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Recent microbiological studies support the concept that specific gram negative bacteria play a major role in the etiology and pathogenesis of human chronic inflammatory periodontal disease. Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans has been isolated frequently from juvenile periodontitis and Porphyromonas gingivalis has been shown to be a prominent species in adult periodontitis in humans. The purpose of this study was to determine levels of the specific antibodies to A.actinomycetemcomitans and P.gingivalis in 17 patients with juvenile and 15 patients with adult periodontitis and 24 healthy subjects. IgG and IgM antibody titers against these antigens were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The levels of antibodies against A.actinomycetemcomitans were significantly higher in the juvenile periodontitis compared to the adult periodontitis patients and controls. Anti-P.gingivalis antibodies were elevated in adult periodontitis compared to juvenile periodontitis patients and controls.  相似文献   

An epiperikaryal synaptophysin immunoreactivity has been regarded as an indicator of neoplastic or otherwise abnormal neurons and this staining property serves as an important criterion to distinguish between normal and abnormal neurons. In the present study we have investigated the epiperikaryal synaptophysin reactivity in various regions of the normal human central nervous system by using autopsy materials from 11 subjects aged 3 months-86 years. We found a definite but variable staining of the brainstem and spinal cord motor neurons as well as the cerebellar Purkinje cells. A particular strong and consistent reactivity was seen in neurons of the cerebellar nuclei in which also axons and dendrites were labelled to a variable extent. This type of neuronal staining was never observed in the cerebrum. We therefore conclude that the employment of this staining property as a criterion for abnormal neurons should be used with caution in the cerebellum, brainstem, and spinal cord whereas it may be used more safely in the cerebrum.  相似文献   

A stepwise approach to determine attachment level changes was utilized to assess the nature of progression of periodontal disease. Following initial screening, 51 subjects with established periodontitis were monitored quarterly for 9 more months. Probing depth (PD) and relative attachment level (RAL) were recorded using an automated, pressure sensitive probe system. To establish intra-examiner error, repeated measurements were performed for all sites at the final visit. An overall standard deviation (SD) for RAL repeated measurements was initially calculated (0.76 mm) using all 6,935 double measurements. Sites were sorted by factors which contribute to the error of attachment level measurements; i.e., pocket depth (shallow, moderate, deep), tooth type (molar, non-molar) and location (buccal, lingual). Data were sorted by the above 12 groups, and SD for repeated measurements was calculated separately for them. The ratio between these SD and the overall SD served as the corrective factor. Each patient's initial threshold (2 SD) was multiplied by these corrective factors thus resulting in 12 thresholds for each subject. Next, linear, exponential and logarithmic regression models were tested for each site, and the regression model showing the highest R value was chosen for that site. AL changes were tested against the patient's threshold for that site. Sites with attachment loss exceeding the threshold were deemed active. Five hundred eighty-one sites (8.3%) exhibited attachment loss exceeding the various thresholds. Of these, linear progression occurred in 195, logarithmic in 224, and exponential in 162 sites. Individual patient's attachment loss ranged from 0.6 to 19.4% of all sites.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The hypothesis that teeth act as reservoirs of micro-organisms for the colonization of oral implants has recently been stated several times. The present study aimed at examining, in partially edentulous patients with severe periodontitis, whether pockets around teeth and implants harbored a comparable micro-flora. In 6 patients (3 with refractory periodontitis and 3 with advanced chronic adult periodontitis), plaque samples were taken from a deep and shallow pocket around both teeth and implants for differential phase contrast microscopy and DNA probe analysis. The results showed important differences in the sub-gingival flora between the 2 disease groups, as well as between deep and shallow pockets, around both implants and teeth. On the other hand, when pockets around teeth and implants with equal depths were compared a striking similarity was observed in the microbial composition. These observations confirm the hypothesis that pockets around teeth act as a reservoir and highlight the importance of periodontal health when oral implants are planned.  相似文献   

This clinical trial used a randomized, partially double-blind, controlled parallel design to evaluate the pharmacokinetics and safety of the NSAID, ketoprofen (KTP), in gel formulations. Forty-two subjects, ages 35 to 57 years, with generalized, moderate to advanced adult periodontitis were recruited and randomized to one of 5 treatments over a 14 1/2-day treatment period: (1) 0.5% KTP gel; (2) 1.0% KTP gel; (3) 1.0% KTP alternate gel; (4) 2.0% KTP gel; and (5) 25 mg KTP capsule (positive control). Plasma samples were obtained on days 1 (pre-dosing, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 6 hr), 8 (pre-dosing, 2 hr), 15 (pre-dosing, 2 hr), and 22 (7 days post-treatment). Plasma KTP concentrations were determined by means of high-performance liquid chromatography. Significant differences in mean area under the plasma concentration vs. time curve (AUC(0-infinity)) among the groups were detected (p < 0.001), with the 25 mg p.o. capsule exhibiting the largest value (5054 ng-hr/mL), the 2.0% gel exhibiting an intermediate value (2244 ng-hr/mL), the 1.0% gels exhibiting lower but comparable values (1516 for the alternate formulation vs. 1461 ng-hr/mL), and the 0.5% gel showing the lowest value (736 ng-hr/mL). Significant differences in dose- and weight-adjusted maximum plasma concentration (Cmax/dose/kg) were detected overall such that the 25 mg p.o. capsule demonstrated higher values as compared with the 4 gel formulations (p = 0.001). The 5 treatments exhibited similar mean times of maximum plasma concentration (tmax) values ranging from 0.6 to 1 hr. Systemic exposures relative to dose and body weight were lower for the gel formulations than for the capsule. The relative systemic bioavailability of the gels compared with peroral administration ranged from 54% to 69%.  相似文献   

This investigation compared the site prevalence of 40 subgingival species in 30 periodontally healthy (mean age 36+/-9 years), 35 elders with a well-maintained periodontium (mean age 77+/-5) and 138 adult periodontitis subjects (mean age 46+/-11). Subgingival plaque samples were taken from the mesial aspect of each tooth (up to 28 samples) in the 203 subjects at baseline. The presence and levels of 40 subgingival taxa were determined in 5003 plaque samples using whole genomic DNA probes and checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization. Clinical assessments including dichotomous measures of gingival redness, bleeding on probing, plaque accumulation and suppuration, as well as duplicate measures of pocket depth and attachment level, were made at 6 sites per tooth. The % of sites colonized by each species (prevalence) was computed for each subject. Differences in prevalence and levels among groups were sought using the Kruskal-Wallis test. Commonly detected species, such as Actinomyces naeslundii genospecies 2, Streptococcus sanguis and Streptococcus oralis did not differ significantly among subject groups. After adjusting for multiple comparisons, 4 species were significantly elevated and at greater prevalence in the periodontitis group. Mean % of sites (+/-SEM) colonized by Bacteroides forsythus was 10+/-3, 12+/-2 and 40+/-2 (p<0.001) for healthy, elder and periodontitis groups respectively. The odds ratio was 14.4:1 that a subject had periodontitis when B. forsythus was detected at > or = 5% of sampled sites. Mean prevalence for Porphyromonas gingivalis in healthy, elder and periodontitis subjects was 4+/-2, 5+/-2 and 23+/-2 respectively (p<0.001); for Treponema denticola 12+/-4, 10+/-3 and 30+/-2 (p<0.001) and for Selenomonas noxia 6+/-2, 7+/-2 and 19+/-2 (p<0.01). Similar differences among subject groups were observed when only sites with PD 0-4 mm were analyzed. The data suggest an etiologic role for B. forsythus, P. gingivalis, T. denticola and S. noxia in adult periodontitis.  相似文献   

The number of individuals catching schistosomiasis has increased with the popularity of 'primitive tourism' in Africa. Highly immunogenic material originating from the intestine of intravascular adult schistosomes gives rise to an antibody response making possible early identification of infected individuals using serology. Antibodies against gut associated antigens (anti-GAA), detected by indirect immunofluorescence microscopy employing sections of adult worms as antigen may occur before the onset of egg production. In the present study we show that this well known schistosomiasis-specific anti-GAA staining reaction can be confused with a similar staining reaction with ducts of both male and female worms. Antibodies with duct reactivity were seen in sera both from schistosomiasis-patients and patients with some other invasive worm infections. Cross reactive anti-duct antibodies appear to have different specificity. One cross reactive antibody reacted with antigenic epitopes present in keyhole limpet haemocyanin (KLH). Anti-duct reactivity could be inhibited by absorption with KLH. This was most obvious in the trichinellosis patient sera.  相似文献   

Previous trials had indicated that various schedules of sub-antimicrobial doxycycline significantly reduced gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) collagenase activity in adult patients with periodontitis with no evidence of emergent tetracycline-resistant (Tcr) marker oral flora. The purpose of this nine-month study was to expand these observations, emphasizing newer microbial diagnostic methods. Subgingival paper point samples were obtained at baseline (BL), 3, 6, and 9 months. Four subject treatment groups in a double-blind design were evaluated by mechanical scaling and root planing (SRP) and/or 20 mg doxycycline BID (Periostat). Thirty-eight patients entered the study at baseline (BL). Dark-field microscopy on 260 samples showed that morphotype distribution was independent of treatment schedule. Culture analysis of the 3 most prevalent isolates recovered showed that Streptococcus and Prevotella species accounted for approximately 85% of the 724 cultures. There did not appear to be any overgrowth or replacement by opportunistic oral flora. Of 658 susceptibility patterns evaluated by Etest, the MIC50/90 and mode MIC showed stable patterns, independent of treatment group. Our findings were different from those of previously published reports, but may be partly explained by the lack of universally standardized methods in oral microbiology and interpretive criteria for susceptibility testing.  相似文献   

Anti-streptococcal A polysaccharide (anti-A polysaccharide) antibodies were isolated from sera of rabbits immunized with group A streptococci by means of immunosorbents. The antibodies were studied by indirect immunofluorescence method on sections of skin and thymus tissues. Most preparations of high affinity antibodies reacting with A polysaccharide in the immunodiffusion test also react with skin and thymus epithelial cells. No preparations of low affinity anti-A polysaccharide antibodies reacted with thymus or skin epithelium. It was found that the reaction of antibodies to A-polysaccharide with epithelial cells does not depend on the availability of antibodies cross reacting with group L streptococcal polysaccharide. The reaction with thymus and skin epithelial cells is likely to be bound with high affinity antibodies to the specific determinant of A-polysaccharide.  相似文献   

To investigate the epitopes present on the beta-subunit of the human lutropin (hLHbeta) and their topographical relationship at the surface of the molecule, we produced two monoclonal antipeptide antibodies, designated LHP03 and LHP04, capable of binding to the radiolabeled 125I-hLHbeta and directed to the 43-52 and 110-117 regions of the hLHbeta, respectively. Analysis of the accessibility of the epitopes on hLH and on the beta-subunit of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCGbeta), equine LH (eLHbeta) and ovine LH (oLHbeta) indicated that: (i) LHP03 binds to both the free hLHbeta subunit and dimeric hLH whereas LHP04 binds preferentially to the free hLHbeta, (ii) LHP03 recognizes weakly the hCGbeta and oLHbeta in comparison to hLHbeta and (iii) LHP04 binds oLHbeta as well as hLHbeta but does not bind to hCGbeta and eLHbeta. The topographical relationship of epitopes recognized by LHP03 and monoclonal antibodies recognizing dimer specific epitopes on hLH allowed us to localize discontinuous antigenic sites that overlaps or are located outside the hHLbeta(43-52) region. Together, our results demonstrated that the hHLbeta(43-52) portion is accessible on both the free hLHbeta subunit and hLH whereas the COOH-terminal portion, hHLbeta(110-117), is probably buried at the alpha/beta interface of the hormone.  相似文献   

In recent years the introduction of serum prostate-specific antigen (PSA) determination as a screening tool for early detection of prostate cancer in asymptomatic men has led to a markedly increased detection of prostate cancers that are neither palpable nor visible with transrectal ultrasonography (stage T1c). In this preliminary study we assessed pathologic features and aspects that are indicative of clinical significance in T1c tumors and tumors with palpable or visible lesions (non-T1c tumors). Between June 1994 and December 1995, 51 consecutive radical prostatectomies were performed on screened participants in the Rotterdam section of the European Randomized Study of Screening for Prostate Cancer (ERSPC). After determination of pathologic stage and Gleason score, morphometric analysis was performed to determine tumor volume. Radical prostatectomy specimens were divided into three mutually exclusive subsets: T1c tumors, non-T1c tumors with preoperative PSA levels below 4 ng/ml, and non-T1c tumors with PSA levels equal to or greater than 4 ng/ml. These subsets were compared for differences in the distribution of tumor volume, pathologic stage, and Gleason score. An arbitrarily constructed categorization model was used to assess clinical significance. In all, 17 (33%) of the patients had clinical stage T1c disease. In our categorization mode, 88% of the T1c tumors fit the criteria for clinically significant tumors. T1c tumors, however, were significantly smaller (P < 0.01) and were more likely to be organ-confined (P = 0.01) as compared with non-T1c tumors in patients with an elevated preoperative serum PSA level. In contrast, tumors detected at preoperative PSA levels of < 4 ng/ml had comparably the lowest pathologic stages and tumor volumes in our series. In our categorization model, 42% of these tumors fit the criteria for minimal tumor. This group of radical prostatectomies was therefore most likely to harbor clinically insignificant cancer, a finding that was consistent in two other categorization models derived from earlier reports. T1c tumors comprise a large fraction of the tumors found in population-based screening. As judged by their pathologic characteristics. T1c tumors are clinically significant tumors. The overall low pathologic stage and Gleason score of these tumors make these patients excellent candidates for curative treatment by radical prostatectomy or radiotherapy. In contrast, some concern should be raised on the detection of tumors at low serum PSA levels by means of digital rectal examination and transrectal ultrasound alone, since a substantial proportion of these tumors could be considered clinically insignificant. Long-term follow-up, however, is necessary to substantiate this view.  相似文献   

Lysozyme activity was significantly reduced in the skin of patients with clinical diabetes, but not in the skin of other diabetics or in serum of all these patients. Sex and age had no influence on serum or skin lysozyme activity in either nondiabetic or diabetic subjects. The reduction of cutaneous lysozyme activity is suggested as a factor for the seriousness and the relapses of cutaneous infections in subjects with clinical diabetes.  相似文献   

The protein binding of prednisolone in serum from humans, rabbits, dogs, and rats was determined by equilibrium dialysis. Two nonlinear least-squares regression programs were used to characterize transcortin and albumin binding of the steroid. The animal species differed markedly in their ability to bind prednisolone, but the rabbit was most similar to humans in transcortin concentration and affinity constant.  相似文献   

The aerobic and anaerobic flora from gingival pockets of 49 dogs with severe gingivitis and periodontitis were cultured. The susceptibility of each isolate to four antimicrobial agents currently approved for veterinary use in the USA (amoxicillin-clavulanic acid; clindamycin; cefadroxil; and enrofloxacin) was determined. Amoxicillin-clavulanic acid (Clavamox Pfizer Animal Health) had the highest in-vitro susceptibility against all isolates (96%), all aerobes (94%) and all anaerobes (100%) tested. For gram-negative aerobes, enrofloxacin (Baytril, Bayer Corp.) had the highest in-vitro susceptibility activity. For bacteria associated with treatment of gingivitis, which typically are mixed aerobic/anaerobic and gram-positive/gram-negative organisms, the antimicrobial of choice for clinical use based on these susceptibility tests is amoxicillin-clavulanic acid.  相似文献   

Clear cell papulosis is a newly described skin disease characterized by multiple white papules. Histopathologically, diagnostic clear cells were seen among the basal cells of the epidermis. We report clear cell papulosis on the lumbar area and buttocks of a 1-year-old girl.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate polymorphonuclear neutrophil (PMN) chemotaxis in Chinese patients with post-juvenile periodontitis (post-JP) and rapidly progressive periodontitis (RPP). Peripheral blood PMNs were isolated from nine post-JP and 13 RPP patients. Eight patients with adult periodontitis (AP) and seven clinically healthy subjects were used for comparison. Clinical data, including the plaque index and gingival index, of each subject were recorded. The "modified Boyden chamber technique" was used for PMN chemotaxis assay. Our results showed that the PMN chemotaxis index in patients with post-JP and RPP were significantly depressed compared to that in healthy subjects or patients with AP. There was no significant difference in PMN chemotaxis between post-JP and RPP, or between AP and healthy subjects. There was also no significant correlation between the plaque index, or gingival index, and PMN chemotaxis in any group. These results suggest that there is a PMN chemotaxis defect in most Chinese patients affected by post-JP or RPP, and that the PMN chemotaxis defect is not associated with clinical parameters such as the plaque index or gingival index.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Our objective was to determine the possible presence of IgA antibodies directed against human central nervous system (CNS) structures in sera from coeliac disease (CD) patients. METHODS: Serum samples were collected from 4 patients with active CD on a gluten-containing diet, 11 biopsy-proven CD patients on a gluten-free diet (GFD), and 52 non-coeliac gastrointestinal controls. In all patients IgA antigliadin antibody (AGA) titres were determined with enzyme-linked immunoassay (ELISA), and IgA antiendomysium antibodies (EMA) with indirect immunofluorescence on human umbilical cord. Cryostat sections of human brain occipital cortex were incubated with the patients' sera and subsequently labelled with anti-human IgA fluorescein conjugate. RESULTS: All sera from patients with active CD on a gluten-containing diet yielded positive results in both the IgG-AGA and EMA test and in indirect immunofluorescence on brain tissue, disclosing a strong fluorescence over blood-vessels structures. All sera from CD patients on a GFD and from non-coeliac gastrointestinal controls gave a negative result on both the EMA test and the immunofluorescence reaction on human brain. CONCLUSIONS: Sera from patients with active CD contain IgA antibodies that react with human brain vessel structures, giving intense fluorescence. These antibodies are not present in sera from coeliac patients on a GFD or non-coeliac controls. This finding might be involved in the abnormal nervous system manifestations frequently described in association with coeliac disease.  相似文献   

Despite the established utility of serum transferrin receptor (sTfR), serum ferritin, and the sTfR/log ferritin ratio (TfR-F Index) in the diagnosis of iron deficiency (ID) anemia, the numeric values of these parameters, which are indicative of subclinical ID, remain to be clearly defined. In this study, 65 apparently healthy nonanemic adults (22 men and 43 women) were treated with 3 months of oral iron supplementation to evaluate its effect on parameters reflecting iron status and to determine the prevalence of subclinical iron deficiency in apparently healthy adults. Significant supplementation-induced changes were observed in sTfR, ferritin, and TfR-F Index values in women, whereas in men, none of the studied parameters showed any significant change. Iron-deficient erythropoiesis (IDE) was not observed in men, but was found in 17 women (40%). Although individuals with a compromised iron status may be represented in substantial numbers in conventional reference populations, they can be readily identified using sTfR, ferritin, and TfR-F Index determinations.  相似文献   

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