was localized upon the circumference of the protein aggregates in mild heat-shocked cells, Hsp104 was distributed over the entire TPN-treated cells with no protein aggregates. These findings suggest Hsp104 adaptively responds to comprehensive stress and participates in an emergent rescue function as a molecular chaperone.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that septic shock is a disorder of microvascular autoregulation. Tissue blood flow is modulated by the state of activation of upstream endothelial receptors controlling the vascular smooth muscle tone. Because vascular receptor populations vary between organs, it should be expected that vasoactive drugs affect tissue oxygenation differently in different organs. We studied the effects of dopexamine HCl (a novel inotrope) and septic shock on oxygen delivery as well as tissue Po2 in gut, liver, and skeletal muscle in anesthetized rabbits. Employing the thermodilution technique, cardiac output was measured across the pulmonary bed and used to calculate oxygen delivery. Three eight-channel Mehrdraht Dortmund Oberfl?che oxygen electrodes were placed on gut serosa, liver, and skeletal muscle surfaces, respectively, and sufficient readings were obtained to calculate tissue Po2 distributions. During septic shock mean arterial pressure, cardiac output, oxygen delivery, and mean tissue Po2 decreased in all organs. Our results suggest that the observed changes in tissue oxygenation during septic shock were caused by defective regulation of microvascular blood flow. In conclusion, during baseline conditions dopexamine HCl caused no statistically significant changes in tissue oxygenation in any organ, except in skeletal muscle at 10 micrograms/kg/min when tissue Po2 increased. During septic shock, however, dopexamine HCl improved oxygenation in all three organs in a dose-dependent manner.  相似文献   

Studied 60 tape-recorded psychotherapy sessions representing the 1st, middle, and next to last interviews with 20 clients. Raters classified S's dependency statements with respect to the category of interpersonal relationships involved. While dependency statements involving the formal structure of the relationship decreased throughout therapy, dependency involving family relationships initially decreased then stabilized. Dependency statements involving the relationship between S and therapist 1st increased and then also stabilized. Dependency in social relationships remained constant through the middle phase, then decreased through the termination of therapy, suggesting a relatively specific resolution of dependency needs and conflicts. Additional data suggest that early termination and unsuccessful therapy experience is related to the early development of intense dependency by Ss. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Pseudopregnancy was induced in rabbits by a single iv injection of 100 IU of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG). Uterine norepinephrine, located exclusively in adrenergic nerves, was markedly reduced (fluorometric determinations) during the first 6 days of pseudopregnancy and then returned towards pre-injection values. Plasma progesterone (measured by radioimmunoassay) was found to be elevated at days 3,6, and 12 of pseudopregnancy as compared to the very low values of the untreated controls. Although tissue progesterone also increased during pseudopregnancy (fourfold at day 6), there was a somewhat paradoxical relationship between plasma and tissue progesterone. In spite of unchanged plasma levels, tissue progesterone decreased considerably between days 6 and 12. The uterine/plasma progesterone ratio was very high (approximately 28) in non-pregnant (control) animals and ranged between 1 and 3 during pseudopregnancy. These results suggest that there is a causal relationship between the high levels of progesterone in the uterus and the reduced amount of norepinephrine transmitter in the adrenergic nerves in this organ, and that plasma progesterone concentration and the changing progesterone receptor levels regulate uterine progesterone concentration.  相似文献   

The course of diffuse peritonitis has been followed up in 219 patients, 20 of these with the reactive, 165 with toxic, and 34 with the terminal stages of the condition. Multiple-modality intensive care included, besides routine therapy, local abdominal hypothermia, UV irradiation of autoblood (UVIAB), and, if indicated, hyperbaric oxygenation (HBO) and hemoperfusion. In addition to clinical tests, immunobiochemical monitoring of medium-molecular peptide fractions MM1 and MM2 and index of their distribution, as well as of circulating immune complexes CIC1 and CIC2 and the levels of immunoglobulins IgA, IgM, and IgG were the criteria for assessing the severity of intoxication and efficacy of intensive care and for predicting the course and outcome of the disease. The results indicate that HBO in combination with hemoperfusion, local abdominal hypothermia, and UVIAB have a positive impact on the clinical picture of the disease and on the time course of markers of endogenous intoxication and humoral immunity in patients with the terminal and toxic phases of diffuse peritonitis.  相似文献   

45 male and 35 female college students were randomly assigned to a fantasy or no-fantasy condition and to an authoritarianism/creativity (measured by the California F Scale and the Personal Opinion Survey, respectively) or no-authoritarianism/creativity condition. ANOVA indicated that the highest level of sexual behavior (as assessed by a specially developed behavior-frequency questionnaire) was reported by Ss who received both treatments; those who received only 1 treatment engaged in significantly more sexual behavior than the control group. Implications for sex research, sex therapy, and research in creativity are discussed. (35 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examines theoretical aspects of personality from a Western and Soviet viewpoint, and compares the performance by Ss on Soviet and Western personality measures. A theoretical and experimental comparison is made of H. J. Eysenck's and V. G. Norakidze's work. The Soviet interpretation of set is a state of the S in which prior events or activity conditions an individual to perceive stimuli or to react to stimuli in a specific manner. For Western psychologists, set has varied meanings. Experimentally, hysterics and dysthymics significantly differ in set trials on Uznadze set tasks; however, the neurotics and nonneurotics, extroverts and introverts do not differ on set tasks. An experiment with 122 student nurses is described testing 8 hypotheses comparing hysterics with dysthymics, as differentiated by extreme scores on the Eysenck Personality Inventory. (French summary) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In 1995, 23 post-RN (RN-to-BSN) students successfully completed the first clinical nursing course offered by distance methods at Memorial University of Newfoundland. Distance delivery improved access to the course for RNs dealing with conflicting work and family demands. Students rated the course favorably overall and found they had learned and applied new knowledge and skills. Community health nurses, who acted as field guides, and their supervisors were satisfied with their roles and responsibilities. However, one need identified was for detailed information about the course, and another was for more frequent communication with the course instructors during the term. Evaluation found students were able to meet their course objectives and perform as well as students who had completed a similar on-campus course.  相似文献   

Experiments on anesthetized dogs were made to examine oxygen extraction from coronary blood during increase and decrease in cardiac rhythm frequency under varying conditions of vasomotor regulation. With an initially high tone of the coronary vessels both increase and reduction of myocardial oxygen supply occurred at the expense of vasomotor reactions. Under these conditions the coronary blood flow velocity and systolic rhythm correlated well. At the same time the oxygen level in coronary blood did not experience noticeable changes. As the initial tone of the coronary vessels dropped, vasomotor reactions were attenuated and oxygen extraction from coronary blood underwent alterations which had occurred prior to depletion of the coronary expanding reserves. The data obtained suggest that reduction of the initial tone of the coronary vessels proceeds non-uniformly, leading to a decrease in vascular sensitivity to the tissue oxygen level.  相似文献   

Strain Henrichsen S 735 (NCTC 10234) of Streptococcus suis serotype 2 reference and three other such strains (strains S 4005, S 3921 and T 141) were tested for virulence by inoculating pigs intranasally and intravenously. The taxonomical properties of each strain were determined. Phenotypes were determined by Western blotting based on MRP and EF protein expression and genotypes were determined by Southern hybridization analysis of the mrp and epf genes. Reference strain S 735 and strain S 3921 produced the 136 kDa MRPh and a 180 kDa form of EF, and hence these strains belong to the MRP + EF phenotype. In accordance with previous experiments with this phenotype, strains S 735 and S 3921 appeared to be only weakly virulent for newborn gnotobiotic pigs. Strain S 4005 produced the 136 kDa MRP and the 110 kDa form of EF, hence it belongs to the MRP + EF + phenotype. This strain was highly virulent for pigs. Strain T 141 did not produce MRP or EF, and hence belongs to the MRP-EF- phenotype. It was nonvirulent for pigs. The route of inoculation did not influence the frequency or severity of clinical signs of disease or lesions, which demonstrated that the 110 kDa EF is not essential during invasion. Southern blot analysis showed that all four S. suis type 2 strains contain sequences that are homologous to the epf and mrp genes. For studies on pathogenesis of S. suis type 2 infections in pigs, we recommend the use of strains that have been tested in a standardized pig model and that belong to the MRP + EF + phenotype, such as strain S 4005.  相似文献   

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