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The cation-independent mannose 6-phosphate/insulin-like growth factor II receptor (M6P/IGF-II receptor) undergoes constitutive endocytosis, mediating the internalization of two unrelated classes of ligands, mannose 6-phosphate (Man-6-P)-containing acid hydrolases and insulin-like growth factor II (IGF-II). To determine the role of ligand valency in M6P/IGF-II receptor-mediated endocytosis, we measured the internalization rates of two ligands, beta-glucuronidase (a homotetramer bearing multiple Man-6-P moieties) and IGF-II. We found that beta-glucuronidase entered the cell approximately 3-4-fold faster than IGF-II. Unlabeled beta-glucuronidase stimulated the rate of internalization of 125I-IGF-II to equal that of 125I-beta-glucuronidase, but a bivalent synthetic tripeptide capable of occupying both Man-6-P-binding sites on the M6P/IGF-II receptor simultaneously did not. A mutant receptor with one of the two Man-6-P-binding sites inactivated retained the ability to internalize beta-glucuronidase faster than IGF-II. Thus, the increased rate of internalization required a multivalent ligand and a single Man-6-P-binding site on the receptor. M6P/IGF-II receptor solubilized and purified in Triton X-100 was present as a monomer, but association with beta-glucuronidase generated a complex composed of two receptors and one beta-glucuronidase. Neither IGF-II nor the synthetic peptide induced receptor dimerization. These results indicate that intermolecular cross-linking of the M6P/IGF-II receptor occurs upon binding of a multivalent ligand, resulting in an increased rate of internalization.  相似文献   

The two mannose 6-phosphate (Man-6-P) binding sites of the insulin-like growth factor-II/mannose 6-phosphate receptor (IGF-II/MPR) have been localized to domains 1-3 and 7-9, and studies have shown that Arg435 in domain 3 and Arg 1334 in domain 9 are essential for Man-6-P binding. To determine whether the IGF-II/MPR containing a single Man-6-P binding site is functional, clonal mouse L cell lines stably transfected with either mutant bovine IGF-II/MPR cDNA, containing substitutions at position 435 and/or 1334, or the wild type receptor cDNA were assayed for their ability to sort lysosomal enzymes to the lysosome. Mutant receptors containing a single Man-6-P binding site were approximately 50% less efficient than the wild type receptor in the overall targeting of lysosomal enzymes to the lysosome. Mutant receptors containing a substitution at Arg1334 (Dom9(Ala)), in contrast to those containing a substitution at Arg435 (Dom3(Ala)), were unable to target cathepsin D and beta-hexosaminidase to the lysosome. Equilibrium binding assays using 125I-labeled beta-glucuronidase demonstrated that Dom3(Ala) and Dom9(Ala) had a Kd of 2.0 and 4.3 nM, respectively. In addition, Dom3(Ala), unlike Dom9(Ala), was unable to completely dissociate from ligand under acidic pH conditions. These data indicate that the two Man-6-P binding sites of the IGF-II/MPR are not functionally equivalent.  相似文献   

Retinoic acid (RA) exerts diverse biological effects in the control of cell growth in embryogenesis and oncogenesis. These effects of RA are thought to be mediated by the nuclear retinoid receptors. Mannose-6-phosphate (M6P)/insulin-like growth factor-II (IGF-II) receptor is a multifunctional membrane glycoprotein that is known to bind both M6P and IGF-II and function primarily in the binding and trafficking of lysosomal enzymes, the activation of transforming growth factor-beta, and the degradation of IGF-II. M6P/IGF-II receptor has recently been implicated in fetal development and carcinogenesis. Despite the functional similarities between RA and the M6P/IGF-II receptor, no direct biochemical link has been established. Here, we show that the M6P/IGF-II receptor also binds RA with high affinity at a site that is distinct from those for M6P and IGF-II, as identified by a photoaffinity labeling technique. We also show that the binding of RA to the M6P/IGF-II receptor enhances the primary functions of this receptor. The biological consequence of the interaction appears to be the suppression of cell proliferation and/or induction of apoptosis. These findings suggest that the M6P/IGF-II receptor mediates a RA response pathway that is important in cell growth regulation. This discovery of the interaction of RA with the M6P/IGF-II receptor may have important implications for our understanding of the roles of RA and the M6P/IGF-II receptor in development, carcinogenesis, and lysosomal enzyme-related diseases.  相似文献   

Insulin-like growth factor II (IGF-II) and phosphomannosylated glycoproteins bind to distinct sites on the same receptor, the IGF-II/mannose 6-phosphate receptor (IGF2R). Analysis of truncated receptors (minireceptors) has been used to map the IGF-II binding site within the receptor's extracytoplasmic domain, which consists of 15 homologous repeats. A minireceptor consisting of repeat 11 contained the minimal elements for binding IGF-II, but with 5- to 10-fold lower relative binding affinity than the full-length receptor. We hypothesized that the complete, high-affinity IGF-II binding site is formed by interaction between the primary site in repeat 11 and a putative affinity-enhancing domain. To determine the minimum portion of the IGF2R's extracytoplasmic domain needed for expression of high-affinity IGF-II binding, a nested set of FLAG epitope-tagged minireceptors encompassing repeats 11 through 15 was prepared and transiently expressed in 293T cells. Minireceptors containing repeats 11-13 or 11-15 exhibited high affinity, comparable to the full-length receptor (IC50 = 1-2 nM), whereas constructs containing repeat 11 only or repeats 11-12 did not (IC50 = 10-20 nM). These data suggested that the affinity-enhancing domain is located within repeat 13, which contains a unique 43-residue insert that has approximately 50% sequence identity to the type II repeat of fibronectin. Although a repeat 13 minireceptor did not bind IGF-II on its own, an 11-13 minireceptor containing a deletion of the 43-residue insert exhibited low IGF-II binding affinity (IC50 = 10-20 nM). Expression of mutant receptors from a full-length IGF2R construct bearing a deletion of the 43-residue insert was very low relative to wild type. Depletion assays using IGF-II-Sepharose showed that the mutant receptor had lower affinity for IGF-II than the wild-type receptor. This study reveals that two independent receptor domains are involved in the formation of a high-affinity binding site for IGF-II, and that a complete repeat 13 is required for high-affinity IGF-II binding.  相似文献   

The insulin-like growth factor II (IGF-II)/mannose-6-phosphate (M-6-P) receptor is known to participate in endocytosis as well as sorting of lysosomal enzymes and is involved in membrane trafficking through rapid cycling between cytosolic membrane compartments and the plasma membrane. Here we demonstrate that IGF-II, acting through the IGF-II/M-6-P receptor, promotes exocytosis of insulin in the pancreatic beta cell. The effect of IGF-II was evoked at nonstimulatory concentrations of glucose, was mediated by a pertussis toxin sensitive GTP-binding protein, was dependent on protein kinase C-induced phosphorylation, and was independent of changes in cytoplasmic free Ca2+ concentration. Since the applied concentration of IGF-II is within the range normally found free in circulation in humans, this novel signaling pathway for the IGF-II/M-6-P receptor is likely to be involved in modulation of insulin exocytosis under physiological conditions.  相似文献   

We examined the signaling function of the IGF-II/mannose 6-phosphate receptor (IGF-IIR) by transfecting IGF-IIR cDNAs into COS cells, where adenylyl cyclase (AC) was inhibited by transfection of constitutively activated G alpha i cDNA (G alpha i2Q205L). In cells transfected with IGF-IIR cDNA, IGF-II decreased cAMP accumulation promoted by cholera toxin or forskolin. This effect of IGF-II was not observed in untransfected cells or in cells transfected with IGF-IIRs lacking Arg2410-Lys2423. Thus, IGF-IIR, through its cytoplasmic domain, mediates the Gi-linked action of IGF-II in living cells. We also found that IGF-IIR truncated with C-terminal 28 residues after Ser2424 caused G beta gamma-dominant response of AC in response to IGF-II by activating Gi. Comparison with the G alpha i-dominant response of AC by intact IGF-IIR suggests that the C-terminal 28-residue region inactivates G beta gamma. This study not only provides further evidence that IGF-IIR has IGF-II-dependent signaling function to interact with heteromeric G proteins with distinct roles by different cytoplasmic domains, it also suggests that IGF-IIR can separate and sequestrate the G alpha and G beta gamma signals following Gi activation.  相似文献   

Previously, we showed that retinoic acid (RA) binds to the mannose-6-phosphate/insulin-like growth factor II receptor (M6P/IGF2R) with high affinity, suggesting that M6P/IGF2R may be a receptor for RA. Here, we show that RA, after 2-3 h of incubation with cultured neonatal-rat cardiac fibroblasts, dramatically alters the intracellular distribution of M6P/IGF2R as well as that of cathepsin B (a lysosomal protease bearing M6P). Immunofluorescence techniques indicate that this change in intracellular distribution is characterized by a shift of the proteins from the perinuclear area to cytoplasmic vesicles. The effect of RA was neither blocked by an RA nuclear receptor antagonist (AGN193109) nor mimicked by a selective RA nuclear-receptor agonist (TTNPB). Furthermore, the RA-induced translocation of cathepsin B was not observed in M6P/IGF2R-deficient P388D1 cells but occurred in stably transfected P388D1 cells expressing the receptor, suggesting that the effect of RA might be the result of direct interaction with M6P/IGF2R, rather than the result of binding to the nuclear receptors. These observations not only support the idea that M6P/IGF2R mediates an RA-response pathway but also indicate a role for RA in control of intracellular trafficking of lysosomal enzymes. Therefore, our observations may have important implications for the understanding of the diverse biological effects of retinoids.  相似文献   

Previous studies indicate that fetal rat heart tissue contains large amounts of insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-II/mannose 6-phosphate (Man 6-P) receptor messenger RNA, with receptor messenger RNA levels falling by 20 days after birth. We examined the amount of IGF receptor protein in developing rat myocardium. To establish a model in which the role of neural, hormonal, and hemodynamic controls of IGF receptor binding could be studied, we compared binding of IGF-I and IGF-II in normally growing rat atria and ventricles with embryonic day 12 (E-12) atria and ventricles maturing in the anterior eye chamber of an adult host rat. In oculo, embryonic myocardium matures without hemodynamic load or exposure to the fetal hormonal milieu. In fetal rat hearts (E-12 to E-19), both IGF-I and IGF-II intensely bound to a protein with a molecular weight corresponding to the IGF-II/Man 6-P receptor. Receptors were identified using sodium dodecyl sulfate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis autoradiography and western blot analysis using Ab3637, a specific polyclonal antibody against rat IGF-II/Man 6-P receptor antigens. This antibody competed for binding of both IGF-I and IGF-II to the band with molecular radius corresponding to 260,000 (reduced). In normally growing rat atria, IGF-I binding to the IGF-II/Man 6-P receptor was similar to ventricular tissue; however, there was significantly greater binding of IGF-II than of IGF-I in both atrial and ventricular tissue. High levels of IGF-II binding to the IGF-II/Man 6-P receptor were observed in both fetal rat atrial and ventricular grafts until 6-8 weeks in oculo. As in normally growing heart tissue, there was similar IGF-I binding to the IGF-II/Man 6-P receptor in atrial grafts compared with ventricular grafts from 2-8 weeks after implantation. For the first 2 weeks after grafting, the ventricular grafts had relatively higher IGF-I binding to the IGF-II/Man 6-P receptor compared with later time points examined. The present data indicate that atrial and ventricular binding of IGFs to the IGF-II/Man 6-P receptor decreases with age, suggesting that decreased IGF binding may be independent of postnatal hemodynamic changes. The decrease is similar in in oculo embryonic rat cardiac grafts and normally growing heart tissue.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR) plays an important role on the cell surface in mediating extracellular degradative processes and formation of active TGF-beta, and in nonproteolytic events such as cell adhesion, migration, and transmembrane signaling. We have searched for mechanisms that determine the cellular location of uPAR and may participate in its disposal. When using purified receptor preparations, we find that uPAR binds to the cation-independent, mannose 6-phosphate/insulin-like growth factor-II (IGF-II) receptor (CIMPR) with an affinity in the low micromolar range, but not to the 46-kD, cation-dependent, mannose 6-phosphate receptor (CDMPR). The binding is not perturbed by uPA and appears to involve domains DII + DIII of the uPAR protein moiety, but not the glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor. The binding occurs at site(s) on the CIMPR different from those engaged in binding of mannose 6-phosphate epitopes or IGF-II. To evaluate the significance of the binding, immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy studies were performed in transfected cells, and the results show that wild-type CIMPR, but not CIMPR lacking an intact sorting signal, modulates the subcellular distribution of uPAR and is capable of directing it to lysosomes. We conclude that a site within CIMPR, distinct from its previously known ligand binding sites, binds uPAR and modulates its subcellular distribution.  相似文献   

Neurofilaments, which are exclusively found in nerve cells, are one of the earliest recognizable features of the maturing nervous system. The differential distribution of neurofilament proteins in varying degrees of phosphorylation within a neuron provides the possibility of selectively demonstrating either somata and dendrites or axons. Non-phosphorylated neurofilaments typical of somata and dendrites can be visualized with the aid of monoclonal antibody SMI 311, whereas antibody SMI 312 is directed against highly phosphorylated axonal epitopes of neurofilaments. The maturation of neuronal types, the development of area-specific axonal networks, and the gradients of maturation can thus be demonstrated. Optimal immunostaining with SMI 311 and SMI 312 is achieved when specimens are fixed in a mixture of paraformaldehyde and picric acid for up to 3 days and sections are incubated free-floating. Neurons, with their dendritic domains immunostained by SMI 311 in a Golgi-like manner, can be completely visualized in relatively thick sections. The limitations of Golgi-preparations, such as glia-labeling, artifacts, and the staining of only a small non-representative percentage of existing neurons, are not apparent in SMI preparations, which additionally provide the possibility of selectively staining axonal networks. The results achieved in normal fetal brain provide the basis for studies of developmental disturbances.  相似文献   

The two known mannose 6-phosphate receptors (MPR46 and MPR300) both mediate the transport of Man-6-P-containing lysosomal proteins to lysosomes. However, the MPRs cannot be detected in lysosomes, instead they recycle between the plasma membrane and endosomes and between endosomes and the trans-Golgi network. Both, endocytosis from the plasma membrane and budding of transport vesicles from the trans-Golgi network involves the interaction of the receptor with the clathrin-coated vesicles-associated protein complexes AP1 and AP2. We have analyzed this interaction between the Golgi-restricted AP1 complex and the plasma membrane-restricted AP2 complex with the MPR46 tail in vitro by using a biosensor. AP1 and AP2 both bind to and dissociate from the MPR46 tail with similar kinetics. Using synthetic peptides corresponding to different MPR receptor tail regions in inhibition and binding studies, a common high affinity binding site for AP1 and AP2 and two separate high affinity binding sites for AP1 and AP2, respectively, were identified.  相似文献   

We report the case of a hemophiliac in whom developed an unusual site of intracranial bleeding, a subdural hematoma that extended in the posterior fossa anteriorly from the clivus into the upper spinal subdural space. The hematoma was delayed in onset and was fatal. We review the current management recommendations for hemophiliac patients with head injury and the clinical presentation of intracranial bleeding in hemophiliacs. The necessity for Factor VIII replacement and serial computed tomography scans is emphasized.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that although IGF-II gene expression is approximately 3-fold higher in 9,10-dimethyl-1,2-benzanthracine (DMBA)-induced rat mammary tumors (MTs) than in nonneoplastic breast tissue, IGF-II mRNA abundance in DMBA-induced MTs is approximately 130-fold higher in pregnant as compared to nonpregnant hosts. This correlated with accelerated tumor growth in pregnant hosts. Immunohistochemical studies of DMBA-induced MTs with an anti-IGF-II antibody showed an intense staining of tumor cells for IGF-II, whereas a very low staining signal was observed for normal epithelial cells in the lobules. A similar immunostaining pattern was observed in three of three human ductal cancers and adjacent normal breast tissue obtained during pregnancy. DMBA-induced MTs expressed high levels of type I receptor for IGFs as determined by Northern blots. In vitro studies confirmed that IGF-II is a mitogen for neoplastic epithelial cells derived from DMBA-induced MTs. These results demonstrate that hormonal changes associated with pregnancy accelerate breast cancer cell proliferation in the DMBA-induced MT model and suggest that this acceleration is mediated by up-regulation of IGF-II expression within neoplasms.  相似文献   

The leukemia inhibitory factor receptor (LIF-R) is activated not only by LIF, but also by cardiotrophin-1, ciliary neurotrophic factor with its receptor, and oncostatin M (OSM). Each of these cytokines induces the hetero-oligomerization of LIF-R with gp130, a signal-transducing subunit shared with interleukin-6 and interleukin-11. The introduction of mutations into human LIF that reduced the affinity for gp130 while retaining affinity for LIF-R has generated antagonists for LIF. In the current study, a LIF antagonist that was free of detectable agonistic activity was tested for antagonism against the family of LIF-R ligands. On cells that express LIF-R and gp130, all LIF-R ligands were antagonized. On cells that also express OSM receptor, OSM was not antagonized, demonstrating that the antagonist is specific for LIF-R. Ligand-triggered tyrosine phosphorylation of both LIF-R and gp130 was blocked by the antagonist. The antagonist is therefore likely to work by preventing receptor oligomerization.  相似文献   

The role of heparin or heparan sulfates in the interaction of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) with its high affinity receptor were investigated using purified extracellular ligand-binding region of FGF receptor-1 (FGFR-1) and intact receptors expressed in a myeloid cell line (32D) that does not express detectable levels of heparan sulfate proteoglycans or in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell mutants defective in heparan sulfate synthesis. The purified extracellular domain of FGFR-1 formed complexes with 125I-bFGF both in the presence or absence of heparin. Intact FGFR-1 expressed in 32D cells also bound the same amount of 125I-bFGF in the presence or absence of heparin when saturating concentrations of bFGF were used. Varying the concentration of 125I-bFGF showed that heparin increased the amount of 125I-bFGF bound at low bFGF concentrations and increased the affinity of bFGF for its receptor by about 3-fold. To eliminate the possibility of alteration of bFGF properties through the chemical modification reactions, bFGF was labeled biosynthetically. The binding of biosynthetically labeled bFGF to FGFR-1 also did not require heparin. When FGFR-1 or FGFR-2 were expressed in mutant CHO cells deficient in heparan sulfate synthesis, the cells also bound 125I-bFGF in the absence of heparin, and the addition of heparin increased the affinity of bFGF for its receptors 2-3-fold. Thus, heparin or heparan sulfate is not required for the binding of bFGF to its receptors but increases the binding affinity to a moderate degree. Finally, the requirement for heparin in signal transduction through the receptor was investigated. Expression of c-fos mRNA was induced by bFGF in 32D cells expressing FGFR-1 to the same extent in the presence or absence of heparin.  相似文献   

Ectopic expression of decorin induces profound cytostatic effects in transformed cells with diverse histogenetic backgrounds. The mechanism of action has only recently begun to be elucidated. Exogenous decorin activates the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor, thereby triggering a signaling cascade that leads to phosphorylation of mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase, induction of p21, and growth suppression. In this study we demonstrate a direct interaction of decorin with the EGF receptor. Binding of decorin induces dimerization of the EGF receptor and rapid and sustained phosphorylation of MAP kinase in squamous carcinoma cells. In a cell-free system, decorin induces autophosphorylation of purified EGF receptor by activating the receptor tyrosine kinase and can also act as a substrate for the EGF receptor kinase itself. Using radioligand binding assays we show that both immobilized and soluble decorin bind to the EGF receptor ectodomain or to purified EGF receptor. The binding is mediated by the protein core and has relatively low affinity (Kd approximately 87 nM). Thus, decorin should be considered as a novel biological ligand for the EGF receptor, an interaction that could regulate cell growth during remodeling and cancer growth.  相似文献   

Interleukin 6 (IL-6) is a multifunctional inflammatory cytokine whose abnormal production has been implicated in a variety of diseases. Our previous study demonstrated that exudative pleural effusions contain a large amount of IL-6, and the levels of IL-6 in pleural effusion have diagnostic and pathophysiologic values. Although IL-6 is produced by a variety of cells, the origin of IL-6 in pleural effusion has not been determined clearly. We hypothesized that pleural mesothelial cells (PMCs) are an important source of IL-6 in pleural diseases. In this study, we tried to demonstrate whether PMCs could produce IL-6 and to characterize the modulation of its production. PMCs were established from patients with nonmalignant pleural effusion. Immunoreactive IL-6 could be detected in cultured supernatants of all PMCs from five patients, and all IL-6 detected in the supernatants were biologically active. IL-6 production was augmented by the addition of interleukin 1 alpha (IL-1 alpha) in a dose-dependent manner and suppressed by dexamethasone. Expression of IL-6 mRNA was spontaneously observed and was increased by IL-1 alpha. PMCs also expressed mRNA for IL-6 receptors gp80 and gpl30. Spontaneous cell growth and DNA synthesis of PMCs were inhibited by the addition of a neutralizing anti-IL-6 monoclonal antibody and were promoted by the addition of IL-6 to the culture. These results suggest that IL-6 is an autocrine growth factor for PMCs.  相似文献   

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