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从供应链到需求流动网   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在研究和梳理供应链及其相关概念的基础上,分析了供应链概念的发展趋势,并进一步分析了供应链和后供应链时代相关概念的局限性,在此基础上提出了需求流动网概念,得出需求流动网顺应供应链发展趋势的结论.  相似文献   

每次从欧洲回来,我都会对那里集聚的创意设计产业群,那种工厂式的设计公司外观留下深刻印象。那种利用废旧工厂改造而成的设计办公环境,实在是够酷够味。今天我也能在那样的环境下进行创作和工作了。壹品设计在今年搬师大连星海创意岛,完成了从设计企业到设计产业的蜕变。  相似文献   

已有28年历史之久的美国“工业设计优秀奖(Industrial Design Excellence Awards)”终于在今年颁奖典礼举行的那一刻更名为“国际设计优秀奖(International Design Excellence Awards)”。自此,“工业设计优秀奖”成为昨日黄花和一去不复返的旧式提法。[第一段]  相似文献   

图像序列中的运动目标在跟踪过程中容易受到复杂环境以及严重遮挡所影响。针对该问题,提出一种基于全局信息和局部信息的混合粒子滤波算法。新算法在传统粒子滤波的基础上引入了多子块纹理直方图,它包含了目标的局部空间信息,使得跟踪算法的鲁棒性有所提高;根据目标受遮挡的程度自适应调节全局和局部信息对目标定位的贡献,在一定程度上提高了算法的抗遮挡能力和适应能力,实验结果表明该算法在目标处于部分遮挡和严重遮挡时能够达到比较理想的跟踪效果。  相似文献   

Aerospace Clusters: Local or Global Knowledge Spillovers?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The literature about regional innovation systems, clusters and industrial districts insists on the importance of local knowledge spillovers. Nevertheless, more recently a few authors have put in question the importance of local knowledge spillovers. This paper provides an analysis of some of the most dynamic aerospace clusters in the world, located in Montreal, Seattle, Toulouse and Toronto. We start by discussing theories of clustering, then provide research questions as well as empirical evidence on the international nature of knowledge spillovers. Local knowledge spillovers are less significant, of a different nature, and they may make a scanty contribution to explain the geographical agglomeration of firms. Conversely, international spillovers help to explain the relative dispersion of industry across nations. Resilient geographical clustering is related to the anchor tenant effects as creators of labour pools and owners of very large manufacturing plants creating regional inertia. We thus reject the local knowledge spillover explanation of aerospace clusters in favour of another one based on anchor firms and their effects on the local labour pool.  相似文献   

The problem of choosing an optimal signal set for non-Gaussian detection was reduced to a smooth inequality constrained mini-max nonlinear programming problem by Gockenbach and Kearsley. Here we consider the application of several optimization algorithms, both global and local, to this problem. The most promising results are obtained when special-purpose sequential quadratic programming (SQP) algorithms are embedded into stochastic global algorithms.  相似文献   

本文研究了具有变时滞的Hopfield神经网络模型。在非线性神经元激励函数是Lipschitz连续(而非已有的大部分文献中较强的条件)的条件下,运用Halanay一维时滞微分不等式等方法,得到了该系统的平衡点是全局指数稳定以及其模型自身满足全局吸引性。  相似文献   

Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) in metals has contributed a lot to the understanding of the electronic structure and magnetic properties in dilute alloys as well as in concentrated ferromagnets. We recall some pioneering work of the Kazan group and others, studying local moment EPR in superconductors. An SNS Josephson junction has been used as a microwave generator and as an EPR detector at once. EPR was also used to study the Kondo effect in the EPR g-shift and linewidth. Moreover, the high sensitivity of EPR (down to 1010 spins) allows to study single atomic layers of ferromagnets below and above the Curie temperature T C as well as the spin fluctuations at T C. The in situ ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) in ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) offers a unique possibility to study the interlayer exchange coupling (IEC) and spin dynamics of coupled ferromagnetic films. Furthermore, the magnetic resonance enables us to measure basic parameters of nanoscale magnets in absolute energy units (i.e., μeV/spin). The current status of the UHV-FMR in nanoscale ferromagnets will be discussed.  相似文献   

Equations derived from the continuum design sensitivity analysis (CDSA), in conjunction with the material derivatives for a continuous medium and using the energy-based approach, have been successfully applied to the calculation of both total force and force distributions. The resultant expressions are similar to the Maxwell Stress Tensor, Magnetic Charge Method, and Virtual Work Method but have several advantages over the traditional approaches. Numerical implementation of the scheme leads to efficient calculations and improved accuracy  相似文献   

本文主要介绍在计量业务管理过程中如何利用网络信息技术来促进计量业务管理模式的创新,进而提高业务管理的工作效率。  相似文献   

由于焊接结点的复杂性、实际测量的局限性以及误差等因素,钢管焊接结构的模型修正一直是研究的热点和难点问题。对一个发射台骨架进行了整体及局部模态试验,获得了反应结构整体动态特性的低阶模态及局部动态特性的局部模态,并将二者联合起来,采用信赖域优化算法进行模型修正。在优化过程中,通过提出的加权系数可动态改变的多目标函数,在每次迭代完成后可根据目标函数数量级的变化自动调整加权系数,使得模型修正过程能够更加合理有效的利用结构的整体及局部模态信息,达到更好 “联合”。修正后有限元模型的计算模态与实测模态吻合良好,验证了本文方法的有效性和优越性。  相似文献   

A simple model is developed for the calculation of dynamic stress intensity factors for lengthwise cracked beams subjected to impact or transient loading. The model is based on a Global/Local approach that separates the Global structural dynamics from the Local crack tip zone dominated by singular stresses. The Global model is that of connected waveguides while the Local model is based on a novel application of the J-integral that converts dynamic structural resultants directly into strain energy release rate. The accuracy of this approach is assessed by comparing it to a fully two-dimensional finite element analysis in which the modified crack closure integral is used to calculate the dynamic strain energy release rate. Both mode I and mode II examples are given, and situations with multiple wave reflections are emphasized.  相似文献   

Oka  Natsuki  Yoshida  Kunio 《Behaviormetrika》1999,26(1):129-143

Proposed is GLLL2, a hybrid architecture of a global and a local learning module, which learns default and exceptional knowledge respectively from noisy examples. The global learning module, which is a feedforward neural network, captures global trends gradually, while the local learning module stores local exceptions quickly. The latter module distinguishes noise from exceptions, and learns only exceptions, which makes GLLL2 noise-tolerant. The results of experiments show the process in which training examples are formed into default and exceptional knowledge, and demonstrate that the predictive accuracy, the space efficiency, and the training efficiency of GLLL2 is higher than those of each individual module.


X-ray based computed microtomography is a non-destructive, well established tool for a three-dimensional characterization of open-cell metallic foams. Macroscopic physical and chemical properties of these materials stay in close relation to their micro-structure parameters. The purpose of the paper is to present two types of thresholding methods so-called global and local thresholding for evaluating the structural parameters of open-cell metal foams based on X-ray microtomography data. Two different methods were chosen: automatic Otsu thresholding (global) and adaptive (mean of minimal and maximal grey values of grayscales within a selected radius). The key parameters of aluminum and nickel-chromium foams fine structure calculated using Otsu and locally thresholded images were significantly different. The proper image segmentation is the key point in metallic foam morphometry. The influence of a radius of the image processing region on the results obtained is discussed for the local thresholding method. Examples of the images artifacts generated by local thresholding method to demonstrate possible results misinterpretation are also given. The optimization of local thresholding parameter (radius of the image processing region) was presented.  相似文献   

The present study extends the previous vibration based damage detection method (Yoon et al. in J. Nondestruct. Eval., 2008) by using Operating Deflection Shape (ODS) derived from experimental Frequency Response Function (FRF) data to detect the locations and extent of damage in steel beams, composite beams and plate-like structures. The present method requires to use FRF data obtained only from the damaged structure based on an assumption that the undamaged structure is homogeneous and smooth. The procedure uses the Global Fitting Method (GFM) that fits a smooth and analytic ODS to the measured ODS. Both the analytic and measured ODS are differentiated twice to yield the Curvature Operating Shapes (COS). The Structural Irregularity Index (SII) at each grid point on the structures is the difference between the analytic and measured COS. The procedure is repeated for each frequency in the FRF. Then, SII are averaged over the selected frequencies to obtain the frequency-averaged SII, which are statistically treated to locate damage.  相似文献   

本文利用局部分歧理论和局部稳定性理论,讨论了一类具有避难所的两物种间的捕食-食饵模型在非齐次Dirichlet边界条件下分歧解的性质,其功能反应函数为Holling Ⅱ型.利用局部分歧和局部稳定性理论给出了分歧解局部稳定的条件;同时利用度理论得到了局部分歧可以延拓到整体分歧的结论.  相似文献   

何立新  江成顺 《工程数学学报》2004,21(4):509-513,524
讨论了一类反应扩散系统在齐次Neumann边界条件下的初边值问题正解的全局存在性和局部解在有限时刻的非同时Blow-up现象。同时,用类似的方法,推广讨论了一些具体的对流反应扩散问题的全局解的存在性。  相似文献   

The literature on innovation and interactive learning has tended to emphasize the importance of local networks, inter-firm collaboration and knowledge flows as the principal source of technological dynamism. More recently, however, this view has come to be challenged by other perspectives that argue for the importance of non-local knowledge flows. According to this alternative approach, truly dynamic economic regions are characterized both by dense local social interaction and knowledge circulation, as well as strong inter-regional and international connections to outside knowledge sources and partners. This paper offers an empirical examination of these issues by examining the geography of knowledge flows associated with innovation in biotechnology. We begin by reviewing the growing literature on the nature and geography of innovation in biotechnology research and the commercialization process. Then, focusing on the Canadian biotech industry, we examine the determinants of innovation (measured through patenting activity), paying particular attention to internal resources and capabilities of the firm, as well as local and global flows of knowledge and capital. Our study is based on the analysis of Statistics Canada's 1999 Survey of Biotechnology Use and Development, which covers 358 core biotechnology firms. Our findings highlight the importance of in-house technological capability and absorptive capacity as determinants of successful innovation in biotechnology firms. Furthermore, our results document the precise ways in which knowledge circulates, in both embodied and disembodied forms, both locally and globally. We also highlight the role of formal intellectual property transactions (domestic and international) in promoting knowledge flows. Although we document the importance of global networks in our findings, our results also reveal the value of local networks and specific forms of embedding. Local relational linkages are especially important when raising capital—and the expertise that comes with it—to support innovation. Nevertheless, our empirical results raise some troubling questions about the alleged pre-eminence of the local in fostering innovation.  相似文献   

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