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Private information retrieval systems (PIRs) allow a user to extract an item from a database that is replicated over k?1 servers, while satisfying various privacy constraints. We exhibit quantum k-server symmetrically-private information retrieval systems (QSPIRs) that use sublinear communication, do not use shared randomness among the servers, and preserve privacy against honest users and dishonest servers. Classically, SPIRs without shared randomness do not exist at all.  相似文献   

Quantum Information Processing - Physical constraints make it challenging to implement and control many-body interactions. For this reason, designing quantum information processes with Hamiltonians...  相似文献   

We review the recent developments in quantum control and its contribution to quantum information processing.  相似文献   

为满足机密信息高效、安全、隐蔽、稳定传输的需求,分析了比特币的交易数据结构及潜在隐蔽信道的位置和容量,提出了一种基于比特币区块链的存储隐蔽信道数据传输模型,可以在不破坏原有交易 格式、不增加交易内容特殊性,克服现有网络环境下的隐蔽信道特性缺陷等弊端,保证数据不被检测,同时保护数据隐蔽传输的发送方和接收方.基于区块链的数...  相似文献   

Quantum information technology largely relies on a precious and fragile resource, call quantum entanglement, which exhibits a highly nontrivial manifestation of the coherent superposition of states of composite quantum systems. In this article, we discuss the correlation between the quantum entanglement measured by the von Neumann entropy and atomic quantum Fisher information by taking account the case of moving three-level atom. Our results show that there is a monotonic relation between the atomic quantum Fisher information and entanglement in the case of non-moving atom. On the other hand, we find that the atomic quantum Fisher information and entanglement exhibit an opposite changement behavior during the time evolution in the presence of atomic motion.  相似文献   

从信息传输不确定性的角度,研究了指挥信息系统网络的信息传输能力。将指挥信息系统网络分为物理层和逻辑层,阐述了信息传输与物理层、逻辑层之间的关系。考虑节点、链路的有效工作概率、时延、逻辑连接、物理连接等因素,使用自信息表示信息传输的不确定性,进而得到指挥信息系统网络的信息传输能力。结合作战指挥关系设计实验,实验结果反映了各种因素对信息传输能力的影响作用,表明所提出的方法兼顾了信息传输中的可达性、时效性和正确性需求。  相似文献   

针对无线传感器网络应用于输电线路故障传输时存在通信代价高、实时性差的问题,提出一种输电线路故障传输多播路由算法(MRFT)。抽象出输电线路故障信息传输网络模型;根据时延最短路径树(SPT)的最大端到端时延确定多播树时延上限,将时延上限边接入多播树;设计最小代价启发函数将剩余叶子节点接入多播树。仿真结果表明,与KPP算法相比,MRFT算法构造的多播树在多播树时延、端到端时延方差和多播树代价3个方面均有良好表现。该算法能够有效保证输电线路故障信息传输的实时性,降低通信代价。  相似文献   

We consider a hierarchical game for two players with possible errors in information exchanges. We compute the maximal guaranteed result for the top level player. We consider certain qualitative features of the resulting problems and discover their relation with coding theory problems.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于小波分解和倒谱技术的音频数字水印算法,该算法通过对原始音频进行小波多级分解,从中选取低频系数进行倒谱变换。通过统计均值的计算和调整方法设计,完成了水印的嵌入。实验结果表明该算法能够有效地抵抗A/D和D/A攻击,误码率为0,隐藏容量较大。同时,本算法还能够抵抗一定的AMR攻击,为手机音频的安全传播和管理提供了新的前景。  相似文献   

A survey talk given by M.S. Pinsker at the Summer Seminar on Information Theory and Statistical Methods of Automatic Control, Prague, May 25–June 4, 1965, was published in Kybernetika journal of the Czech Academy of Sciences (1966, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 117–146). By the courtesy of the editors of Kybernetika, we are allowed to publish an abridged version of the talk, which concisely and clearly exposes final mathematical results that underlie Shannon’s information theory. The content of the talk is deeply intertwined with the author’s works. The talk is almost unknown to Russian readers, and with this publication we fill this gap, thereby paying tribute to our outstanding scientist and friend.  相似文献   

Goldman MS 《Neural computation》2004,16(6):1137-1162
Many synapses have a high percentage of synaptic transmission failures. I consider the hypothesis that synaptic failures can increase the efficiency of information transmission across the synapse. I use the information transmitted per vesicle release about the presynaptic spike train as a measure of synaptic transmission efficiency and show that this measure can increase with the synaptic failure probability. I analytically calculate the Shannon mutual information transmitted across two model synapses with probabilistic transmission: one with a constant probability of vesicle release and one with vesicle release probabilities governed by the dynamics of synaptic depression. For inputs generated by a non-Poisson process with positive autocorrelations, both synapses can transmit more information per vesicle release than a synapse with perfect transmission, although the information increases are greater for the depressing synapse than for a constant-probability synapse with the same average transmission probability. The enhanced performance of the depressing synapse over the constant-release-probability synapse primarily reflects a decrease in noise entropy rather than an increase in the total transmission entropy. This indicates a limitation of analysis methods, such as decorrelation, that consider only the total response entropy. My results suggest that synaptic transmission failures governed by appropriately tuned synaptic dynamics can increase the information-carrying efficiency of a synapse.  相似文献   

The quantum demultiplexer is constructed by a series of unitary operators and multipartite entangled states. It is used to realize information broadcasting from an input node to multiple output nodes in quantum networks. The scheme of quantum network communication with respect to phase estimation is put forward through the demultiplexer subjected to amplitude damping noises. The generalized partial measurements can be applied to protect the transferring efficiency from environmental noises in the protocol. It is found out that there are some optimal coherent states which can be prepared to enhance the transmission of phase estimation. The dynamics of state fidelity and quantum Fisher information are investigated to evaluate the feasibility of the network communication. While the state fidelity deteriorates rapidly, the quantum Fisher information can be enhanced to a maximum value and then decreases slowly. The memory effect of the environment induces the oscillations of fidelity and quantum Fisher information. The adjustment of the strength of partial measurements is helpful to increase quantum Fisher information.  相似文献   

针对逆向工程中曲面数字化与模型重建的信息交互方式单一,一些对后续建模有用的辅助信息(隐式信息)流失(目前的数据文档格式无法保存与传递),造成后续模型重建困难的问题,提出一种基于语义的测量信息传递方法,分析测量过程中有利于模型重建的隐式信息,建立语义信息模型,采用类IGES数据格式存储语义信息,阐述语义信息的封装、解析方法以及基于语义的数据预处理、模型重建过程。实验研究表明,基于语义的测量信息传递方法能够有效提高CAD模型重建效率。  相似文献   

详细介绍了面向应用软件的网络监控系统管理信息存储与传输优化设计过程,包括三种存储设计方案及其优缺点的比较,内存映射文件的存储数据结构设计,三种可逆转换规则的分析与比较以及根据优化的可逆转换规则设计的二叉树遍历和恢复算法等。通过优化的存储与传输设计,实时、高效地完成了监控信息的传输与交换。  相似文献   

Quantum correlations are almost impossible to address in bulk systems. Quantum measures extended only to a few number of parties can be discussed in practice. In the present work, we study nonlocality for a cluster of spins belonging to a mineral whose structure is that of a quantum magnet. We reproduce at a much smaller scale the experimental outcomes, and then, we study the role of quantum correlations there. A macroscopic entanglement witness has been introduced in order to reveal nonlocal quantum correlations between individual constituents of the azurite mineral at nonzero temperatures. The critical point beyond which entanglement is zero is found at \(T_c < 1\,\mathrm{K}\).  相似文献   

Natural Computing - Using an imperfectly prepared state, we show that in relativistic settings, the evolution of a massive spin-1/2 particle violates many standard assumptions made in quantum...  相似文献   

量子信息是量子物理和信息技术交叉融合产生的新兴学科。近年来,量子信息技术得到了迅速发展,并开始衍生相关产业。与此相对,量子信息从业人员严重缺乏,工程技术人员对量子信息技术的理解不够深入、实操能力不足,这些已成为限制该技术发展和应用的严重瓶颈。人才的匮乏源于教育的缺失。当前,我国的量子信息和新工科蓬勃发展,已具备将量子信息相关课程渗透到工科专业本科阶段的基本条件。在新工科教学思想的指导下,中国科学技术大学面向网络空间安全专业的本科生开设了量子信息相关的导论课程。课程基于我校在量子信息方面的研究和基础,与网络空间安全专业的核心需求和特色结合,在教学目标、课程结构和内容、授课方法和实践手段等方面进行了完整而创新的设计,并取得了较好的教学效果。该课程的教学思路和实践方法为网络空间安全学科的量子信息教学提供了有价值的参考。  相似文献   

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